Have any of you been diagnosed with something that shattered your world...

Have any of you been diagnosed with something that shattered your world? It's statistically impossible that every single one of you are perfectly healthy. Yet none of you talk about it? No more of that bullshit. Talk about it here.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>implying I can afford healthcare to get a diagnosis.

Autism. Unable to read faces, socialize, understanding emotions is a pain to. God has cursed me

a subscription to an internet connection is 50 bucks a month which is the same as my medicare plan


The US has over 120 times the world average in autism prevalence, tho the issue is most likely the DSM IV and "selling of indulgences" to parents by psychiatrists, there's also no country that pumps it's children this much full of drugs as well as so many different drugs (and all that without universal healthcare and subsidies at double the per capita of the european average? wtf??, tho a massive amount of those subsidies go to politicians)

but it might also be vaccines, even tho they're the same vaccines used elsewhere and other places vaccinate a lot more

fret not your abstract ability to learn, if you submerse yourself in all the social situations you need to learn, will help you become a relatively normal person (statistically speaking) by the age of 24 to 30, the lack of learning certain things with ease through mimicry can now be offset now that you are a grown up and can develop mental tools to help you along

you might want to put especially effort into learning body and facial language, perhaps do theater and musicals to learn to express yourself better and more naturally

just because that at almost any point in your life the information from non verbal queues you were faced with made you shut completely down and develop a myriad of things and ticks to ignore that flood of information you can't be sure about how to interpret, can be overcome and if you manage to tap into it you might become extremely empathy imbued also you might want to check out the research of en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stanislav_Grof and why he gives children LSD as well as why it helps them so much to learn to interpret the flood of information through non verbal queues that tend to create this situation of shutting up/in/not looking at people and such.

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Only read bits and pieces, but the part about LSD definitely caught my eye. LSD helped me develop cognitive empathy.

what did he mean by this

Well done, your tldr is longer than the first bit.
You win this months retard challange cup.
Your sistermother would be proud.

I cant remember the last time I went to get my self checked out. I prob do have some respiratory problems and I definitely know I have mental health issues since I dont feel happy and I plan on killing myself eventually.

I was literally born not breathing. It's been shitty for 38 years.

When i was 6 i was diagnosed with ligma.

many times i have 2 auto immune disorders and im likely to develop more that could eventually disable or kill me
So im playing a waiting game with western medicine to hope they will eventually be able to help out
also my knees are angled so it hurts to walk
and ive got a panic disorder
wonderful shitty life
at least im hot

kidney stones at a young age

extremely painful

The Wuhan virus.
F in chat

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i thought the pp hole was too tiny to pass kidney stones and you needed surgery

Emphysema. Just about at 4th stage now. When normal functioning becomes too difficult, I will take myself out with a large caliber handgun. People in nursing homes doing nothing more than waiting around to die disgust me.

You can pass smaller stones by peeing them out, and by small i mean a few mm. Doesn't even really hurt, just pinches a bit in your dick.

But when they get too big you indeed need surgery. My kidney was 100% blocked and thats when you get a stent. The colics from a blocked kidney are the worst pain i have experienced, and when they pull it out of your kidney trough your dick thats pretty awful aswell. Also pissing burns like hell.

Now it's all good but there is a very high relapse quote. It's a plague really

Pretty personal, but do you think it's caused by smoking? Also how did you find out about it? What are the symptomes apart from being short breathed?

guys this thread is getting too close to home. dont wanna say why

Facial deformity. Half my mouth doesn’t work and with a lifetime of only one side pulling its weight ive developed a deep crevaced dimple on the strong side. Functionally, it affects my smile, eating, and i cant whistle. But i could handle the effects just fine if it didn’t make me look like a fucking retard. Why did it have to be my face? Its only what people (and girls especially) judge you on at first glance sooo obviously my prospects are bleak. On the other hand its forced me to be a better, stronger person. Still there are days i just wish it was gone. The me in the mirror is not who i feel i am and it’s frustrating to say the least. Also, teach your kids to be kind. Its so important to people like me who got brutally roasted every day in school.

