Homeless thread

Homeless thread.
Camped out in parklands right now. Took this pic a few hours ago. Been walking around so much, my shoes are filling with blood. Ps not a meth head or heroin addict, just an unfortunate soul

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>filling with blood
slight exaggeration there, faggot.

Learn to tape your feet. Youre really bad at being homeless so far.

Serves you right for wasting money on shitty shoes.

dude sit down lmao

Those shoes are pretty new for being homeless

Why not just break into one of the many many empty houses and squat there? Even if there's no utilities, it's still a fucking roof over your head

I don't understand homeless people logic

Jesus, u guys really liketo help outur fellow anons dont u?

Get a job or fuck somebody that has a job.

Wouldnt know where to find one buddy. The park is fine for now, beats sleeping on the street

But you are sleeping on the street

just get a house

what does your camp look like?

go west to cali or south to florida

>not a meth head or heroin addict
Yeah right every long-term homeless person is a drug addict

Where tf are you that has no empty houses? Literally every city in the western world has hundreds

what do you mean? if you're here to beg for money then do it so we can troll you, but you didnt ask for anything, you just blog posted

Nah im not as weak as u n ur friends are. Ive been homeless 2 months and i smoke weed and drink. Come from a piece of shit family and no real friends

fuck out of here, we dont need more homeless in FLA.

Just kys OP

Alright, mother fucker, here's some hot Protips.
Scavange through city dumpsters (or around waste collection areas) for some cardboard. That shit will be decent for a sleeping pad and insulate your body heat from the ground. Many churches have food pantries, or at least will be nice enough to point you in the right direction. Start collecting empty, clean plastic containers (and bags), that shit will come in handy when you need some waterproof material. And seriously, try to sit around as much as possible and save your energy, if you're not fed and hydrated, your energy will run out fast. Good luck, god speed, and don't do drugs.

>Come from a piece of shit family and no real friends
at least you're living up to your family name.

Im just bored, and alone in the dark. Feel like talking to people

well whats up? idk where parklands is at, how easy is it for a bum to cop some weed? obviously you'd have to be sucking dick all day to get an eight but can you find it free somehow?

Lmao that was great. First time I heard of the guy. Any other comedians like this?

My grandmother and father commited suicide. My family have always been pushing me out or calling the police on me for nothing since i was sixteen

So that's it huh, you're gonna be a victim for the rest of your life?

I dont know about that but, i hate being lonely and ive been alone all my life

KYS you fucking loser. Just because “I had a hard time, boo-hoo...” you’re now going to be the lowest form of human life, a drug addict homeless person? 30,000 years ago people managed to lead better lives with nothing but wildlife and willpower. How about you stop whining about your shit, stop smoking weed and drinking, find a lake and wash, go to a restaurant that’s hiring and say you’ll do dishes for free if they can pay you in meals... do that for a week, do double shifts, anything, then you start getting paid and you can sort yourself out a motel to stay, or a couch on craigslist. Now you’re back on your feet. Or you can keep being a loser.

Don't listen to the haters, user. I'd smoke dope with you and let you suck my dick.

>shoes are nearly brandnew

just go home your parents won't be mad retard

has a charged phone or laptop. You can tell they arent really homeless because someone faggy enough to call that blood filled is a mark.

OP, stay in the park, get robbed/raped by the homeless and go home having learnt your lesson, dont cosplay shit like this.

Most of the people reading this would be shit scared if i approached u on the street. Id fuck u up the ass bitch

I have a butcherknife in my backpack

Being homeless doesn't mean he's brain dead you stupid faggots. This isn't 1901, you can plug shit into trees in some cities. Fucking niggers


Unless you were wearing those shoes, right?
Then you'd have shoes 'filling with blood'

The homeless guys I know that have laptops but they arent living in parks. We're just gonna pretend this kid on his own is able to protect his shit at night in a park?

People who wear converse and walk until they bleed don't scare me, no. I ain't afraid, I'd let you suck my dick yo. You're not gonna bite.

Its internet toughguy talk, i know, but trust me ;)

Unfortunately he was one of a kind.

Being homeless doesn't mean it's the wild west you retard. Some homeless are just as much niggers as regular people, but not all. Imagine calling OP a faggot, which he is, but then having this retarded perspective on homeless.

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do you wanna make out as i fuck your ass?

You ever see yourself getting out of this life by yourself?

Yeah dude, its all upstanding gentlemen.

