I proposed to my girlfriend today, She said yes but she wants to keep her last name when we get married...

I proposed to my girlfriend today, She said yes but she wants to keep her last name when we get married. She also wants our future kids to take her last name too. I told her that I'm not happy about this, She just smiles and says, "Deal with it." She's way out of my league and she knows it. What should I do Cred Forumsros?

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Take your pasta and fuck off cuck

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prenuptial agreement, have kids. fuck around on her. if you get caught you have nothing to worry about. sounds like a dope life to me. Enjoy.

Smack her upside the head with a tire iron.

Wow dude, show her who's the alpha. Mostly about the kids part. Damn, a man's legacy is important. Don't let her emasculate you

If it's a dealbreaker, break up with her, otherwise couple's counseling or stfu.

She's not out of your league if she's with you, she just knows that you have fuck-all for self-confidence and can absolutely use you as a doormat because of it.

Deal With It is a shitty response, not a proper answer.

And every man will see you as weak, your whole life. Men will hit on her all the time. She'll cheat, becuase you are weak. You kids will have to explain this to their friends...who will think you are a pussy.

Just move on. If you're young, who has time for this kind of bullshit.

Get a vasectomy and don’t tell her ... no kids .. lol honestly I think the name thing is stupid and marriage is stupid in general .... why get the government more involved with you life marriage is old fashioned and dumb ... if you’re loyal and you live together what the difference go buy a ring an wear it save yourself 59k



steal the ring back when she's sleeping (so there's no physical altercation that will get you jammed up) and ghost her unless you are a bitch

What do you expect when your last name is jewniggertinydickel?

Why is a man's legacy important exactly?

It's a shit test. Stand your ground

Start by manning the fuck up and put her in her place. Being a beta fuck pushover will only ruin your relationship long term. Be a fucking MAN, user.

Leave her

Femanazi spotted

what the fuck is that? don't fucking use made up words faggot

This is fake. It's not real. No idiot can be this retarded to be upset and not do anything. Either agree to something or leave her. I'd leave just for the fact that she acts all cunty about it. Have some self respect. But then again this isn't real.

There's nothing you can do it, it's already too late for you. Just accept that you're a weak, beta, soyboy cuck. If you were a real man that your girlfriend would be proud to take you name.

because we've built everything significant in this world.

Lol bro no one cares about legacy life is pointless nothing matters

Keeping her surname is no big deal. Kids could have double-barrel surname. Simple fix.

You're not gonna be around to see it, give it a generation or two and nobody will even think about you any more

Lmao u are dumb

tell her the boys take your name and the girls take hers. tell her to deal with it

so what if she doesnt take your last name get over it bu for the kids i would make a joint last name thats what my brother and his GF has done
if she doesnt want that leave or suck it up. if you suck it up get ready for a life where you wife kicks you around Cheers mate

>mfw you've been posting this thread for months

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Chris brown her

Sounds like you should deal with it or bail, get a prenup though

I would start by counseling. Sounds like she wants to be in control. That's no way to start a marriage.

This is too dumb to be real.

no, you should pay a hooker to masquerade as a genuine extramarital relationship to show her that you can attract other women and don't really need her. she'll probably be all over you after you've demonstrated value. that's when you crush her by turning her down.

>she's way out of my league

that wording. god i hate americans.

>saging while image posting

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