YLYL Gold Edition

YLYL Gold Edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


It's very unfortunate but one can't help but wonder if she'd have been happier in literally any other life role.

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we don't need a third one fuck off good sir

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2 posts in and it looks like a shitty facebook meme page
good job op

lmao bump for you op

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I really don't get this. Presumably she took at least one health class in her life, right? Also, who can have it all? Does she imagine that highly successful businessman on their deathbed gasp out :"I wish I'd spent more time at work." Literally no one can have it all. There are 24 hours in the day, and you spend 8 of them asleep.

ya think? but she was "empowered". so this is what you get.

"can't find mr right" - sure. more like she was a 5 and 'had standards' and only would date 8's and up who were only drs and lawyers.

enjoy sleeping in your bed toots! know so many like this now 40 and up. so sad to see. believed all those lies instead of trying to make a relationship work. sold 'there's someone better' lie. oh well.

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that was a lot of reading for something that was sort of funny. strong start op, ya dumb fag

>her chances of carrying her genetic child had just dropped to near zero
lol god damn I haven't laugh that hard in a ylyl thread in a long time

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God damn breeders.

Adopt a kid, it doesn't matter if they're not your god damn genetic progeny, help create a good human

Now Zoidberg is Queen Bey!

>it doesn't matter if they're not your god damn genetic progeny
Found the Jew!

adoption, what a joke. may as well rescue Michael Vick's pitbull and give it opposable thumbs.

woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop

Sorry mate, not a Christcuck

The ultimate cuck is raising another mans kid.

>denying genetics
Bro, you just posted cringe

Well, that’s literally what cuck means. It come from the cuckoo bird which forces other birds to raise its children

Fuck off with your retroactive etymology.
I hate stupid pseudo big brains like yourself.

I'd rather see a woman doing actual work instead of fucking about as an unemployed "stay at home mom"

Also, while she might be a 5, you are probably a 2.

I would say taking in a kid that your woman got from a pregnancy from another man is a cuck move. Adopting a child from Asia or so is fine.

The first two images in concert made me loose.

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>Adopting a child from Asia or so is fine
This is worse. At least if it's your wife's kid it's your same race. Adoption outside of your race is self destructive.
It's a spit in the face of everyone before you who worked, bled, and died for you.

He's right in principle. Why the fuck is she so desperate to breed?

Okay schlomo.

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It literally comes from the French word for cuckoo, faggot

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Only if you’re Asian, faggot

Maybe she doesn’t want to be a genetic dead end, like some kind of faggot?

What's with the sand nigger shit?

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that's tough and sad, truly a victim of the current era and propaganda.


too many people as it is and collectively they all appear to be getting dumber and dumber, especially the 2000's kids. Gen Z i think? fuckin' zoomers lol, doom of the human race i swear

there should be forced sterilization or castration—women and men both should have their gonads (testes/ovaries) made inert or removed entirely; this would help the overpopulation problem whilst respecting equality, since both genders would receive the exact same treatment and within a few decades, problem solved

I mean obv not everyone should be subject to this treatment. Just the poor and those with shitty, inferior genes. Kind of like me, I fit both ha ha ha. but we could weed out chronic genetic diseases and weaknesses this way, as well as ensure there are enough resources for every human being, and then some.

didn't mean to rant it's the weed talking i'm fucked off lol

just ignore it.

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If the child was given up for adoption its not really the other guys kid anymore.
What a surprise though, Cred Forums putting what you are before who you are.

Is your life so awful that the only thing you can be proud of is your genetics?

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found the adopted cuck

>just ignore it

Could France ignore Germany when the latter invaded the former and totally beat the shit out of those french frog fag fucks? Well, actually, yes—yes, they totally could and kind of did lol, but that would allow the problem to persist and in this case, get worse and worse the longer France "just ignored" the issue and fled to their safe space.

Zoomers are the most pussy-ass, lazy, entitled and ignorant generation by far. I blame all the technology; shit's rotting their lil Gen Z brains and minds.

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We have enough space for people.
That is if we can actually stop global warming.

>Adopt a kid
I may be the biggest loser on earth, but at least I will never go that low.

Fuck off Adolf. Raising a young asian girl is smart. She'll become a doctor and or get rich. And she'll probably marry a white guy

>global warming

you mean climate change that thing that happens naturally because the earth's orbit around the sun isn't 100% perfect in terms of its shape; there are periods of time of varying lengths where the sun is at specific distances to Earth, resulting in, you guessed it: c l i m a t e c h a n g e.

"Global warming" is just another pysop by general shekelberg and his Goy Guys

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Yes. listening to a random faggot on /b is smarter than listening to the majority of scientists in the field. The implication that it's a jew conspiracy just makes your argument even more valid.

