Give me your best greta Cred Forums

give me your best greta Cred Forums

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About time they patched her.

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You couldn't imagine the things I'd do to this young lady

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I’d take her to a nice seafood restaurant just so we could save the lobster

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She is 17

Isnt Ted Kachinsky like Greta but instead of yelling at people he mailed them bombs?!

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you mean that you'd probably cry out of sheer anxiety of having to talk to someone without a penis?


Am I the only one on /b that unironically supports her and thinks she's doing a very good thing?

Comes from a good place but she comes off like every other high schooler who is starting to learn about whats wrong with the world.

you are on Cred Forums, 99% fags here would shit their pants out of fear if they ever had to actually dispute with greta about anything more serious than trap porn, so yeah, here they are, compensating for it

Leave it to the right-wingers to depict sex with minors. What's next, the left wants to normalize pedophilia?

No, not at all. Ted was fucked by his government and became a terorist. Greta is a retarded screaming child.
You seem like you'd try to push a square into a circular hole if you think there's any equivalence there.

this, exactly this. If you oppose the idea of global warming and climate changing, then you are a fucking idiot, but it's not like she changed anything. Media took on this topic, yes, but it's not a new thing and she didnt actually accomplish any actual change

It's a good thing but talk is cheap

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That sun is getting way to much enjoyment out of what going on

This is the dumbest shit ever.

If you're not a literal child slave you can't highlight issues facing our world. That's the right wing position now apparently.

meme stupid as fuck, proves that you are just a braindead moron who would repost anything from the internet

Ok, my dicks the size of your forearm

I don't care about the cause, she cute though.

She really triggers you morons, doesn't she?

we need a jeremia video on which he fuck her in the ass while her head is in the toilets

>If you're not a literal child slave you can't highlight issues facing our world.
it's clearly not about that
Greta is complaining that people stole her childhood, when she's undeniably part of the luckiest group of children (white, 2 parents, household with money)

I mean she organized the climate strike and is speaking at summits which is more than most can say though? She does come off as an angry high schooler, but I can forgive it though because she is an angry high schooler and we all did that shit at some point. It just wasn't televised lol.

how many niggers do you think she's fucked?

>Greta is complaining that people stole her childhood
That's only one of things she said. How funny you'd get hung up on one statement so you can pretend she's all wrong.

so what, you mean that she has no right to complain? People can't say shit about world around them, because someone else out there has it worse?

fucking retards gatekeeping complaining
>hurr if you are not living in slave conditions, you can't talk shit about anything

Why do I find this girl so physically attractive? I don’t get it..

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Stop being a retard for just a moment.

here is her actual quote:

"You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words, yet I'm one of the lucky ones. People are suffering, people are dying, entire ecosystems are collapsing,

She is clearly chastising the inaction of the previous generation to address the major issue of industrializations effects on our climate. She says again and again that's it's not about her but about the science denialism and inaction.

Take a sidestep out of your echochamber. Greta is right and the fact she triggers the FUCK out of right wingers is just the cherry on the cake.

I know, right?

Its not even the full statement, thats half a sentence from one of her speeches.

Spinning a while counter argument out of half a sentence is literally autistic.

if you are over 25 years old and you are so triggered by Greta that you have to announce it to the world, then you fucked up, your genes are already a parody, don't pass them

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nipples protruding in her black dress before the UN, very very disrespectful

picnicking on trains is absolutely ratchet

I'm not hanging to one statement you brainless fagot, I don't interest myself in the greta movement
I was just pointing out that this user, wish is suppose is (you), was answering something not correlated to the previous message.
Let me make it clearer for you :
>out of this 9 children, 1 make a statement about "x"
>this is the dumbest shit ever, if she's not a slave, she cannot say "y"?
Do you see it now or are you gonna stay a glue eating retard?

People are triggered by her because they find her attractive but it’s the polar opposite of their politics ridiculous inner conflict

>the UN
but those pedos liked it

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I bet her butt cherry smells of sea-salt and dill. I'd lick it clean after she'd taken a shit

well, you seem to have pretty serious brain damage because she never said "x". she said "y", which, if you only read half the sentence and cherry-pick some words, could sound like "x"

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Bet it smells like Islam cock

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same for you, read that : And again, I don't care about the Greta debate. Just learn to read you bunch of illiterate. Then you'll be able to debate correctly.

