Post your best idea to solve climate change...

Post your best idea to solve climate change, racism and lgbt phobia at once! Mine: a new holocaust involving jews niggers and Muslims. Winner gets to eat Greta's ass.

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why are so many right-tards so obsessed with an underage, swedish potato's body?

delete usa from precious planet earth.

Build a sphere around the planet to manage the amount of sun we get and control the Milankovich cycles.

how does that deal with china's pollution problem though faggot.

Virginity: The Post

Let coronavirus go wild

Survival of the fittest

depopulate Africa and the middle east, euthanise the tards, and autists and the unattractive. and the population will be reduced enough for us to carry on our over consuming ways.

I’m glad that you’re so worried about China’s pollution problem when from 1901 to the year 2000 the US destroyed the planet with it pollution. People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones

Throw in the lgbt community too, hitler knew his shit.

>climate change

Cant change that. Its like trying to stop the sun from shinning.


As long as you talk think and feel youre different from the others racism wont stop.


Do what you want just dont push your psychotic ideologies on me and on the streets every week because you think its normal and progressive. There are 2 sexes and thats a fact.

IN the end, nothing will help you but self focus and self improvement every day. Invest in yourself and start your journey to find your higher self.

Best option

Its not and you know nothing about equilibrium

Greta Thunberg
es sexi
es ermosa
es estupida muy estupida muy muy estupia

eso la ase linda

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Youre spanish is terrible, fucken autismo.

I see Cred Forums is still obsessed with 12 year old girls.
Never change Cred Forums!

Go nuclear, quit talking about it, and quit talking about it cause it's not really real.

You can't end racism until minorities stop forcing themselves into being victims. You also can't end it because minorities are more racist than any white people.

do nothing and let it happen.
a lot of ppl will die and nobody has time to care about the gays for good or bad.


until people quit trying to turn 1 shekel into a 1.01 shekels for no other reason than "muh shekels", we will consume our environment until we have nothing left

Spoken like a person truly ignorant of Economics

Sub 100 IQ has 1 child limit.
IQ of 160+ for both parents has no limits on breeding (not that they breed a lot anyway)

I would delete USA and Russia and maybe later China and India

She lives in their minds rent free. They can't not think about her.

spoken like a person who's drowned in the kool-aid of "we have to produce more, so we can consume more, so we can produce more, so we can consume more, for no particular reason than to create extra shekels out of thin air"

That wouldn’t do a thing, other retard nations would take over but with more primitive ways

>implying the chinese could stop it even if they wanted to

combined with genetic testing for hereditary diseases / disorders this would be a good approach.

Yes, good ideas

Greta thunberg's parents are one of tge richest familis in sweden. This is the equivalent of us sending Kin Kardashian to tell India to stop polluting the Ganges.

Stop using kids to push your political agenda.

I happen to agree here but that goes against the natural order of things. The more intelligent the human the less children they tend to have, the dumber they are the more pups they squeeze out. Fortunately genetics works in such a way that a retard can have a genius baby, unfortunately that genius baby will have a retard for a parent and probably not have the opportunity to do anything with it's gift. You see this a lot in urban slums and trailer parks - actually intelligent people who never learned how to NOT be a moron.

thunberg has fucking fasd and is ugly

Let's ban United Science, United Nations, climate activists and everyone who supporting this climate cult.
Let's stop blaming everything on carbon dioxid and climate change.
Let's admit it was all just a hoax, fraud, scam.
Let's focus on real problems and real causes.

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Imagine fucking her

Id fuck the shit out of that whore