Am I fuckable?

Am I fuckable?

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Lol looks fine to me

I'd suck you off

missing a muscular body
you don't have to be RIPPED and SHREDDED
however the lack of it overall leads to 4/10, with 8 months of discipline you could be a 7

Sure, you're cute

Literally how is he a 4? His body is above average already

>come on Cred Forums
>ask if fuckable
that self doubt alone earns a low score, if you have to ask then the answer is no, one would know if they were fuckable or not because well they'd be getting fucked or doing the fucking

Yes, I would suck you daily, love your facial hair :3

No twink, you're very unfuckable.

Really? Everyone was telling me to shave in a rate thread on soc

Your facial hair is amazing

Maybe they meant that it doesn’t match my face type

Anything is “fuckable,” technically... I want to fuck you? No, I don’t.

Why not? That’s why I’m here asking, I feel like no women would want to have sex with me and I’m a virgin

Brandon, not this shit again.

I know men far shittier looking than you that get laid.
Chin up lad, just get out there and talk to girls.

I recognize that chin.
I also recognize that chest.
Fucking Brandon, you will die a virgin.

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Hell no, dude. You have a penis

How about you go fuck yourself gayboy

Ya got a hole? Fuckable.

Show us feets

Yeah id get me and my gf to suck your cock together

Depends, do you have a faggot personality?

If you’re a loser, nobody wants to fuck you

Turn around and I'll tell you

Not bad looking for a woman, just don't try passing yourself off as a man.