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LOL imagine being so triggered by one random climate speaker.

right wing sense of humour at its finest

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>Just learn to read you bunch of illiterate.

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you are not making sense anymore, you stupid faggot, it's ironic how you call us illiterate and yet you got lost in your own fucking words go kys

>sense of humour
If only I had been joking.

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Yes, SO "random." Because they didn't deliberately choose an untouchable retarded child to be the voice of the latest globalist power grab.

The planet isn't flat and we really went to the moon.

Just throught you should know you fucking retard.

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You think she shaves it?

please just shut the fuck up, your brain has been dead for so long that it actually feels like verbal necrophilia

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It's an outstanding insight that this type of pathetic shit is the Rights best response to her.

You'd support bombing those kids if Trump told you that they were terrorists in Agrabah.

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So obsessed....

Nah, 99 percent of climate related scientists are the voice of this "power grab". She's just an activist who happens to trigger pedophiles

>please just shut the fuck up

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>feels like verbal necrophilia

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>Luisa-Marie Neubauer (21 April 1996, Hamburg[1]) is a German climate protection activist. In Germany, she is one of the main organizers of the School strike for climate movement, inspired by Greta Thunberg. She supports the implementation of Agenda 2030 in Germany and a climate policy that is compatible with the Paris Agreement. Neubauer is a member of Alliance 90/The Greens and the Green Youth. She is involved in various organizations, including organizations for climate protection, intergenerational justice and against global poverty.

>Marie-Neubauer is also one of the "frontmen" for an organization called "One" foundation (funded by George Soros), which focuses on climate change issues.

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i think you are the retard

>climate related scientists

In 1970 "climate related scientists" were predicting an ice age, mass starvation, and the end of oil.

I don’t get how climate change is politicized.. imagine debating wether or not cancer is a health concern.. imagine being that dumb you’re going to argue irrefutable facts because some faggot in a red tie told you to.

why would I give a fuck about what a braindead retard like you thinks about anything

>Shovels more doritos into mouth
>Wipes off dust on shirt before washing it down with R/C Cola
>Pushes Pizza Hut box aside to pull out keyboard
>'starving kids hurrr durr. Greta hurr durr'

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>George Soros

LMAO. Take your Brain Force PLUS and turn back on Infowars you gigantic faggot.

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She's been legal both where I come from and where she comes from since before she got famous. The whole minor defense of her is such a weak angle anyway, you'd be better off whining about her autism than her age.

The debate is really more about the severity of "climate change" and whether it's actually climate change at all. Funny thing is, green energy is already being embraced and utilized en masse, so I'm not sure what else these lunatics expect.

just imagine how the rest of the world is literally fucking minors every day and has it enshrined legally

does it make you salty cuck that you can't live your pedophilia like the rest of them?


I stated facts that makes me a conspiracy theorist. Gotcha. Someone is paying for Greta's extended vacation. You think her parents are paying her to travel all over the world with a team of adults?

>your brain has been dead for so long

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Cute as shit

India and China purposely over stated their emissions and so it looks like they reduced them when they finally reported their actual emissions. Also she's a cunt and your a fag

Would bone.

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Because you're a pathetic loser so you spam Cred Forums threads attacking benign comments so strangers will give you the attention your parents never did.

I find the Soros thing always so awesome, he runs the most profitable hedgefund that ever existed and on wikipedia and many other places there are long lists of how and when he fucked over complete countries, setting them back economically and affected hundreds of millions negatively.

I wonder if he's aware of the negative effects that such things usually cause and protection for things like climate, people, the weak is usually one of the first things to go when the money is missing.

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yeah, no, eat shit

Greta has down's, but she is not that dumb

God I want a girl w eyes like that.

Facts, figures, charts and graphs all accurate when it comes to condemning niggers.. But astonishingly the same methodology is discarded when we talk about climate change

You think she's still a virgin?

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better rip that bandaid off sooner than later. That is something you need to come to terms with. Half of the posts here are just attention seeking.

