Why do liberals hate America?

Why do liberals hate America?

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well the communist revival in america for one.
The helicopters are coming


You wanna try that again in fucking English?

Experts in the Pentagon are trying really hard to figure out what the actual fuck you wanted to tell...

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Experts are trying to figure out how you are this much of a faggot. It shouldn't be possible.

Triggered much?

manipulation by Jews, obviously

>Triggered much?
yeah, when I see the exact same shit posted day after day after day

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So maybe you should fuck off back to Jewbook? Funny though I don't see you complaining about the cock rate threads

Also this

That does not answer the question:
Why do liberals hate America?

Her hair is as short as a cucks!

found the Yang troll

why don't you own an AR?

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kys boomers

We get it, you're upset there aren't more dicks and traps for you to jack off too

Oh no it's the Witcher guy

clever. I bet you've been practicing black magic to know that

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Oh no it's the Faggot guy


Yep. It's him

So you admit you're a parading faggot?

They do?

Yes, next question


liberals don't really hate america.
far left radicals do.
especially racists like BLM and communists like Antifa.

>liberals don't really hate america.
>far left radicals do.
What's the difference?

If that's true, then I would have to ask the same question about most conservatives.

one being rather moderate / reform-oriented in their beliefs, and campaign for their goals within the confines of the american system, and the others being extremist revolutionaries, who don't shy away from violence and seek to erode the very foundation the US is build on.

Of course you would, because you have your hand up your fucking ass. So anything that is said badly about your team makes you upset and immediately say 'BUT BUT UH UH THE OTEHR SIDE"

Liberals are not "moderate" in any sense of the world. So there is no difference then.

>Liberals are not "moderate" in any sense of the world. So there is no difference then.
tautology much?

throwing out made up bullshit terms much?

sorry you can't use a dictionary

define "liberals"
it seems you use this term rather broadly, and just stating "they are not moderate" doesn't make it true on its own.
So please explain what a liberal is in your eyes.

Anyone who votes for democrat bullshit. There you go. Unless they're a nigger or spic, in which case they're not a liberal but rather voting for them gibs and programs.

Sorry pal, but this ain't fucking plebbit. Those faggy, made up terms don't exist here.

>orry pal, but this ain't fucking plebbit. Those faggy, made up terms don't exist here.

US public school education?

speech is a weapon.
learn to wield it.

sorry, I thought you were looking for a sincere discussion.
but either you are just trolling, or not capable to hold a conversation.
Anyways, continue to be insignificant.

Regards, a trump voter.

>speech is a weapon.
>learn to wield it.

I am totally stealing that for future use. Thanks!

>Speech is a weapon
Oh really? Is that why your team wants to ban it so badly?

>Gets called out on the bullshit
>P-Public S-School?
Kid, it's over. You got exposed as the fucking retard you are. You can go now, the class is dismissed. And you have failed miserably.

>Those faggy, made up terms don't exist here.
didn't know Cred Forums is a special needs only board.

Actually it's your own team that's currently laughing about you.

You have provided nothing of value towards a "sincere discussion". All you have done so far is parade around like a fucking faggot on pride day. So I'd have to assume it is you that is trolling here.

Are you saying you're special needs?

>>Gets called out on the bullshit
>>P-Public S-School?
why in the world would you capitalize public and school?

Home schooled?

Why do Conservatives want to destroy the environment?


Would love to see her nudes.

>So I'd have to assume it is you that is trolling here.
Currently I am.
Pretty hard actually, judging by your reaction.

Nobody gives a fuck about the "environment" besides giant pussies like you

>Currently I am
>Parading around like a faggot
Yes, we know


It's still just you.

A cogent and well-reasoned response®

if there are only partisan extremes (ie moderate views do not exist), than any premise that is based simply its partisan can be applied either side. your initial premise that liberals hate america is presented with no evidence to support it directly , nor any evidence that a conservative view should define what 'american' is and therefore any position contrary to it must necessarily represent the logic opposite

Jewish indoctrination accounts for at least 99% of it

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You are wasting your time.
He got the short stick in the upper department.

maybe if you spent as much time trying to get a date or even laid as you do trying to troll people on web sites on a Saturday night, you wouldn't be so angry about imaginary problems

>Jewish indoctrination accounts for at least 99% of it
[citation needed]

>federal government spent almost two hundred years seizing land and subsidising westward expansion settlement
>the descendants of these "selfmade" pioneers hate socialism
>1980s hit
>government continues to give tax payer funded support to corporations at massive tax payer loss

>a poor person not wanting to die from a tooth infection is somehow the REAL enemy

You guys are gay and retarded.