I recently was diagnosed with panic disorder. That kinda sucks. I led a pretty risk filled youth so it doesn’t really make sense to me. I was diagnosed age 25 after about a month or two of dibilitating panic attacks that would last for hours.
Couldn’t get a psychiatrist appointment in network for like 4-5 months so my parents helped me pay for a private Harvard grad psychiatrist. He put me on clonazepam that I have to take 4 times a day. And a script for Xanax for “breakthrough anxiety” which I do occasionally need. I used to abuse this shit when I was a teenager and now I depend on them to just feel normal. Definitely cruel irony/karma.

ADHD as an adult. I've going off without medication for a while since most of my meds make me feel like shit either way and I tend to try to kill myself anyways. Unfortunately too retarded to actually successfully pull it off. Doctors think I only tried to kms twice lul. I've been off the deep end for a bit and been thinking about killing myself again but this time I'm actually living in a house with guns now so if I wanted kms I can successfully.

okay. no offense but i think people use adhd as an excuse. ive had extreme adhd since i was a kid (teachers calling conferences for my parents about it, ect) and i never grew out of it. but that hasnt stopped me nor made me fucking suicidal. you have other problems and you're just blaming adhd which is absurd

Heavy smoking definitely caused the disease. Increasing shortness of breath, coughing jags, (mucous becomes a part of your life) and the occasional fainting spell. Physical activity becomes harder and harder.

I too have ADHD as an adult and agree that it’s not the cause for depression/anxiety, those are separate issues, different chemical imbalances. On meds for all 3 and I’m fairly functional.

I got diagnosed as a fag after being raped with a wine bottle by a homeless guy when I was 7 years old :'( I never recovered. Since then, over the years my Dad has raped me over 900 times and my butthole prolapses.

Where the fuck can i get 50 dollar per MONTH medicare when the cheapest I could get is 90 a WEEK

i got diagnosed with logtism, i can't stop sucking logs of shit out of andy sixx's asshole

>90 a week

The whole gang is back at it again!

None taken user, you have a fair point My ADHD makes me fairly disorganized and I have genuine trouble focusing on things to get shit and it just makes me feel depressed about that shit.

90 dollars a week is 4k a year so no one is going to believe your bullshit

user i...

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Thats cheap. When the company I worked for went out of business I had to get private health insurance for $600 a month. Cant afford it so no more health insurance for me. America

Genital herpes (supposedly), but I think it's a false positive. I only got a blowjob and that's it. Virgin otherwise.

Central Auditory Processing Disorder

A simulation:

false positive? you're either in denial or you self diagnosed.

When did you get diagnosed

i got diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder but we don't really care that much.

ive read about it but i dont understand it

Like 4 months after the encounter.

I've researched and it's a thing. That's why the CDC doesn't recommend herpes testing by and large. I've never had a breakout. Idk, I felt some stinging in my urethra like a few days immediately after but it could've been irritation. It's been 2 years now and nothing since.

if you've researched it that surly means you're aware that not everyone who is infected has breakouts right?

Yeah I know, but I've also read up that blowjobs shouldn't give genital herpes. Especially after ONE encounter. It's highly unlikely.

It's been enough time where I don't really fucking care at this point. I don't think I have it, but if some fags on here wanna try to make me feel bad about it I really don't care. It's harmless anyways.

the reason im bring that up is because its irresponsible to not get it doctor testing before having sex with other people

Alot of people hookup without testing prior. Ofc it's not smart but it was just a blowie. And I'm a virgin. I assumed my chance of contracting something was pretty low.

you're thinking about yourself and not the other person man...

rapid cycling bipolar was a pretty big gamechanger, cant really make any long term plans because i have no idea if i will be able to function well enough to follow through on them

Why wouldn't I when I was a virgin? I was clean af

oral herpes can become genital herpes

Well like 80% of the world has oral supposedly

this is what everyone with herpes says....

Yeah and to go back to your previous point, carriers may never exhibit symptoms their entire life. Why don't you go get tested if you're so confident you don't have it? You're more hung up on this issue than I am

> " I was literally born not breathing ...";
everybody is literally born not breathing.
When you are in the womb, all your nutrients & oxygen are delivered to you via the placenta, also, excreta are removed via the placenta.

While a baby is in the womb it is submerged in the amniotic fluid and the lungs are totally collapsed so breathing as the term is normally understood is simply not possible (other than via the placenta without involving the lungs or developing chest muscles.

