I started watching Linus Tech Tips in 2017, when I was 13. At the time, I was in a pretty dark place...

I started watching Linus Tech Tips in 2017, when I was 13. At the time, I was in a pretty dark place. My dad was a drunk, my mum yelled, and I had to survive with an extremely rare and hard to treat heart condition. To put it simply, my life was a shitshow. Linus was a coping mechanism. He was funny, he was a kind guy, and he got me interested in a hobby I continue on with today. I built my first computer because of him.

When I was 13, it got worse. I attempted suicide twice in the span of a month. That's when I started to watch Linus even more. He was an inspiration to me, that even when someone faced hardship they can dig themselves out of the ground.

I'm 15 now. I've started on antidepressants and I haven't self-harmed in 4 months. Linus is still an inspiration.

I'm sad to hear he might be retiring. He helped me through the single most difficult part of my life. He was like a dad to me.

I'm gonna miss you, Linus.

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u gei

there is still a chance he might continue with some other form of "entertainment" outside of the tech tips i guess. dont know much about the situation but not impossible. Have a good one

Underage mah dude
But anyway hope u get better, try fuck your mom and dad


underage b& gtfo

Linus confirms he's not retiring - yet
For fans concerned that he could really be stepping down, Linus confirmed that he wasn't retiring just yet. "I'm going to stop looking for a purpose in it, I'm just going to have fun doing what I'm doing," the YouTuber explained, "So, I'm not retiring.

Hope it gets better faggot

Imagine if Linus was a molester in secret tho

>On Cred Forums
There's a big correlation here, kid.

Why do people still follow youtubers? They're rich and making money from depressed people like you

Instead of watching a millionaire act like spending $180 on a GPU for a 1m+ views video is outrageous, how about you better yourself instead?

saddest part of this is that your 15 and already on antidepressants. start working out kid fuck the interweb and the people on it.

Im not going to lie, I sympathized with some of thee stuff he said last night, but seriously, he's being a whiny dick.

He owns a media company that lets him live comfortably and would let him retire at an EXTREMELY young age. There are people that struggle to feed there kids and pay their bills on a consistent basis. There are men his age who contemplate committing suicide because they feel like a failure as a provider.

If he doesn't want to make videos anymore, thats cool, whatever. But getting on his 10 million subscriber platform and crying about it was just stupid. He should have just made a brief announcement he was stepping back and left it at that.

Hes a whiny asshole.

good for u! on a side note AMD has been killing it lately, intel sucks dick now

Blue forever imo

The mans a tech wizard and an existential rock star. No doubt about. At least he comes across as authentic and serious while maintaining an air of optimism that is very infectious. 15 Is no age, you stil have your best years ahead of you. Best of luck with them. If your not in the us or england make sure to get your ass to a university.

This is literally bait.. nice rp, OP

new pasta? im taking this

He won't retire you underage fucking woman idiot, btw add my kik and send underage nudes: pepenon

spoken like a true apple sheep.

Intel ftw
also fuck apple

>I've been thinking of retiring but I'm not gonna retire
>no clickbait title btw

Oh you poor fellow. Let's meet and uncle user will rape that ass of yours silly!

But for real bud, that's gey. Everybody has problems, especially depression. I have it, had it for 5 years, attempted suicide too, but I'm not bitching about it online. Grow up and grow a pair of balls, take your life in your hands.
Or you know, you can always become a fuck meat and pleasure alphas.

Linus is a faggot and an idiot, he has little knowledge on real computers, I hate him.
Oh, and just so that I say something helpful too: with depression, most important thing to keep in mind is to don't let yourself fall in. Meaning, don't let yourself sit in a room and think about how shit your life is. Always do something , watch something whatever. That makes you feel better. I used to watch dumb ytps because they made me laugh.

Also, second most important is to close out negative persons from your life. That can be a dad, a mum or your uncle who touches you.
Anybody negative is gonna drag you down. That's how they are. Also, when with ppl try not to show it. Nobody likes to be with an depro who will just make them feel bad.

Travel if you can, experience new things, learn new things and occupy yourself.
Also, a good diet can also help. It lots of fish, nuts and blueberries. Or anything that's high in Omega 3. ( Of course dont expect you get better from food) but it will help, a bit.

Good luck, and don't forget, if anything goes wrong you can still be a sissy boy for us alphas ;)

He didn't say he was going to retire, just that he might.

Basically his company is as stable as it can be so he's going to dedicate his time to shitposting videos. Linus isn't the kind of person who can retire anyway. Guys like him need to be busy to function. He probably just felt like he had nothing left to do since both his company and floatplane could survive without him.

>I started watching Linus Tech Tips in 2017, when I was 13

>Linus Tech Tips in 2017, when I was 13
Underage Banned