Why are girls not loyal?

Why are girls not loyal?

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They need cocks, fast and violently

They don’t have to be

They are all whores

Because they live for cock. They're all whores, treat them accordingly.

gay, its cause you're gay

Because humans are primates, and no primates are monogamous.

Women are loyal to a fault. Some women let themselves get beaten and abused for decades before they give up on a relationship. Don't take the incel pill.

why would you WANT loyalty...let her cheat and move on to a new victim

The irony is they get offended when you call them whores

Because men don't act like men anymore.

What you're seeing is not a change so much as women being allowed to act how they act unless kept in line.

I'm going to give you all the ultimate red pill right here right now:

N O . O N E . I S . L O Y A L

Cuz your penis is small...?

people are only as loyal as their options user.

my girl cheated on me... said she needed to find a bigger cock, evidently 5.5 inches aint gonna cut it.... fucken whores!

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>ultimate red pill right here
>posts black pill


I hate niggers so goddamned much

You know that I'm on beat (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
All this drip got your ass in heat, yeah

regardless of the pill.. hes right

They're all whores

Men value sexual fidelity more than women.
Women value emotional fidelity more than men.

Guys tend to complain about women snubbing them for other sexual partners, but in reality they tend to cheat slightly more than women.

Bonus fact: people who worry more about cheating are far more likely to cheat.

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Hot chip and twerk

Having a daughter is the ultimate form of cuckoldry.

then show us your daughter, cuck!

Most of them grew up without a father, to a mother that was a money hungry, dumb single mother - so eventually they become money hungry, dumb single mothers too.

They're whores

We r all sons of bitches and hos

because you're a huge faggot

people act within their own interest and being loyal to you is not always in their interest.

imagine not knowing this in 2020.

you have to do what's in your interest. Increase the reward for loyalty, or increase the punishment for disloyalty.

Because women are designed from an evolutionary standpoint to seek out the chaddest chad for resources and protection. They quite literally only care about the top 20% of men because if they didn't then their offspring wouldn't have survived.
They are also social creatures that bend to conformity even if it doesn't make sense in any logical way. Men can handle isolation and social rejection far better than women can and men handle it pretty poorly.
Men cannot punish women without getting fucked in the ass by the federal government. There's really nothing anybody can do until the system collapses or its overthrown

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that last line assumes the girl is worth the effort.

some people, no matter the incentives will act stupidly. (criminals come to mind.) Determine if the girl you're interested in will even respond to these incentives. people who are keen enough to respond to incentives are 'elastic'. people who aren't keen enough to act within their interest/pursue incentives are 'inelastic'.