A very rapid consequence of being born is that the lungs inflate, the heart reroutes the circulatory system to fill the lungs with blood and begin the exchange of oxygen in and carbon dioxide out.

Your breathing was probably totally normal almost immediately after birth.

Post face man

I have had Addisons Disease for 25 years

dont you care about who you may infect?

please post face im dying of curiosity here

Diagnosed with a fn kid when I was 17. Fucked all my dreams in the ass. Poorer than I should be. Don’t get to see the kid and from what it looks like he’s barely above Mongoloid level. His bitch mom is fat af now. I’m tied to them for another 15 years.
Contemplate faking my own death daily but would miss my granny n dog

Shut the fuck up already . OHH HURR I CAN'T EVER HAVE SEX AGAIN because some faggot on b says so. Kys

I'd use protection like anyone else.

thats a long way of saying "no, and i wont get tested either"

What's your solution then? Abstain forever?

I already told you I was tested. Holy fuck read the thread. I'm convinced you're either pulling my leg or have brain damage.

Silly rabbit, you’re over thinking it.
Just have sex with other diseased people.
Don’t have sex with clean people that would be malicious and selfish.

had severe social phobia 4years ago for 2years but with therapy and other stuff i got it from 100% down to like 10%

I got diagnosed with depression a few days ago but it wasnt really a surprise

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I have constant neck pain and shoulder pain. I can't exactly pinpoint where the pain actually is. My shoulder grinds basically every time I move it and it feels like I just want to cut the whole unit off. Doctors said it was just tense muscles but they never actually tested it to see what the problem was. I just don't want to be in pain anymore.

why is the first person you think about yourself and not others

You're not answering the question.

I was diagnosed with schizoid personality disorder, but it hasn't really affected my life at all.

losing my hair
it was such a shock to me that i was in denial about it for 10-12 years. I kept telling myself i must have burnt my hair with a lighter and thats why the front was shorter

>no way bro, the coochie is too good bro. Why would I care about spreading literal diseases to healthy unaware people bro? How would they know I’m a selfish worthless pile of garbage bro? My mistakes are now there’s because I’m an inconsiderate fag who thinks only of his dick bro. It’s all an epic prank that ruins people’s lives bro.

yeah, diagnosed with beeing alive.. so sad

i was born "dead" you fucking try hard faggot fucking kill yourself before i kill you i seriously hope you fucking get killed somehow today for challenging me you dull domed zilch

you have to inform anyone you're may become intimate with which either lead to
a) they don't want to be infected
b) they're already infected themselves so its fine
c) they're too ignorant to know better and fuck you anyway
d) they understand but you were so charming to them that they dont care

>Your breathing was probably totally normal almost immediately after birth.
i swear to fucking god i'm SSSSSSSEETHING RIGHT NOW i'm so mad at you for making this assumption about me and my LIFELONG 38 YEARS OF DISABILITIES saying shit about me being normal i am RAGINGSHAKING WITH RAGE and want nothing more in life but to kill you and i am not joking don't reply i'm leaving this thread now

Except it's not. Why are you assuming as such?

Imagine you're in a new relationship with a girl. You may have HSV2. She gets frisky one night with you and wants sex.

What do you do?

Cancer, diabetes, carpal tunnel, degenerative disc disease, chemo induced dialated cardiomyopathy,neuropathy, clinical depression...yeah, I have a fuck ton of it. I'm an absolute fucking disaster of a human being while also being a minor testament to what modern medical science can keep a person alive through.

I don't want to die, but I'm sure as shit sick of being alive most days.

FUCKING AUTISTIC RETARD HOLY SHIT oAWInguioagiuaorwg;paiog;oairehg;aoierg;aoiehg;aoierhg;ao i would literally give my life to kill you right now i hateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee youn foian;ruigaw HOYL FUCKING i have never been this mad in my life

Calm down Encephalitis Jones. Jesus Christ.

i wish i had the power to kill you aefmginefgnik omg i am fucking FUMING i want you to die i want you to die i want you to die you need to dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelaw['wmgfpaogj[paIO[PAIOERWJG[AIOERJ'GAERJ'GA9PR'Q0;;9h;oH;O8Y;O8G;Lo8hp;s89gbsenrgbp;s8rehpgs8iner;goiisenrgio;ner gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhwwwwwwwdammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn itttttttttt i hateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee people

you're fucking dead when i kill it's your face i see

>irony, the post

I am diagnosed with ADHD, Autism and Tourettes
Things are ok

Trump is healthy and doesn't have a lot going on in his mind.
He doesn't rape his daughter. In fact, Ivanka trump doesn't even exist. This is Russian Photoshop
Trump had no daughter.
Or did he?

