OP just bought his very first Fleshlight. Any protips for the beginner?

OP just bought his very first Fleshlight. Any protips for the beginner?

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yeah. fuck it

Use it to masturbate your penis user.
No seriously, i usually microwave mine. 30s-1min is enough. So fuggen nice

it's nice using it. but when you're done with it. it's a mess.. with cleaning. drying. put powder on it... And you feel stupid after to.. try it and you'll se want im talking about.... and also the hiding part of it

Use warm water instead? you are cleaning out the powder anyways before use. so do it with hot water!

warming lube and wash it after each use. have fun.

Ehh i always found it didn't retain heat as well. Nuking it seems to keep it hot for longer.

"Wash your cum tube" is a pro tip nowadays?

Yeah ok.. it also gets warm by using it.

that doesnt sound very good for you user.

No it's really fine. Like a bit itchy if you use it every day like this for over, maybe a week. But it's still good

unfortunately. i had a roommate who didn't and we got flies. fucking gross.

Always found fleshlights ridiculous and messy. But considering buying the new satisfyer wand for men, which is open etc.

Any user has experience with it?

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should have gotten the destroya sleeve. that is the bomb

I got a "Man Wand" that is similar but with the flanges in a different configuration (sideways compared to that.). It feels good, and that's about it. I can't get off with it unless I hit a spot in a very specific way, when I DO though it's like BUCKETS but if I don't then it's like "well that feels, just fine."

1.cum in it
2.throw it behind your bed and leave it there until it stinks like a dead horseshoe crab.

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Clean it each time
Make sure it dries out after
Use water based lubes, not silicone

Microwave will ruin your fleshlight. Don't listen, OP

share it with other guys you met off the internet and don't make them wear condoms

haha he's trying to destroy your pensi

But what if my Mom finds it?

Next time buy a longer one than the one you think would suffice. The end part can rip so easily if you go too deep making a mess each time.

About keeping it warm, wrap it in some decent insulating material like paper, tinfoil or a towel.

try wrapping it in aluminum foil

clean it and clean it religiously, unless you want dumpstercunt

Clean it after each use unless you want it to look like this

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When you are done cleaning it, spray a generous amount of rubbing alchohol through it to help it dry out quickly and keep it from smelling like mildew and death

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it wont work if you have a penis like this. You need the children's version available online.

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Go with the one with the asshole opebing instead of vaginal. The vaginal ones have a thicker entrance so the first inch and a half or so is nothing but plain. The asshole ones immediately grip your dick. The Heavenly one has another spot inside it about two inches in that grips your dick too.

Use it without the casing and/or backwards for a different feeling. Most guys aren't long enough to reach the back half of the fleshlight so you pretty much have a two in one toy by flipping it around.

Keep it clean, a dirty one (one you lubed and came into) will become unusable after about 4 days without cleaning it.

I would'nt bother with the fleshlight heater thing they make. It takes 10+minutes to warm it up and even then the warmth wears off within a minute or two. I dunno bout yall but when I am tryna bust a nut I don't want to sit and wait for my sex toy.

Any questions I can try and answer them. I've been through 5 or 6 fleshlights.

Just buy Tenga.

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Get yourself a head honcho. Cheaper and feels better

Forgot pic

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Anyone use an auto fap machine? Im interested