Nice feet

Scientists, lol, like they're god or something? Bill Nye is/was a scientist yet jumped at the chance for free money and sold out, spewing some literal retarded bullshit about gays or trannies or something; I can't remember completely but it was fucking stupid and totally disregarded the laws of nature and physics, something no science man or woman would ever do, unless they had no integrity whatsoever.

Which we all saw was the case with Mr. Nye and therefore it's not at all unfeasible to think that many, many more scientists like him would do the same, if given the chance.

TL;DR: scientists' word don't mean shit, wake up cuckling and take the red pill. Stop being a goyim.

Imagine saying two retarded things back to back like that

Lmaooooo cuck

Name five "scientists in the field" without using Google

>my biological clock is ticking
>but I can't adopt kids, that's unfathomable.

Feminism folks.

Climate change applies better to local climates. The overall trend is global warming, and rising temperatures is what is going to ruin currently fertile farmland.
Climate scientist are very aware of solar output and changes in orbit. They take those factors into account when calculating their numbers.

I do like how the excuse has changed over the years. Oh now the climate always changes, few years ago people stood hard and fast on no change happening.
Hopefully you guys will come to before its too late.


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Why is this relevant?

Wow, great arguments

you appear to have some wisdom that i must respect, so i actually read your post and listened intently

since i no longer feel trolling you since you don't appear to be a complete retard (my target audience), i will concede but offer this: what the hell can we do anyway lol. one person, two people; entire countries, it don't matter. We're fucked unless some super smart people figure some shit out. that's why i troll so much about this issue b/c we're virtually powerless to do anything now, anyway. don't even hit me with that "recycle and use energy sparingly and drive a faggy expensive ass tesla" and shit man it's too late for that jiggaboonery

YOLO, enjoy it while u can i say

Both are correct though.
We have large areas of land that could be turned into farmland. Mostly in Africa.
But with rising temperatures that land is disappearing.

No one wants a used kid... They lose 50% of their value as soon as you take them off the lot

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She could have just not had sex or used a condom to focus on her career.

It's like a guy getting his dick cut off after a few squirts in a jar, hoping that will be enough in a decade or so

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i think ima just go to bed and not even contribute to this shitty thread

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I would like to have a young Asian daughter but not too young and not my daughter.

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Bill Nye is not a scientist and he never was a scientist but he really likes science.

You too can check his credentials.

Did you save a version that can be read?

You are right, there is very little a single person can do.
Voting for politicians that are actually going to do something about it is a start.
Though with our increasingly divided political system that means Democrats. Which I'm going to assume you dislike for other reasons.

Hopefully we can move subsidies from oil and gas over to solar, wind, hydro, and nuclear to make those forms of energy cheaper. A bit of government intervention could boost the shit out of these industries. Things get cheaper with mass production.
Lots of that is done in asia too so they can take advantage of the low cost labor. Giving subsides out for companies that keep jobs here would recoup that original investment through taxes.

Tesla's plan was to prove that electric cars would work on a consumer scale by selling to the wealthy first. Newer, cheaper cars are being developed from other manufacturers now too. Soon these might be affordable to normal people. And there is always the used market that hasn't really kicked in yet for electric cars.

Public transportation needs to get better. People hate public transport because they don't know what good properly funded transport looks like.
Shitty smelly busses, trains that are always late. There is so many good reasons not to use public transit. It would be nice to see that worked on.
You get reliable transit, that goes where people need to go and does so in a timely manner and people will switch to it.
We should be fixing the problem by making the service better, not guilting people into using them.

Shipping is a huge polluter. Those ships that cross the pacific burn dirty fuel since they can get it cheap. Not really something a single person has control over, but just remember that the next time some hippy wants you to keep greenhouse gasses down by farting into a jar.

There is a few things to do as an individual, but really the solutions comes down to our gridlocked political system at the moment.


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I hope he drowned

Found the phoneposter

I shit on a koran this morning. Also fuck mohammed and fuck islam

remember, a good Muslim must accept the WHOLE Quran. If it says to kill all non-Muslims in jihad in one version of the holy book, it is still the word of Allah. removing parts of the book because we don't like or agree with it is haram af. saying it's not Islam to be a jihadist is as bad as eating pork, if not worse.


This is what feminism does to our people. Sterilizes them. Betrays them.

fucken GO dave!
aim high.

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but you just posted the funniest thing so far.....

>galileo is a lunatic, all of scientist and churches proved the earth is flat!

