Alright Cred Forums I'm 23, 270 lbs, 5' 10", male, looking to drop 100 lbs. Tell me how

Alright Cred Forums I'm 23, 270 lbs, 5' 10", male, looking to drop 100 lbs. Tell me how

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>Alright Cred Forums I'm 23, 270 lbs, 5' 10", male, looking to drop 100 lbs. Tell me how
you can drop 270 lbs RIGHT NOW by laying on the floor haha

High protein, low carbs and cardio. Not difficult with self control, but not having self control is what makes people fat, so...

Just track how many calories you eat, once you hit 2000 calories, stop eating until tomorrow. It's extremely straight forward

>have a plan
>eat clean - low carb, high protein, moderate fat
>track everything you eat in an myfitnesspal etc
>move - start walking (daily) at least, lift if you can

eat less... cardio burns calories but lifting weights burns fat... so do both

You don't even need to exercise, and honestly if you are eating too much no amount of exercise will help. Exercise is not that good for losing weight, but it is good for being healthier i.e. decreasing your risk of heart attack

post pic of body

Car wreck.
2 legs amputated.

Burning calories and burning fat is the same thing, you've been listening to some bro science

also, lower your target goal.
170 is light -- even at 5'10.
aim for like 70-80lbs of fat loss, then cut/trim/shred from there

Water fast or if you dont have the willpower to do that do keto, look up a channel called "what ive learned" and watch all his fasting and keto vids

What does the law of the conservation of mass say?
Matter can neither be created nor destroyed.
For you, this means that your body will only be as massive as the amount of matter you put into it. Your body is adjusted to maintaining your weight. The reason why you weigh that much is because you eat that much. You MUST eat less and you should eat healthy while you're at it. I have big bones is a lie fatties tell themselves to cope with the fact that they're lazy gluttons.

Start walking a mile every day. Early in the morning. Use this time to think, listen to music, an audio book, or talk to someone. Go ahead. Exercise will expedite this process.

Such a deep thinker

carbohydrates and/or proteins -> calories (shit thats still in your system before it turns to fat)...
and fat is fat...

>Stop eating carbs/empty calories, breads, wheats, cakes, chips, sandwiches, soft drinks, candy, ect
>Carbs are the enemy, but don't completely cut them out, they are useful during very long and intense exercises
>Protein, protein everywhere, cheese slice and a couple slices of ham, turkey, whatever for snacks
>Don't forget the green veggies you god damn animal
>Careful on the fruits, avoid bananas, except on occasion, they are easy to digest and convert to sugars relatively easy
>Lift weights, all the time, even if their only quick Eat protein after your workout
>Watch cal intake to about 1500-2k, adjust cals from protein accordingly to how much your weights your lifting in a day
>Look into and take SARMS to quickly (And i really mean QUICKLY) put on Muscle and burn fat far beyond what should be humanly normal.
>SARMS are optional though as they can be expensive

Don't eat carbs. You literally can't gain weight if you don't eat ANY carbs.

You can do this if you don't wanna work out and still lose weight. If you do Anything labor intensive you'll need some carbs.

IDK if you're fat or just happen to be fat. What I mean by this is that I've been fat all my life, from childhood, because of bad parenting which lead to my own bad diet.

For me, best thing so far is eating less and exercising. Nothing special, nothing complicated, just slowly but surely changing my life. Its not so much a diet, as much as a life change.

In 2018 I was 440 pounds, right now I'm 330 (2018 was a bad year for exercise I had medical issues that just kept in status quo)

I'm hoping to drop at least 80 pounds this year. I think I could do more by exercising more, but I'm currently commutting to work and when I get home its 8 P.M. and I have 0 energy to do anything.

Gooooooood fucking morning!

let me start by saying there's a lot of ways to acheive that, but it always runs around what you put in and how you exercise.

Wich one are you willing to suffer first? don't wanna watch what you eat that much? Start exercising. Commit to it. 5 times a week, do cardio. Start slow4 km/hr for 30. The next week, 45 minutes. the third, an hour. then try doing the first and third15 minutes at 5 kmp.

it'll painful and you'll always have reasons to quit.