I'd eat Greta's shit

Glad I'm not the only one.

who the fuck is genuinely interested in that

it would clearly be the best part of you

Top kek.

and more

The left actually wanted to do this here in Germany about 40 yrs ago; but not anymore, at least that's what they claim.

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Ya know he got kicked out of his home country, right? Hungary literally kicked him out for being a globalist shit disturber.

>The Open Society Foundations (OSF) announced in May that it was leaving Hungary, citing what it called the “repressive” policies of nationalist firebrand Prime Minister Viktor Orban.


>not that dumb

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Nah that would be my penis.

I'm not right wing I just like to fuck dorky teenagers

nothing says triggered quite like posting a "left can't meme" meme

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She honestly looks like helper pepe

Again, WHAT are supposed to be doing that we're not already doing???

Totally true. All naysayers are propagandist faggots that don't get the point.

all mighty 2 inches of it

>being this ignorant

>being this thick

Living like a caveman, obviously. Greta is clearly just a mouthpiece for the anarchoprimitivism movement.

Nice stolen meme nigger

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Reuters actually used that image yesterday. So weird.

If she has bled, she's good to go

white knights out in force


Explain in your own time and your own words why NASA is wrong you complete spastic.

How fucking stupid are you?Can't keep more than one idea in your head at once? lol

no wonder people don't take you seriously

Nowhere close to the majority at the time, but thanks for grasping at straws

>Nice stolen meme nigger

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are you really using a edited meme as the original? this is troglodyte dumb

>Greta is right and the fact she triggers the FUCK out of right wingers is just the cherry on the cake.
she's a child being told what to say by her parents, the ones that manipulate her media feed and say it's her. Children don't know shit about the world. Most parents don't either.

Don't need more than two inches to make myself happy. Not really worth mentioning how you're just proving my point by responding to a post that was literally just "muh dick". Go beg for someone else's attention now, I'm done playing with you.

I guess this opens the door for the next climate hoax celebrity, someone who decides to actually live in a cave and not consume any energy in order to fight climate change.

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I feel like I'm having a stroke looking at this shoop when I know her real block headed FAS face.

Don’t care about the politics just the pokies

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Your 'argument' is pedantic and pathetic and you just look stupid. Get off damage control and let the adults have fun.

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It's pretty well documented that her parents had nothing to do with her interest in climate activism.

Goddamn, who's this babe?


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>nothing says retarded quite like posting a "Trump hate" meme

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you were shitty distraction at best, just like you probably are at everything else in your life

Why has no rule 34 of her been produced?

>nothing says retarded quite like supporting trump

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Soros is the boogie man to conservatards. If he is funding something, then it must prove that it's all part of some insidious left wing agenda.

Ok retard

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it just says give me your best greta so there is a photo lol

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Seeing as it's a celebrity we're talking about we both know they'd still be using fuck loads of energy the second the cameras are off.

Most people here don't like seeing a kid manipulated into doing this.

More mature

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Sorry for distracting you from your quest to garner more attention from strangers. Good luck with that.

Ah Langstrecken-Luisa

just conspiracy theories

pathetic, jesus christ, just pathetic

>the majority

>46 years ago, some 20 million Americans protested and demanded that the government curb pollution, protect wildlife and conserve natural resources.

>Environmental scientists led the movement, predicting chilling futures—that overpopulation would cause worldwide famine; pollution would blanket cities and kill thousands; a mass extinction was upon us; oil and mineral reserves were about to run out. Nearly all of these predictions foresaw doom by the year 2000—which we’re now far past.


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The only hoax is there is any serious scientific debate on the climate crisis. But keep gulping down that Fox News Kool Aid


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Thanks for sharing proof democrats don't want "open borders"

quads wasted on faggy orange retard elected president
sad day

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>gulping down that Fox News Kool Aid

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She had 15 minutes of fame and then you guys decided to fap to her and make her a legend

There being absolutely no debate on a scientific topic is a bad thing, Einstein. Just because smart people blindly accept something doesn't automatically make that thing scientifically correct.

