Imagine killing 3 people over a fucking prank

Imagine killing 3 people over a fucking prank

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Fuck those kids, they fucking deserved to die. Who the fuck plays ding ding ditch at fucking 3 in the morning?

The best kind of people

Don't get me wrong I would've been pissed, but is it really worth throwing your whole life away?

Nah you deserve a fucking ass beating at that point, but it's not worth fucking kill them

imagine being this much of a turbovirgin

Here in Indian, we don't play your stupid American games. to us, what those boys did was inexcusable to elders.

You know I'm right, faggot. And where were their fucking parents? Were these kids niggers?

well you shit in the streets so...

Is the guy who killed them an Indian? This is exactly why we don't like you subhumans. You move your smelly asses here and then keep on acting like you're still in fucking India.

I'm more impressed he was able to track them down and hit them

No, 2 white and 1 spic

I mean, it's 3 AM. It's not like there are tons of people driving around at that time of day.

Who chases and causes a fatal car crash because they were mad that bored teenagers rang their door bell and ran away? I'm a fan of the Darwin awards but this is a bit of an overreaction.

I am :D




Who the fuck plays ding dong ditch at 3 in the goddamn morning? Even niggers don't do that. Where the hell were the parents? Who allows their kid to be out that fucking late?

in my day it was called nigger knocking

Yeah, because teenagers never sneak out at night.

Based man

ok boomer


Then they were asking for problems. You wanna play stupid games, you're gonna win stupid prizes. A grown ass man starts chasing after you, you pull over and handle your business. Don't run like a fucking coward.

The SUPERPOWERS are here on the Continent of Asia. we can wipe out you pathetic Americans in one fell swoop in the night. Are you enjoying the super virus we sent?

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So now you're larping as Chinese? I thought you were Indian? Isn't your break from answering the phone from Verizon's customer service over by now?

This makes me happy. Fuck em

>trying to use a slow-ass toyota as the getaway car

>who plays ding dong ditch
Your childhood must have been a nightmare of helicopter tier lonely and sad.

You have my sympathy

Dude was a fucking dumbass from start to finish. He couldn't have ran to begin with. They had that guy outnumbered 3 to 1. They should've pulled over, handed him that ass whipping and kept it moving.

I love how you left out the 3 in the fucking morning part. So tell us, how many times did you sneak out at 3 am just to play fucking ding dong ditch? And I should feel bad for these kids, why?

I agree

If all the kids were only just injured then he would've been a badass in everyone's eyes.

Not really, you'd still have morons running around screaming how they dindu nuffin

he did the right thing

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>what those boys did was inexcusable to elders.
i agree

What the fuck did they think would happen? Kids these days should be in school or working, not playing silly little games. Video games and forms of recreational entertainment should be banned for anyone over the age of 12.

after spending 16 hours in an A380 full of curry farts yesterday that guy and all Indians can fuck right off

India is a country in Asia. Indians are asians. Go back to school turbofaggot.

Lets face it, they would have eventually been shot in school anyway.

He must have been a limp dick Trump supporter.


>chat shit get hit
>ring bell die well

No one is home at 10 am you ubercunt. Of course you do it at night. That's the point!

because 16 of the 56,000,000 who went to school last year were killed in school shootings

sounds like good odds

Better chance to be struck by lightning, kek.

This bait is pathetic

Ur not wrong

If they don’t get shot at school they’ll get shot somewhere else

People are learning the wrong lesson from this.

They should be learning not to ding-dong-ditch anyone ever because you might just get what you are asking for.

Based boomer.

Imagine being a stupid fucking faggoty as person like you who thinks these are even "pranks" and thinks there somewhat assuming at all or funny.

You should be dead with em too OP, fuck you and everyone who does this shit.

>Were these kids niggers?
Can you even Google, angryfaggot?

the underage edge lords are out tonight.

They were probably doing it to the same guy over and over and he snapped. Fuck em.

The guy actually said "who's there?" right before ramming into their car.

Imagine being this much of a faggot, crying over retards dying like they deserve it because they played stupid games with people who are about that life. I hope he gets acquitted.

Looks like those kids couldn't take a prank.

Fuck em.