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Lurker here. Ordinarily I would never post about my personal life because of all the trolls, but I'll just go ahead and say it. I have Parkinson's. I was diagnosed at 26 and I've wanted to commit suicide ever since. I know my parents wouldn't be able to go on without me, but waking up every single day knowing that I don't have a future and that I'm just waiting for my parents to die so I can kill myself makes me want to kill myself even more. What's worse is I see people on fb complaining about mundane shit. I don't think people truly value their lies. Not to be like jigsaw or anything but I wish I could teach them a lesson

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If he was a good man he wouldn’t sleep with c or d.

It looks like he likes to tickle her arm pits

This is actually false for HSV. It's not mandatory. Ask your doctor. I've been told by two doctors at this point (primary physician and urologist) that unless you're experiencing symptoms, it's not really worth mentioning unless that's your prerogative.

What if a girl gets cold sores from time to time every other year, and starts kissing you? Literally no one stops and goes "oh btw I have oral herpes hehe"

Yay a thread for kids born retarded that use Cred Forums.

I'm clinically retarded

Why does she sit on his knee, this old?

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This thread is cringe

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Would you date someone with herpes


No sex tho

this thread is cringe

нeт, ты

Definitely not, there are just too many girls who don't have it for me to even consider it

Sex migraines, the medical term is coatial pheogia or something. Usually I’m safe to masturbate although I’ve had bouts where I couldn’t for a week or two but actual sex for me is very risky. Not your average headache, puts me in the fetal position crying for my mom 1 second after orgasm. Almost impossible for me to be in a relationship.

Diagnosed with Epilepsy in grade 6 and life has been shit since

Have seizures weekly regardless of meds, brain surgery and a vegas nerve stimulator, can't drive or find a decent job

Was really hard to find a woman, but was finally successful a few years back and have been with her since

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Pinhole phimosis. Couldn't piss right, nearly had infection, couldn't stretch, Doctor stole my foreskin bro, shit sucks

They should though.
That’s the problem.
The doctors are telling you that so you don’t get sued for not telling and then during the doctor because they didn’t tell you.

if you ask “should I tell them I have blank” that means your aware that it’s malicious and dishonest to withhold information from people but you still don’t say anything because you want your dick wet.

Your a selfish piece of shit if you don’t let people know about any STDs you have, end of story.

Yeah. Type 1 Diabetes at like age 19 or 20... basically they told me my pancreas was done. Organ failure at 19... anyways they over prescribed me insulin for 3 years, so now I don't feel it when/ if I'm getting low. I've had DOZENS of ambulance calls. Almost died at least 14 times in the last year alone...

It's a bitch

That blows dude my uncle just got type 1, and he’s in his fucken 60s

Any ya got MS? I knew somebody with it and was shocked when they described symptoms. They were similar to my concerns. Weird things like the "hug" or forgetting to breathe. I also have chronic awful ice pick headaches and am clumsy asf (things fall out of hands without me feeling), always hot too, I am loving this cold!

I think I may have it, but it closely mimics ALS. The latter fucking terrifies me. Like I'd check out if that was the case. Even MS scares me, but I guess this is the year I should find out what's wrong. I'm nearing 30 and I want to know how much quality life I got left.

So any user who's been diagnosed... what's the process like? What Meds.? Did a diagnosis make you feel better or worse? Was it helpful or not?

Post mouth m8

ptsdtards assemble

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>The US has over 120 times the world average in autism
listen here, ima tell yall what up with this, the tism is literally evolution, information age evolution


Have you tired cannabis? Apparently it works wonders for your condition.

Wait, when?

CBD oil my dude. Look into it.

Yeah, I smoke daily and it definitely helps for attacks. CBD oil isn't covered whatsoever yet though and is still mad expensive for me in my situation, looking forward to the possibilty.

