We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children

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They are so inferior looking and disgustingly ugly

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Yeah i saw this thread yesterday


first time i've posted this w/ 14 words
get triggered polfag

Stop being fat

I only go on Cred Forums

Have sex incel



Thanks for making a 14 Words thread. I was going to and you saved me the work.

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were they arrested by spics posing as officers? someone should find out.

the first guys got some white tyachnea lelelel

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this motherfuckers whole lineage will be wiped off the face of the earth

If I was the cop I couldn't stop myself from popping all the zits on the middle guy. Jesus. How do you not do something about those?

what thin lipped assholes, hope they enjoy getting raped by bubba in jail, or anotehr probably stronger white supremacist, lol

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Fuck off and read a book faggot.

Damn I didn't know super humman was a nazi

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Settle down snowflakes. The truth will set you free.

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The guy in the middle looks like Jon moxleys retarded cousin

Oh no a cherry-picked AT BEST Cred Forumsgraphic.

Americans are not white.

Does that mean you're taking on climate change and wealth inequality, the things that are actually currently destroying the future for every shade of child?

Why do you suppose they lost?

Is it intentional that the name of their group is basically the English translation of al-Qaeda or are they just retarded?

>I'll call everything I don't like "cherry-picked!"
One small country fighting three superpowers. You tell me.

its probably not spics that are posing as officers but arabs would be my guess then

America is a communist shithole and trump is responsible for this

So you don't think Germany was a superpower at any point during the war.

Ameriburguers neck beards nazis haha, it is hilarius and ironic that ww2 americans were fighting nazis and now the grandkids of the veterans are on the other side of the coin, ameri logic is fucking kek

if it wasnt for me that wouldnt be happening at all better keep those refugees in line all the way to the gas chamber europoor

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I inherited a whole bunch of stuff from my grandfather who served in North Africa.
he took souvenirs off the bodies of Wehrmacht soldiers.
these neo nazi faggots can't even get their own lives in order, let alone shit out a 4th Reich. they are just social punching bags, like incels lmao

Even if they did fit the definition of a superpower they were against America, Great Britian, and Russia. This isn't even relevent. Just because they lost does not mean they were automatically the bad side.
>grandkids of the veterans are on the other side of the coin
Your logic is that just because their grandfathers were manipulated into fighting against their interests they should continue being foolish. Nope.

>LARP subversive fringe group
>Attract attention of FBI

We would have never declared war on Germany. The Japs had to attack then their ally Germany declared war on us. Crist what the fuck do they teach you kids on The History channel these days?

So you deny the nazis were spreading hate towards jews in all germany by force and justify everything that happened next, cool go play outside with your burger maga friends in the basement

They fought for and went down for something they believe in, something a coward like you would never do.

and in germany are still the neaonazis who have the lowest level of education, and eat away the money instead from our State. fag

Why were they spreading hatred of jews? That is what you must ask yourself.

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>wikipedia is true
>except when it's not! see;holocaust

it starts with you throwing the lq. In addition, the smartest minds of past generations from Germany, I am already aware of that. But I am just talking about the state of the 21st century.

Well he did kill his wife and all his children then himself, so already done. In the final day of the war in Germany I think.

select one.

Just because you have above average iq doesnt mean your not retarded in several respects.

Even allot of people with especially high iq say its a pretty invalid measurement of intelligence.

>Even allot
>your not retarded

retards are killing all the smart people.

thats why were facing the problems we are today.

>neo nazi
>white supremacists
can't be assed to give a fuck since these terms mean nothing anymore

at least use spell check. jesus.
but yeah, i have a friend that excels at any math. this dude was doing calculus in middle school. but if he was ever assigned an essay, there's no way he could finish it. he had immense trouble with grammar.
when it came to subjects like history or biology, he had a bit of trouble but not as bad as literature.

They became a regional power and possibly could have become a superpower, but no, they did not attain superpower status.
Today you are a "Nazi" for believing what the Americans of the 40's believed.