Isnt there a roblox session you are supposed to be doing right now? Grown ups are talking.

Then again you gangrape little with iron rods and then kill them because you can't get any otherwise.

One act was unprovoked, one was a accident from an overreaction. Let's just call it even.

These kids went to a school near me. They were Juniors and pretty stupid, yet ramming them isn't cool.

>no gf
>no hope
>shitty job
fuck it why not

Yes, grown ups are talking. So why are you still here?

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They decided to stop for a ding dong ditch on the way to a fucking sleepover dude. These kids didn't deserve to die at all. This is really sad. Fuck

Given the fact the guy was a home owner, in California no less, I'd imagine his life was going pretty good up to this point

Yet ringing door bells at 3AM is cool?

haven't heard that term in years.

>Who chases and causes a fatal car crash because they were mad that bored teenagers rang their door bell and ran away?
Sounds white as fuck to me. Probably a republican too

>Debbie Ruiz, Drake's mother, called her son a "class clown.".. "Joy and happiness were his main priorities in life," she told KCAL. "We had a lot of fun together."

It's a shame she was a pal to him instead of a mother.

Yes they fucking did deserve to die. You wanna play stupid games, you're gonna win stupid prizes. You got a problem with that you can suck my dick.

One of them was a spic. Bet money they vote democrat.

whatever happened to the burning bag of dogshit prank?

>Taking the bait

user called you a turbovirgin lol

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Hey if you knock on a stranger's door, you can't complain about it when he answers, just because the answer wasn't what you had in mind.

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Good thing you're too much of a retarded cuck to operate in this world so that kind of view isn't going to make it far.

I can’t tell if he means dot or feathers. Honestly if it’s feathers in America they pretty much get a pass for all the land stealing n small poxing. For reference I’m a dot Indian - if it happened here no one would care because we have so many extra people so plenty of spares

You don't fuck with Anurag Chandra.

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i would say anyone that was a kid/teenager before the advent smartphones. i did it all the time with my friends. and no, we're not niggers. we were just bored.

3 worthless zoomers gave their lives to destroy a boomer. Worth it.

a couple of times though usually my friends and i would do it around 11pm.

>This is considered white in Murica

where you at? i havent sucked dick in a while and i could go for a micro penis right about now

play stupid games
win stupid prizes

its called nigger knocking damn it.

You in Califuckya? I'm in your local nigger town. Go steal your mom's car and meet me there.

Donald Trump ruined a country after being made fun of by a black man. So it's not out of the realm of potential outcomes.

that's pretty badass, those kids got pranked good

Who the fuck told you it was at 3am you fucking dumb ass. I've read several articles about this incident and it happened at a little past 10 pm.
Even it it was at 3am that's no justification for killing them you fucking edge lord

Imagine being so butthurt over a man expressing himself they have to come cry to Cred Forums about it.

Grow up buckwheat


Tasty bait?


forgot my trigger warning, sorry

Please link me to this article that said it was past 10 pm. Because I'm pretty sure you just bend over, spread your smelly asscheeks and pulled that straight from your ass.

Damn, white boi got completely btfo kek

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this. so much this.

They were probably gonna rob the house and he just lost it

Good, they were probably niggers and faggots.

>it happened at 3am
>no source
>no it happened at 10
>hurr Durr you don't have source hurr Durr

god damn this level of autism

That's quite specific, pretty sure that's how you came up with 3am

Dude, literally every article about this says it was past 3AM. Are you that fucking lazy?

So you don't have it. Just as I thought.

Time/NBC/Fox don't give a specific time and simply Sunday night you stupid nigger.

Some do say 3am but most say 10 pm idk why tf that is

confirmed autistic nigger

califuckya? never heard that one before. you must be out in the fuckin sticks if youre in a town in california.

>it's just a prank, bro!

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Sometimes people talk about old Cred Forums and whether or not it was good. Well it wasn't good but this whole incident would have just been seen as funny. We'd be laughing because they all brought it on themselves, not because we're edgy. This is classic lols and you newfags are fagging it up.

Of course fake ass news didn't, they have to protect snowflake like you. Just like how they didn't release that nigger's name who killed the white guy in NYC. We all have to stand here and hold back our fucking laughter while you idiots cry over your pets, while blaming the "system".

