Feels bar is open

Feels bar is open

Come have a drink and tell us whats on your mind

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I don't think I'm cut out for life.

Really considering just ending it, if there was some magic pill to just end it all I think I'd take it.

What's your story user?

Doing good. Back to work after a break next week. Everything going well for me in my life.

I havent heard from my girlfriend in a few days. She stopped talking to me and I dont know whether or not I'm still on a relationship or not. The last time I texted her she sent me back "honestly man, I need some space from you right now." I've just been trying to honor that request, but I feel like any day now shes just going to break up with me or maybe just never contact me again

Kill yourself already. Why did B turn gay and newfag. Saddens me.

Because Democrats are taking over!


I feel like I'm going through a breakdown.

All I really want to do and ever wanted was music.. and I was too much of a pussy to pursue it and now I’m too old

Have you been clingy, sounds like you have.

What she said sounds like the death spiral of a relationship.

Not exactly. She went away on business. A friend of mine invited me out on the night of her return. I forgot about the day she came back so, I told her about how I was excited to go out and she got pissed at me for not anticipating her return. She urged me to go anyways and said we would hang out the day after. I got too drunk that night and slept through half of the time that we were supposed to be together. It's my fault entirely. She felt like I was taking her for granted

She being bit of a brat tbh whatever

What breaks my heart is that I accidentally forgot the day of her return, I got too drunk like an idiot and slept through the time we were supposed to be together. I'm only human and people make mistakes.

Shes deliberately choosing to neglect me and cast me out.

Depressed to the point of hopelessness. Haven't been this bad in a long time. Quit going to my therapist months ago because he did more talking then I did which didn't help. Last few days I've retreated into myself with the exception of going to work.

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I need a scotch on the rocks, like 4 or 5 of them, had a dream of my ex and it brought back all the hurt I thought I left behind, I guess I didn't leave it behind me after all, now I'm listening to songs that I used to listen to shortly after our break up.

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I dont think you're ever too old for that. It's not like you're trying to pursue something physically demanding such as trying to be an MMA fighter or a model. In which case, time isnt on your side

Same. Wanna start a band?

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Why/how did it end?

Dude sorry, but this was an asshole move you did there. I would be pissed too, and yourself probably too if you would coming home, and your girlfriend prefers to go drinking and party all night. So be a gentleman, apologize, and buy her something nice to make her smile.
Anons who will tell you that you have to do some Macho shit are probably not even 18, and never had an seriouse realtionship. Get you Shit done, its worth it.

I'm taking a shit rn, feels pretty good

You neglected her first. In her case, it might be intentional. If so, that's kinda worse, but that's splitting hairs. I'd recommend sending a text apologizing/saying how you are feeling about the situation. Making sure to show that you understand you fucked up and feel bad. Don't make it super long, though. Keep it concise, but don't forget anything. End the message with an open ended "let me know when you're ready to talk" sort of thing. Then you just wait. Sucks, but that's all you can do.

sort of had the same thing happen a month ago. I noticed she stopped loving me like she used to and I blame that on a number of changes in my personality and hobbies. I told her that I couldn't deal with this pain anymore and broke up with her. I've tried like 20 times to contact her and give her the clothes and toiletries she left at my place.. but it's been a month..no text back. a waste of 3 years. shits rough, but we just gotta deal with it. time will heal your heart buddy. just don't get too caught up in your head and focus on yourself.

You're completely right. Perhaps I'll be corny and buy flowers

Im sure there were many more factors but at the time we were living very different lives, I was working full time(didnt go to college) and she was going to college, so we couldnt really see each other as often as we'd like so one day she broke up with me, we stayed friends for a while and then we stopped talking.

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I have no control over my life. Well, over myself to be more accurate. I have no job, live with my parents and rarely leave the house. Also I'm 27. Approaching 30 as a NEET is depressing. I don't have the willpower to make myself get a job or do anything other than sit around the house and watch YouTube mostly. I just beat Super Metroid for the first time today, though. So that was cool, I guess...

like the gay sex you have.