>Parading around like a faggot
when your arguments are not winning be sure to try ad hominem attacks

To be fair, faggots literally do parade around.

Join before it's too late imgur.com/JEi3hu1

I'd say that's a non sequitur, but I'd hate for you to have to consult a dictionary since
>Those faggy, made up terms don't exist here.

just imagine a world without jews

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>a poor person not wanting to die from a tooth infection is somehow the REAL enemy
1st why is he poor?
bad luck, criminal, or just lazy? Would make a huge difference when considering to help him or not.
2nd tax payer money is money given from people to the state, so the state is able to improve their living standards. View it as rent for police, military, administration, infrastructure expansion / maintenance, a.s.o.
while other nations to use tax payer money in from of social contracts to help the poor and those in need, the resulting rat-tail of responsibility results in all examples of such systems in huge tax rates on the middle class (since the myth that a tax on the wealthy alone could pay for such programms is simply that: a myth), which in turn means less household income, a faster growing gap between rich / poor, spreading poverty, and an ever increasing burden on such social policies. The result are societies where usually most people are cared for, but less and less people get a chance to escape their social strata via their own efforts. So subsidies for education complete the vicious circle at the end.

a single homeless guy is not the enemy. In fact he deserves help, hopefully via charity. But he is instrumentalized by you and the rest of the left as scapegoat to guilt trip society into signing its own downfall.

>just imagine a world without jews
you guys tried that once, got our asses handed to you

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Nigger, by every metric homeschooled kids are smarter on average. Your insult is non sequitur.

Why do liberals hate the USA?*
Don't include the whole continent in your retarded sjw vs incel politics.

you know that this pic is shopped, right?
not saying nazis did nothing wrong, but you are posting propaganda right now.
goebbels would be proud.

American tax payers have bank rolled subsidies for big oil, big agro, the fucking faggots that intentionally crash the economy every decade or so. Its galvanizing by humanizing. Why does a bank that had a multibillion dollar year get a billion dollar bailout while a person would rather die than risk the price tag of going tob the emergency room? Its a robber baron system most just most peasants syill have that idiodic hope for their big break into the elite.

Some people need something to hate and hard work & common sense seem to be only thing they can confuse people into hating.

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did I say that I like big subsidies been given to big companies?
Ofc the government pays private companies for services, like road construction, financial services, a.s.o.
So yes, we both agree that the current system needs reforms and improvements. But installing gargantuan social safety nets is a step I'd not go together with you.

You know you can leave if you don't like it, right? Africa seems like a great place for you to go too. No rich people and all the "free" shit you want.

>you know that this pic is shopped, right?
I did not know that. Do you have the original?

press the small triangle next to your original post number.
it opens a drop down menu where you can use a reverse image search directly.

Seeing as Im not a chinese strip mining corporation Africa has very little appeal to me.

Okay so South America. It doesn't matter where you go. Just get out. We have enough of you anti-american niggers here.

did that, don't see anything in either Google or iqdb

got another source?

They don’t

That’s just a line Republicans tell you to make you side with them and give you them your money. It’s a distraction tactic.

and it seems it got cropped, so google can't find it in a fitting size.
try to look where you got it from.

if you just want proof that it's fake, open it in photoshop or gimp and scan for artifacts.

Why does everyone else hate america?
Why do democrats hate republicans and vice versa and each other's version of america?

Shithole country, but at least god emperor trump is in power.

Be quiet, 3rd world monkey. Americans are talking.

I love my country and my countrymen. That's why I wish they were treated a little better. The New Deal showed that federal intervention to benefit the people was a net positive. Unfortunately the splintering implications of it makes things like social security and medicare unwieldy, but that's only because you let a handful of guys rape the government to afford an extra trip to pedo island.

Cool, so donate your own fucking money and take them into your home. Both of which we all know you don't do. Instead you want these people to be "taken care of" with someone else's money. Fags like you are REAL generous as long as you're not the one paying for it.

They don't. Their life experiences create a different outlook on how to attain the same macro-goals as you want.

In reality, they are not more wrong or correct as you are... as both are titanically wrong, mislead to counter the other. Long ago these were mild differences, but the differences compounded as polarity pushes a risky shift.

Now both you and the liberals are fucking insane.

Radical centrism is the only path.

>Radical centrism is the only path.
either you don't know what radical means, you are trolling, or you are part of the problem / like to spawn a new one.

So, nope.

>open it in photoshop or gimp and scan for artifacts.
sorry, not seeing it. What am I missing?

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it's kinda meant to be ironic, but also very real.