Gotta hate big pharma

Grade 10, lol. Im 29 now and a day doesn't go by that it doesn't piss me off.

Trying to restore but shit ain't super easy

You didn’t get a say in it? Sounds like it needed it tho, what was the alternative?

Got diagnosed with Aspergers when I was 5. Aspergers is basically what they call it when a kid develops normally but talks weird and has trouble making friends. Result was 12 years of special ed classes, constant supervision and generally being treated like a tard despite having an above average IQ. Fuck the Department of Education.

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Sorry if you are so retarded that you know fuck all about human biology before during and after birth.

FACT is it is normal for babies to be NOT BREATHING when they are born, because they never have previously needed to breathe before they were born and they are physically incapable of breathing before they are born. Same is true while they are being born, same is true immediately after they are born.

Babies being born not breathing is TOTALLY NORMAL.

NOW FUCK OFF BACK TO RETARD SCHOOL and learn how babies are actually born and how they FIRST start to breathe AFTER they are born.

pretty sure i've got kidney cancer, shitting bricks until i have an ultrasound and get the blood results

Whos to say he doesn't tell his partner tho? I didn't read anywhere making the implication

I had the same thing, cut at 15, but idk man, it didn’t work for shit before and felt great ever since. You get cut extreme, like right by the head?

Yes, I suppose I could have tried harder to stretch but it was pretty much at point of infection and I didn't want paraphimosis.

The hole was literally pin sized regardless so I don't think I really had a choice but some other anons would argue that I could have I'm sure.

Better than my dick falling off I suppose

I never said he didn’t, but he does imply it.
My post was a general statement, nothing more.
>They should though

Well i guess not as serious as all the Cred Forumsros here.
But I scarred my lower right lung area,and it is non treatable :)

But you’re blaming the doc for it?

I got cut a few inches above the head and had a massive frenulum which they left on (almost went back and had it taken off because it was weird not knowing) but glad I didn't, lol

The Doctor even insisted it should be the most sensitive area and advised against it (which was appreciated)

No, I was joking about the doctor but it's gone now regardless... I've heard there are other (potentially better) options like a dorsal slit however, and nothing like that was ever talked about



ITT: everyone gets ignored except for the herpes virgin
You guys all fucking suck

Holy fuck man

>24 years old
>never had a job
>dont think I ever will

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I have this.
I cant run and i my hands are not steady, sometimes i have nerve pains.
Handicapped parking and since shitty nerve conductivity i have a high tolerance for pain.

Parkinsons at 26? Jesus. Did anyone test you for Lymes?

Sounds like it’s there best it could’ve been. Pic?

Omg ive gotten migraines while jacking off a few times its the fucking worst wanting to push throigh the pain to cum then for 4 or 5 seconds all the pain is gone when you jizz then it comes slamming back behind your eyes like a fucking truck
Fuuuuuuck that shit

My throat is clogged by Andrew Sixx

4.68K a year, to be exact.

Government ruined health care.

Hep c

Jarvoni. Government saves my life.

I’m cured. 2 years. Cured.

General Anxiety
Depression(?) if I can put that there

I'm also a poly addict at 22 years old but I still make my money, quite a lot actually and I'm taking dope, and taking my woman out to dinners, like a king. Whatever you're diagnosed with just keep fighting and never give up. There was a time I slept 16 hours a day, face full of acne, isolated and sad. Now I get a solid 7-8 hours a night and I deserve it. Never give up, always learn new things, a new recipe or language, a life lesson, how to knit, whatever.

Contracted it at birth from my mom. Very rare. 26 years old.

But I’ve been cured for 2 years. Fuck yeah science

>nothing is wrong with me but ho man i sure am doing good working, getting high and fucking bitches

My internet is $80/month

From the year 2016 to 2019 I would go out to a lot of parties & inhale nitrous oxide. The parties I would go to always had it, so I always did it.
Soon, I met a guy who had his own tank, 15lbs I think. I guess you could say we became friends, but I really only used him for coke and nitrous.
Anyway, there were nights where all we'd do is fill up his tank, buy a bunch of coke and stay up all night doing it all in his car. we'd just talk and listen to music until we didn't have anymore.