Don't. Stay on beat. Don't skip. Commit. Be disciplined and keep pushing more and more.

Embrace the grind.

Then the grind will become a need. Because you will know that why you look better, feel better, do more shit, can get diamond hard again, etc..

And after a couple of months, start running a little. 5 minutes here and there in your walking routine.

and then start weight lifting. Not bodybuilding, weightlifting. Dumbells,sqats, splits, arms, back, shoulders. Low weight, hig repetitions, many sets. Make it a routine. Get a basic training routine at the gym.

Don't pussy out, it'll hurt, it'll be difficult. Keep the body confused.

Embrace the grind. It's become a trhiving force and have a great impact in so many aspects of your life.

You will now do the hardest. calories intake. You'll be motivated because you have already seen that those adjustments in life made a fucking big difference. They are not sacrifice anymore. It's now doable to run 5K. might take 55 minutes, but you'll do it. You'l get in a shape you could never have dream of. Not talking the rock kinda shape. But a shape that doesn't make you look away in the mirror. A shape you'll feel great in.

And it'll be difficult. keep pushing.

It's gonna become ok not to guzzle down 4 litres of coke and 2 family size extra salty chips every night.

It changes a life for good if you just commit to it.

255 to 185 surgeon fag here.

Now go fucking do it.

fuck many hoes and housewives

deadlift 405

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Hard work, commitment and a lower calorie intake.

Wouldn't hurt to get some cardio regiment going either coupled with a muscle building exercises you'll be Ethan Supleed in no time.

cardarine and ostarine stack and do strength training and a shitload of cardio

No, the fat you eat doesn't just magically become part of your fat. Your body breaks -everything- down into calories (food energy) then stores it as fat if there is surplus


Turn off computer, go outside. Eat less. Don't be a fucking pussy, how to lose weight is obvious, you just aren't doing shit about it

Fasting. Show the power of the mind and do OMAD into 48 hour fasts. You'll be surprised how easy it can get. Adjusting is difficult but you really have to want change

Do meth.
Best weight loss program you'll ever do.

There are no short cuts and this will take time. It's a good idea to get into fitness so get a gym membership. Start out slow and do strength training as well as cardio. Remember take it slow in the beginning and don't over do it. If you haven't lifted weights in a long time, it's normal to be very sore for 4-5 days after sometimes almost a week. However once your body gets used to strength training, you can work a certain muscle group every other day.

Start out simple with a 2 day split. This means one day is upper body and the other day is lower body. You can do cardio everyday but it's also good to take days off every now and then too. If you are going to get into lifting with your lower body too, you might want to skip cardio until on lower body days your body is used to it. But you can still do cardio on upper body days.

But at a bare minimum at least do an upper body workout with cardio if you aren't into squats and deadlifts.

Remember consistency is key and it's more important to stay on schedule and not miss a workout than is it to have the perfect routine. Form is very important with strength training so start out by lifting weight that is easy for you until you get your form down and your body is used to exercise. Then you can start with moderate weight training which means lifting the correct weight where you can't do anymore than 3 sets of 8-10 reps. I don't recommend going heavy until you have been training consistently for at least 6 months as this will give your tendons, connective tissue, and bones time to strength up. Going heavy means 3 sets of 4-6 reps. If you can do more than 6 reps it's too light. If you can't do 4 reps it's too heavy. There are variations on moderate and heavy but this is a general guideline.

Your progress depends on sleep, diet, and going to the gym. As far as diet goes, it's all about having a balanced diet. But make sure the portions are the correct size and that you aren't over eating.

Also don't pay attentions to the trolls that are recommending SARMS, AAS, HGH, aka roids. Every person can obtain a very respectable fitness level naturally. It just takes time and consistency.


also, checked...

Can you get your hands on a dull machete?