>Cool, so donate your own fucking money
I already do by paying taxes. The fact that most of my tax money goes to nlo2ated defense spending and insurance companies gouging the country coffer doesnt sit well with me so Im actually not being generous. Im actually not asking you or anyone else to pay a god damn dime more than you already do. Maybe just regulate some things. Or have a microscopic level of transparency.

Oh look Trump supporters who support the biggest liar and one of the fattest if not the fattest person to ever hold the presidency are asking questions, lmao.

You really should be questioning the conservatives and why there he’ll bent on destroying American Democracy and the constitution.

I don't know, perhaps they hate themselves.

Oh, so you're upset your money isn't used to give Tyrone and Juan more welfare? Just so they can sit on the porch, that they do not own, all day while selling drugs and eating fried chicken. That's why you're angry? And let me guess, you also want to give your pets "free" college, so they can waste everybody's time majoring in bullshit like Afro History, Blunt Rolling Theory and Twerk Dancing. That's what you're going to say next right? While telling us all it's in "our best interests".

I was talking about some sensible healthcare reform and curtailing the bottomless defense budget, user. You should work at a movie theater because Christ alive your projection is crystal clear.

How about you get a fucking job and pay for your own fucking healthcare? Why the fuck isn't that on the table for you? Why should I have to pay someone else's healthcare, just so they can smoke fucking cigarettes and drink beer every goddamn week while eating McDonalds and KFC. Get the fuck out of here. And then fags like you are gonna say hur dur we need "free" daycare because my pets can't afford it. Well who the fuck told Tyrone and Maria to have 5 fucking kids with no money? Yet retards like you say nothing.


I didn’t do a good job writing coherently.

That is something conservatives and Republicans say to divide us. Liberals don’t hate America. They want to improve America which is entirely different.

Republicans say this as a way to get you on their side. They say it to get you to give them your money. But at the end of the day it is meaningless.

What does it mean to be un-American?

Have you ever heard of someone from Canada being un-Canadian? Someone from Mexico being un-Mexican? Its all just propaganda.

Newsflash, retard. You already pay for poor people's health care via government subsidies for insurance companies.

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And you retards want to make this problem even worse by making it "free", which anyone with 2 fucking brain cells knows it won't be free for anyone who isn't a welfare-collecting porch monkey. But you people want us all to just pay along with your fucking stupidity while your pets continue to do nothing but fuck up the place. By the way you didn't answer my fucking question. Why don't you tell your pets to get jobs and pay for their own healthcare? Afraid they might end up getting off the DNC's tit and leaving the plantation?

this is such an obvious fake, just look at her

The question is erroneous. It would make more sense if it were, why do some of you Liberals hate America? or To those who subscribe to Liberal forms of politics what do you hate about America?

Why does OP hate Cred Forums?

It's already "free" for actually poor people. Eventually debt is written off. Again, at the expense of your taxes so why don't you want a full blown overhaul of medical care in this country? You're already being ripped off and don't seem to mind unless it helps someone you dont particularly like. Those people are going to get help regardless so why not soften the absolutely ridiculous markup?

Nigs gonna nig. Why do you want to pay then extra dosh?

>this is such an obvious fake, just look at her
well that's convincing

So you're just going to keep on playing stupid, aren't you? You not only didn't answer my question, you also managed to not address a single fucking thing I said AND continue to throw this fucking pity party for "poor people", like anybody should feel sorry for those motherfuckers. Also real funny how they're all supposedly poor, but when it's time for the drinking and dancing and unprotected sex all of a sudden they got money for that. Then they wanna cry because they can't afford fucking daycare. Who the fuck told you to have kids you can't support? But then we have retards like you who wanna parade around like fucking homos, making all these bullshit excuses for their retarded behavior.

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Post your saved images of Trump threads on here daily too, please.

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You do know that niggers aren't the only poor people in America, right?

I don't, you fucking idiot. It's parading faggots like that guy who want to give them more gibs and programs they don't fucking deserve, just so they can sit on the porch they DO NOT OWN, all day long while selling drugs and listening to shitty rap music on their $1000 iPhones.

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And your point? Other than you clearly don't have one

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You sound like a redneck that by chance got an education from watching television. You're an example of ignorance is bliss. But than again you do sound really butt hurt about anything remotely out of the scope of our understanding.

Join before it's too late imgur.com/V7GKrxS

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The irony of this proceeding on of the largest corporate tax cuts in history is hilarious.

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That is the crappiest first class seat I've ever seen.


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How sad, this must be hard for you. Having been owned by literal facts, raw and uncut. You should head on back to your safe space, kikebook.