"The Base" is literally the English translation of "Al-Qaeda." How the fuck you think you're the master race when you can't even come up with your own team name?

>believing what the Americans of the 40's believed.
no. nazis were a fringe minority, even then.
abroad, they had more support before the war.
after, not so much.
the public largely rejected nazism and remained skeptical of the ambitious Hitler.

>use spellcheck
Kek yeah i didn't realise quite how bad id done goofed till i read that back.

Headline doesn't really give information. What was the charges? What was the probable cause for the arrest warrants? How is "The Base" a white supremacist group and are they even part of it?
People get arrested a lot and the case gets dismissed the next day. Police do it to intimidate people. Need much more information to form any kind of conclusion.

bilogyfag here

the first 4 paragraphs are true.
Others not so much. I'm too lazy to go into details or argue with nazi or feminist autists, but here it is...

1-4th true.

there are no valid verifications of pure intelligent measurements that can exclude socio-economic factor. To be honest there isn't even a
consensus on definition of intelligence itself.
In biology in a broad commonly accepted definition intelligence is a capability of a single organism to adapt via non-unconditioned-reflexive behavioral pattern. Thus an aboriginal nigger is more intelligent than a Harvard professor in a survivalist environment.

If somebody is telling you that race has absolutely nothing to do with intelligence or that race factor is somehow more dominant than socio-economic one.. it's absolute bullshit.

it really isn't.. Although it depend on your defenition of 'significant distance'. There are more morphological

how is allelic variations of protein coding is a qualitative difference? Biologists use the term qualitative in a different ways. Athour doesn't seem to really understand what he quotes there.
Also CHRM2 correlation with intelligence studies failed to pass repeatability test in the end.
It actually lower cyclic adenosine monophosphate production. How is it a qualitative and racial issue - who knows...
The next quote is about ASPM. The brain size has more correlation with nutrients supply and body size, then with some mutations that can occur in that gene (unless it's microcephaly or something)..

don't see how it's even relevant. It's a sociological, not a biological issue. But the inheritance of property plays the main role in an individual succes, more than anything else. How come the majority of successful people come from bourgeois households? duuuhhh

If you believe what average American of the 40's believed, you are considered a Nazi. Americans did not desire racial integration, and preferred losing WW2 to becoming racially integrated.
>abroad, they had more support before the war.
>after, not so much.
It's as if the victors write the history and people tend to follow power. However, it is worth noting that many great Americans were fond of National Socialism. Churchill was an admirer of Hitler himself, until the power brokers came knocking of course. The United States was already becoming extremely socialist under FDR, (whose economic policies ironically extended the Great Depression).

War is only a means of rearranging and consolidating power and resources. It is an amoral process for those who wage it, but it needs a moral polish and propaganda for the little people to yip and yap in favor of it and do the actual fighting.

Cute attempt. Not my fault you can not distinguish truth from false propaganda. Nat-Socs would not have developed jet and even stealth aircraft in the 40's if they were dummies.
America's brightest man agrees with us and the validity of the intelligence quotient. So does James Watson, the famous biologist. Look at what cultural-Marxists did to him for daring to contradict their blind egalitarianism.

"James Watson, the world-famous biologist who was shunned by the scientific community after linking intelligence to race, said he is selling his Nobel Prize because he is short of money after being made a pariah"



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They're white people who prefer to be around white people and want white people to be left alone.

>fought for
Posting on the internet and talking a lot of shit isn't fighting. These aren't the fucking Sturmabteilung, they're basement dwelling neckbeards LARPing about being something powerful. Just fucking LOOK at them. Cracks me up.

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But why aren't non-white racial supremacist groups being taken down? There are many more of those and they have more followers.

Yeah basically this.

It happens allot when (often middle class) kids try to start up these political action groups/terrorist cells, they arrest them and scare them straight to try nip it in the bud.

While a few nights locked up wouldn't bother ira/black panthers/kkk members you better believe it would shit up these little fuckers. It probably works 9/10. The FBI have ALLOT of experience crushing political dissidents kek.

