Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t eat raw meat. Fuck man this shit is so good. Grills...

Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t eat raw meat. Fuck man this shit is so good. Grills, cast iron whatever the fuck, and anything used for cooking is a scam.

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I like raw meat too but it gets old pretty quick

That’s why you make raw burgers

Seems like retards that do this are really just looking for any way to be different but if it floats your boat then just do it. I can't think of any reason that wouldn't just be vegan babble bullshit. Beat your meat and eat your meat, fugget dood.

You sound like a pussy that’s too afraid to try raw animal flesh. Fuck man, your ancestors would be ashamed. This has nothing to do with veganism, I don’t care if people malnourish themselves.

you'll get worms

Eat all the raw meat you want as long as it's fresh . Just stay clear of poultry as that shit will kill you if you eat it raw.

I'm not a vegan, I'm just picky when it comes to food. Fuck my ancestors, if you take pride in trying your best to follow in the footsteps of what is essentially a dumb nigger, then you're a dumb nigger as well. I'll cook meat and eat it how I'm used to, I see nothing "pussy" about not living like a retarded Neanderthal just for the sake of bragging rights.

As long as I cook the outside chicken is safe right?

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It's gross cold you edgy fuckwad

I greatly admire niggers. They understand what life is really about. Getting money and fucking bitches. We are animals and our desires are very simple. You are probably a cuck no doubt

There’s a little thing called hcl. Our stomachs make it. It’s why we can feast on other animals and not have to graze for 12-16 hours a day like the loser ruminant and herbivorous animals

You are very narrow minded. Don’t say you don’t like it if you haven’t tried it

Good luck with that Amerifat ignorant. Google Salmonella or Listeria for a start.

>Amerifat ignorant
Tonto Eurotrash

I recommend reading this book you brainwashed idiot.

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I have, shit's gross

Raw meat is very bland tasting. I don’t see how you think it’s gross.

No need to convince me, nature takes care of idiots like you. Enjoy your Darwin Award

Just go vegan

>I'll read any old shit with primal in the title

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dude everyone knows you can eat raw meat and most people who are men (basically everyone here) and older than 13 (debatably half of us here) are not afraid of pink meat. sounds like you just turned 14 you fucking faggot, get a personality

B4 you leave I’d like to know what you suggest eating for optimal health. Clearly you possess some divine knowledge that a barbaric heathen like myself clearly wouldn’t know about. Doesn’t have to a long reply, a few specific foods would be all right.

The food industry is very very low end. Most food workers are uneducated, ignorant, and lazy. The reason you shouldn't eat raw meat is that it is handled by dipshits. If you raised an animal, kept it healthy, made sure it was parasite free, then ate it raw, you'd probably be alright. Meat from the store is touched by so many hands that the only way you can trust it is to cook it fully.

Ah, forgot you guys dont have that in school anymore. Forgot it.

There's more to meat than "well done"

a nice mettbrötchen every now and then is delicious!

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If you live in the US I’d say move somewhere else.

99% of the people I’ve met irl like well done steaks. I’ve had maybe a handful say medium rare. Never had anyone say blue or outright raw. Maybe you just are fortunate to live around smarter people.

>raw meat
How to spot amerifag.

I should add that prime cuts of meat are generally safer. I'll eat a seared steak still cold in the middle since muscles are not really worm territory. The searing is necessary though, cause diupshit hands still touched it.

There would be nothing wrong with being a cuck if life is truly about what you just described, nigger-brain. If life is all about sexual pleasures then you would have to have "gotten bitches" to even be a cuck and furthermore you would be getting cucked as a way to achieve sexual pleasure. Evolution is pretty fucking key, yes we still have some urges but trying your hardest to be a primal retard because "we're animals" is the stupidest, edgy, teen comment that anyone can come up with. If you like eating meat then eat meat, don't blame it on primal urges though, faggot, cooking is a pretty primal thing as well. Burning the meat that you already planned on eating isn't exactly new technology.

America is one of the least polluted western countries. I live in rural Texas and I like it here. Why the fuck would I move to the frozen wasteland that is Canada or somewhere in Europe where I can’t own a gun?

whats wrong with u? pls end thyself

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Taste & Food borne illness. Enjoy your E. coli and salmonella rubber texture sandwich.

Also, if you eat well done steaks, you are a faggot.

Ah, a Trumpster. Nevermind.

>I live in rural Texas and I like it here
Explains everything. Living in the shithole inside of another shithole, what a loser.

not op but i own a small amount of livestock but i got to be honest, having to physically kill animals just because I want a quail burger has probably cut down my meat consumption by 75%. I know cows wouldn't be there unless people raised them to be eaten but it still feels bad.

Not the taste the fucking temperature. Raw fish? Sushi? Alright. But raw beef? Are you kidding me? If you think it's better raw and cold than rare/slightly cooked and warm you're lying to yourself.