Gonna tell you right now, you are in the wrong mindset to lose that weight. You are asking for advice on how to lose weight on Cred Forums. Go on fit for real advice, but you don't even need any tips or advice to lose weight. Just eat less. You dont need to count calories, carbs, protein, or fat. Stop drinking soda, frappes, or whatever high sugar drinks you might drink. You would be surprised how much calories you could drink. My dad is 60 y.o. and was a borderline diabetic pushing 200, now he's probably less than 160. He didnt work out or follow any specific diet plan, just was more mindful with what he was eating, stopped drinking alcohol, and went on walks with our dog. There were days where he wouldnt prepare any dinner, he would just prepare a fruit smoothie or a light sandwich for himself and go to bed. I really hope you find a way to lose the weight you want, but asking for advice already puts you in the wrong mindset. You really just need to do it.

I've heard getting fucked up the ass 3 times a week makes you drop pounds like crazy..... Also have you thought about meth?

All meat diet I did It for a month and lost 20 lbs


There are a million crash diets out there that will do the trick, but in the end you end up gaining it all back. The fact is that the adipocytes (fat cells) don't just disappear when you lose weight. They simply shrink. So regaining weight is far easier than gaining it in the first place because your body does not need to produce new adipocytes to accommodate the fat. So the tick is to find a diet that you can maintain while skinny until the adipocytes die. That entirely depends on your lifestyle. Find a way to incorporate exercise into your daily routine. And build eating habits that naturally lower your calorie intake.

For example I only watch Netflix while on the treadmill. Running doesn't work because the noise prevents me from being able to watch the shows or listen to music so I walk 4mph at 5* incline. I am able to do that for 99 min, at which point the treadmill turns itself off so I don't have to keep track of anything. When I did keep track it would stress me out so I adjusted my workout for to best suit me. Walking instead of running does not fatigue my body as much. I can burn 1250 callories a day just with this. When I tried running every day I would burn 800 cals in half an hour but I quit after a few weaks because the cumulative fatigue made me feel like absolute shit.

To reduce calories I just make sure to drink an absolute shit ton of water before and during my meals. I learned that I just don't have the discipline to maintain a diet. But it is easy to just chug a shit ton of water with that snack. Then the snack fills you up and you can push back your meal without starving, or even eat a smaller meal.

Also, intermittent fasting sounds promising.

Just wait for the diabeetus to take your leg...easy-peazy.

I went from 305 to 197
A) Fix your diet
1) drink nothing but water, and black coffee on occasion. No soda, no alcohol, no beer, no sports drinks, no juice. I dont care if it says zero cal or all natural etc. And no flavored shit - its all poison.

2) No processed foods.
3) No fast food
4) No eating out
5) Eat natural foods. Fresh veggies, lean meats, learn to cook.
6) Severely limit sweets
7) Meal prep, weigh food, calculate calories and eat no more than 2000, 50% protein and the rest carbs and natural fats. You can vary the percentages of the last 2 to see how body responds but keep calories low.

This will set you on the right track. Your body will fight you but stay the course. Pre calculating and meal prepping makes it easy to make decisions and track your intake.

B) Exercise
1) Cardio. Light to start and increase as you get better. Best way to burn calories. Do things 60 120s ie 60 sec run 120 walk and repeat 20 times. Do stairmaster, will strengthen legs which are big muscles and will burn more. Do weighted walks, ruck marches in army turn fatties into fitties.

2) weight training. One you get body weight down start lifting. Try to do whole body compound exercises and super sets. Will maximise time in gym.

Also get good sleep.

its going to take about 1-2 years to drop 100lbs like a normal person would. If you go crazy calorie restriction you can do it faster, but dedication is key. Count calories and figure the shit out yourself, its a lot of fun when you start out learning about nutrition

i was going to suggest he/she/it climb to the top of a tall building and drop ones self over the edge...

truth baby


Four meals a day about the size of your fist always worked for me. Portion control.

Pretty sure we now understand that when we war certain animals fats they are not broken down since our body can just use it as is with most of the excess exiting in your shit

Stop eating like a vacuum and take smaller bites. Also eat regularly 5 times a day, smaller portions than normally when you would eat 3 meals.

this is actually true

I lost 100 pounds in about 6 months because I wasn't eating much and doing meth instead. It can get expensive though, and the only downside is it will fuck your teeth permanently.

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Stop eating. That's literately all it takes.

If you drink alot quit drinking for like 3 months youll lose weight