I was a waitress at a Denny's.
one night at work I noticed my hands and arms went numb. You know that "falling asleep" feeling you sometimes get in your legs? I just assumed I hit my funny bone or something so ignored it. I went home after my shift, went to bed & the next morning my legs and feet were also numb, & my hands were far more numb than they had been the night before. I went to a few emergency rooms to find out what the fuck was happening to me. I had to go a few times because some doctors insisted I was just stressed out, but I had doubts. the very last hospital I visited, gave me a diagnosis. A correct diagnosis. I had two; neuropathy and a condition called aplastic anemia, also known as bone marrow aplasia. Though this condition isn't cancer, it mimics cancer very much. I quickly learned that nitrous oxide destroyed most of my nerves and made my immune system weak. I was losing blood. my body was no longer producing white or red blood cells. I was admitted into the hospital for at least four months. for 4 months I was doing CAT scans, MRI's, a bone marrow biopsy and a lot of blood tansfusions. My body wouldn't keep the blood I was receiving, so the transfusions were constant. Soon came the plan to get me healthy, & that was either a bone marrow transplant or chemotherapy. Long story short, we ended up doing neither and introduced me to a new medicine instead. It's been a year, and I can finally feel my legs & hands again.

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can i cum in your penis?

Appreciate the replies and whatnot, however not ready to share dick pics, lol

That is some fucking retarded shit fam hate to say you deserve it buuuuut....
Kids, this is why you research the substances you addict yourselves to

Those fuckers lowered mine from 60 something to 50 something and now the faggot Trudeau government of Canada is undoing it apparently

Is that a wooden selfie stick?

Heart failure. It's not as a big deal as it sounds.

When i first got diagnosed at 32 it came as a shock because i was pretty young. Went in to Accident and Emergency with a really nasty chest pain and had trouble breathing and they did tests.

The cause? Mere stress and worry. With an anxiety disorder it made me stressed all the time especially working 9-5pm working as a cook and had to clean and deal with 2 children at home as the wife really needed didnt cope well after she got home from work either. Did this for a good 10+ years as my girls are teenagers and i assure you theyre difficult.

I went into depression, had a month off work. I forget i have it most the time, it's usually obvious after long walks or exerting myself too much or getting stressed or anxious about something but i adapted and dealt with it.

I now accepted it at the age of 45 and work from home fixing up computers for profit. It's something i enjoy, but I often get a little upset knowing I don't think I will make it past 50. At least it doesn't bother me most the time.

Why do you need such expensive internet? I am curious. I think 50mbps+ is plenty but i suppose it really depends on what youre doing

im not that user, but my internet is over $80/month also, i pay for 4Mb down/1Mb up, and get about half that when its not raining. the only other choice where i live is satellite and that is well over 100/mo

Verizon. There is a bundle package with phone and internet.

I have that too

Wanted to join the Marines, found out my blood doesn't clot. Low blood platelets. Couldn't join, fucked me.

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i have a pretty good list all/most of it stemming from spina bifida around the lower-middle portion of my back
i was born with club foot which has been fixed somewhat, my walking gait is off still and I still often lose my balance because of my foot's shape, it's about as good as it gets, and every couple of years i need braces on my feet to straighten my feet back out as they curl back up slowly over time
my right foot is missing a link to allow my foot to flex upward which also makes it hard to walk and keep balance
i have reduced circulation to my legs to an extent
my legs constantly hurt, probably due to the circulation thing. sitting down, they hurt, standing they hurt, any position, laying down, strain or not. I used to be on painkillers for it but I've honestly just gotten used to it like background noise
technically i have anemia, but I don't really experience limits due to that, but it's on the papers.
i have two forms of ostomy, an external colostomy bag and a continental diversion urostomy, so I have to drain by tube.
the urostomy was actually caused by a calcified bladder that had a poor connection to my urethra so I couldn't drain it properly. so I have an artificial bladder made out of a portion of stomache wall.
I have scoliosis that continues to curve out over time, so I occasionally get work on that.
annnnnd to top it off, I'm sterile.
upper body and everything else is pretty much fine. my only issues pretty much just came from whatever was under the spina bifida line.
Still have a job and doing my damned best to live just to spite life for giving me the cards I have. Could be worse, at least.

Sucks because I was willing to sign any waiver they wanted me to. Just sucks.