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It's because most of them and their existence is woven into 'the lie.'

Progressiveness has two major components, the thieves at the top of pyramid useful idiots below. As long as the useful idiots tow the line, their given 'rewards,' 'atta boys/girls.' "You're so educated, oh so progressive, so much better than humans of the past.." these doses are like a drug, dopamine...then, like what ensnared Narcissus, they're forever stuck admiring their image of fucking AWESOMENESS!!

Meanwhile, the lie is running it's true course--plundering the wealth of a nation.

To love America, the founders, the constitution, would be to rip that mirror out of their hands and reveal the reality--you are where you are not because of your merits or accomplishments..it was given to you with two fucks about your quality of work, etc..

So, now, where we are at, many of these liberals would rather suffer a mental breakdown, than to recognize the reality of their situation--you were lied to, misled, misrepresented and used for the benefit of others that really see you as useless cattle, you're life is a lie, and a total waste...

Join before it's too late imgur.com/PshzupB

Unionization is a core concept of a workers rights. What the fuck is this comic trying to say? That unionizing is anti communist?

Cause im broke

>Having been owned by literal facts, raw and uncut.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA your idea of a fact is a good show that cartoons raised you.

There used to be a time where commies where thrown off helicopters.

Because the US is seriously fucked up and NO ONE IS DOING A GOD DAM THING TO FIX IT. Both sides only pass laws that make things worse. Pass a law that forces companies to give health coverage to full time employees? response, massive loss of full time jobs. Most low wage companies went to part time. I went to the hospital for a minor issue, it cost me $30,000 US dollars. No bull shit

It seams to be a cartoon done by someone that has a rather narrow point of view.

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and that wasnt even a full day at the hospital.


Awful with money & told the government should take care of them

count the places these derpwads run until they are shitholes,new york la,frisco,then puerto rico,venezuela,,france,UK,belgium sweden,norway,off media coverage by intention, are the crowds in france out in the streets,UK on brexit,, stabbings and rapes of german women,,,liberals holler racism and the other ten izms everytime they get pushback from the people who pay their nice salaries,, and the press back them up every fucking time,,liberals then use cops to go out and beat heads on demonstrators,use the local or state,regional guardia to go out knock on or knock down doors of those law abiders who may have firearms,,fuckemall toss them out by ballet,or as last resort,,bullets,if nothing else manages to yank them from power

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cocksuckers who claim 'dont understand
' fuck you

Join before it's too late imgur.com/wAcadtQ

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Slow down, take a deep breath. The chan isn't going anywhere and you can get your word in.

Not enough labels for you, boomer?

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I guess not, no.

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>Actually responding to the fascist
>Not realizing that, to a fascist, liberalism IS far left
>Thinking a fascist cares about logic, debate, or words
Why do you just keep taking the bait? Have you learned nothing?

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>>bad luck, criminal, or just lazy?
>Unironically thinking these are the only reasons for poverty
What a fucking Corporate Cuck.

It's essentially why I just troll the fascist now. But it is funny to read their idiocy when one of our peers tries to debate them.

Based Quads of Undeniable Truth

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docs got tuition loans to pay of buuuuuuuud,who runs the universities and medical schrools> who who who?
medical malpractice,interns pay 10k a year for when they get sued, ( a gyno can pay 50k$s a year) by a dirtbag lawyer, or because the clown was supposed to be cleared by the state medical board..( nice salaries are paid to one and all) and the clown got by them all,all drugs and medical devices are,vaccines,,wound thread sutures,every damn thing in the hospital that is medicine related,'cleared' by FDA
with what? 10k employees? 20k?,where do ya suppose they go n on vacation and who pays their way? pharma reps with cards a hotel suite,and visits to whorehouses

>Reasonable criticism
What a fucking brainlet.

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the helicopters had better fucking hurry and get here because we've been overdue for helicopters for 10 years.

as soon as obama won his second term, he and all his communist islam fucking kin should have been dumped into the atlantic from 10k feet

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Saged, reported, hidden, called the mods, emailed moot, emailed the admin, called the cops, called the state police, called the county sheriff, called your ISP, called the District Attorney, called Interpol, called the NYPD, called the State Attorney, called the LAPD, called Child Protective Services called the FBI, called US Homeland Security, called the CIA, called the NSA, called the US Marshals, called the local courthouse, called your State Constable, called London Metropolitan Police, called the German Police, called the TSA, called the US President, called the attorney general, called the National Guard, called the US marines, called the US Navy, called the US Air Force, called the US army, called the Royal Navy, called the governor of every state, called the Federal Air Marshals, called every sheriff deputy, called the Coast Guard, called the US Customs and Border Protection, called the RCMP, called every park ranger, called the mayor of every city in France, called the British Army, called the Queen, called NATO, called the Russian Air Force, called the Federal flight deck officers, called the UN, called the Corrections Department for every state, called the Australian Federal Police, called SWAT, called the Supreme Court, called the Mexican Police, called the White House, called the DEA, called the inspector general, called the Secret Service, called CNN, called ABC, called the vice president, called the senators for every state, called congress, called the pope, called CHP, called the Department of Fish and Wildlife for every state, called the internet police, called the US Capitol Police, and called the Party Van.

