Ask an army recruiter anything

Ask an army recruiter anything.

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do you like dicks in your asshole

How much do you hate Trump?

Will I get recruited if I have an MBA?

what's the cutoff age?

I got out with a re-entry code level 3 and am 38 years old. Can I get back in?

Why'd you fuck me. >:c

murder 100% of usa federal government & military


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Just out of curiosity, i could use my military id card to buy gum, then immediately quit the army, right?

Do you flirt with the high school girls?

Do you get a lot of job satisfaction?

Do you find military life less difficult now that gays are allowed to serve?

Unless war were declared

Why should I die for Israel?




From a scale of 1-10, how utterly retarded is the average person you talk too? Be honest

why does my food taste like shit

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What do i get if i join up to kill foreigners for thier oil and help my government maintain a perpetual state of war in order to keep the people distracted, and themselves in power? (Other than a debilitating injury and/or ptsd) my choice of the pen or lanyard?

Hey im in the BVB Army as a 66L(ima): Log Sucking Specialist. Im trying to go officer. What should i do?

Is 11B OSUT a requirement to go 18 series? Even medic?

which one are you the cuck on the left or the mega chad on the right?

Do you like just killing people or what?

If I join, am I guaranteed that I'll get to kill sand niggers

maybe, if your lucky.

Where do I sign up

When is the G.I. bill cap going up?
21k for school is fucking horse shit.

how many cylinders do you have in your mustang? 4 or 6?

whats an army recruiter?

Pfff civi detected. We all know pogs drive dodge chargers.

Why won't you allow people with physical disabilities to enlist? I have 20 years of leadership and technical experience in information technology, but I have muscular dystrophy. Why am I not allowed to serve my country?

Yet you allow social degenerates, ghetto rats, people with gender dysphoria, people with a 40% probability of suicide even before they serve, to enlist.

Tell me, why am I not good enough to serve.

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4 is legit. OP definitely bought the V6

I've always felt I'm a woman trapped in a man's body. Will the Army pay to chop my penis off and install some big ol titties? Also, do I get to live in the womyn's dorm? Even though I'm a woman, I like to look at other women's vaginas and breasts.

because when Charlie is chasing you through the jungle. you can't be hobbing around like a retard

>muscular dystrophy
>why can't I join

Not sure I'd want you in my squad as a person I'd expect to rely on

I would be in an office or server room. As an officer, with my college degree. Doing what I already do, but I would be wearing green.

Only 10% of the Army is in any type of combat job role. 90% are sustainment, logistics, administrative, or technical / non-deployment job roles.

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Im 31 and got 2 alcohol related duis, can i get in?


You need at least 3.

As a military member, even as an officer you have to be combat-ready, pretty sure that's the reason why you can't join. If you have a college degree go in the private sector, why the military?

30 years ago bro...your pussy asses could have saved me from 30 fucking years of suffering...but we were not at perpetual war all the just cause I smoked some weed and your fucking lazy ass predecessors lost my country a decent soldier(I aint gonna pump my self up). But I had been around WW II,Korea and Vietnam Veterans since I couldn't look over the bar at the VFW...but was still helping stock and cook dinners

No offense but you guys (recruiters) need to do more to help the guys you know will not thrive outside Military Service....
Honest here..if you woulda put my ass in The Army in 1988...I would hold this rank.

You guys need to do more to help those THAT WILL FAIL if you don't

Butt Fuck You Very Much...I'm doing good thank

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is there a limit to how tall someone can be for the army

I went to basic with someone who was 6' 11"

He did not make it because he could not PT but it was cool.

Post your pft/cft scores, rank, edipi and duty station