In 2012 I went to the doctor because I kept falling down the stairs (seriously, fucking once or twice a day). getting tremors, and choking on liquids. I go to my family doctor, he has no fucking clue and sends me to a neurologist. The neurologist sees me and then steps out of the room to talk to my wife, away from my hearing. They both come back in the room and I can tell they've both been crying. I'm like WTF. My wife(ex now) does not cry. Period. Neurologist tells me I have ALS (Amyotropic Lateral Sclerosis). For those that don't know, ALS causes your nerve sheathes to demyleinate leading to eventual paralysis and death. It's an ugly way to die. I felt the bottom of my stomach fall out. It was as if I had been physically punched. I didn't cry or say "why me?". I immediately began to worry about my kids. How they would grow up without me. How they would have to deal with my rapidly declining health, how they would be supported financially (ex was a lazy unemployed cow). I lived in a fog for several months getting progressively worse physically. Get 4 different second opinions, all concur. Finally go to a professor specializing in degenerative neurological conditions. He runs nerve conduction tests (OWW), looks at my medicines and says "Stop taking the neurontin for 2 weeks and then reschedule". Stop taking neurontin and my symptoms completely disappear. MFW my family and I spent months confronting the spectre of my untimely demise and it was just a drug side effect.

> 27
> testicular cancer, schizophrenia, hiv, autism
Let's just say I regret that night my parents decided to have sex

Holy fuck man



The fact you’ve had it for 8 years and are still ticking is encouraging to see. My friend’s father passed 4 years after he was diagnosed.

He has vertigo

Autism, PTSD.

The PTSD sucks the worst, I had it by the time I was 12, so I couldn't do things I wanted to such as join the police force.


> throat is clogged

Dubs confirms these Dx's.
Tho I don't see how your conditions "shattered your world" Seems quite the opposite.

I don't have, never did. It was an incorrect diagnosis. I was just suffering from the side effects of the medicine Neuontin.

Not shattering, but diagnosed with phimosis as a teenager and wound up getting circumcised for it

you get genital herpes if the herpes ever spread along the nerves to your genitals and then found a place where it can subsist in a reservoir, most likely in a specific well protected form until it inflames again

so it doesn't matter where you get the herpes, if it's through kissing, blood or fucking

also considering the dozens of different herpes strains that are highly infectious and have spread rates between 20 and 95%, everyone has some kind of herpes but the youngest children and the majority of child sicknesses are also of the herpes family, they also can inflame again, even if reinflammation is a differently named sickness

also one encounter is more than enough to get genital herpes, if you're predisposed to even catch genital herpes, the majority of people while having herpes will never experience symptoms again and only very few people have it flame up again

tho a good amount of people without symptoms can and will spread it

I just turned 26, kicked off father’s healthcare. I’m not a NEET, I’m a full time student finally going to graduate with my associates and go to university in the fall for my BS. (Took Years off of schooling to help a family member in bad health, so I’m way behind.) Have to wait until I get to university to get health insurance, can’t afford the lowest $280 a month plan with an 8k deductible and my rent and everything with just my part time job. Even if I could manage to work 40+ hours a week and still take 17 credit hours my boss doesn’t let part time employees hit those numbers specifically so they don’t get benefits, which kind of sucks. I’m the bloke with the panic disorder and not having insurance sure doesn’t help my anxiety, I’ll tell you that.

it's the same kind of herpes, the question is where it subsists, it travels along the nerves and there's a few dozen different strains that cause vastly different sicknesses, the majority of child sicknesses being among them

there's several possible reservoirs for virus in our body (gallstone bladder, anywhere calcifications and similar happen but also small fat globules as well as research into if herpes virus are able to create such reservoirs themselves where they will go into a hardy substistence form until reinflammation)

but it all depends on where the virus traveled along your nerves (And oh boy do they all wreck some shit along their way)

yes, i'm immune

Diabetes and heart failure. If I knew this is how things would be, I would've never used meth or heroin. Just today my chest was like a volcano about to erupt... had to fuckin steal my dad's heart meds to stop the agony. Fuck my life guys I'm not gonna make it

ligma balls

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Retrolisthesis. Took away powerlifting from me, which was my one true passion in life.

Nerve gas