>has never so much as seen Texas in person.

Fresh clean air, green grass and green trees, AND I’m still close enough to the city that I have gigabit internet? Fuck man, what are you talking about? It’s great here. Only a city rat could be so retarded

I mean that's the reason we warm up most canned foods. cold food doesn't have much of an aroma for starters.

This fucking hick

Because meat is murder

>Living in America
>Unironically thinking burgers isn't something only plebs eat
>Dying because cops/some retard shot you
>It’s great here
I feel sorry for you, you poor plebian.

lol, nice baiting OP, lot's of morons seem to fall for it. But really, raw meat can contain harmful bacteria, also protein bioavailability is like twice smaller than in cooked meat

Life isn’t all about sex dummy but it is a big part of it. When you take in enough cholesterol to keep your testosterone sky high you naturally get big strong erections without trying and if you look good you can always find bitches willing to take that dick. Only losers jerk off to porn. If you jerk off it means you want sex but can’t find a partner so you are a loser. The money is there to facilitate the other fun parts of life. Fast cars, vacations, whatever bs you might want.

I didn’t identify you as a trumpster bc. you live in Texas, but because you quoted him: „America is one of the least polluted ...“
Now tell me I‘m wrong

You're wrong

A burger can be complete shit or ok or exceptional. A burger has all 3 macros. Carbs, protein, and fat. The carbs fuel my muscles so I can move around with incredible agility and the protein and fat maintain my cells so they don’t deteriorate. The burger I posted is ok because the McDonald’s bun is fucking dogshit but I’m getting into making sourdough bread so I can have the best possible bread combined with 100% grassfed raw beef.

If you eat canned foods you are a loser. Heavy metal poisoning, bpa leeching, and cooked to hell so there are no nutrients. Hahaha

you're trying too hard

Raw beef - or as the civilized world calls it: steak tartare

Once I get off the toilet I’ll post my Ethernet speeds but this is my WiFi speeds man. Better internet than you for certain.

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Steak tartare is a dish and if you believe in being civilized you are a massive faggot. Lol, just imagining some fucking dude jerking off to himself because he’s wearing a shit and eats with a fork and knife. Hahaha fuck man

Looks like I got trips for trying “too hard” my dude

Hard work goes a long way

It's fine. We're omnivores. Eat whatever you want. Are quail eggs good? I've always been curious.

They are very good fried

So you admit your „creation“ isnt a dish and you dont wear a shirt (at least I hope thats what you meant) when you eat?
Well, it was kind of fun but I’ll look for someone more suited for a discussion at eye level.

Cooked meat has more protein pound for pound than raw meat because raw meat has a lot more water. You still get all the protein because we have a carnivore’s digestive tract and the body is very efficient at absorbing nutrients from meat.

I'll have to try them some time. They're just expensive here because they're not popular.

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Are you trying to convince me you're not a hick? Not making a good case if so...

My raw burger is a dish, just like steak tartare. Steak tartare is minced raw beef and a raw egg yolk. My dish is minced raw beef and a Big Mac without the McDonald’s beef.

When you look good man, you’ll enjoy showing off skin. Trust me. Only fat people try to hide everything. That’s why fat kids keep their shirts on when they go to the pool.

I don’t care if I am or am not a hick. Your labels mean nothing. Now post your internet speed so I can laugh at you.

You can eat whatever you want but you can only achieve optimal health with certain foods. People can live on McDonalds but they sure as fuck won’t be healthy. When you achieve optimal health, you will discriminate against unhealthy foods because you will never want to return to poor health.

Did you know your MAGA hat was made in China?

Not wearing a shirt might work in rural Texas

Why do you assume I support Trump? If he made raw milk completely legal instead of letting states put bullshit restrictions on it I’d be all over him but instead he’s doing fuck all.


>Rural Texas
>"America is one of the least polluted western countries"
>Dissing Canada/Europe because you can't have your guns
>Using the term "Nigger"/"Nigger-Brain"/"Dumb Nigger"

Face if OP, you're a racist, white trash, Trump supporting, raw meat eating, Rural-American, hick piece of shit. Burn in hell my dude.

You should refrigerate it, fool.

A bowl of raw eggs for breakfast is the best!

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see and and I used the word nigger because this is Cred Forums.
Clearly I am not white, nor do I hate niggers, nor do support Trump. hahahaha fuck man

You should try eating raw eggs with the egg shell. The egg shell is crunchy and is full of essential minerals. My bones are much stronger ever since I started eating one entire egg every day. I do like to eat another 5 without the egg shell because one egg is not enough protein or cholesterol and 5 more egg shells would be way too many minerals.

it's been high before but still pretty good

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u sound like ur 12

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yeah looks like the thread is kill

I will go away now