You dont seem to understand. It just takes one asshole, or even one guy with the shakes or one guy who needs money. Its not like you can lock your shit up. This whole thread is retarded and playing into this kids fantasy.

homeless get good free shit all the time.
seen plenty of people make a life of it

Yeah but that takes more work than what would have kept them off the streets

It's not the wild west nigger. Do you not think homeless people stick together? They just freely rob the people in the shack next to their own? actual autism

If OP is at a hobo camp, isn't an asshole, he should be fine, or does your nigger city have homeless dropping from the fucking sky and getting beheaded in the streets.

so fucking true.
if it isnt owned by a private corp, its owned by a bank

Yes. One day. But itll never be here in australia where im at. For me, this country never changed from the prison colony it was founded as

Yeah dude, the homeless often avoid city shelters because people are so friendly and respectful of space and property.

Its not huck finn out there. Im speaking from experience. Leathertramps dont like new kids and let you know.

Buy better shoes fucken idiot, don't give me the broke b.s. they have dirt cheap shoes that are good for walking. Fucken idiot wearing converse kek

Im a loner, i try to sleep in real isolated places

ha. i thought you were in america, noy UK

Dont answer the trolls user, they probably never gone through a hard time. I can not give you any tipps because my english far to bad for it, but know that it will get better. Just dont let the hard times fuck you head up.

I'm at work right now where I deal with homeless everyday. But yeah go ahead and act like this 1801 and Jack the ripper is out murdering homeless niggers.

Most homeless get by sleeping at the same place, charging their shit at places they know they can walk to. The "let the new kid know" is some faggotry saw in a documentary. Homeless people don't give a fuck what you're up, they are busy being homeless retard.

There's probably a reason you have no friends then, if it isnt meth or heroin its probably the drinking.

>busy being homeless

Posting up in a Panera Bread isnt busy.

Or in Cali place is riddled with Fucken bums

You think food just appears next to their cardboard box nigger. Being a wagie is the same shit as what they do outside where you buy soy. He just works on his own schedule kek

>for nothing
Sure Faggot, now I see why you have no friends or family. You seem like a lying sack of shit who deserves to be homeless.

Thank you. Gracias. Efharisto :)

U must be australian

homeless, yet still posting on Cred Forums

Wow the way you paint it, we should all go homeless. Great community, no stress, choose your schedule.

>this strawmen

GG faggot go watch more homeless documentaries and stay inside

Faggot, you built that strawman.

kek I will, I worked for an apartment instead of throwing a pity party.

Lol.when ur homeless u have alot more time to people watch and study people. Youll notice lots of people are shit scared of the world

good job user. Maybe watch life after porn, that way you can tell us all how it feels like a bag of sand

>he has a laptop charged he can't be homeless hurrdurr
>Homeless people don't live like monkeys
>homeless people always rape and Rob each other hurr Durr
>then why aren't they laying dead filling up the street
>hurrdurr my leatherbf tested my leathery asshole when I went homeless durrr

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Damn OP, you still here?

seems youve found yourself in a thread with almost no one that can actually relate, just a bunch of normie fags that have no idea.

Look, you got to treat life like a video game sometimes, youre just a new character starting out with a sob backstory, and it happens and it sucks but it is what it is, life can still be your oyster, whatever that means. Its goingto suck pretty bad for a while and it will seem like theres no end in sight pretty much the entire time, but life is crazy, who knows whatll happen to you, theres downs but theres also ups. Its really a character building exercise. I wouldn't trade my year or so as a youth being homeless for a youth spend in lavish wealth fucking the baddest teens.

Honestly i think the only way, in hindsight, to make it out is it be the dopest person you can be and challenge yourself at a moral level every day. Youre still pretty young, right? time goes by fast but a lot can happen in a short time also.

I have so many experiences and shyt to say about being homeless, idk, was there any questions in specific or what are we talking about here?

dubs of truth

Thanks bro i appreciate it . Im just here for the company really. Any interesting stories from ur time being homeless?