We've been together since 8th grade and we're now in our early 20s. She left 2 weeks ago without saying a word and hasn't spoke to me since. Its been eating away at my soul. I just hope she's ok

If you feel like you're doing it wrong then you're doing it right. Life is all about the experiences

>Be me 29
>Virgin, sheltered life. Work / internet / watch sport / sleep
>Finally meet a girl at work, last relationship she got cheated on actually a very good looking girl
>Flirt make it out like I know what I'm doing, am actually not bad at it I guess, thinks I'm funny/nice
>Tell her I like her, likes me too. finally this is it
>Text/talk all the time, kiss, make out finally feel normal after all these years
>Kinky as fuck always riling me up with dirty messages
>Night finally comes we have sex, after a few minutes she says its too painful and to stop. I stop she cries immediately.
>says she had a hysterectomy year ago and vagina gets dry spots, and she cannot have kids ever.
>says its too painful because her vagina doesn't get as wet as normal pussy. doesn't want to try lube Mood is ruined doesn't feel right to continue and for me to take her home
>ghosts me for 5 weeks after 'dealing with shit'
>breaks up over the phone after those 5 weeks while I'm at work on lunch break
>girl I came to genuinely like and not just for sex, my happiness and feeling normal gone in an instant
>wondering if my life is just a joke to someone I'm not in on, finally find someone I actually like and it goes to shit when I don't think I did anything wrong
>Months laters still texts me just random nothings though just "how are you" then nothing else after that for weeks
>don't know what to do about anything now. back to my boring monotonous life, feel even worse about it then before I met her

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She's probably fine. Just not interested in you. As fucked up as that is. Probably just young and wanting to experience life and all the options. She's been with you for so long. She's probably wondering if there's another. I say you do what you feel like you should do and have no regrets.

If you wanna act crazy act crazy. If you want to let her be then let her be

Doesn't matter, still fucked. My man!

Depressed to the point that basic hygiene becomes hard to motivate myself to do. My gums are getting bad, and my teeth are next. I'm naturally not stinky, so I can get away with not showering very often, plus I work in a steel mill that reeks of smoke/steel dust all day anyway.

I can't deal with the daily grind. 5 days a week going to work a pointless job. I got two dogs for this very reason, so that I had something to depend on me. They give me purpose.

I wanna be a pilot, but there's no money in flying a small plane, only airliners, which are fucking boring, they're all autopilot. I want to go be a bush pilot in Alaska or Canada, delivering mail to remote locations, but that is a dying profession.

Basically I'll never be happy in life and I wish I could just blow my brains out but I don't want to hurt the people around me, my girlfriend, my mom, and my dogs.

I do this every once In a long while, I’ll go through all my old saved youtube videos, absolute fucking torture but It’s impossible to stop once I’ve started.

Six years and counting, almost seems like It was just yesterday....

Man, either go get her or go on and forget her. Anything else is just making you feel miserable. Sounds simple? Yes, because it just is that simple. Just make your choice.

You had an experience. Feels painful now, but I assure you that you're stronger for it. She's shitty for ghosting you. Based on what you wrote, you didn't do anything wrong. It's not your fault.

I'm fine...
I manage not to think of her so often.
I also manage to raise enough money for housing, reconstruction and loan which I have to take to square up with her financially when I broke up

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You ever hear about the effects of young kids parents and think "wow, that totally could have been me"? I don't relate more with children... I'm getting old and grumpy. Life is good.

Shut the fuck up. You have a job you can deal with even if it's shitty. You have a fucking GIRLFRIEND. You have a place of your own. You have a life. Don't complain. You have so much more than I do. I'd trade off with you in a second. If you want to be a pilot, be a fucking pilot. It's that simple. Do whatever the fuck you want. Nothing matters. We're all a bunch of weird, fucked up creatures crawling and writhing around on a big wet rock hurtling through space.

Everyone has their own issues. No need to put down others for the problems they have just because you can't relate.

missin my ex listening to these songs after taking a bunch of shots




and others if anyone is interested. yeah, I know im pathetic

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I feel more pathetic for missing my ex. Do my feelings mean more than you guys?


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Shit man, sorry for both of you

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He’s got a point user, having people of value even If It’s a dog you love Is still something, and lacking the constitution for suicide can be a good thing.

Not all of us are so lucky when the boomstick comes out of the case.

He's being a fucking baby about shit when he's living a fine life. No need to defend a little bitch when his problems are a joke.

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Been feeling mixed recently, I've gotten into contact with an old friend of mine and were connecting again pretty well. Oh the other hand, I've been having a constant empty and hollow feeling for the past month and I have no idea why it's there or why it's lasted so long. I feel like my parents hate and really dislike the way I am now. I'll just soldier on though, that's about all I can do.

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Why do we seek out relationships so bad when they just mess with us

I'm a native Canadian not that it has much to do with it but fuck man we experienced a lot of trauma and I don't want to see my people go. I've seen shit no one should see or know

doesn't even elaborate on this "shit" no one should see or know pfft

Kill yourselves

Boo-fucking-hoo. Kill yourself pussy.

Stop raping the girls. This is why you'll die out.

Tfw you're on a path of self-improvement and everything is going well.

