Why is marijuana still illegal where you live anons? Serious answers only

Why is marijuana still illegal where you live anons? Serious answers only.

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Because it was a competitor for the paper industry and a misinformation campaign tricked people into thinking it was a dangerous substance (including saying niggers that smoked weed raped white women) so that it became outlawed, and once something becomes a law its typically rather difficult to remove said law, even if its proven to be ridiculous.

Because tobacco is king

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its not where i'm at

It's not.
Enjoy your flyover shithole. But hey, at least you've got your guns, right?

People in power are making monwy off the jail systems.

because imprisoning black people for nearly free labor is still profitable

My state is probably less of a flyover and has more gun rights than yours does so go fuck yourself.
>Serious answers only.

the pain pill company pays thugs to use violence and murder to terrorize customers who buy alternatives to their product for joint pain

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lol stupid faggot. I have guns and legal weed.


Religion will weasel their way into the government at every chance won't they.

Because people still rely on shadow puppets to tell them what they can/can't do.

If everyone collectively stopped giving a shit about the joke that is our political system theyd lose all sway of power.

Cannabis is illegal where I am, but I've been smoking with my friends for years and years

it's only illegal because we let them say it is

for the same reason alcohol is illegal.
legalization would deprive dealers and bootleggers of their profits and cost taxpayers for empty private prison beds

All the niggers want it so the old white fuckers wont give it to us.

t. Georgia

>mfw it was legal for almost an entire year before I figured it out
>mfw I saw stoner friends keeping their stashes in suspiciously commercialized-looking containers
>thought nothing of it
>saw a lot more weird edibles around lately
>stoners sure are getting creative with homemade stuff these days.jpeg
>drove past a couple dispensaries multiple times
>assumed they were head shops with bold owners
>mfw not sure if I should be mad at my dealer or thank him for the really good shit he’s been giving me lately

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It's not. I live in Canada, and I've never tried it until it became legal. Now I use it on a pretty regular basis, and I think I've become a happier person as an overall because of it. The fact that it's still illegal in some other places is astounding to me now.

Because Wisconsin has a majority Republican Senate witha leader who wont even consider a bill brought to him..... it's mainly 1 guy blocking it

It’s not.


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don't know what that means but oh kay

it is legally more addictive than crack and more deadly than opiates.

Oh fuck well when they make crack legal I guess I'll just make the switch??

most of the slaves captured by the police are sold through geo group to Motorola to assemble the new Motos for zero dollars an hour

Sometimes I wonder if cops would just redirect all of their hardass energy that the used on drugs onto speed-limits or some shit if marijuana became legal around here.

New Zealand reporting in. We're having a referendum to vote on legalisation later this year. All going well it'll be legal next year.

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>implying anyone wants to pay $30/pack for a 5min head spin in this day and age

I dunno, it being illegal has never stopped me yet. Pretty sure it's just illegal to keep the hippies from piling up in the streets in stoned heaps of filth.

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a $100 speeding ticket doesn't affect a $12,000/yr cook the same as a $90,000/yr executive.
if the law applied equally then fines would be income based but instead the slave catchers single out the lower classes for extortion

Because of dumb redneck hick pieces of shit that think all drugs iz bad n shiet and because "think of the children" and all that stupid bullshit ignorant fucks man i need to smoke now

nah usually it's cuz either big corporations or the politicians themselves have more to profit from by keeping it illegal.
in the case of the UK govt for example, the govt themselves grow it and export it for massive profits.
in the case of countries like the US it's big pharma and the jails that profit from keeping it illegal.
in Australia's case (or at least Queensland) the cops just want it for themselves, so whenever they shut down a grow up they just divvy up the takings between themselves.

Oklahoma finally legalized medical marijuana.
This is what I'm nibbling on tonight.
Top Shelf edibles in this state.
What a fucking strange time.
To be alive.

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anti-war terrorists all smoke it.
declare war on it and we have a war on the anti-war protestors

Join before it's too late imgur.com/cfZvnFE

anti-war terrorists? goddamn wtf

marihuana comes from mexico with Mexicans when they steal our jobs and women.
crack down on marihuana and we crack down on spics

The US thing is too fucking true, a lot of drugs that can have their prescribed function done just as well by marijuana only with next to no side effects.

It isn't.
I mean, federally still, sure, but my state has started imposing laws to protect users from workplace discrimination, so it's a start.

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because it's Texas and it's full of stupid boomers who hate spics

What are you 75?

