Boss makes a dollar I make a dime that's why I game on company time

Boss makes a dollar I make a dime that's why I game on company time.

What do you guys do to waste work time, besides shit?

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In addition to shit, sometimes I poop

walking around drinking coffee
I'm a medical intern, so it's not quite work, but damn this shit stresses me out

I dont retard. My job requires non stop work

I live across the street from my job so I stay high and drunk.

Save the role play for your mattresses


Nice dubs

The incel life. You prob live for the weekends too.


I walk to 7-eleven, buy a bottle of beer, chug it, go back to work, if I am still bored or nothing going on, I'll walk back, get another beer, etc. sometimes I drink 6 beers in the day, then go home and drink more.

im at work rn so yeah im chilling on Cred Forums at work

I mean your boss owns the company, he put money into to build the company up and deserves to make more than you, if he didn't he wouldn't be able to pay any staff.

I phonepost on r9k all day at work

My boss is barely higher than me on the corporate ladder, two years experience amd you can apply for his position, so shut the fuck up about how he built the company retard. Its just a phrase I'm not a liberal cuck I understand why he makes more than me

So why arent you the boss then dumbfuck????

Game sleep and side job stuff using the company computer

Jack off

i sit at my desk and play pocket hockey while i stare at the female temp in accounting

Where at Burger King? Fucking KEK

> Boss makes a dollar I make a dime that's why I game on company time.

You're fired, asshole.

If you don't LIKE the terms we hired you on, you should have said NO.

Cheating because you feel entitled? DISHONORABLE.

I wrote part of a book.

I also figured out how you can use NOW()-TODAY() in Excel to make clocks, and one time I combined it with conditional formatting to make an animation of Luigi's run cycle from Mario 1.

Yes let me apply for the position that isn't open. You're not too bright are you?

where do you work

Yes work vehicle with strange equipment inside of it, looks just like BK. Dumbass

kek I make $70,000 to watch a monitor and make adjustments and readings every hour, most of the time I'm on Cred Forums or Netflix

Wow so scary shut the fuck up dumbass, theres literally nothing to do so I'm parked on the road, what do you want me to do

Phonepost on here, social media... then crunch time at the end of the day. I am a fucking undeserving piece of shit.

Invest as much time, effort and money into the company as the boss has and then feel entitled to higher wages.

I waste time on Cred Forums

Where do you work that people can't smell that on ya?

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Former teacher.

When I didn't have a lesson plan for the week I would show the students a film and then use the next week as a homework assignment for that film. Eat shit school curriculum and syllabus.

haha so morally righteous about what other people do. you, your friends and family get to live by a different standard though I'll bet

Ah I too have a work van user. Forklift repair guy here. I took a hydraulic hose off of the lift I'm working on now and since i took it off in like 20 min i have an hour or two to kill before I go get a new one made. To then put it on in 20 min and kill another hour or two. I love this job.

That fag probably doesnt even have a job.

go to hooters/restaurants for lunch (I tip well and like looking at TNA when I eat decent chicken wings and manicly conversating with the servers), jack off in my car, explore buildings, get 1/8's of weed from a crackhead I know, literally I sign spin and NOBODY keeps track of me so it's just making $12/hr for 7 hours while fucking off with the sign in my car lmao, so easy and kinda of fun but under whelming for sure, i get super bored and smoke weed in my car too, have a hot gf with a big fine ass, honestly life is good just need another job that feels progressive

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I look at nigger cocks at work

This is why you earn so little.

Pretty much the same playing Switch or PC in homeoffice while waiting for mails that won't come and maybe some web meetings

shit post on /b

currently taking a shit and posting on my phone. afterwards, imma go get some coffee, wander the office, strike up some conversations, then imma go back to my desk, browse Cred Forums for a while, bust out the Switch for a while and then imma go take my 2 hour lunch. ill probably leave early as well.

Not true. Not him min wage where I'm at is only 7.50 and I make over 30 an hour to sit in my van. I work on stuff for maybe 4 hrs a day max. Fuck off for another 4 to 6 hrs. Get paid 8 or 10 a day depending on how long I wanna fuck off on any given day. Life is good

you work for a cable company?

Yep, doing fiber optic splicing

yea, heres youre >you cunt, enjoy being an ass kisser

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i sweep the floors or go out for extra breaks to smoke a cig sometimes a few drinks if i have a bottle in the car or browse b . if it wasnt for all the scabs i could hide from the cams for 9 hours

I play Microsoft Solitaire and take naps in the toilet

My day job is pretty bogus, right now I work the weekday late shift and we have dealt with maybe one customer a week. It's a small little box of an office with a tiny room in the back where we print credit cards. It is not uncommon for my shift partner to just stay in the back room for 4 out of hte 5 hours that we are working that day.

For a while I was bringing in xbox controllers and emulating mario kart and smash brothers on my laptop but we stopped because one of the managers liked to sneak in during the last hour of the day to make sure people aren't just sitting around and doing nothing.

My best friend works in the sales team so I will often just leave the box to hang out with him as he pitches to people. It is pretty fun. When he is not around I can just watch tv or movies on my laptop. Sometimes I write scripts or books or video essays for my youtube channel.

YouTube provides most of my income so I don't really work at my day job more than one or two days a week right now.

Nigga that's trips

Cant do anything because i work at the conveyor and shit is endless. 8 hours a day the same repetitive moves every few seconds. Since 2020 the conveyor increased the speed from 7mph to 10mph. So basically doing more for same wage. Its loud its noisy and dirty and hazardous. How do you people have time for vidya at work wtf you lazy shits

I worked a factory before getting into fiber, I understand your pain, my words of advice, get the fuck out

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