>Facts are autistic
Life is gonna get really ruff for you after you finish that tuff Social Studies degree

>Never heard of facts before
>Where is my fried chicken?

>m-m-muh fake news
>doesn't post source to 3am claim
>social studies

nice projection fag good luck learning to read.

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facts? what the fuck are you babbling about? and yes, where is my fried chicken. you fuckin niggers really are lazy as shit.

only in the third world country known as america.

Now they're ding dong dead.

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Acccurate though, no where in USA is safe ffrom mass shootings, you niggas have more mass shootings in a year than you have days LOL. Zero workers rights too, you guys think you're land of the free but the only thing you're free to do is shoot each other, retards.

Not gonna lie that's pretty based

Reason we have these laws is gun down niggers like you. church and school shootings are just gods revisions.

>mfw when my yearly income in the silicone valley can feed your entire nigger village for a decade.

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Monkey, please tell us where you live. My fat American belly could use the laugh.

Turbo virgin in silicone valley, earns a fortune but pays a fortune to merely exist in his world of incel nerdom as his friends and family shoot each other over who ate the last hamburger. Bliss

>earns a fortune
>family fighting for hamburgers
No no no Jamal those are your fellow monkeys. I don't have time for this today just fill up the tank nigger I got work.

>you guys think you're land of the free but the only thing you're free to do is shoot each other, retards.
LMAO nice

What a total shame, 4 lives lost, and another destroyed

3 died

Play stupid games win stupid prizes.


Thanks for the link brainlet

It really shows the low intelligence of Cred Forums when these threads always consist only of headlines and never the actual article.

It's funny how it's called nigger knocking but it's always white kids who do it

>i never had friends so i never knew kids would be out late at night on a weekend

3 less dumbasses in the world lol

No, you don't, NEET.

>I actually research obvious bait
>that makes me intelligent

>point of the post goes totally over brainlets head
Just another day on Cred Forums

Correct! At least that's what we called it back when I was a kid and I'm hispanic.

it was 10:30pm faggot!
nowhere near late enough to warrant a triple homicide for ringing the doorbell, not at that hour anyway!

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I guess 6 kids were in the car

bullshit. There's more to this story I bet. No way he shoulda caught them. 2 stay in car with it on, 3rd rings door, run back to car and peel off. No way he gets his keys shoes and everything and catches up unless these little fuckers were constantly doing it or did more. Either way everyone involved in this story is a dumb cunt.

>playing ding dong ditch with a car

Fucking casuals.

>consume and work
Fuck off boomer


The real question is after doing this why not just finish off the survivors and try and cover it up. FFS this guy is already gonna get a life sentence and if he smurfed the kids and destroyed his vehicle doubt local law enforcement would have ever found him given how retarded they are. Not saying you should ever do dumb shit like this in first place I'm all for revenge it just should be proportional.

I have fond memories of ding dong ditching people between 2-5 am


> sent
1 case in the USA.
Thousands of cases in China.
> sent

>believing the black teenage survivors story

funny because the white old man in custody's story is that the four of them broke in to his house and were stealing his dead wifes jewellery

Space program cowboys

And I thought getting stabbed to death over a bag of Cheetos is ridiculous.

Disgusting curry nigger

looks like an average american to me

First off, it was 6 teens in the car. 3 killed, and 3 in serious condition.
Second, it was a prius they were driving. Prius are the 2nd most dangerous death ratio to survival rating in all vehicle collision history.
The guy that killed the teens was driving an Infinity. A fucking INFINITY WITH FRONT BUMPER DAMAGE ONLY. The prius was smashed open like a soup can on a firing range.

You've earned it, here's your (you)

Check the name faggot

Good, stupid kids better keep in line unless they wanna die.

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Underrated and upboated

I've yet to see one post that acknowledges that the kids did it to the wrong house.

Kek! 3 less retarded little shitstain zoomers in the world. Should find out which jail this old fellas in and put a couple hundred $ in his commissary account as a thank you present.

This. Gonna call department of corrections and see about adding some money onto his commissary, too.

