Got ghosted by another girl... Depressed. What am I doing wrong? Am I ugly? Pic is me

Got ghosted by another girl... Depressed. What am I doing wrong? Am I ugly? Pic is me.

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That file name tho
80% of the battle is confidence so stop complaining on Cred Forums, accept that you won't catch every girl's eye and work towards being more confident in yourself

Nah man. You good.

Go for a helicopter ride to clear your mind


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get a haircut.
other than that.... nothing

Agree a helicopter ride will help

Kobe did and it worked for him

I am sorry but it seems you have a severe case of nigeritis.It's terminal :(

you know what you're doing wrong you're just not correcting the issue(s). Lack of muscle or just out of shape? Start working out. Poor social skills and awkward as fuck when talking? Start talking to people and try to make friends. This shit isn't complicated it's just hard work.

White femanon here~ you’re pretty good looking, user!
If I didn’t have a bf would totally ask to ride your BBC.
And besides~ if the girls ghosted you she probably doesn’t deserve your company... just move on... other pussies will come XD

gotta learn how to play the game

Are you chasing White Women or Black Woman? Are you chasing? Why not SYSBM?
Become awesome, create a life worth living, get your pick of the litter then.
You are not ugly. You just need something inside yourself to be proud of. Not the bitches. Yourself.

Try beeing white

Since you are a nigga, I recommend you Patrice O'Neil. Listen to his Black Phillip Show, it's on Youtube. You might end up with some bitch.

its probably the poor social skills like nearly everyone on /b

Thank you so much!

Thank White femanon.
Tits Or GTFO.

Nah you got it dude. Just put yourself out there and be very friendly with people. Screw the chick that ghosted you.

even by nigger standards, you're hideous

Nah you lookpretty normal man, just go on and youll find the right one. Keep it up bro

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Work out, maybe get grillz because it looks nice and try to work on your confidence bud

Nice larp nigger

Get a haircut brother it looks overdue unless you are aiming for a fro. Other than that man let the females come to you. Word of advice never chase pussy let pussy chase you. Iv learned this day in time you got to be dis respectful to these bitches for them to respect you