The rules are simple; you help me get a bf, I post lewds the better your advice is

The rules are simple; you help me get a bf, I post lewds the better your advice is

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Tell us a bit about yourself

Simple advice. Meet people, be yourself to a degree while halfway molding yourself at the beginning, and only expect friendship. For some reason whenever anyone gets into a friendship expecting a relationship it doesn't work out. So get into it and kind of flirt but not too much. Just be a friend for a bit and slowly start to flirt more. Then confess.


Put out. Seriously

If you like someone, be bold. Tell them. It may sound like utter bullshit but it's worked for me and the last few boyfriends I've had.
Most guys like it when you're upfront about things. It's also a compliment as well, which helps a ton because guys don't often receive compliments.

Be a straight shooter.
Groom yourself, but don’t cake it on. Don’t go over the top.
Love yourself, and be confident. Only by loving yourself and being able to be stable alone will you find someone you can’t live without. This is because right now you’re looking for someone to complete you, but true partners are those that add something to you that makes you even better, not complete.

that's a good start, I'm mid twenties but look way younger than I am, I'm super caring and great at communicating and have hobbies and friends and all that cool stuff. I see myself as a great partner, but I think a few things stand in my way and that is mainly fear and bias.

The majority of people that want to pursue me are the exact opposite of what I'm looking for. They're usually really stereotypical dudes who's hobbies don't extend beyond Netflix and mixdrinks v__v; the really... flamboyant dudes

The only other people who seem to hit on me are lesbians but only by accident because they see me from behind :D

Besides being quite picky and wanting a partner with interesting qualities, I'm also terrified of dudes because so many have fooled/mislead me into doing things with them, and then they ghost me

yes yes, I know, I'm quite naive but the damage has been done and now i can barely go get coffee with someone because i just assume they're trying to hurt me too

so begins my dilemma..

I do all those things but I don't ever know who likes boys and who doesn't.. I'm not so confident as to straight up ask them, so i just silently have crushes from afar so i don't make anything weird. there's a cute boy i see who works at a local shop but how am I to know what he likes !

no I've gotten hurt and objectified too many times. Gates are heavily closed until someone proves themselves to be a decent human being >:[
Ugggh being bold is not exactly my strong suit when it comes to crushes
I practice self love a lot and do a lot of Eastern philosophy practices that help too. I keep myself very clean and i have a nice style. I don't use makeup or anything like that.

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depends on your age, if you're 18-23 you may still be on college/HS so expanding your group of friends would be a good idea, keeping friendships are a steady pace, and looking for someone that may be interested.
older than that and your safest chance would be at work, going out with your coworkers will help you get closer to them, or in the best case scenario, they can introduce you to someone.
always keep something to make conversation, a book, a collar, something of a hobbie to catch people's attention. Also try not to talk only about your career/job with other people, that is very uncasual, and the conversation is easly forgertable.
If you tell us what do you do and what's your age the advise would be much better

tits or gtfo

No tits and time stamp

straight up what's ur IG? I got a friend who's a really great guy but he can't find a gf no matter how hard he tries. He can cook, clean, and he's really talented in terms of musical ability.

Also keep in mind how do people react to your hobbies, if they show geniune interest, try to keep a convversation, but if they fake it/pretend to care, just switch the conversation and try to see if they really want to know you or just want to fuck you

Listen up whore I'm only going to say this once.

Nobody here gives a fuck about you, you have literally come here to seek male attention.
If this wasn't true, you wouldn't have broken your anonymity.
Stop being an attention whore, this is a site to escape whores like you.

Tits or GTFO you fucking pig-dog

That living arrangements looks really comfy. I'm a bit jealous. Also you have great skin, I'm sure any guy would love to get with you. Just gotta find the right one for you, got to meet people and put in effort

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Fucking newfags think that a littoral e-whore wants anything more than a check.
This is obviously a tranny LARP but still the desperation from you fucking virgins is sickening

Unironically hit on guys who you meet doing the same hobbies you do.

i don't really mind if it is a woman or a dude, or evevn a tranny, i'm just bored and answerign random threads

Just doing my part user
If you break anonymity AND claim female you deserve to be called out for clear e-thottery

Does anyone have the Tits or GTFO pasta?

Nice trips

I'm 25 and am a professional musician, I write and sell music to record labels in TN, so talking about my job is usually a strong point for me xD people are pretty interested in the business of music as far as I can tell

i have lots of friends but the places they go to are dive bars and i don't like that crowd so much. I go to lots of events and festivals too but then the only people I meet live states away from me so what's the point -_-

Idk how to break this to you lads but I have a penis
I'm...a boy...
uhh it's misc_alt_ though?
I'm really good at reading and moving with the flow of conversation. I've always had a knack for being able to tell when people are disinterested, pretending, excited, w/e. it comes in handy but obviously sometimes I'm wrong. With people wanting to fuck me.. idk, i guess I haven't gotten better at reading that, so i kinda just locked my Gates to be safe
just go to a different thread, idk what to tell ya. The attention is great, I'm bored at my parents, looking for advice, and wanting to feel desired - I am killing 3 birds with one stone
no tits to show, but I understand that you dislike women
that's the problem - just any guy wants to get with me and I don't like it, i inherently attract the opposite of what i intend to. i don't know how to remedy that without. trying to look worse? I like looking nice >_>
I'm not trans, I'm a male with a pp
I guess I don't really meet many people like that? I don't go out much unless it's a specific event. i don't like bars or clubs or most night life. some house shows are cool. besides I'm too afraid to hit on people because I assume everyone is straight

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oh yeah i'm not complaining about that, send her death threats for all i care

you can't kill what's already dead inside B)

Abandon thread!!

Don't care. Trap tits are OK

From my experience, having a distinct personality and unique hobbies attracts people who are also unique or have similar hobbies. So if that's who you're looking for, you're in luck.

Most important thing is to not be afraid to ask a guy out! That sort of confidence is hard to turn down. Also having a distinct and original style of clothing and not being afraid to talk to strangers. I'm a guy, these are things that both work for me and attract me. Good luck user!

Why don't you post a link so we can all laugh at your shit music you fucking tranny?

>professional musician

Please wax poetic about how fucking fresh your "art" is. We're all dying to hear it.

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bye user!
hmm.. will consider
I've pretty much got all that down except for the hitting on people part because I'm pretty much a pussy and just hide myself as to not make anything weird in the future if they're like bro I'm straight
sure, but my solo stuff is a lot worse than what comes out of the studio im partnered with. I do mostly songwriting and vocals for the studio. I work with them to create music and they seem to love my voice so I get to sing on all the tracks they cook up, then we sell them to bands for royalty ^^ I've been producing for almost 10 years, here's my latest project

I'm actually working on slip editing the ukulele as I do this thread!

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Not bad

Personally despise ukefags (8 year guitarist) but you do you.

Sorry for being mean, that's just how Cred Forums works

Apologies aren't how Cred Forums works though

So don't expect another one.

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haha, I'm glad I could at least somewhat sate your discontent ;D
I actually didn't play Uke in this track! one of my buddies did and his rhythm is shaky.. he's new to music but really enjoys it so he threw down a melody for me. I did everything else, and another friend wrote the lyrics for the verses and bridge. We were binge drinking coffee one evening and this song came outta nowhere. I've been teaching myself guitar for the last 5 years, grew up on vocals and percussion

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truth be told bros, I've been talking to this qt from my city steadily. we have a lot in common and we're gonna hang out soon but i can already feel my fears kicking in but i don't wanna be confined to a public space because we wanna smoke together buuuut being alone with another male makes me jittery in all the wrong ways

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