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Definitely kill your self

I want to kill my self :(

Do it then

i take a scotch, no ice

Pipe down, champ. Just expressing my happiness :')

>i take a scotch, no ice
Californiafags can't afford no ice.

Depression has really been peaking lately. My ex and I broke up 8 months ago, and I'm still sad every day about it. I miss her so much Cred Forumsros... The worst thing is that I broke up with her, twice. It was a 4 year relationship, and my first real relationship. I broke up with her two summers ago, but then after a few months we got back together. After a rough few months, I couldn't take it any more and wanted to end things. But it was so sloppy. I wanted to break up, but we agreed to have some space. After 2 weeks,she broke up with me over text. Couldn't even bare to talk with her. The worst thing is that its what i wanted; the relationship was far from perfect. She was controlling and manipulative. She had some real problems. It was hard. But the love and the chemistry were the most real things I have ever felt in life. The sex was out of this world. We were always at each others throats, but after 4 years the sex never stopped being incredible. She always told me I was the one, but I could never take the pressure. Now that I dont have her, I really feel like she truly was the one, and she would never take me back. She got a new bf after only a month, and I hate to say it but thats what flung me so deep in this depression. Sorry for the rant, but I needed to get this shit out of my chest

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I'm proud of you user

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You are the only newfag here.

>Depression has really been peaking lately.
>My ex and I broke up 8 months ago
Fuck off with "Muh depression, i broke up"
Fucking plebs are just sad.

Thanks fren. I'm trying. Really am :-)

There are people here who didn't get custody of their kids and you're bitching about your breakup? How old are you user? 15? 16?

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>Having a birthday party with people and cake and wishes.
Fuck off. I haven't celebrated my birthday since i was 13.

I need advice, I've been messaging with this one person for couple of months now. We'd vc and text quite regularly. I sent them a message over a week ago and they haven't responded to it nor have they written anything back. It feels like they don't really care, which is sad, so I feel like it would be better to break things off now than for it to get worse with time. What do?

penis boner balls poop ha ha weeeee sex ohoho fuck ha nigga woooo

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If you’re happy in this day and age you’re either a faggot, a nigger, or a woman. Happiness is antithetical to what is required today. Kill yourself for you have no use

>I sent them a message over a week ago and they haven't responded to it nor have they written anything back.

>Not taking the hint
My advice? Stop thinking about yourself all the time.


break it up

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The cope.
>There's nothing wrong with me
>There's something wrong with everyone else
>Because they are happy and don't want to kill themselves

>Protip everything you see out in front of you is how you feel in your head

Nobody cares about you or your problems, get over it or kill your self

To be honest, nothing's on my mind right now. Just average boring shit... Lurking Cred Forums and sometimes answering. But I might be active in this thread.

Yeah I should've mentioned it in my first post; that happened before and I wrote again to them after a week and they responded. We talked like we normally do and this is just happening again. They're a bit anti-social or kind of socially inept, that's what they told me so maybe this is the case?

I left my depression unchecked for too long and eventually had no energy to do anything and no money for rent, now I'm losing my apartment. It's not the end of the world of course but it still stings, especially knowing I did it to myself and I'm the only one to blame.

try working out, set a goal to gain mass
it will clear your mind and keep you focused

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>Yeah I should've mentioned it in my first post
Yes you should have, stop wasting my time with your stalling. It's not my responsibility to make you feel less lonely.
>We talked like we normally do and this is just happening again. They're a bit anti-social or kind of socially inept, that's what they told me so maybe this is the case?
Kill yourself you absolute pleb. You asked a question you already knew the answer to. People have REAL problems y'know?

Try killing yourself! It’s a hell of a goal to work towards. It’s easy and painless too

Guess you shoulda had more balls, maybe next lifetime

Hey, you're right. Thanks for the help, try being less of an asshole next time though.


>If you just broke up with someone, you are not depressed. Just sad.

>If you are a skelton and depressed, gaining weight is the solution 90% of the time

>If you are obese and depressed, losing weight is the solution 90% of the time

>If you have a reasonable bmi and are still depressed, changing your circumstance is the solution 90% of the time

>If you take any drugs and are depressed, stopping taking them is the solution 90% of the time

>If none of the above applies to you, now or in the past, then congratulations. You are actually depressed, there are many solutions but killing yourself is the solution 90% of the time.

On a serious not for those who are actually depressed, find out why. Is it because your brain is mishandling the chemicals and hormones? Is it something else? Find out.

Try being less of an attention whore then.
Attention whores get farted upon by assholes like me.

Found a picture of my gfs pussy on her phone that wasnt sent to me.

The levels of cringe In this thread are immeasurable.

Chink virus can’t come soon enough.

