What crimes have you gotten away with?

what crimes have you gotten away with?

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Back in elementary school I saw another kid drop a couple of coppers on the floor whilst exiting the classroom and didn't say anything, instead I waited for him to leave and picked them up.
I think I lost them myself not too long afterwards; crime doesn't pay, as you can see.

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Hardened crim

Pre-marital sex.

what the fuck are coppers?

Not rape

Haha I'll never admit to it!!!

I held a salmon suspiciously

You disgust me.

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But I parachuted out



I FUCKING REMOVED that tag from a pillow and then bought it.

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I inhaled 7 marijuanas in the bathroom of my middle school.

Youre a fucking animal.

what is that some kind of anglo shit?

I downloaded a car.

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I smoked some pot (slang for marijuana) in my bedroom.

i make my room mates dog lick my ass then he would bring girls over who loved the cute puppy and would let them lick them on the face etc

Bitch mommy made me my tendies and i used buffalo sauce instead of hunny mussy

1/2p coins you muppets.

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not very exciting but i was a satellite hacker in the early 2000s. i used to decode the streams and provide keys and ecm fixes, and provided others with the equipment necessary to get free tv. made a decent living against bell and dishnet until south korea sucked the life out of the market.

those are made out of bronze though

i step in greeen grahss that no is mine

How is it working for the government?

I'm pretty clean cut but if I get invited to a house party of people I barely know and everyone gets drunk and pass out, I'll clean the wallets and purses out. Kind of scary sometimes but I haven't been caught yet

>1/2p coins
wtf does that even mean

Now that's neato.

I don't make the rules, mate.

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Assault, theft, perjury, fraud. I'm also a little rapey but I think I've stayed legal in that domain. Basically I'm scum.

Downloaded a car.

I used to pocket chocolate milks from the school every day in highschool

I work in a hospital. We had a young woman come in as a patient, probably 19 or so. She had a huge rack, absolutely perfect shaped tits. I did a 12 lead ecg on her and basically fondled her breasts in the act of putting the stickers on her. Im not normally that kind of person but up until that time, I had only handled my gf's tits and I couldn't help myself.

I've actually gotten away with a fuckload of shit but if I just said that with this qualification everyone would call me a fag. When I look back, yeah, when I was in the drug scene, I should have been both dead or in prison fifteen times over for both. My record is clean, and I'm sure I'm a little permafriend, but beyond that, I made it through those years somehow.

bronze is a copper alloy I was trolling you because you called me a muppet

I could use a permafriend


Lol, same


mad lad

I've raped over 1,000 women and have mixed my urine into multiple jello pudding pops.

I kept and cooked a wild salmon when your suppose to only keep hatchery one ;)
>pic related

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I got wasted on stolen dollar store wine with my friend ,travelled 5 mile through a muddy pipe line broke into a putt putt place jumped the counter and went straight to the fucking fridge (Too drunk to think about cash register ) and took a phat bottle of margarita mix, Finnished 2/3 of it and went to my friends house. he did not mention his dad was a cop .And did not get in any shit for any for it fiend also made a story time out of it

Well, you see, I'm a bit of a moron, so these sort of things tend go over my head.
Sorry about that.

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Vid link youtu.be/ty1wOUzUHw happened a solid couple months ago

Dude Jesus Christ. Are you out of your mind posting that here?

A little theft some Statutory rape when I was a lot younger.

dui, theft, and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon

pornography and public urination

and vandalism

wtf i just clicked on this and it's a dead link... did I get phished?