Give me a reason not to end it Cred Forums

Give me a reason not to end it Cred Forums

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Feet, chinese food, vidya games, the n word.

Weed and streaming services exist. Get a job and meet some people. You'll have something to talk about cause everyone watches tv shows. Get a dating app. user, just try to find little things to enjoy

I feel it man. Found out the girl I've been talking to has been talking to her ex. I have eplipsey and tbh hope I have a stress seizure and die in it rn

You haven't set up a livestream yet.

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We need your tax money.

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Don't be a faggot. Suicide is for pussies. Outlive your detractors, show them wrong. Don't let your legacy be that one faggot who offed himself after he couldn't deal with relationship issues.

the funny shit that Cred Forums post also you haven't seen all the porn

But if you die, who am I suppose to make fun of?

He'll be dead, why the fuck care.


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I just hope it happens while I'm in my seizure. I don't want to take my own life. I just want it to end. I love my family and everything I'm just so over the heart break. People have it worse than me I know that, but I'm so over being hurt. I told my dad i was going to kill myself and he started crying. Idk if you've ever seen a 52 year old man cry like a baby but it hurts. So i can't get myself to do that. Idk man

OP could just pay someone to kill him and potentially ruin someone's life (tht he hates)

Oh just kill yourself. You'll never make it in today's world anyway.

I'm not OP. Just refer to me as JT. I don't want to hurt her though

I'll miss you

never let someone who care so little hurt you so bad it's all a battle of attrition don't give up not yet

Maybe get some professional help? Some rational thinking won't hurt, but you have to do it yourself, you have to actually get the idea that you need help.

Life is hard, but it is what it is. You may think that you don't want to live in here, but that's because you are giving up. You won't find motivation feeling like that, you have to keep fighting and also keep your mental health in check.

tons of free porn

You're a special human being, like all of us. We all deserve to be happy and exist, so you shouldn't take your life so easily. I hope you feel better, and your life with continue even better. All of you, anons. Life is more than you see, you can do it.

You won't get to make this thread for the 1105'th time if you kill yourself!

you have to move on user
i know this time is fucking painful
but don't end your life here

death is boring user, you just rot and cease to exist

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rob a bank, build a house, murder a mouse, buy a tank AMERICU FUCK YEA!

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Thank you. It's hard man.

I went for a while after my 1st relationship and it helped. I might go. Sounds like a good idea tbh. I'm trying but it's hard. I'm a plumber for Roto Rooter and all my customers ask about me.
You're making me feel better. I just feel like I need to

Think of all the reasons of why you should.

I'm glad I could help. Good luck to you, and thanks for listening.

work a business angle on your customers make more money have more fun

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Also, yeah, the Internet probably won't help. But you might want to get a real professional help you, as I said, they are trained(I think lol) so they will help you heal and sort your thoughts

Go an hero degenerate

You are asking for one.