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dude stop they are trolling you. of course that pic is real. except the white censor scratches of course.

You dont see them at all because this is an anonymous fucking image board you downy mongoloid. Suck a gun.


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The difference between democrats and republicans is that repubs still try and cling to moral superiority whilst also doing the exact some child fucking and cock sucking bullshit. But I guess it plays in the bread basket so good on them for gaming the system.

The far lefts ones are just confused people.

yeah, you're right.
Even though the burden of proof is on those crying fake/shopped, I'm willing to admit if I'm wrong. Nothing supports the claims of fake/shopped.

Sorry but we cant fix autism

If you personally necked yourself then we could love america again

Maybe you should g0 outside sometime, user.

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Is that why schiff has been off his rocker more than usual this week?

Seeing as I dont live on capital hill I wont see virtually every elected official engaging in grotesque shit. Unless you meant that liberals typically practice more openly. Which they do. conservatives prefer to absue and rape children in the privacy of their own home or church. Stop trying to make it an issue of sides. Its all morally corrupt.

Why are the liberals that hate America:

1. Ugly women that are angry that they can't get top tier men?

2. Angry whores that got passed over by the best men?

3. Grotesques (basically mutantly ugly LGBTQ creeps and pedophiles?

4. Angry Ethnic Minorities that want to blame white people for all of their personal failings?

5. Angry women that want to blame all of their failures on men?

If you can't take responsibility for yourselves, how can you be accountable. If you aren't accountable for anything, you'll never progress anywhere. If you are piece of shit woman or grotesque, ending males and whiteness and America won't be the end of your problems, they will be the beginning of your nightmares.

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being a hideout for nazis after the war

They are obsessed with foreigners, and have come to despise efforts to maintain or bolster the existing national populations.

How could you love this shithole after the last 3 years?

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The last 3 years of a strong economy and kicking out illegals? Oh no, the horror!

Obama deported more illegals than trump, you fucking faggot.

>Obama deported more illegals
Yea, to the fucking welfare office maybe

Nazi's didn't have automatic pistols like that. The Americans did.

Why are you a lying faggot covering for a criminal President, OP?

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It’s a fact retard but you’re to lazy to actually look into it.
> kek
Keep believing that fake new loser

>niggers shouldn't be president
When you frogfags are going after corporate welfare get back to us.

>Corporate welfare
Ah yes, the classic go-to line when someone starts saying mean things about your pets. Too bad that shit ain't gonna work.

>your pets

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It's saying that the "working man" is what most leftists consider a Nazi redneck, yet they claim to fight for them...

Instead of playing "red vs blue" shouldn't you retards be playing "poor vs mega-wealthy". As long as those of us in the 99% are fighting each other they're doing whatever they want.

So that's a yes? You rail against government but corporate tyranny is good?

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[citation needed]

godfuckindamn conservatives are fuckin retarded. i'm genuinely impressed.

Why are you so ignorant? You don't even know what the word liberal means

ooh I know this!
Because Socialism.

If OP weren't an ignorant faggot we wouldn't be having this unfortunate discussion.

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Kek, found the neckbeard incel

> If you can't take responsibility for yourselves, how can you be accountable.

From a male that blames everything on women, minorities people they've never actually interacted with. Your generation is shit at thought.

Shut up Bernie

>poor vs mega-wealthy
That's cute, you're trying to group all of us in with those porch monkeys you love so much. Yeah, nice try retard. That shit ain't gonna work today.

Sure I do, it means a retard, usually white, who votes for more democrat bullshit

>it means a retard

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> buying a full semi-automatic weapon of mass destruction

> not using pic related like Jesus intended


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Why in the fuck are you retards still spamming/bumping this fucking pasta?
Pic related is for anyone who bumped this pasta

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It's a righty temper tantrum

Because Bernie Sanders needs to be the next American President.

>Why do liberals hate America?

AMERICAN republicans are racist, red-neck fat asses. And AMERICAN liberals are cock-hungry hipster whores and faggoty ass-spreading faggots...

