I never realized how common parents helping their kids with their homework is until a few months ago...

I never realized how common parents helping their kids with their homework is until a few months ago. I've heard many of them say they "need to be there to help them", isn't that the point of it though... figuring it out by yourself?, some parents are there EVERY TIME the kid has homework, no matter if the kid doesn't actually need help. I understand kids with some kind of deficit needing more time and their parents helping with it, but I'd argue that it's in fact detrimental in a lot of cases; you should allow your kid to overcome it themselves. The worst part is that I still haven't found one parent that "helps" in any other way than by doing their kid's homework for them instead of helping them understand how to do it themselves, what the fuck?, I've never needed any help, in fact my parents never offered to do so, what about yours?

What's your take, Cred Forums?

Attached: CbaEYlJXIAAA41h.png (531x404, 109K)

My parents didn't help and that's why I failed.

Did they refuse or did you never ask for help?

I learned by the way of the belt. As I got older my grades tanked.

>kid fails
>hit him with a belt so he gets better grades
>kid keeps failing
>use more belt

user, the issue here isn't that they didn't help with your homework; it is that they are retarded. Barely anyone knows how to be a decent parent, fucking hell.

I'm sorry that's what you had.

Attached: Albert-Einstein-Quote-The-definition-of-insanity-is-doing-the-same-thing-over-and-over-again-but-exp (600x292, 178K)

It's the age old problem
Teachers want to get PAID for showing kids how to do their homework
Then they start bleating about the kids cheating by getting their parents to show them how to do it properly.
>mfw American parents show their kids how to get : 6 ÷ 2 ( 1 + 2 ) = 9
>and the teacher gets paid for marking it wrong and tells them it should be 1 instead

Homework is just how they trick you into making you sit during your free time.
You and everyone is being cobditioned like dogs to ignore your human needs and sit on your ass doing menial bullshit for the status quo.
Burn down your fucking school.

Oh, don't worry; I did the least I had to do to go by and just did whatever I wanted to do the rest of the time.

oh wow, classic Cred Forums. A real post.

As for me, my parents both worked a 9 to 5 so starting in second grade we were home alone. I think my aunt was around for a few years but we didn't really ask for help with homework, she was kind of a lovable grump. Generally we'd do the homework ourselves and if we encountered trouble we would talk to our parents about it in the evening for help. I remember freaking out because I had forgotten how to do multiplication the day it was taught to us and my parents were able to teach me again when I got home. Similar thing happened with division. As we got older the best they could do is give us a letter to give to the teacher saying we struggled, came to the parents for help, and would appreciate tutoring instead of just an F.

haha my parents were the same way but with socialization stuff. I came home from school once and my dad was home early. He began yelling at me. Apparently the school had found out that I was being bullied and had called them to let them know, and my dad started yelling at me insisting I did something to cause the bullying.

turns out i was just a fag but I wasn't about to tell him that.

Burn it down user. Be the hero your peers never knew they needed

I bet you lack an education
"Hurr durr school dumb I smaht"

My uncle always offered me some help with homework but somehow ended up cumming in my colon instead. God works in mysterious ways

>i am a dumb fuck: the post

i did my homework on my own. when i didnt understand something math related, i asked my dad to explain it to me (not do it for me). My mom sometimes helped me study biology by asking me questions about the subject which i had to answer. normal teaching.

I'm not from the US so I don't really know if it's common there, but... we can agree that the "÷" symbol is never really used, right?, here we always used fractions. We both know the
> answer 6 ÷ 2 ( 1 + 2 ) = ?
"problem" is just made to confuse people and make them fight on social media just for fun, c'mon.

This should be the norm, but after opening this thread I remembered (specially girls) being in class and when the teacher asked them how to solve whatever problem they were being asked they froze and blurted out...
>"my father/mother/older sister/older brother/grandfather did it for me"
... so it's nothing new and way more common than I previously thought.

Attached: 1579629593192.jpg (958x764, 100K)

My parents were too dumb to help me most of the time. When i was little they'd help me with practical projects though.

Your gay little epeen persona pisses me off and i hope you die irl you normie newfag scumbag

Its so easy to tell by the way they type like fags too.

I don't feel superior to anyone, user. I think you're projecting pretty hard, seek a therapist's help or kill yourself.
They come in pairs, kek.

dude same, nothing pisses me off more than seeing a tranny posting a cartoon character they wish they looked like. its even worse when they OP their own thread and roleplay the character asking people about their problems but then just giving platitudal pats on the back to stroke their own egos.

fuck avatar fags.

its not just pairs:
It's almost as if EVERYONE hates you, and you're too retarded to look beyond yourself.

I didnt say you felt superior you brain dead would-be tripfag autismal piece of shit
Cope harder you dumb little faggot

Are you talking about that pic?, it's supposed to be the girls I'm talking about you actual retard. This is too funny.
Lmao ok mate, you should all become friends and talk about it, it'll be cheaper than a therapist.
Sure faggot, go play with your dick for a bit, maybe you can relax.

I'm not replying to you retards anymore, enjoy your moaning. You've derailed the thread enough.

You are so BTFO haha fucking dumbass avatarfag
So funny we hit a nerve, fuck you. Quit doing your dipshit hugbox role play garbage and no one will talk shit on you
We hate you because you deserve it, shit for brains

assuming you're not lying you do realize that there is a notorious avatarfag who goes around using all those Alice pictures, yeh?

Actually this may not be the avatarfag, the filename is different than the alice fags.

Who the fuck cares if some faggot is using the pic?, this is some high school level drama.

lurk more, satan.

That sounds nice. In my school/highschool kids that struggle would rarely (if ever as far as I know) get tutoring by the teachers. If they needed help they would have to get private lessons from someone external, the teachers wouldn't offer that.

I went to five highschools so each one varied. One of the first ones I went to was a military school where we did a two day rotating schedule, so instead of 8 classes a day we had 4 classes a day of an hour and a half each. The first period on the second day was just called 'seminar', it was basically a 'homeroom'. The first 20 minutes had to be spent reading and then the next hour and 10 minutes were spent doing whatever the fuck we want.

For a lot of people this was just used to do homework so they had less of it to do at home, but for those who had an issue with an assignment and talked to a teacher they would go to their classroom during this period to get more help. It was a really helpful thing that didn't cut into anyones after school time.

You're confusing me with someone else. Also don't worry, I'm not at all mad, seeing this level of retardation is actually part of the fun of browsing this site.
I'm not whoever you think I am, no. Stop worrying about stupid shit like that though, let his comments die with no replies if anything.
That's awesome, having homework at home can have it's use but honestly doing it in an environment such as school I feel is way more productive. You have teachers at your disposal, you have friends working on the same stuff so you can help each other... it's ideal. In high school we had a teacher that'd ask us before starting class if we had a exam/lot of homework to do, and if we answered yes he'd allow us to do it in his time. His subject was "industrial technology" (something like that in english) so we'd already be studying physics, chemistry and everything else we needed for that class with other teachers so we weren't going to miss anything by doing something else, really.