Also Muslims dont tell you that later parts of the quran overrides the earlier more peaceful parts.
They also don't mention the Two other books like the Hadith which are revered higher then the quran. Which is where we find your more radical laws.

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>removes extreme amounts of rainforests and woodlands
>poores more and more CO2 into the atmosphere

>> it's not getting warmer due to co2 its normal

>shit starts to burn everywhere
>snowless winters in Scandinavian countries where multiple meters of snow were the norm 50 years prior
>gigantic fires and volcano erupts spew even more co2 into the air
>all the trees doing half the job of reverting it back to o2 are gone
>starts to sweat
>>is ok dudes. is just nature.
>heat waves make the northern hemisphere almost as warm as the equator on a cold day
>increased chance of lung diseases
>>is... hark... its cool guys, but can you turn on the AC? it's fucking fuming in here. but not because of climate change. warmer and warmer and warmer average temperatures every year annually is completely normal and natural

you sound like a delusional Somalian pirate refusing their boat is leaking on their lives

It worked for woody allen!

Retroactive - if by this you mean we developed time travel, went back billions of years, altered bird behaviour, and then returned to now to point out that you are both wrong and not very intelligent, then yes.


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I think this failed for her because her eggs were already rotten by the time she was late 30s. She would have needed to freeze them earlier.

The fuck kind of luxury living do you have where you think everyone gets eight hours of sleep every night? Most people are lucky to get four or five, and even that is on a good day.

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Shhhhhhhhhhhh..... men are talking right now and we didn't ask for your opinion. If you have any emotions to share, put them in a bunt cake and stfu

> bottle of vodka in the background

>Found the Jew
Found the drooling incel vegetable

> poores
i guess this is just sciency speak that i don't understand

> it's not getting warmer due to co2 its normal
or does co2 follow temp, probably

> shit starts to burn everywhere
must be tough knowing which way to turn
evil white men lies about preventative burning but at the same time...

>snowless winters in Scandinavian countries where multiple meters of snow were the norm 50 years prior
see little ice age and apply historical context
shock horror, yes it is warmer now than coldest period in entire holocene period

> volcano erupts spew even more co2 into the air
volcanos are cool

ok, got this far and realised all your points are a climate alarm trolling

>most people

who are these most people? Most laborers have to get sufficient sleep, otherwise they would get sick or never heal from their day. It's unusual for someone to be a laborer and sleep less than 8 hours a day unless they had some genetic anomaly. Most of the world gets sufficient sleep believe it or not. USA is unique in that many people have signed up for the idea of not getting sufficient sleep.


Ok incel
I hope you're the dude whose dick fell off a couple of days ago

Finally an intelligent conversation on Cred Forums
Sometimes years pass without seeing one

>being this triggered over a fucking stupid animal

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Yeah, I'm posting from my phone
How else am I supposed to be here while I'm at work?

How is this ugly over singing bitch even popular

Found the CUCK

Found the incel.

Or the fat adopted cuck that blames his genetics for his unhealthy weight.

You BOTH need to go outside.

Literally crying holy shit this is amazing

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Not to sound like a fedora-tipper but that is fucking terrifying

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incels are so fucking cringe

>'d rather see a woman doing actual work instead of fucking about as an unemployed "stay at home mom"
That's because you're retarded. Seriously. You're a fucking moron.

And yet every single one of your science teachers told you the nature of science is questioning the truth, and finding it yourself. Or they would have if you actually went to school.

Oh shit, I'm nearly 40

lmao yeah the nature of science is believing whatever the hell you want. This is your brain on the right wing hahahaha

gb2 9fag

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Haha yeah I know right, far better to believe what someone else wants you to

best post in this otherwise shit thread

Yo! Garo Sengen!

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are you pretending to be retarded?

This is it. This is the worst YLYL, if not the worst thread, I have ever seen in my miserable existence.

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these psychos should be locked up

So this is why God invented AIDS...

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god if you are just going to post the same shit from the previous ylyl why post. retards posting the same unfunny shit

I bet you a million bucks that most of these idiots who won’t adopt are also against abortion, fucking imbeciles!

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stop spamming these threads with these retardo renaldo

I see more and more women everyday regret their decision to choose a career over a family. Time doesn't empower you.

Trump supporters like you should’ve been aborted, faggot.

>I see more and more women everyday
i dont believe you

Dont worry my friend.

He had plenty of that

If you're right, and all the anti coal rhetoric is just some lefty conspiracy, what is their goal? To force a switch to renewable energy?

Is that a bad thing? Coal and gas will run out eventually, and we'll have to switch to renewables anyway. Why not do it now?

Aside the economic cost what is the down side?

Except in this case he just described what had happened.