THAT has NOTHING to do with the localized ...responsibility... of these irresponsible retards that smirk at BEYOND SCARED STRAIGHT...or the progressive decentralization of governmental authority and emphasis of education disregarded by these pot-smoking, cum-faced, retarded, greedy, self-centered, de-masculinated faggots and bat-shit eating "liberal" women...

...back to YOUR cage you AMERICAN FILTH...



...back to your ...H...O...L...E...scum...



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There's nothing wrong with being poor. There's something wrong with being okay with being poor. American'ts love being told they are victims. It justifies them not doing anything to improve their situation while still letting them bitch about it.

The mega wealthy aren't keeping you down, you are keeping you down.

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oh fuck you're gonna make OP mad as shit now

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You bumped this thread...

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>it's ok all the money goes to 1/10 of the 1%
>it's your fault

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No, it's being poor and then expecting people who are NOT poor to give you free shit or their money. Just so you can turn around and buy more lottery tickets, weed and alcohol. That's the problem.

no I didn't
I imparted serious wisdom that both sides should be paying closer attention to you nit and I shall continue to do so

Attached: 2021-033-RJmower3.gif (325x203, 780K)

>Muh 1%
You're right, we should give all our money to Juan and Tyrone, so they can continue to sit on the porch they do not own, sell drugs and have hoards of kids they don't raise. That'll show em!!

I'm sorry you live in a country which allows that user. Maybe you should move.

Attached: faggot.jpg (1600x1532, 383K)

No, liberal means someone who believes in democracy as opposed to dictatorships or monarchies. Read a book

Do you know what bumping means?

>He bumps it again
>As he continues to bitch
Are you retarded or just acting like it?

it's ok my taxes are wasted on making the rich richer as long as a nigger doesn't get it

Attached: you4.jpg (221x228, 8K)

you are a fucking idiot, liberal

Would you mostly likely trust your investments with a wealthy person or a poor person?

>muh retardation
user do you think you're going to get rich by giving them more money?

Attached: you7.jpg (720x420, 48K)

So how much of your paycheck goes directly to poor people? How much do you donate a week? If the answer is "zero", then shut your retarded ass up. If it weren't for the "rich", you would fucking starve to death within a week. Meanwhile those niggers you love so much do nothing but make life worse for everyone else, sitting on porches all day that they don't even fucking own blaming all their fucking problems on whitey. Funny though how that retard showed me a map of Somalia. That's exactly where people like you belong.

Nope, still saging. Nice get tho

First he hates black people, now he hates liberals. Maybe he should try hating himself instead.

leftists try so hard to discredit flat earth, why?

shitty bait mate

Attached: TurdWithHooks.jpg (450x300, 127K)

It's sad how retarded liberals have become. I used to be one years ago but refuse to be part of that cuckery any longer. They won't even consider their best candidate, Tulsi Gabbard because the media isn't telling them to.
I can't support her because she's anti 2nd amendment and for reparations, but she's otherwise sane, and smart. And for the identitarians, she's a woman and brown.

liberals are the only ones who love America and support its values. Republicunts and Trumpanzees are traitors and enemies of the country.

typical leftist, can't argue with facts or logic so you resort to shitty memes

Why do you Russians never stop making these retarded threads day after day, complete with the same stupid OP image?

Attached: DE9AM4gVYAEh_0p.jpg (800x800, 79K)

>liberals are the only ones who love America and support its values
Support it's values? They're openly trying to ban the 1st, 2nd, and possibly even the 4th amendments

>flat earth

Attached: 16265432_1552098418152091_2798955333195166242_n.jpg (681x666, 46K)

Russians make nigger dick and trap threads? Oh right, those don't count because you LIKE those threads. It's only when people say mean things about your team that upsets you.

>flat earth
>facts or logic

Sure they are, kiddo. Sure they are.

Meanwhile, Trump actually tried to seize guns before trial and shits all over the First Amendment for journalists to the point he's tried to make it illegal to criticize him.

it's simple physics you retard. If gravity pushes everything down how do you build something on a curved surface? it would slide right off. fucking libtard. I bet you had your kids vaccinated too.

because they fail miserably at life and think they'd have a better chance in a place like north korea. but since north korea is filled with racists and people who will cane you to death for speaking out against the government, they can't go there. so they've decided their best chance is just to turn america into a shithole thus making everything equal. equally shitty ofc.

For those, I just go with Moot's Law: ignore shit you don't like.

These threads are targeted and stupid shit-tier propaganda and nothing more.

name one mainstream media outlet that reports on flat earth. Thats how you know the libs are scared.