Black people are snakes that are everywhere?

So much hostility in this thread. Come on guys, let's come together and hold hands! We'll break through this rough patch and come out strong. Together :-)

Post it here, so we can actual tell you if it's shopped or real. Your gf might be the victim of a hoax that places pussy pics on victims phone. Hurry!

I will try.

I feel ashamed again and again, with nothing to give and no one to blame.
During the day I guess I'm ok...

This is all wrong and really bad advice.

If you think you’re depressed, if you are depressed, if you have depressed thoughts. You should kill yourself 100% of the time. It’s very healthy for you

Why do you let yourself go cold? Why not aflame your heart like every others?

The girl I love is moving away soon and it’s tearing me apart. She has no idea how I feel because I’m too scared

You’re correct sir. You should not kill your self

Nice try Cred Forumsud

>Can u evun tryfurce xD?
>Back2Reddit FAAAYYGGG
>Sage'd threaaad no trollerino
>SUmmeRR FaGs AMIrite :P
stfu faggot

maybe she was going to send it but something happened?
why you gotta jump the gun and assume the worst

I'm moving to Chicago in the fall to attend a trade school but i need to make a couple thousand dollars before I ho so I havve rent a couple months till I find a job there and im just not sure I can do it.

Well if she didn't send it to you and sent it to someone else, post the pic here for revenge. It helps you stay sane. Trust me.

trips means you tell her

>Fell in love with a girl I had a close relationship with.
>She doesn't feel the same
>I wish things were simpler and as good as before
>Obsessed by her, I feel terrible and this is the person I usually talk to of this sort of things.
>I'm a cycle of getting better and getting hurt badly again.
>I don't know how to forget this without cutting all ties


Oh fuck ok user.

Can I get some encouragement?

The fact that you haven't told her probably means you already know her feelingds.
But the worst pain you can feel is regretting later that you let her go without knowing.
Fuck it, worst case scenario nothing changes.

Woah, woah. You're not being helpful. AT ALL. You are a very toxic individual. Leave now.

I dont want to die
Ever. I want to be like deadpool yknow? Immortal in the way that I can regenerate.
But I know its impossible. We all die sooner or later. It doesnt make a difference. Nobody does.
It really doesnt matter if you live or die because you will be forgotten eventually. Why not kill yourself. Its just less trouble. But if you dont kill yourself
It wont make a difference everything you suffered through. Everything you achieved. It wont matter because youre dead.
I dont know if I should just keep going or enter the void.

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>The fact that you haven't told her probably means you already know her feelingds.
These two are mid-teens at best. They don't even know how to talk yet nevermind how to analyze their feelings.

I would like a drink, user. A martini and a bro hug.

Your existence is absolutely fundamental.
What you are, is simply, the fabric and structure of existence itself.

i like this girl youtuber and im sad cos i know ill never get to be her husband :(

From my point of view yes.
Thats true for every person. If you die your existence is over but others live on, are born, and die all over again. Nothing matters in the end. But it is kinda comforting you know? Nothing you do is really good or bad because it doesnt matter.

>If you die your existence is over
You still exist when you're dead.(no mystical pseudo-spiritual shit here) You are just not alive anymore.
You have always existed in one state or another and you will always exist in one state or another. Nothing can be destroyed, it can only drop to a lower entropy state.

Trust me, you’re the most toxic thing on this planet. Kill yourself by jumping off of a building. You deserve the extra pain

You exist just as matter, not as a consciousness. The brain is exactly as RAM. Stop the heart or oxygen for a while and partial damage/full wipe occur. When that happens, you as a person are no longer here, but as a carcass that's going to become something else. Mostly worm food.

Imagine seeing these people on old Cred Forums, I just can’t. They would be laughed out of the fucking universe

>Mostly worm food.

>Making your family pay for a plot and coffin.

Keeps the worms healthy. They don't get free food, first they must find a way to get into the coffin.

Cool, fuck them honestly. They bought into a shitty world rather than having integrity and standing up to it

>They bought into a shitty world rather than having integrity and standing up to it
>They did the exact same thing as i did
How have you improved the world. Where have you refused to compromise? I think you're origami.

Materialist detected

Mate, you don't even know me. Fuck you!

>Mate, you don't even know me.
Who would want to?

People who have a cute feminine boy fetish :-)

Licht mein arsch
Licht mein arsch 2 nice and clean

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When you pretend to speak a foreign language and don't even check.

>Leck mich im Arsch
>Leck mir den Arsch fein recht schön sauber

Leck mire den A… recht schon,
fein sauber lecke ihn,
fein sauber lecke, leck mire den A…
Das ist ein fettigs Begehren,
nur gut mit Butter geschmiert,
den das Lecken der Braten mein tagliches Thun.
Drei lecken mehr als Zweie,
nur her, machet die Prob'
und leckt, leckt, leckt.
Jeder leckt sein A… fur sich.