How sad for you

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Imagine thinking any political system stays exactly the same as it was 14 years later

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imagine being stupid enough to believe this con man

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But, but, but.... Democrats want open borders!

>Thanks for sharing proof democrats
agree with Trump

Look in mirror to view a real dumb ass

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go back cammon

LOL she's legal in most of the world and most of the US.

Nice meme, but how about showing the same Arctic ice floe in 2013 and 2016 instead of the same picture twice? The ice caps are melting at an unprecedented rate. There are areas of land being exposed for the first time since Neanderthals walked the earth.

No, they are liars.

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I actually somehow wanna meet her!

Not the hero we deserved,
But the hero we needed.

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>how about showing
me your ass hole

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This one made me laugh. Climate change is true but scientists warned the world years before Greta. She's just a marketing product whom managed to piss off right wing boomers and maga faggots

You do realize there are auctual girls from pedo island on video clearing him of that right.....Get Trump's dick out ya throat..

you do realize everyone has a gun pointed at them, right?

Scientists all over the world warned us about climate change for decades but you didnt listen and now you use Greta's age to neglet it, yet again.

That's pure retardation.

Climate change is a hoax.. This cloud of shit over the city is completely normal.. We haven’t altered the environment at all.. The literal fuckiing retards in here..

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>Climate change is true but
man made climate change is bullshit because the climate was changing before man started polluting the earth.

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Please, add a short slogan to this image.
But something shorter.

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Yes, warned us about climate change after they warned us about the impending ice age, kek.

That's not how science works, brainlet. When theories are tested, proven, and peer reviewed to the point of scientific consensus there is no point in blindly challenging it. The only ones trying to deny climate change are the same industries that are causing it, and the lobbyists and politicians on their payroll.

It would be a damned shame to make the planet better if we didn't really have to. Think of the poor billionaires who would make slightly less profit.

>Scientists all over the world
Are paid by government grants to
>warned us about climate change for decades
I wonder what would happen if they stopped?
I hear McDonald's is hiering.

Los Angeles is a bowl full of cars. A LOT of cars. Travel 20 miles out of that bowl, and the air is clean. Nice try though.

Climate deniers are poor useless faggots. They cant afford any more taxes so they make up psuedo science to cover up that theyre just failures financially. Fuck eatting the rich can we just start putting poor people to sleep

LOL, yeah, the Democrats are the real liars here. When the orange faced retard-in-chief can't open his mouth without a thousand verifiable falsehoods coming out every minute.


Remember when scientist told us that smoking was healthy, and blacks were not 100% human?
Yeah, maybe we should listen more.

>>Cred Forums
Just you couldn't get laid with Jennifer, doesn't mean you have to fuck everyone else life.

I hate to break it to you but there's these things called numbers and they help convey whether something is happening faster than usual.

Citation needed

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>hillbilly with internet

that...doesn't even make any sense, fucking garrison is a retarded schizo

She doesn't speak those languages and they don't have free press. Try again.

>happening faster than usual.
This is what's know as "an alternative fact"

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Is this really your argument you dumb fuck? “There’s no problem just drive out of the problem area..” fucking lol

>hur durr, they was wrong in the 70s so their still wrong now
The supercomputers they had 50 years ago were less powerful than the phone I'm typing this on. They had the right hypothesis, but came to the wrong conclusion. They have 50 more years of data and exponentially more advanced computer modeling to make scientific predictions now.

"I can't afford to pay for private healthcare and I'm mad because my company switched to the cheaper government plan"

well somebody has to voice those children, they can't obviously do it themselves, working 16 hours a day to produce you another Iphone for cents a day, you stupid western cuck

You are special kind of retard. Please explain me how childhood of this rich Swedish bitch was "stolen"?

Ha, ha
Yu retaded

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Give me a politician that has kept his promises. Obama didn't either.