Honestly I think they would make more money through tax if they just made it legal. I feel like certain people are getting their palms greased to keep it illegal through those sweet under the table monies.

If you want to start a war, you only have to ignore the peaceful protesters. What're they gonna do? Hold a sign at you and say some words?

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there are three proposed legalization bills trying to get made up in june for the election in arizona. all allow cultivation. that's all i care about but the "evil one" that will probably win is all about letting dispensaries have all the power and not just make it legal for anyone to sell. it still allows cultivation though so i don't give a fuck.

if I were we would have a wall by now

i agree, but unfortunately the way things work now is the money goes directly into the pockets of those in charge of things.
if they legalise and tax weed openly then they're forced to show in the budget where the money's going. they're not interested in putting that money back into the community via schools, healthcare and roads. they want to use it to fund their 10th holiday home in the Swiss Alps and fund their private jets.

maybe where you live, but where I live it comes from Humboldt County.

Lol ok then

I mean, I personally think we need to reset the system and start all over from strictly the constitution, but only sweet dreams are made of these.

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Mexicans are criminals and satanists.
if cannabis must be outlawed to stop them then we must devote all our money to stopping the flow of this deadly narcotic

I like you Alice. It's nice seeing familiar faces around here

sounds fake but honestly the way we treat incarcerated POC that we keep in this country is so fucked up I'll just raise an interested eyebrow over here and continue hating the prison industrial complex

Why thank you, it is pretty nice running into friends yo.

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lol if they made it legal the dirty mexicans wouldn't be able to sale anymore b/c who are you gonna buy from now the dirty mexicans or white people.

its not i live in Canada
working in the industry

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It's really more than a little ridiculous isn't it?
It sounds fucked but really it's up to the judge, if you don't get work release or something you will be lucky to make cents on the dollar for hard work in the American prison system.

If you need some in 505 I got some fire for low prices

it is undisputably the most dangerous drug that exists in America today

kinda the same, but t. minnesota

the only white people who sell it are criminal sympathizers and anti-war terrorists.
that's what the US has a death penalty for.

dangerous cause muh profits

I misinterpreted your initial statement; i thought you were talking about American citizens being shipped off to other countries in international slave trade. oh no, you are correct, it's happening here alive and well within our own borders. fucking whole foods' 'american farmer-grown' produce is farmed by prisoners for cents a day. nice to see someone here on this hellsite who is paying attention

it is the most popular drug in America you idiot

Kek gun faggots triggered

They're in prison you mong. They should be lucky to get paid anything. Idc what they did or didn't do.

That's the worst. Have you heard of soylent green? my buddy is on the inside and he has to shovel the biomass in to the furnaces to make that stuff, it's fucking disgusting.

Thats not really true. The people in charge aka the VIPs can still have a hand in it. Dispensaries and farms are profitable enterprises. They can become a part of that. The tax is not just state sales tax, it's a "vice tax". States routinely charge 15%-30% or more for weed sales. If a state sells a billion dollars in weed, the state would get $150-300m. Plus the sales permits, which apply on a graduated scale for both the growers and dispensaries. I've seen numbers in the paper about farms being sold $100k permits annually if they have 10k plants. Which is less than an acre of warehouse space.

Considering people traditionally, in American terms at least, are supposed to control the government technically, you're right. They're supposed to work for us and protect us not rule. That's the main thing they're stomping on. And people don't seem to grasp that. Too busy crying about weed and guns to realize all the shady shit they do blatantly that we allow them to get away with. People are too stupid.

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lmao tastes great

You are retarded and being contrarian just for the trolly lulz.

Uh, you mean capitalists. Try again, you pinko asswad.

If drugs like marijuana are made legal they should at least have an age restriction (people under 25 wouldn't be allowed to use them so they'd have time to reconsider and choose not to be a retarded pothead)

If you did that with alcohol, weed and guns, I'll sign your petition.

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to keep our community from ending up like some third world shithole like Portugal

Crime comes from illegality. Mexicans stand to make no money smuggling weed into the weed capital of the world. But because it's illegal in certain states, they still have places to make money which benefits the gangs. You understand that, right?