>America's brightest man agrees with us and the validity of the intelligence quotient. So does James Watson

Thats 2 fucking people. Obviously there is going to be some debate over the validity but the fact that there is even room for debate suggests IQ isnt very accurate.

Is someone with an iq of 140 going to be smart? Ofcourse, doesn't mean they arn't going to be absolutely retarded in some very fundamental ways.

>knew a girl who believed me when i said Ireland 'broke off and floated away from the uk in the 20s'

>she beats everyone at poker every fucking time

people are walking fucking contradictions

> why arn't non-white racial supremacist groups being taken down

>tips fedora

>Cute attempt. Not my fault you can not distinguish truth from false propaganda. Nat-Socs would not have developed jet and even stealth aircraft in the 40's if they were dummies.

Jesus fuck you moron no one is trying to say 'all of the nazis were retarded' because that would be retarded.

The point is the ideas churned out by those guys are extremely appealing to retards, thats kind of the point.

But why though?

A preference for ones own people and culture, as well as the protection and preservation of them, is entirely normal. The difference is that one people is, for some reason, not allowed to have this preference. I wonder why.

I diagnose u with Sage

Yet here you are arguing with those you claim are basement dwelling neckbeards. What does that say about you? This is what: that you're actually afraid of what we have to say. No one is larping, by the way.
>The FBI have ALLOT of experience crushing political dissidents
Yes, the ZOG is heavy handed and tyrannical. If you are White that makes you a bootlicking cuckold for supporting that which seeks your destruction. You must not understand what KEK stands for. It's better you don't.

>extremely appealing to retards
Is this so or are you attempting to falsely paint WN's as retards? I will go with the latter.

Jewish as fuck in here, better insult the web nerds some more so they won't unite against you, Rav.

>What does that say about you?
I'm not the one running my mouth about vaporware direct action to FBI informants.
>you're actually afraid of what we have to say
Not really. I'm not the target demographic. The FBI's concern is these guys would one day meet the McVeigh that would take action.
>No one is larping, by the way.
Oh, sorry. Yousef O. Barasneh (great Ango name by the way) commited petty vandalism.

Is the name “The Base” supposed to be ironic because it’s the English translation of “al Qaeda”?

>commited petty vandalism.
Right, they are guilty of petty vandalism and thought crimes. Every citizen needs to see how the "land of the free" treats those who have unapproved views.
>I'm not the target demographic
What is your demographic?

ha ha

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Oh look, another genius of egalitarianism that thinks negroids are genetically equal.

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>What is your demographic?
At this very second? Anonymous jackass on Cred Forums throwing tomatoes.

Since the human species is one species, it will do what's necessary to ensure its existence.
If white skinned humans cause too much trouble for the species, the species will kill or out-breed the white skins to ensure its existence.
If you want to keep white skins around, provide benefits for the species and not trouble.

1962, hmm, I guess we should still use phones and TVs from 1962 because everything was perfect then?

having watched movies like the BlacKkKlansman recently, under what pretenses were they arrested? for simply existing in an ideology?

In other words, a leftist coward who feels empowered to make quips at men facing political persecution because he's hiding behind the weight of the entire juggernaut unlike those the quips are directed at.

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Just because something is old does not necessarily mean it's invalid. People still drive cars from the 60's for example. Egalitarian theory became mainstream during that decade. Do you think we should discard it solely based on age?

One guy was arrested for graffiti but being it was on a protected synagogue it is a (((federal))) "hate crime."

Had he been a Mexican gang banger marking territory it would be a mere misdemeanor.

First, it's likely not true. Many statues and hiroglyphics in Egypt depict rulers with 'pure' African features. There are mines and structures in South Africa built without European help.
There have been lots of more recent genetic as well as sociological studies about populations that are more relevent than 1962.

Ooh victim complex. Adorable.

You dont have to be white to hate a kike!
Brought to you by RAID SHADOW LEGENDS

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Do you have this in a higher resolution?