Post info here so I can send him mail

>killing teenagers over them being retarded
Should we kill you for making us read your retarded post too?

Pity you weren't in the car with the other 3 retards. Oh well, maybe there'll an old man speeding down the road just for you.

based as fuck

You never stayed up till 3 or why does the time Anger you that much you fucking midget

Na, He is a retard anyways

>never stayed up till 3
posting at 3


Thats true

lol good work mate fight the battles the rest of us cant justify or be bothered with.
seriously if some cunt harassed me in my home like that id be pretty tempted to pwn them as well.
Americans have an overdeveloped need to forgive the aggressors/tormentors in these situations while fully condemning the victim for lashing out

Seems you tired, or why the reddit spacing?

I agree in that they shouldn't have provoked him, but his reaction was way too exaggerated.
Now he's going to get death penalty what an idiot.

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Based brother

Fuck off Hardeep

dark skins...

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but they really are free:
free to shoot each other
free to exploit each other
free to treat each other like shit in ways the rest of the world hasn't even dreamed yet
free to steal all the money and bankrupt the world
free to have arabs see it coming almost a decade earlier and FUCKING WRECK THEM
free to be the most hated nationality worldwide
free to be fat, so fat, so verrrry fucking insanely fat
free to be lazy, in fact Americans are so fantastically lazy they get Mexicans do their physical work (a culture renowned for being lazy and unproductive)

In reality they are so very free to do whatever degenerate thing it is, in fact degeneracy is encouraged and lauded in their culture where they are proud to be fat sodomites, they take pride in having a level of greed so obscene that their yearly income would satisfy a village or people for ten years, they unironically actually see nothing wrong with this.

y-you're scaring me user kun

Jesus, I wish I could be as edgy as you

But if they were shit flinging teenagers then there wouldn't be any repercussions

Is not killing someone the greatest prank of all?

Lol you don’t know what an edgelord is m8. Fuck those kids. Their death was as pointless as their lives. The world is better off without them

It really is, joker taught us this. MAKE EM LAUGH!!!!!

The world thinks the same of you user.

Imagine killing half the Earths population for the greater good, but nutting in your sister before that.

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*cries in bald eagle*

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If stressed to one's limit, it takes only the smallest added pressure to make you snap.
the stress in your body doesn't know annoyance from life threatening danger - and will just act according to stimuli.

So a prank was felt as a deadly attack and in a rush of adrenaline he killed them.
these things happen - so best know your prank victim, that they're not tethering on edge of a breakdown before comitting to the prank.

That's ok my life is worth more than yours

The dude left them dead in a ding dong ditch.

I love how they spin this shit. "Class clown" aka being a little cunt who everyone hated. Sounds like he had it coming.

How do you earn a fortune being unemployed and living in your parent's basement?

What a classic case of the trope "what a waste of life".

Yeah thats fine in india not here.

Take your poo to another loo.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes...

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>Who the fuck plays ding ding ditch at fucking 3 in the morning?

niggers of course. an i agree with op. they deserved this. period. fucking juvenile 87 point IQ ape bastards.

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>be indian
>3 american teenagers spam you at 3am
>"my friend that is MY job!"
>chase them down because their computer has been infected
>they die and now police are on their way to arrest you
>you only need $300 in target cash cards to escape
>target is closed
>now the actual police are coming
>and your computer is still infected
>please my friend
>get death penalty
>no target cash card
>superpower 2020 was a lie cannot escape in rocket ship
>blame toilet witch
>she has no target cash card

You are right, but I think we can all under the table agree the kids played a stupid game and won the stupid prize.

And the worms crawl in, the worms crawl out
The worms play pinochle on your snout
They eat your eyes, they eat your noes
They eat the jelly between your toes

Am I the only one who finds this hilarious?

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There's so few first generation Prius on the roads. Think the battery is still good? I need one for mine.

Filthy indian, go back to your own country and have sex with your cows.

If you consider being black a prank, then, yes I can

These kids clearly suck at the game if the dude had time to get to the door, then get to his car and catch up with them and ultimately murder them

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>ding dong ditch
most likely scoping out the place to rob it / see if anyone was home
didn't deserve this fate however
yet they played a stupid game and got a stupid prize
so whatever

I don't have to imagine...

shut up nigger

well if it happened at 3 AM then killing them is completely justified of course, my apologies

Who plays ding dong ditch when they're 16? I think I remember it from when I was like, ten.

hey! be thankful they weren't raping someone or killing a drifter or doing drugs!