I don't know because some other humans dont like it

IMO tie it to your resume with how you imagine your employment going, if you expect yourself to use marijuana so many times a day/week/month/year then you write it down on an application and then you are recommended towards those jobs for the timeframe that you expect to use those drugs in.

all Mexicans smoke marihuana.
outlaw marihuana and you outlaw Mexicans

Technology isn't going that direction, bruh. They are currently able to tell if you are legally stoned by some scientific method. They will pull you aside and administer a test, like a cheek swab or whatever, and if you have a certain amount of picograms per ML of blood, you are legally stoned. This is what they'll be using for weed DUI and also for detecting if you're stoned at work. It won't be just a yes/no test if you have used pot in the last two weeks.

I think you should take an aptitude test to offer your opinion on the internet. You fail.

Because statists. Convince them they can control it by allowing people to choose what they do with their own bodies, and suddenly they start changing their minds. The statists where I live think it's easier to control people against weed than to control people under its influence.

True bro they will make you piss in a cup every day for your job if they want to, there is literally 0 workers rights in the USA thanks for reminding me, it's just things haven't gotten quite that bad yet, we are all just competing over lower, and lower minimum wage jobs, I'm sure soon enough we even won't be able to compete with the men locked up in prison forced to work to pay their debt's though, the drug laws are real as fuck.

>tfw living in Illinois finally pays off

work drug tests single out home pot use in the last 40 days with a cutoff of 50ng/ml over oxycotton use in the last 3 days with a cutoff of 30,000ng/ml.
if you value a job then grow up and switch to pain pills or quit social partying.

For the sake of opposition, making it so easily available could potentially lead to severe declines in intelligence and productivity of future generations. Families on a large scale are already having enough trouble grooming children to think and behave morally.

Remember when heroes were astronauts, baseball players, etc. Instead of transvestites and gays?

Take me back to Hunter S. Thompson, before his point was already made, his predictions came to fruition, and nothing happened. I wish I still had hope in a better life for my loved ones.

marijuana is immoral.
decent people don't use it.

Currently, yes. But there are field sobriety tests coming out right now. They will determine if you're legally sober, not if you smoked yesterday. Thats how they're gonna determine if someone gets a DUI for weed.

As someone who lives in a country with it illegal, let me tell you that's exactly what they'd do, they'll get quotas and start revenue raising and then your $100 speeding fines will turn to 250-900+ with it easily going into 4 digits the higher you wanna go

Feels very bad mang

You don't get to decide what is moral.

>$30 a pack
Move to a state that treats you less like tax cattle.

the attorney general does

Or, they'll just do what they've always done, and take your blood if they suspect you're under the influence. Duh.

Because some people develop mental illness when they smoke it, not prepared for it.

Nice trips

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It's illegal because drugs aren't a right. The only rights you are allowed to have as a person, are those you put your life on the line for. Nobody cares about weed that much to do so and they're smarter for it.

Nope. Because the president can sign an executive order, or congress can pass it and give it to the senate to ratify it. Both bypass the AG. So, you're wrong. The AG opposes gay marriage and abortion. How's that working out for him? He's just one person who can strike down the illegality, he has that power. You have it backwards.

>nobody cares about weed enough to put their life on the line for it

did you know that the United States has a death penalty?

No one has the power to question power without ending up in a cell, make up a million circles around that sand castle you want but shit ain't gonna change it's a hopeless road.

Exactly, cigs are only expensive in leftist cities where they have to charge extra to cover the illegals, the unemployed, and the welfare collectors.

Indeed but it's not handed out for weed offenses.

the first person to be executed by it was for drugs

Word salad, bro. Unless the USA suddenly turns very weird, the government is not about to throw the shackles on 33 medical states, with 11 having recreational. If you want to see the whole country turn blue at once, try it. Even illegal states would be outraged. And if that voting landslide happened, god help the conservatives.

is death in prison a death sentence?

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And the death penalty is about useless considering the legal fees involved over the guaranteed 10+ year death row course are more than feeding and housing the inmate for life.

legal in my state

You're so fucking retarded it hurts to read your stupidity. Cigs are state taxed. Cities have the right to tax on top of whatever they want. I live in a red state and they're almost $10 a pack.

Why are you talking shit out of your asshole? Do you not know every single person has Google here?

>The first federal execution was that of Thomas Bird on June 25, 1790 due to his committing "murder on the high seas".


Not for weed.

Not unless you're a bitch.


Yessir, ignore the "33 medical states" with police officers just turning a blind eye to any marijuana user and then on top of that ignoring the non medical and rec. using states, and then ontop of that ignoring that federally marijuana is still a prison sentence because it's still not legal in anyway with the fed.

