Since last one died

Since last one died

Tldr about me
>therapy for 8 years
>srs 5 years ago
>hrt for 6 years
>XXY freak of nature

>muh suicide rate
The statistic shows a decline after treatment compared to people without treatment
Suicide rate is above the norm but bellow people like cancer patients
>but you are maaaaaaleee
Sure, just why do people look at me weird whenever I tell them that I'm male?
>muh axe wound
Works and looks perfectly fine
Feel free to request pics
>anything else
Try to be open minded or at least show some basic knowledge instead of "but mah biology 101"

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Sure buddy, no problems at all.

What do you mean?

I think he means he ain't got problem with any of that buddy. By the way I am not your buddy pal!

How did you find out you were XXY?

Huh no clue why it didn't take the title

Tranny AmA bread 2.0

Chromosome testing as part of my transition

I'm asking for pics, with timestamps please

I saw one midget Shemale which was hot as fuck and wold love to have them fuck me

Alright, let’s see some candid shots with neutral lighting.

Currently in the bathtub so I showed your last digit with my fingers
Sure of what?

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You in general, I’m not talking anything obscenely biological or anything. I’m just curious what you look like given what you’ve already disclosed

Nice nails, but I was asking politely about pics of where the work had been done.

Pic rel

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Look half decent.
I would find it bizarre if untold


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It wasn't really a compliment but okay.
It is the first fake vagina that I see that it's not just a pile of meat.
Where did you get the operation?


They do better work than in the past, when was your?

5 years ago

>Tits or gtfo

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You just posted them but sure

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