So many, i broke up with my high school sweet heart of 5 years, i got deep into philosophy and one day in a mcdonalds I met a monk, i was just sitting there drinking a large coffee on a colder morning(california, so not that cold) and a monk(picture link the sholin kind) straight up walked out of the bathroom, toilet paper stuck on his foot, slight squish in his step, he came straight up and sat right across from me and started talking to me about shit. That helped shape me a lot, i was at a really confusing time where i was formless and i was torn between trying to be a good person like i wish everyone else was, and like the very few people who id met that had helped me, an just being basically a sociopath potential career criminal(shit childhood too, got into being a jacka/break in artist young, and i went hard(also im white/blond hair beach bum rockstar looking type, dont call me a bean or nignog or whatever you fags say lol)). Frank yang reminds me of this nameless monk i met.

I ended up working for a contractor that had a lot of work in residentials with a guy who bought houses, and he oversaw the flipping for his investor client. at this time I was 20/21 and things were starting to look up for me, i ended up getting full rights to whatever houses i was working on, i ended up non homeless and in essence had about 6 houses and i threw parties at mnost of them eery other week and it was a blast. Its no problem to throw a party at a house with 0 worries about it being trashed when youre about to completely remodle everything anyways, then invite the chiller crowds to functions at the houses once theyre improved, i never had an issue.

POS confirmed. I'm glad your fucken homeless and have no friends and family, your as bad as a nigger fucken dindu nuffin.

Cool bro

Hes not the op retard

Lets see, i ended up using my life savings to buy a broken down concrete pump and f250 and i bulletproofed the 250 and fixed up the pump and started a little company, jumped in the world of running concrete pumps and got utterly destroyed and humbled for the next 2 months or so, kept at it, ended up being a beast of a pumper, made good money, caught the eye of one of my contractor clients id pump for who intordeuced me this this real cool cat out here on the west coast, you see this cat was a big money guy, into stocks and forex and large scale trading and wholesale of commodities like cannabis and the likes, flipped sports cars aswell, stuff like this. this guys main this was he was a pimp, a legit classy pimp. Now this old cat had went to Stanford out here and got a masters and grew up like how me and you did, actually he was orphaned pretty young, took in by white tailor trash family like mine, got lucky and had an awesome coach in high school, dude grew up to be a poll vaulter and got a scholarship to standford, went to the olympics, all that kind of shit, awesome life for a young half black dude during the 90s, ended up breaking his neck in his early 30s and couldnt walk for like a year, had to relearn to walk, his life changed, this is when he got into pimping his life got a lot rougher, no family, medical debt, lost his job, kid on the way. this man struggled through his 30s but by time he hit 40 he was legit, a made man once again, owned a few massage parlors, a nhightclub, was getting good at forex and stocks, driving nice cars like amg S 63s and porches and shyt, eventually he got loose with it and got busted, did 4 years in a penitentiary. now hes all into "white money" and i only met his once he was on the up and up rebuilding after the while prison thing but that man became like my main mentor. I learned so much game on life from him.

Its good to have someone to look up to that you actually know. I know someone like that. Im a pretty hateful person and hes probably one of the only people i know that i respect. At least i know im not totally antisocial

id just say out of everything going on, make working on yourself a priority. id also recommend that you explore and do a lot of new shit, the truth is we are not the masters of our own house. That is to say, we dont really have definitive control over our thoughts and feelings.Imagine up and idea of who you might want to be, and try and be that. make amap of how you could really become that person doing those things in 5 years.

You know i used to think that i was a pretty social person, always popular at school kind of thing, and i thought i just had this aweful habbit of acting like an asshole for reasons i didnt understand, but after taking a job working on cell towers and traveling all over the USA and working in almost every state ive realized, im not that much of a people person, im just a thinker, which can get people interested in what i have to say but im not special or blessed or something, like i used to think when i was younger and like all the girls wanted to hang out with me or whatever. I also learned that im just a dangerous guy, hardly an asshole or a psycho. Now when i say dangerous guy i dont mean im like some serial murderer or something, i just mean im inclined to do dangerous stuff, growing waayyyy too much weed and mushrooms, bringing a lot of drugs over the border, robberies, climbing 500 feet up a cell tower, shit like that. idk im lit, just the things you learn about yourself.


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What did you do at your cell tower job?

PIM hunting and mitigation with antritsu analyzers.

"not a meth head or heroin addict" not yet buddy, just you wait until you have the means to afford a way to escape for a night or two. Most of us don't start out as drug addicts, it tends to happen later on. Unless the person chose to do hard drugs rather than pay their rent.

No, just weaklings like u get addicted to hard drugs

I don't even do hard drugs anymore kid

wasn't addicted either

niggas homeless dude obviously got limited brains don't lay into him smdh


I'm a drug addict.