>Live in NY
>Friend literally just sent me this email.
I dont think these cocksuckers are going to legalize. Theyre saying its this whole complicated, confusing process and we have to work out every possible problem and variation that could come up and then find every problem and tangent within those, before we can ever legalize it. Just legalize it and let it evolve as it shall. Peoples-Stokes, who has been one of the biggest advocates in the state for a few years, now says that 'the only legalization' that she will support must include funds going to grants to underprivileged, inner city communities, I think to start the cannabis businesses for them. Because we cant encourage inner city poverty stricken people to become computer programmers or doctors, the only thing they can do is sell drugs legally. Thats retarded. And that doesnt help me. And ive dedicated my life, and every single vote, to this. Why should they have an advantage over me? Thats not being fair. Im poor ive never had any advantage, but because im not black in buffalo or albany or shenectady, im going to be left out. They dont want to legalize. We have unified democratic control of the state right now, if they dont do it now, its not because they cant. They are chosing not to. How can it cost anything to make a thing not illegal? Just end prohibition, say 21+, 10% tax, not within 1000ft of a school. Let the rest work itself out. Cunts. Ill go to a real progressive state like Massachusetts where they have universal healthcare. Cunts.
>How do I respond?

It being useless is just my opinion.

However my supporting evidence is pretty accurate and many dismiss or are unaware of the high costs involved in the process involved with the death penalty.

Tell him "shoulda posted that "Vote for Hillary" post on facebook that I told you to post last election." That'll teach'em

fuck cuomo, also buffalo represent!


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I'm not triggered at all, homo. I'm just saying cig prices have virtually nothing to do with the number of minorities in a geographical area. And it's pretty stupid to try to suggest it. Everything is more expensive in cities. Potato chips, pizza, iPhone cables. You sound like a dumbfuck who never saw a skyscraper.

Police officers aren't feds. Their job is to enforce local laws. If you were a cop and arrested a Med user with a card and a couple grams in his pocket, your captain would smack you in the head and release that person with an apology, hoping they didn't get sued.

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Because my shitty state is ran by heavily religious conservatives.

yeah but when they already have a good 80% stake in it why would they legalise it only to cut their share down to 15~30%.

Why haven't you shot them yet?
Really, it's the only way to be rid of them.

Can't get a gun. They're already watching me


You probably have castor-bean plants in the area. Ricin is easy to extract. Put it in their sacramental wine.

That'd involve infiltrating their ranks enough to get to the wine, yeah?
I'd rather just wait for boogaloos to kick off everywhere then move to the mid-country with some friends and play RDR2 IRL or some shit

Fucking same

if you go 90 in a 50 zone you get 1000 euro fine in my country

>a lot of drugs that can have their prescribed function done just as well by marijuana only with next to no side effects.
Marijuana literally cures cancer, but the only thing keeping it from the people are the criminal pharmas spewing out their addictive poison for profit.

i thought walz was gonna get this shit done, but they're dragging their heels as always. they legalize sunday booze sales, but not weed. pretty stupid. they need to get this shit legal so i don't have to keep drinking piss beer to escape my shit life

>marijuana are made legal they should at least have an age restriction
Why? What reason do you have to keep life-saving medicine from young people? There is no reason of any kind for your "age restriction".

Nigga I live in CA. All I gotta do is make a phone call and I can get an 8th delivered to my door in 10 minutes. And the dude takes PayPal.

>my supporting evidence is pretty accurate
You mean lack thereof.

Oh wow.. we found our genius fella’s

I don't think you have a good grasp of the numbers. And I'm not shitting on you, like an argumentative animal. Owners obviously get none of the tax. But if their small stake as an owner (say 10%) goes from 10% of $500,000 to 10% of $100mil. Do the math. It benefits as a businessman for them to go legal recreational. I'm not talking anything to do with the state taxes. I'm talking about the profits of the entrepreneur. The taxes of the state are the financial incentive of the state.

Congrats and good luck..



