Why do liberals hate America?

Why do liberals hate America?

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Why are Americans hated by liberals?

Why does your question make no sense?

They don't. /trollthread

liberals dont hate america. it's their country to. youve been drinking too much of the fox news kool-aid

They do

>#Facts scare me
>#Where is my safe space

Except they do hate it. No one is drinking anything. You're the one drinking cum from your boyfriend.

Why are liberals obsessed with taking away constitutional rights, accepting illegal aliens and changing medical science to suit their fucked up ideals?

Liberals are just autistic faggots who don’t understand they are the ones giving republicans a reason to hate monger. We are all sick of feminist retards, niggers, and faggots all shitting on straight white men and would much rather vote for a stuck rich white dude who doesnt give a fuck about us than some retarded bitch talking about equality not knowing wtf equality is.

Facts don't scare me, I don't need a safe space like fox news, I'm proud to be a liberal American like our founding fathers. Fuck nazis, fuck Trump, freedom and our constitution will prevail over fascism. Have a good night, Boris and Vladimir, try again tomorrow kek.

>changing medical science
first of all, you fucking people hate science, hell you hate any education that doesnt align with the belief of your invisible friend. grow the fuck up

Sup libtard?

They don't, they're just retarded

They were libertarians, not liberals you dumb fuck

Because they had everything they wanted till they hit puberty and couldn't have sex cuz they were underage. Now they scream and cry because they feel "opressed" for no reason, when all they want is for someone else to make them orgasm.

You want socialism?

Why do faggots post this shit every day? Why do libs hate America, why do conservatives hate America.
Fuck what i want to know is why are the most retarded Americans the loudest? There are autists in special ed drooling on themselves with more of critical thought then anyone who subscribes to bullshit like this from eithier side.
>Wanna truly make America great again?
Kill pedos, fix our run down infrastructure, elect scientists and engineers along side lawyers and businesses into congress, tell chuches to eithier fuck off out of politics or pay taxes and most of all the learn the difference between fact and opinion.
>inb4 tl;dr

I agree, why are people posting nigger porn everyday? Wait, you're not complaining about that.

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The only gay people I've ever met were both staunch Republicans. Your argument is hollow, much like the space between your ears.

Gotta Love This.

Instead of airing the impeachment trial, Fox News fed viewers pro-Trump opinion in prime time.

Yeah that right, POS Fox Nutwork.

>Gotta love this
>Instead of impeachment
>They showed
>Fried chicken

F*ck FOX if they truly didn't want to upset their DUMB ASS viewers with live coverage of the 3rd impeachment in the last 150 years.

Please just stop being stupid.

I know, FUCK THEM for not wasting everyone's fucking time with this retarded shit. Where your team send up their quarterback, and he/she goes on a literal hours-long whine fest. My god, the nerve of them! Don't they know there are fags like you out there, triggered and in need of a safe space?

They hate themselves and their fathers and project that hatred onto other authorities and structural entities.

>implying theres a difference in parties.

Live coverage tomorrow, ha? FOX Bro

They do, at least as it currently operates.

Fortunately they hate themselves and each other too which is probably why they always fucking lose. When they aren't trying to out victim one another they're at each other's throats with the cancel culture and callout culture every bit as much as they are their opposition. They'll cut off and alienate their own over any perceived slight just as quick. One thing the backwoods hicks manage to do is not give a fuck if the next one reads s slightly different story book about jeebus and the skydaddy. At the end of the day they're voting for the guy who says "praise the lord and pass the ammo."

This divide and conquer shit needs to run its course but that won't ever happen with so much ignorance and hate on both sides. And unfortunately for the left they're hell bent on eating themselves right now so don't be surprised by four more years of Donny T.

The latest outrage is Joe Rogan backing Bernie so all the hyper-rads are foaming at the mouth over it and a bunch more mouth breathing, undecided retards will be wasting votes on Biden because of it. You fuckers slay me. Your best candidate is gonna get swept under the rug twice.

they are not liberals they are socialists and they hate america because the whole education system is in control of leftists when they arrive at university they are already radical communists, If Ronald mc Donald is intelligent he should intervene education.

Why does OP's question make no sense then?
