Hey boys!

Hey boys!

How does it feel to know that I would kick your ass in a streetfight?!?!

I have a black belt (the highest rank) in karate.
It took me 5 years to get my belt so now I can proudly consider myselfe a true master.

Since you guys havent mastered any martial art you wont last 2 minutes in a fight against me.

Attached: IMG_2378.jpg (1018x1018, 470K)

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Haha fucking loser spending 5 years learning to fight. Growing up fighting every week I'd kick yet cunt in

I’d give you your brown belt.

Tits or gtfo

I would let you kick my ass ALL NIGHT LONG. If you know what I mean?

Karate /= not street fight

Sounds hot!! Would you rape me afterwards?

i bet she's got some techniques you won't be ready for. come on, stop being a tough guy. you know, i read something on quora about "how to properly punch" and i can see that the way real fighters are trained is very different than the dumb ass fight clips i've seen here. i wonder if you know all that science about even simple punching.

This. I took boxing for about a year, and the one thing I learned really fast is that martial arts mean nothing if its a street fight, you panic, or if they're way out of your weight class and reach.

> spend 5 years learning how to rack up points and shit
> i am now an 80 pound badass

Probably bait but if not be careful of grappling because even if you don't have much experience you can cripple people

Its great that you're good in something user
but dont get too cocky with that attitude someone can get really piss and pull a knife i practice self defense and something they taugh us is that in a fight with a knife are 90% that you get cut
and also tits

Oh sorry also tits

also, i guess i was thinking about this girl's stamina


I was a Green Belt 2nd degree before I left, so you'd have a bit of difficulty fighting against me.

Image stolen from kyokushinkarate news

Spent about 9 years getting a second degree blackbelt in a similar martial art, i am under no illusions that i can now magically beat people to shit in a street fight. Is this a woman thing?

You realize that doesnt mean its not still her

You don't need to make huge swings to punch. As long as you lean into in and put your weight behind the punch.

I'd be happy to lose by facesit

It's from 5 years ago.

There's also pivoting the feet, turning your hips and wrist, & keeping at your max reach
but yeah don't just flail around like a drunken toddler

I know it's a troll thread but having any belt in any martial art is only a representation of your level of understanding, not your ability to put what you've learned into practice against an opponent.

it depends on where you learned it
I went to a BJJ gym that taught everyone the same techniques regardless of belts