I've a Master Degree in Economy and Management, I'm not educated enough to decript this pile of nonsense

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Nah, just global temperature over time data.

well obviously since those predictions didn't come true exactly as they foretold, they are never gonna come true, so let's just keep polluting the way we do

Well that is the take away I intended

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In b4 "haha between the record setting 90s and the record setting 2010s there was a period that wasn't breaking as many records, I win"

>You'd support bombing those kids
You have now fucking idea what real right wingers want you faggot. Excuse me, obama or clintons were right wingers? Also I dont give a shit what fucking kike puppet trump wants. Im not american. Not whole world is america you stupid fucking retard.

that is retarded beyond belief, those countries pollute to produce you a new Iphone every fucking year, stop buying so much crap and they will cut down on pollution

Sounds like your company is run by a bunch of liberals user.

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Mona Thunberg

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Tell us more about your self user, I'm on the edge of my toilet seat.

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>stop buying so much crap and they will cut down on pollution
How do you know this dude is like that? Most idiots buying to much shit are fucking normies and woke faggots like you.

Maximizing profits at all costs. Wow, such liberal.

See the problem is, if you just listen to the media, you get lied too. If you do your own actual research you’ll see the planet has been cooling for more than 15 years. Climate change is a normal phenomenon. Why it turned into something to scare people is beyond me. Let me red pill you, the sun controls our weather, not man.

The wild MAGA :
>can't come up with actual facts
>can't formulate thoughtful sentences
>is uneducated
>sees of the whole world through a narrowminded manichean division between lefties and righties
>express all his limitations and frustrations with meme of less than a few words

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Yes, it's true. You can pay scientists to say anything you want them to say.

Are you retarded?

Well if you knew the answer, then why did you ask?

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Yes, that's my argument. What exactly do you propose as an alternative? Take people's cars away?

You could apply and get your green card for Alabama or Texas anytime given how retarded you sound

Have Arms and Legs amputated?
Remove her Teeth, cut her vocal Cords, blind and deafen her?
Lock her inside her fucked up Mind, fuck her until she is 7 Months pregnant and then roast her whole ?

....lame, i got even better Ideas ....

Yeah you tell em! The Jew run media and those stupid scientists with their fancy book learning degrees..


Being autistic Greta would shit her pants first, autistic people often have bowel movement issues (along with being completely defective as human beings)

Global warming isn't real retard, that's why they have to call it climate change

you should see a psychiatrist

Wake up morons. This post and everything to do with this chick is controlled opposition. Fucking retards you have to realize these 100 daily posts aren’t by a troll but by a shill who is being paid to push an agenda

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She never organised anything, her handlers do all that (and probably rape her). They love getting close to children

You began calling names when you ran out of ideas hereI win again

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srsly, are you retarded?

>let's just keep polluting the way we do

But we're not. Not even close. We're not burning leaded gasoline anymore, we have a clean water act, a clean air act, more protections for wildlife than ever before, severe restrictions on air emissions, recycling is literally everywhere, hybrid and electric cars are being widely embraced, homes and businesses are using PV arrays, LED lighting, and the masses are embracing energy conservation.

What else exactly should we be doing?

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bruh i want to just slobber all over those toes

>Let me redpill you
>followed by total nonsence

If "the sun" controled the weather all by itself, climate wouldnt have changed since the formation of earth as earth didnt move since then. But you're also telling us that climate do change and it's normal. The only way to explain climate changes wouod be that the sun itself changes somehow.

Would you care to explain this with more hillbilly sciences please ?

>science denialism

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How about electric cars, hydrogen, wind, solar? We don’t need to burn fossilized dinosaur bones to get around.. we really don’t..

Well you can't cherry pick the shit they say and then expect to be taken seriously

Why are her nipples so odd and why is she so underdeveloped for her age, is it because of her fetal alcohol syndrome ?

where is the electricity gonna come from to feed all those electric cars?

>not knowing about katie johnson in the 90s
>Trump was close friends with the Clintons and Epstein
>HURR one kid said on video she never got raped by Trump ergo he never did anything wrong

How retarded do you have to be? I'm not even a leftie, I just know better than to believe that Trump is somehow outside of the elitist circle, when he's been a part of it for years here in NYC.

Hoooo veeeey you totally understood our jewish agenda of using climate change to somehow oppress white people neeeeeeey

>I wonder if he's aware of the negative effects
Watch his interview where he talks about how it would happen anyways so he just speeds it up to cash in on it.