>>political persecution

Not the same user, but you people people really do live in a fantasy.

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Then humor me smart guy. What would you call it other than poltical persecution.

Wtf hahaha they are fucking neckbeards

you can call it that if you want. I just think they deserve so Im not bothered. The same rules are still pretty much governing all of us despite all this. You can cosplay Hitler, shout " Death to the negers and kikes" and goose step around your living room all you want. Nobody is going to arrest you for "thought crime". You get arrested for actual crime, and if you're smart enough to read this you're smart enough to know the difference.

looks like all leftists

>hate group
Is any group that advocates for the interests of White people and is labeled as such by those that hate us.

incels are fat retard

The left: 'Don't judge me based on looks, size, color, or my made up gender!'

Also the left: 'LOL look at that fat white loser! Fuck all white males!'

Kaboom...they never see their hypocrisy.


The reason why this is bullshit is it classifies Middle East as one. The Middle East includes Semitic peoples (i.e. Arabs and Jews), Mongol peoples (Turks and Chinese) and Aryan peoples (Iranians and Afghans).

Of all of those only the Aryans, i.e. Iranians and Afghans, have a direct genetic relation towards (other) Europeans which in their case are Ukrainians and Belarusians.


Appeal to authority fallacy

Ok explain genetic differences such as diseases that one race mostly gets, such as sickle cell

So you're saying if black people in Africa living in mud hutts all inherited money and given the chance to get educated they would?

>>Be master race.
>>Lose a war to Slavs who were medieval peasant farmers 20 years earlier.
>>Ally gets nuked by a Jew because you couldn’t figure out physics first.
People honestly believe this crap.

>mocks concept of master race(s)
Doesn't explain technological and cultural superiority of Japan and Germany.

Three of the greatest empires in history were actually African, two of which where destroyed by European colonization and the slave trade.

and you're probably one of the 'tards that has no issue with jews calling themselves "god's chosen" despite this being easily debatable.

>Three of the greatest empires
Name them and years they were allegedly destroyed.

which two?

"cultural superiority" I think it's funny that the "Superior nations" couldn't even get their own people to unite under one flag for hundreds of years

More non sequitur straw man bullshit. Why are you leftists so fucking dense?

I can name more than three
>Kingdom of Kush
>The Great Zimbabwe

straw man
/ˌstrô ˈman/
noun: strawman
an intentionally misrepresented proposition that is set up because it is easier to defeat than an opponent's real argument.
"her familiar procedure of creating a straw man by exaggerating their approach"

those were all influenced by north africans. give me a strictly sub Saharan independent influential kingdom that was entirely indigenous people.

with their own recorded language and writing.

>right is 90 iq leader with community college class under his belt
>left is megamind enforcer with a small dick and daddy issues
>middle just wants friends
Just to think this is the trash that posts macros all day on here and Cred Forums.

Yes, that's the definition. Now explain how Japan and Germany are not technologically superior considering things such as electronics and automobiles, respectively.

there were no subsaharan kingdoms of any influence. the subsaharan niggers have never had any type of civilized nation. all the listed examples were from arabic and Mesopotamian influence.

I did laugh knowing that niggers are inferior even to those cornfed people in the picture. They are literal retards on an IQ level. I'd rather live near Cletus than a pack of ugly dumb stinky niggers.

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This. The "colonization ruined the sub-Sahara" narrative makes absolutely zero sense no matter how you look at it.

Even if you were to pretend that the Europeans did ruin any civilzation(s) there then what stopped them from rebuilding? Colonization lasted not even one hundred years; that isn't a long time by historical standards. If Japan can recover from being nuked during WWII why couldn't any sub-Saharan country recover from this alleged ruin when the colonial power left in the 50's or 60's?

chinese aren’t Mongol you fuck. they are dumb bird people who build useless walls and shit in the streets. they are not genetically related to Mongols besides the Mongol dna they recieved from getting raped by Chinggis Khaan.