Atleast someone is thinking about the future right, I'm not profiting off of my pursuit of happiness and security so atleast someone is coming out ahead in all of this.
>the only thing keeping it from the people are the criminal pharmas spewing out their addictive poison for profit.

it isn't

you got a spare room i can live in? man fuck living in gayass mn

Because Satan is behind it.

nobody in power just decided one day to declare weed legal. it took the average person en mass to change the legislation. be the change or quit whining. or, do like i did, lol... find a chill dealer and wait for your neighbors to make the change. i got lucky tho, mine was the 2nd state to legalize. yay me :)
this dab rip is for you

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Heres an opinion.. I think people who drink alcohol are shit. I think they should all be shot. Bars are a menace to society, drinking leads to broken families. Drinking leads to poor performance in school and college, violence, and irresponsible behavior. Drinking leads to abuse of women, failure to succeed in professional life, laziness, mental disease, early death, and disease we all have to shoulder the burden as a society. But pot is pretty much harmless, and if you do it a few times in your youth, its no big deal and you'll grow out of it when you mature into your role as a man. That was my experience with marijuana in Vietnam, and a couple times in the seventies. If people want to try it, I think it's okay. But alcohol is the devil, and anyone who drinks regularly is a worthless piece of shit.


Dude. I'm stoned right now

>weed DUI
Only stupid fucking Americans would invent something that, well, stupid.

Broh that's nuts, that's almost exactly how I feel about nicotine, you captured that shit perfectly. Why should anyone have to watch you die a slow death in a hospital after watching you willfully take your own life after so many years, the shit just doesn't make any sense.

>I think people who drink alcohol are shit. I think they should all be shot. Bars are a menace to society, drinking leads to broken families.
Carrie Nation has been reincarnated. Praise Jayzus!!!

Yes it is and its fucking bullshit, Kentucky fucking sucks. Tobacco as far as the eye can see in some places but god fucking forbid I want to smoke a little ganj. It's gonna be the last fucking place to legalize it, I just know it.

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California here but in a prohibition city, because they’re scared that growing it will pollute our water supply....we all either have well or city water...fucking conservatives

the body treats alcohol as a poison. once detected, it drops all other metabolic processes and immediatly focuses on getting rid of alcohol.

the body treats cannibinoids as a resource that it stores, as much as it can to slowly release into the blood.

just sayin... but i dont wanna shoot anyone

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Good. Freedom is important. Don't make it illegal, but make it expensive. I don't want to take the freedom away from some kid. It makes you have a laugh, and thats good. People shouldn't go to jail for having a laugh. But you can't spend your whole damn life laughing.

You mean like a BAC that is recognized all over the civilized world? If you were stoned yesterday, you aren't stoned today. You should get arrested or lose your job because you were stoned yesterday? Grow up. There are drugs that they can't detect. If I was an employer or cop, I would rather know someone was stoned yesterday and currently sober, than someone seeing cartoons on a chinese recreational chem.

Nobody asks you to watch anyone die.

People don't drink alcohol once. Tell me someone who drinks alcohol for forty years and loses ten jobs and smacks his wife around and terrorizes his children should be allowed to live another thirty years.

>ke a BAC that is recognized all over the civilized world
"BAC" = blood ALCOHOL content. You do know the thread is about marijuana, right?

Because everybody knows that I won't fucking sit by or come by just to watch them fade away, I'm past that by now in my life.

I've been drinking alcohol for most of my adult, but I have never lost a job because of it, I've never "smacked" my wife, and never "terrorized" my children, or anyone else's. I consume in moderation -- yet I should be shot dead.
I'm concerned that you're out walking the streets without a minder.

It's not illegal where I live. I actually just got done smoking some triple g.

Pussy bitch.

No fuckin shit, retard nigger. YOU were in a conversation about testing people for being intoxicated on marijauna. I'M telling (YOU) there are several tests being developed to determine whether a person is stoned, or simply has smoked pot in the past. Most jobs would fire a person for failing a pot test. But in the near future, that won't happen any more. It won't be kosher to fire a person for being a pot user who isn't currently stoned. Understand?

Okey dokey.

Good. Now you understand how a casual pot user feels. Thanks for playing.

i believe people should be allowed to make poor choices. i enjoy some beer, wine, and some mixed drinks but i don't like to get drunk. does that mean you want to shoot me?

I'll watch you die. See if I give a shit. (spoiler, I won't care one tiny bit)

Only if you type sentences without capitalizing them properly.

I don't get why you're yelling at me. There is no good reason to fire anyone for using marijuana ever, let alone a "DUI". What is with you Americans and you control fetish?

The list of people who wouldn't wanna see me die is actually pretty fucking small, I'd be surprised if anyone in this thread was on it.

>Good. Now you understand how a casual pot user feels.
That is not what I was talking about, and I don't give a gawd damn if you smoke or when. I was talking about the freakshow in this thread who thinks anyone who drinks alcohol should be shot.
>or have you been trolling this thread?

no is cruise control for cool

Are pot-heads usually this fucking deflective?