Lick my arse nicely,
lick it nice and clean,
nice and clean, lick my arse.
That's a greasy desire,
nicely buttered,
like the licking of roast meat, my daily activity.
Three will lick more than two,
come on, just try it,
and lick, lick, lick.
Everybody lick their arse for themselves.
-Wenzel Trnka/Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

You all kill yourselves too

I tell people like yourself the truth. That is enough for the time being. Now gas yourself

>I tell people like yourself the truth.
>I'm so smart i know the truth and enlighten people because i'm such a morally right person. God loves me.

Gotta funeral to go to today in the next few hours. dont really know how im gonna feel about it, but im ready to avoid going.

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I give you diarrhea. Problem solved.

jumped into a relationship and moved it forward super fast after my last relationship that was 6 years long and now im regretting it and I dont want to be with her and I really just want my ex back even though she burned me hard multiple times, or i just want to be single my whole life. I find sex annoying and would rather just jack off and then get back to what i want to do. only time I find sex even fun is if its with some fine ass chick that wont want anything afterwards.

Just because you don’t know the truth and god doesn’t love you doesn’t mean you couldn’t become complete right now

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Kill yourself

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As long as it takes to kill yourself

Just gross her out so bad that she leaves u

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Kill yourself

you first faggot

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>almost 27
>feeling depressed for I guess 10 years prob
>nobody knows
>going to work, do stuff with friends like a normal guy
>I'm planning on buying stuff for my final month
>wanna sit in a forest and fuck myself up
>Scared for death because after that it's a black void
>Why am I spending so much energy on this nonsense

What am I doing... I do have my own place now and been working out for a year.
Still this won't go away. Never.

at night I sit by your side, waiting for you to give me a sign. I'm counting the days with nothing to say.



So I liked this girl from work, I tried to get close to her but she wasn't responding so I decided to go the direct way and tell her that I liked her, she told me that she would think about it that was 2 weeks ago, one week ago I told her have you made your mind she just laughed and changed the subject I said ok give her some space and I'm waiting ever since, is she leading me on or is she playing hard to get?

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>Cognitive behavioral therapy
>Electro Shock therapy (we're not in the age of the cuckoo anymore)

user your body is material, your soul isnt

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Whats left for you to do after you beat the game?

Assuming I can seek help.

How very, very gay.

Cope or die then.

You did what you could do, the ball is in her court. Your balls are in her court. Don’t think she is playing hard to get and keep going for her, that looks desperate and won’t work. You’ve spoke your mind and she probably would have jumped at it if she liked you. Honestly as much as it sucks she probably doesn’t like you but doesn’t wanna tell you to fuck off since you work together. That’s why they say don’t dip the pen in company ink, it gets confusing and hard to tell real feelings from just being polite. I’d move on, and start to ignore and look past her, even as a friend. She will either realize she likes you and maybe go for it, or more realistically just go her own way which is what she wants anyways. You can’t force someone to like you back and the more you try the more unappealing you are

betrayed, alone, getting older. what's good?

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No friends, because beef with a girl.
In the end no onw decide to be on my side.
She always hangs around with my friends now. Feeling like she invaded everyone I know and now I am alone

Everyone is cut out for life. After all the world is survival of the fittest. Your ancestors survived, and your sperm, out of billions of others, passed the test, earning you the right to the live.

Only thing you don't have control over is the roll of the dice. Some people are born billionaires, others are born in 3rd world countries. You have no say over that. What do you have is control over yourself and what you bring to the world.

As long as you're doing your best, having fun, and contributing to the world (even if that's just upvoting shit online) you're still doing your part and making an impact.

Depression is a bitch. Take it one day at a time, find the positives and find enjoyment in the present moment.

>(even if that's just upvoting shit online)
Kill the spacing plebbitor

at least you have a path. do it

I mean..that'll definitely fix the problem, but like, the after effects will kind of suck.

If there's nothing after death you just cut your experience short. And pretty much every religion will have you getting demon trains run on you every night for all eternity. Or maybe you'll be a sad ghost doing the same shit every night. Either way, that all sounds lame so I'll just stay alive and make things better

That's the first issue is rushing relationships. Sex is fun but like they taught in grade school there's consequences that come with it. Take things slow and find quality people. You don't need to rush into something. And if someone is into you they won't mind being patient.

And sex is a lot more fun when it's someone you trust and you know it's a two way street when it comes to the feels.

>I dont want to die