I'm with you adoption user maybe for different reasons but

I'm def. Adopting an Asian kid, since I'll raise him there won't be any of that animal cruelty bat eating nonsense

Since I was a child, I've had an aversion to babies since I dropped a 1.5year old when I was like 10 I think? (It was an accident, kid is fine)

The first 3 years of child care are a night are, I've helped with some of it when I dated a girl with a kid (call me what you want its over now anyway)

Having said that, the thought that somewhere is a charming little Asian kid waiting for me to teach him/her how to be a total American hauss there's no reason for me not to do it

Replying to this...

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maybe this is why Republicans are pro-life and Democrats are pushing for post birth abortions

Why is this funny?

>being so abused in your childhood that you hate other beings, esp innocent dumb animals, and will do so for the rest of your miserable life

You are single, aren't you?

The only times it is acceptable to adopt a kid is

Family member has died and you are raising a blood relative.

You are a godparent to a close friends child and you take in the child in his memory.

You have already raised children of your own and are still in good physical health but are too old to have more children of your own.

Any other event is pathetic.

aside from renewable energy is something of a capitalist wet dream


>failed history

I really like football, sadly I only have one leg.


lol lost

We found the publicly educated american of the thread! congrats on your idiotic opinions! You bring no value to the conversation so don't try joining in.

The planet is self-balancing

More CO2 and warmth makes ideal conditions for more plants, plants create excess food and oxygen for lower level vertebrates making food for more vertibrates, vertibrates grow in population using more oxygen and eating more plants, co2 increases etc.

The only thing humans could do that MIGHT affect the planet in a way it can't correct is create too many plastics and affect ground soil composition, but even then, finely ground plastic won't affect anything

>Hur but the ocean temps
Increased underwater volcanic activity is Earth core activity, not surface co2

>Hur but wild fires
A small increase in atmospheric CO2 inhibits wild fires from spreading meaning fires are an indication that we don't have a problem. Our oxygen blend stays just over fire-spreading levels which is what we want

The fact that people think humankind is actively destroying the planet is laughable. That's similar to giving a child a screw driver and thinking he's going to disassemble a tank

If a tree catches fire in the forest but literacy hasn't been developed yet does it release CO2?

Yeah they only become doctors because the chink parents force them into academic success, you'll just end up having a fat ugly retard chink

People will laugh because it's a pony, but those lil' bastards were used to pull minecarts full of ore in Britain.
Pound for pound, they're one of the strongest breeds.

Found either the cuck or the Jew.

>gravity exists
>hurrrrrr durrrrr
>name issac newtons parents and stepfather
>no google machine

You're indecisive even in your attempts at an insult. Putting that fine education to work! Fucking idiot.

Poor woman I hope she can find happiness though. Maybe adoption.

He didn't ask you to name their parents or other "family" members.

>That's similar to giving a child a screw driver and thinking he's going to disassemble a tank
I am pretty sure this is why in Russia there are strict screwdriver control laws, but this could be the alcohol speaking

Because it's always one thing and only ever one thing. No alternatives exist. You are a cuck, cuck supporter or a Jew if you think that adoption is in any way the same as having children of your own.

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names are not needed to validate scientific facts. climate change aside its about his faggoty attempt to misdiret. neck yourself

But the qualifications attached to those names are. Please provide names.

>"God" invented AIDS

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>yes, actually.

This is trolling right? Some one can't be THIS stupid.

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it'll self balance us right into starvation.


please neck yourself

Seriously, I don't want to see this kind of crap.

You're the one trying to claim adoption and your own flesh and blood as being the same thing. One of us is a retard, I'm pretty sure it's you.

You have nothing.

He really is retarded. Probably a Christian on top of being publicly educated.

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I am not Muslim but you sir have no idea what you're talking about. I've read the entire Koran twice and certain parts relavant to comparative studies multiple times and nowhere does it advocate genocide.


Your homies ass?

step 1: google machine
step 2: suicide methods
step 3: do yourself a favor

Then don't come here, faggot

Seethe harder.

I calculated the risks, but man was I bad at math.

That still beats being a Jew though.

Zero sympathy. Zero.

Nice YLYL thread...

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Those numbers are inflated by bums and niggers. Most working class people probably get 6-7.

another classic

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Fuck off faggot

>Lr2Quote nigra

We're about due for a mass extinction, geologically speaking.

I laughed way harder at this than I should have.

another one

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dat much lower centre of gravity too.

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>Citing junk science websites and Wikipedia.

Great research there you ignorant nigger.

> 45 years old
> No sign of Mr Right

Think at that point it's probably not that theres no Mr. Right, but that theres just something wrong with you.

I didn't lose. This pisses me off.