I'm not yelling at you. But there are good reasons for firing people for being actively stoned. People should not drive blazed, it's dangerous, despite what you believe. Flying airplanes, filling prescriptions, or doing surgery while high is not acceptable.

Visit a rekt thread. There are millions of people who would enjoy seeing you die.

Ya, I was trolling. I don't care what you do. But people need to understand pot, drink, its all about responsibility. People say all pot smokers are fucking idiots, so I shoved regular life in their face. My only real serious opinion is young people who smoke like retards need to chill the fuck out.

Luxembourg here, scheduled to be legalised but not exactly high priority so it's likely going to take a few more years

For the majority of the population and the state still believe it is just a gateway drug. But things are slowly changing when they find out what a cash cow it is, things will change.

only medical marijuana is legal, but it has not changed much, only people with medical marijuana cards can get it, and the ones that have the card will vape it then try to sell the shit after they vaped the THC out of it, so people with cards are hated by the hold outs that refuse to get a card but want to use marijuana,

Looking at behaviours of people around me it would only result in more addicted cloudhead cunts.
I dont need people to be more retarded than they are now.

Conclusion, people are too stupid to properly use drugs.

Its not really illegal there bro.

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Antiquated Prohibition Era societal norms heavily influenced by a conservative Judeo-Christian ethic.

That’s it. Anything else is a delusion or an outright falsehood.

this.. /thread

It's decriminalised which is better than some places
But it'll be fully legalised, meaning you can also grow your own shit

I used to go to a head shop, when it was sketchy. They had bongs on the walls, and a creaky wooden floor. A shitload of stickers on the wall, all dead and floyd and height and ashbury. And shirts, and pipes, and incense, and weird shit you have no fuckin idea what the fuck it did. Then this biker would come out, and just stand there. And it was intimidating as fuck. But now, looking back on it, it was just a high-mileage guy coming out, being an old stud who owns a crazy fuckin bong shop. That guy is my hero. They sell that shit in every gas station now. But that old biker is a legitimate hero.

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Its funny, those kinds of shops are fading into obscurity. I used to go to a place called Asylum that sold records, hippie clothes, disc golf gear, paraphernalia, and RCs/Spice. Covered in stickers and old band posters, those kinds of places are so unique. Now headshops want to go with the modern, medicinal, almost star trek med bay look.

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grow it once and you'll see why.

600 - 750 watts will yield you 1.5 - 2+ pounds of top shelf on the right strain in 16 sq ft of space ever 2.5 - 3 months.

that's a lot of drugs / medicine that the government doesn't control and make money off of.

Found a pic of it. They took it from a perfect angle. Because if you were standing in there, it's a big wall of bongs. Its a shitty house on a shitty main street of a shitty town. Its the most Tarantino thing you've probably ever dared to walk into. You always got the vibe you were going to walk into an uncomfortable moment, because half the time, you did. Some fucking sketch would be in there, half-tweaky. So I never blamed the guy for being a little gruff.

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Its true man. Thats part of the allure for me though. Yeah I have to sidestep the tweaking guy coming down buying some fake molly but thats life. The hippy/street dude that owned the place I frequented was always gruff unless it was just you or a couple friendly people in the store, then he turned into Willie Nelson.


Ya man. I get what he did. He was smart when everyone else was being stupid. In like, '69, he bought some basic storefront in some lame town for five thousand bucks. Or whatever. And he sold all the cool shit to the locals. Probably a half-legit from the west-coast bikers to the east coast nobodies who just wanted to buy bowls and papers and comic books and stickers. Thats what they did. They lived upstairs of that basic house. And they got busted a bunch of times. But they're still there. Imagine the tough-nut motherfucker who lived upstairs of that fucking place for fifty years.

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Cause 'murica told us to do this back in the sixties, and we don't wanna piss off uncle 'murica seeing as we're right by the scary Soviets. Now we have two entire generations who have grown up with Nixon's ideals. These are 90% of our top politicians, and now they're too old to be convinced all "narcotics" aren't basically heroin.

Because the laws havent taken effect yet, 6 days to go fam

Attached: licking titties.jpg (960x1081, 92K)

conservative state

because we can afford to put people in jail for it unlike in america

if it's not a monopoly yet, it's not kosher

Attached: Pot Monopoly USA.png (996x932, 232K)