Doing drugs is what all 16 year olds should be doing though. Were these guys mentally stunted, or what?

was for

Murder seems OTT for ramming a car - surely that's manslaughter?

Ive been here since user bought that homeless guy a pizza, what do we do....

Play retarded games
Get retarded outcomes

Cry more faggot
Libtards make excuses all damn day.
Do you know what the word consequence means?

a consequence for a dingdong is death? how retarded are you, fucking psychopath?

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No place for niggers like you

I once chased group of teenagers with a meatsmasher for breaking glass on my driveway but what this guy did is unacceptable.

Rough break.
Jokes on them. I'm not home at 3 am. At 3 I'm in the middle of pulling a train, pretty sure. Literally, pulling a train. Could be pushing one. Most likely pulling though.

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I would've just fired my funs into to the ground to give em a good scare.

post here, I'd Cred Forums him some $$

ding dong ditch in a fucking prius

Recidivism rate on this is going to be zero.

I like the cut of this guy's jib.

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article says around 10:30 pm. Must had been a boomer a millennial wouldn't had awnsered the door.


We were on BMX bikes or skateboards like kids should be while playing DDD. Sometimes you got chased.

How retarded are you?
You really think he was trying to kill them? He probably ran them off the road but this happened instead.
Sure they dont deserve capital punishment, but doing dumb shit eventually causes harm.

rofl. look at all the wooshed fuckers you triggered xD

>Anurag Chandra
this faggot sand nigger is about to be sent to his heathen god in the burning lakes of hell, with that being said..come on guys who still rings doorbells and runs?

Imagine being retarded enough to do pranks.

shame 3 of the fuckers survived, should've put them in prison instead for contributing to the death their friends.

They were too old to be playing that game

Everyone is sitting on the guy for overreacting but let's be real, each and every one of you has had a day that was so bad literally anything would have pushed you over the edge. What I'm trying to say is he was just unlucky that his day happened to line up with some punk kids fucking with him

Go fuck yourself cunt that's a work night. I would have done it too but I wouldn't have left evidence.

Pretty accurate tbh

you should feel empathy because that's being human, if you are null of any feelings of sadness you need to open the door get on the floor everybody do the dinosaur

This is the only quality comment here.

this just in. Only ding ding ditch pajeets
Because they love that shit.

1) Act like a nigger, get treated like a nigger.

2) Import third world shitskins into your state, get third world problems.

I don't have a problem with this as long as lessons were learned... but they probably weren't.

Um feathers didn't have all the land.
They also lost the war.
So did Mexico.
When you lose a war. You sometimes lose territory too.
Like Germany did.

I get what youre saying, but also get this, Im not sure I've I've ever met an honorable native, i know they exist, just never met one that was competitively subhuman. I've met alot.
There's a reason for this "coincidence"

Build a fence, homo.

primitive brown skinned savages they are just like the niggers in africa. both should be thankful because they'd still be living in teepees and mud huts

Wait so I can ding ding ditch, then get chased with murderous intent, and kill them in "self defense," because it is, legally and all good.
I guess if there's an annoying ranjeesh this strategy could be used to guilt free get rid of them.
Just don't murder kids for childish games. If you even have a doorbell it's probably because youre not living in India anymore, so you should probably tone down the thoughtless murder and rape you grew up commiting.

They were probably harassing the guy for weeks, if not months.

3 little shits that wont escalate their shitty behavior and one boomer getting locked up.

this is a win win win and win. there are no downsides here

Maybe the guy bumping their car with his was the real prank. His lawyers should use that as the defence.


ps: checked

Shut your ass bitch stupid Indian from Americans

>Imagine killing 3 people over a fucking prank

Old enough to drive and doing ring pranks.
They won't be missed.