>the weak is usually one of the first things to go

>What else exactly should we be doing?
Giving all you wealth to niggers and junkies of course. Duh

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Because you can't internet moron

>Half of the posts here are just attention seeking.
Attention seeking on an anonymous imageboard? Fishing for responses maybe, but understandable as more than half the posts are unreplied to. Best guess is it is a desire to express opinion in most cases. How many people do you think come back to check their comments. Might be different now that threads are lasting more than a half hour again.

The ice caps are still here, but they will be gone in 2025, or they will be gone in 2030, or 2035

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Wind and solar are fucking EVERYWHERE. Hydrogen? You do realize that it takes a lot of energy to make hydrogen, right? In 5 to 10 years most cars on the road will be electric. Oil has no future. Companies are already forming in order to retrofit gas powered vehicles with electric motors and the major car companies are tooling up for electric car manufacture.

All Greta keeps saying is "nothing is being done," which is wholly untrue.

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You still have 2 cars per household on average, still use them for minor distances, still disregard public transportations...
You still consume way too many goods of all kind, still waste too much ressources for trivial things like green grass in fucking Texas (pic relates)
You still depend on fossil ressources too much...
And on, and on...

It may seems like you did enough compared to 20 years ago but looking back further you'll see we're still doing worst than we did before.

The fucking sun you absolute retard..

Tell me how recycling stuff by sending them to China is ecological. Thank god they closed door.

Not everyone can afford a new car, or solar panels.maybe in 20 years when the electric cars do the 2nd hand car route

I heard that solar farm can power 3 light bulbs at once

Or even hydro, there are plenty of ecological ways of make electricity. Only dumb fucktard americains think coal and nuclear is the only way of doing electricity

If you had a normal life, with normal human interactions, you would have learned as you grew up how women grow up too and knew it's perfectly normal.

Oprah gone fix dat fo da bruthus

Cars are for humans, public transport is for niggers. Nice lawns naturally repel niggers and deadbeats

Somebody deep xray this

This guy makes me laugh

People who deny global warming should be treated like the jews in WW2.

You had me at underdeveloped. What better than a child looking soon to be legal teen?

IDK bout that, maybe 3 cars though. LOL the entire earth will look like a fuckin' disco ball, and half of us still won't be able to drive.

Can more be done? Sure. And more will be done. It's just not going to happen in one month's time in order to satisfy some teenager from Sweden. A revolution would be too disruptive and it's not necessary.

Only one of those kids is heard about it.. as if those other boys and girls don't complain about it.

Was meant for

I can support that

>Solar explosions that happen several times a year sometime explain climate changes that happen every millenia or so.

Explain me more please

They already do the 2nd hand ignorant retard. Go out of your moms basement and you will see there is a world outside of you furry-masturbation-only room

Uh, technically it is melting all ice. It just hasn't completely melted away yet. Did you think global warming was going to be a binary light switch you fucking retard?

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Is this downy even legal?
Maybe once your 18 greta, but probably not.

I didn't ask anything, I was responding to the "I didn't get to keep my doctor" meme.


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Do you have any idea how much pollution and carbon is emmited during solar panel production?
You are a fucking idiot!

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Its only manipulation if you have an IQ of 10

USA USA USA ! Muh 3d mordgage for my fifth car !

If you ever travel to the civilized part of the world you'll see how public transportation is superior by nature to individual cars in every country that tried to push it a bit.

>Europe (France, Switzerland, Germany, Nederlands...)

Wow your really shilling all out.
I guess the more you post the higher you assume your IQ gets. Another 40 posts and you might get to average.

Cope harder pedo

In the civilized world yes, not in America.

Honest question here, from materials or electricity needed?

>A revolution would be too disruptive and it's not necessary.
They don't want a revolution, just cash. Notice how the greens are all for taxing carbon, but against building carbon free nuclear plants or taxing cars in the cities. How they will fight for banning straws and bags but not go near polyester and other plastic clothing or car tires which are the number 1 and 2 sources of ocean plastics right now. It's never been about the environment.