It's because liberals are fucking NPCs that just blindly believe whatever bullshit they hear from the jew media.

>Trump actually tried to seize guns before trial
Actually kid, it's your team that is doing that. AFTER saying they weren't going to use red flag laws in that way. But I know, we're not suppose to bring up that part. It makes your heroes look bad.

thats why they all believe round earth model and get vaccinated. They can't think for themselves.

>it's simple physics you retard
explain the Cavendish balance

>Ignore shit you don't like
>Except when it's about my team
>Please stop saying mean things about my team
>Facts and discussions trigger me

its a lie made up by leftists

>its a lie made up by leftists
never observed the Cavendish balance in person have you?

why does OP love cock? why do the birds keep on singing? why do giraffes love black metal? why do bananas love ylyl? why do republitards like to make up words? why is your question fundamentally rhetorical? why do you advance an opinion in the guise of a question? why can't you find an audience for your npc meme on a non-fiction website?

yes good npc, just repeat what the leftist media tells you. Fact:it is illegal to fly on any aircraft that isn't government approved.

this picture is older than the edgy little shits who keep posting it. get another joke.

>Fact:it is illegal to fly on any aircraft that isn't government approved
Wow, almost like hundreds of people have to fly on them or something. CRAZY HUH?

So you've never seen a Cavendish balance
you choose to believe what you read in echo chambers

yeah it's definitely not because they are installing devices to "prove" their fake leftist experiments. Keep being an NPC

I choose to believe the exact opposite of what the leftist mainstream media tells me, unlike you, NPC

Now I know you're poor when you don't even understand what the word investment means. You can invest into something and not get MONEY as a return, but still get a return. If you don't understand that I don't know what to say to you.

>installing devices
please provide details

Saying sage doesn't stop the bump newfriend

yeah, you wouldn't want to examine the evidence and make up your own mind

imagine thinking you're "triggering libs" in 2020

holographic 3d image projectors and gravity manipulation chambers. DOn't even get me started on their satanic "pizza" meals.

my mind is made up the minute trump speaks, libtard.

>he says
>as he's clearly triggered himself

America is imperialist and gay as shit. Lick my fucking nuts. Inshallah

>holographic 3d image projectors and gravity manipulation chambers
do go on...

the government is completely owned by leftists and they use these devices to push the round earth agenda.

Attached: so hot.jpg (600x837, 107K)

you're not a very good troll
try harder

>government is completely owned by leftists
laughs in sandanista

keep being bluepilled NPC

try to be believable

not an argument

Attached: the pic that turned me democrat.jpg (960x743, 76K)

they don't

Attached: dems_n_reps.jpg (960x895, 133K)

they do

>not photoshopped

Attached: trump_boxer.jpg (781x959, 77K)

>not an argument
neither is
>keep being bluepilled NPC
your troll fu is weak

how is that not an argument? you shills really are getting worse everyday

how many days user?

the irony

Attached: tay.jpg (320x320, 15K)

everyday for four years now, crybaby NPC

nah, the lib types love the bullshit that America represents, liberals are centrist cucks. Actual leftists are the ones smart enough to know to hate the imperialist death machine that is America.

what happened Jan 25 2016?

>the imperialist death machine that is America.
So why don't you people get the fuck out then? Why do you continue to live here? Go live in fucking Africa

leftists don't control shit. Neoliberal centrists like Hillary and Biden are the ones that were on the steering wheel for decades and they are capitalist ghouls who cream over right wing Reagan austerity politics.
If leftists controlled a single thing in the US we wouldn't have had Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan.

trump got elected president, libtard

on Jan 25? is that your grasp of history?

literally who is rich enough to move to a different country? and Africa/global south is fucked anyway because of said imperialist death machine

You don't have money for a one way ticket, but money for iPhones and a fucking Communications degree, you got money for that. Real funny how that fucking works. You people love bitching about how you have no money. But when it's time for the drinking and dancing all of a sudden nobody's broke for that.

trump is actually p good because everything he is doing is what Hillary would have done, but way less competent. If Hillary won the US would have already invaded Iran, Venezuela. Trump tried to move towards those things but fails so hard at everything that it just throws a wrench in the whole machine.

Wages have been stagnant since the 70's but billionaires are way richer. I mean enjoy licking that boot since you just love having decrepit old billionaire dick fucking your ass while you go "thank you mr capitalist. I DON'T deserve any better. how dare anybody wish for a better system"

Attached: votedemtent.jpg (667x487, 123K)

Right, so we should give all our money to Tyrone. So he can sit on the porch he does not own, while he enrolls into "free" college to study Afro History. I'm SO happy my taxes are going to be used for that. But hey, at least people like you really get to stick it to those evil billionaires!!! YAY USA INTO 3RD WORLD STATUS!!!

can't we all just be friends?