Imagine the precedent it would set if the guy would get off on temp insanity because of the time of night

This could make ding ding ditching the most dangerous game ever played

Yea but yall shit in the streets and clean your asshiles with goat mouths

>the virus we sent
>from asia that is killing asians

people who have or will have fun, meaningful lives instead of becoming bitter sexless freaks who post on Cred Forums

Prank here

It was always called Knock-a-door-run here. When I was 8 my brother and his friends made me do it on a house without telling me they'd already knocked on the door and ran like 3 times already so the man living there was pissed off and waiting by the door. As soon as he heard a single knock, he threw the door open, grabbed me by my shoulders and started violently shaking me while shouting at my face. I thought he was going to kill me and I never did it again

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Oh damn this is about 20 minutes from where I live.

You know what prevents an overreaction?
Not provoking a reaction to begin with.

Damn, this guy took nigger knocking way to serious here.


Show bobs

>Anurag Chandra

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You knock me?, I knock YOU!!

growing up in the 90s in tennessee it was nigger knocking. i didn't even know about ding dong ditch until a few years ago


bruh 'dey can get dis ding-dong-DIIIICK

I’ve had the same group of kids coming through my apartment complex doing the same shit for months. 3 in the fucking morning banging on my door and scaring the fuck out of my girlfriend, making me feel unsafe in my own house. I step outside with the bat I keep by my door every night, expecting to be greeted by someone who wants my shit or to harm me. Last night I fucking caught them doing it to a neighbor after I went out to keep an eye on who was outside, group of 15 to 16 pieces of shit. I informed them, bat in hand, that they better not knock on my door again. They all plead ignorance to what happened, and I simply reassured them that if they knocked on my door again there was going to be a serious issue. I then went inside and called the police to have them come out. They did and saw the kids and said something to them, then came by my place and talked to me about it and told me if it happens again to call again. Didn’t need to kill them but if it keeps happening I may start going outside with my gun.

Imagine not asserting your dominance.

unfortunately this principle does not apply to watersports-themed dating simulator games

Years ago a firefighter tried to chase kids in a car for throwing toilet paper into trees and he crashed and died

>Killing 3 people because they rang a bell

I can tell your popular at parties

Ehh, it was a Prius and a trump voter got triggered, blame the impeachment

kys retard

So what you're saying is that you're a fluffer, "pulling" on the cocks of the guys running a train on your mom

next time, no prank!

As a white guy that deals with the indian community more than 99.99% of all europeans and americans, i completely disagree. They assimilate into society and want to live as americans in america, even though i know their language well, they refuse to communicate with me in anything but english, because they consider it grossly disrespectful to not speak the language of the country they are in to the locals. Most also know another language such as spanish.
I guess what im trying to say is youre talking out of your ass. I never let them know how far my understanding went but they never say bad things about me or anyone not acting like a fucking nigger regardless of race.
Also, literally every guy from napal is cool as fuck.

Lol holy shit you edge lord faggot

do nothing all day and listen to emo rap and pop benzos

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I've never even heard of this shit until now. If any of my family would have ever pulled this nonsense our dad would have whipped our ass then dragged us door to door to apologize.
I'm so glad I got a proper upbringing, thanks mom and dad.

Sounds to me like the little shits were gonna rob the place anyway and were casing it out to see if anyone was home.

>ding dong ditch
The correct name for this game is "Nigger Knocking."

yeah sure what tells you that he wasn't fine before these little cunts showed up and started tormenting him late at night for weeks on end?

they weren't black

Around my area they call it nigger knocking.

No you wouldn't you nerd. Plz don't post lies on this website.

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i can tell you're the kind of guy who will get out of his car in the middle of a highway just to yell at someone for getting in your way even though you're the dipshit who made an illegal turn

can confirm, except i must note that muslim indians dont assimilate nearly as much as hindu indians

fuck muslims

you make it sound like they snuck out specifically to play ding dong ditch, as if theres no chance they were wandering around bored as shit then decided to try it, possibly for the first time

Fuck off curry nigger, you fucks ring my cell all day long trying over and over to pull one scam or another.

Imagine the 3 idiots who died doing a prank

Jesus Christ. This is in North Carolina. Trilogy lake Norman. Yeah most of the people there are cunts or Indians. Makes sense now.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Not everyone is sane.

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