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>being such a triggered faggot that you moralise about inferior stupid beings like cats

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>Why is this funny?
It's not. It's just underage b&s being edgy. But we still need somewhere to post lulzy shit.

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ok Taqiya

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me too

What a fucking loser

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Boil that vermin alive

shut the fuck up, we will murder you and rape your women

Obligatory sequel

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based chang

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Moms don't want to work. Moms shouldn't have to work. Men will do that depressing shit for them. Out love and honor or other stupid reasons like that.

Single women feel better working

Last one for this matter...

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Lol I'm pretty sure that was my comment captioned

Toxic masculinity lol

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Post the uncensored version

Am I the only one who sees the irony of a Christian breaking the law?

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Oh hi rabbi

No you are still retarded.
Think a tiny bit harder about what you just said.

Look at all these democrats, so openminded and caring about humanity. Not at all racist or bigoted. They really want what is best for human kind. Fuck you all, you are the reason hate is so prevalent. You all sound like 10 year olds trying so hard to be cool. You are asshats and I hope none of you ever get laid if you find a way to leave your moms basement.

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Go and have a post-birth abortion you cumsack

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why the censoring?

might need to take another history class

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Over 40% of child sex abuse cases you stupid porch monkey

Over 40% is over 30% you absolute mongoloid.

10000 years from now something will be fighting wars over all the magic plastic in the ground.
The ocean releases more co2 into the atmosphere In one year Than all of human contribution in the last 100 years. The earth has heating and cooling cycles that last about 12000 years. Dig a hole in the ground every layer of black was a cooling cycle.
Most if not all green related industry, and save the planet groups are tax shelters for rich lefties that want to virtue signal and not pay the goyem tax.

fuck you

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Go live on Venus, and come back to explain us how CO2 isn't a green house gaz.

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Guaranteed this dumb bitch passed up three dozen Mr. Rights.

Who has that comic of Superman and Wonder Woman in bed where she's asking herself if he's actually the best she can do?

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Your a literal retard. And your wrong

You will lose.

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Rahhh that black censor....

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lgbt isn't a race, nigger.

Lel, tell me it's true !

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What's bitch complaining about? She asked for it. That's the only way to look at it.

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Gets me everytime.

>YOLO, enjoy it while u can i say
>i troll so much about this issue

livin life to the fullest, I see.


holy fuck.

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What if it's both? Normal warming trend in addition to deforestation and atmospheric pollution since the start of the industrial revolution?
How can you just ignore that those were pre-industrialized times?

I cannot believe I lost to this boomer shit. I have to an hero now. thanks.


well. I have no sympathy. You chose this life, deal with it cunt..

This is astral ascendency tier bait, well done user.

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>adopting a girl from Asia not for the purpose to groom her into your personal cuddle-loli
You’re doing it wrong, user.

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Ugly fat old misandrist got btfo. Love it.

I'm not, and he's mostly right.

?? So now you're a slut?
How so "loose?"

Go away goat-fucker.

Are you the one user who keeps using incel every 5 seconds? Calm your tits dude.

That's tragic.

You type like a femanon. Show tits

eat gore, faggot

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I plan to do foster care for teens when I'm 40. I don't like kids, I'd rather help some teens get through highschool and encourage them to go to college and all that crap, make their shit life a little better. Also that's not a marshmallow

sounds rapey

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If modern humans are causing it, the part we affected would only be in the last few pixels of that graph. Over the span of that graph, it is a fairly smooth up & down... Until the last few pixels where it suddenly goes up from a high point more dramatically than any other part of the graph. That's odd, isn't it...

Did she get a refund??????

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>t. weak faggot who can't do shit to things her size in same conditions
Go hang yourself fucking chink, filthy cockroach

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The left cant meme

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It's only infringement if they profit.

Wait, are you saying that that is bad because violence was commited on something smaller? Are you saying that it would've been Okay if he did it someone his size?

So 60% of pedos are straight?

is this long enough to please a woman?

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As we can see warning has resulted in migration a lot of the times, do you want to live in Sweden with everyone else crammed together?

Fucking tooth decay and sharks are also natural, yet you don't want that do you?

And most importantly it's not the present we are talking about. It's the fact that my children will die sooner than they should because some lazy faggot was rather posting bullshit online and taking the time to prove it with bullshit uneducated articles than to pay just a little bit of attention to stop his rampant consumerism bc "mah oyul".

How? Maybe to someone mentally ill.

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Completely incoherent.

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Of course it's not, moron.


...and yet you click on a webm of someone fist-deep in two different asses.

That’s on you, buddy. I’m eating and I see a link to double fisting, I look away.