Attached: truelove.jpg (759x422, 33K)

we dont.

Just the most retarded ones happen to be the most outspoken, and we hate being associated with them.

Putin called you a faggot

They don't, you're just too unintelligent to understand adults when they talk about things like politics and ideas, so you get upset. It's also why you're an incel.

Sorry, but think of the bright side. At least you're wasting your life on Cred Forums and not actually affecting the world in any way with your stupidity.

Michelle's got a bigger dick than Putin

you get pissed over taxes that literally go into funding hospitals, medical research and roads, while the part of your paycheck that the boss takes away from you by depriving you of the full monetary value of your work is cool and good and he deserves it for inheriting the company from his dad

We are going to. FUCK THE ENEMY, TRUMP.
Cry harder you subhuman retarded shills.

Liberals are centrists. As in moderates. As in sane people. The modern right is retarded and insane and supports criminals and plutocracy.

No, wages have not been stagnant. That's based on a PEW study whose conclusions are widely misreported, and which also has methodological problems. The popular press missed that the study only measured wages, and wages have become a smaller part of people's overall compensation. The biggest methodological problem is it uses a measure of inflation (the CPI-U) that the agency who created that measure (the BLS) admitted 30 years ago that it overstates inflation. Better estimates suggest median compensation has risen by more than 20% since the 1970s, in real wages. Average people today can afford more stuff than back in the 1970s.

it's not just modern right wingers. right wing thought in general loves hierarchies because they all have a diaper sub fetish and they should be kink shamed for it.
Centrists are civility cucks and take capitalist dick just as hard as right wingers, they just do it while waving a pride flag. Fuck moderates, they're all soulless ghouls like Thatcher.

i learned in "the philosophy of happiness", which i got an A in along the way of getting a philosophy degree, what the problem is. people in wealthier nations are less happy in general than people in poorer nations. now, it's not that money can't bring happiness; i got an A in my final paper that used sources from the entire course to prove that it can, if one has proper class and taste, education and lives a life of virtue. celebrities are missing most if not all of that so their pathetic attempts to be martyrs are just fucking stupid and they don't enjoy life very much but like to smile as if they do while burning money.

the problem is that in wealthier nations, people are comfortable enough but they see that attaining incredible wealth is POSSIBLE. in a nation like indonesia, people are poor, they look at the royalty as the only type who could ever be rich and powerful, and they don't COVET wealth. americans COVET the wealth of their wealthy. they are petty, pathetic, and jealous of them. they care about their 1% without realizing that average income in the US puts you in the top 1% of the WORLD. they think a measly 9/hr is bullshit and we should allow any illegal to come in and get AT LEAST that much, because we have it so well and they deserve it. the thing is, 9/hr puts you in the top 4% of the world. to say that we can allow a billion people to come in here and suddenly be in the top 4% of the world is fucking impossible economically and extremely unfair to the world; if those immigrants are just latins that come in here illegally. i didn't want to get into the latin illegals but that's exactly why liberals want to give this all away to them and again, it's all about wealth and not appreciating it.

tl;dr they're immature and suffering from well understood--and academically taught, if you go to higher learning--bad attitude.

Why do conservatives think fuckface trump is the 2nd coming of your fictitious Christ?


A cogent and well-reasoned response®

That's 100% true. Ancaps and libertarians are notorious for loving rigid hierarchies that control their lives in every way, in comparison to the free-wheeling stalinists and maoists who hate governmental control are willing to let people just live their lives. And it's all because of potty training. You're so wise.

In the 70's a minimumwagecuck could sustain a nuclear family and a suburban home. The FUCK are you talking about 20% increase in real life wages? Did you get that number from the Koch Liberty Foundation or what?

In real life what happened in the 70's was neoliberals like Thatcher and Reagan took over politics and killed unions along with the class-solidarity of the working class - banning strikes so workers couldn't bargain for better wages like they had for decades before. They also cut and privatized as many public services as they could
so living in general became a lot more expensive, further transferring the prosperity of common people to rich owner-class.

>I'm not extremist, I'm a moderate!

>capitalism isn't hierarchical

Attached: day at the beach.jpg (400x400, 20K)

The average family at poverty level today lives in a larger house or apartment, almost certainly has a car or multiple cars, has cable, TVs in many rooms, central air, refrigerators -- things that were not guaranteed even for middle income people in the 1970s.

Your emotional response explains why you have no idea what you're talking about.