Free car nigga....
Put down the bike

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Except everyone gets raped on public transport (even in Japan)
Kys pedo

Dude, your picture proves itself even though it's trying to be ironic. The ice is melting at the polar ice caps causing cold fronts to travel downwards. This causes ice to spread, but what happens when the ice at the top thins out too far?

Sorry, I tried to explain that as simply as possible for your peanut brain.

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Luckly, this Cred Forums.

Nice retarded and off topic answer

Is it hot in you country habib?
My heart pumps piss for you bruh.

Still more relevant than Greta Van Fleet

Thanks for the non-response. I thought it was a pretty simple thing to follow but you couldn't even handle three small sentences before going back to your safe space.

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Ok you win

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I can call this one a hillbilly with internet, right ? Right ?

Still mad she lost?

Best B comment - ever!

She has the absolute worst body. Tiny, oddly shaped tits, thick arms, no hips and she's still in her teens. She will be a literal trainwreck by time she hits 25.

So wait, is global warming fake when it benefits you, and real when it hurts someone else? Which stance are you switching to next time?

I wanna fuck her brains out

you picked a good picture. solar panels offset not only their energy production costs, but also their costs to the owner in their lifetime. The best case scenario for anything petroleum is 20x energy for 1x production, extraction, and shipment costs. The only reason this ratio is beneficial is time biomass had to convert. Using and extracting will overcome natural production. This is a useful tool, but must be applied to switch to something that has a net energy gain WITHIN IT'S OWN LIFESPAN.

Research internet
New terms you will need to internet

"Pointy elbows, won't listen to her"

Approprate response the the question. Lean to follow and read

Fucking gross.

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LOL stay cool sand people

Ah found the artists sexual fetish lmfao.

Oh shill.

Then we can fill the oceans and landfills with the old junk solar panels, and liberals can cry about that warming the planet.

>Guys, we were told what would happen if we ignored climate change.....
Yeah? And what was that?

>Guys, you're using our political puppet against us!

Wait, is that the result of ignoring climate change? Fucking learn some sentence structuring, dipshit.

are you gonna to brag about this on reddit later?

>and then i owned that libtard user by telling him he's a sand nigger because i can't think past my nose
>the whole crowd applauded

Sun activity can vary through years, you're retarded

That doesn't say climate change is due to sun, but what you say is bs.

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I don't go on refit.
Not anonamus
Remember Freon is bad so stay cool Sandnigger

recycling solar panels with solar energy is probably a good analogy for your family tree

Wait, that's funny, Republicans have ACTUAL pedophiles like Roy Moore

LMFAO you were too much of a pussy to say it before I said it. Do you feel empowered now little white boy?

I'm pretty sure it's about control, not cash. It's a way for the socialists to grab power, by inventing a crisis that only they can solve.

>somehow oppress white people
Not exactly.

Government climate mandates are simply used to give yet more power to an already vastly oversized government, and to push toward a one-world government.

THIS is the problem with the global climate retards. They're being USED by globalists to push and support a one-world government.

You sick fucks

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>unlike Bill Clinton, John Podesta, Anthony Wiener, etc. etc. etc...

Why repost? Just x ray that shit

Hey, its not my plan, I'm just predicting outcomes here

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>one-world government

I remember when I believed that in high school too.

Could you explain more what you're trying to say? You just listed Democrats

Reddits back that way pedo

It's extremely hot where someone I don't give a shit about lives.
Oh, I've offended you?

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She's legal in most jurisdictions, including Sweden retard. 18 isn't the universal age of consent.

>hurr, muh democrats nevar did nuthin wrong
>thoes men r saints!

Then again, you also just assumed I supported Republicans because Dems literally push an agenda of accepting degeneracy, perversion, and mental dysfunction.

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Muslims concerned about consent age.
Fish worry about air quality.
Lets keep the list going...

Greta doesn't even look like she has fetal alcohol syndrome. The Youtuber Jenny Nicholson is an example of somebody with mild fetal alcohol syndrome, and it doesn't effect physical development. Greta looks like she just has Sami ancestry and possibly an endocrine disorder.

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Why are you so jealous of white people? Maybe if your race worked a little harder you could have great accomplishments like us


You mad cuz he got it right?

I tried. Not possible