“The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.”

“The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.”
All I have are negative thoughts, my environment is toxic causing me to have bad thoughts. How is the quality of your thoughts user? and why you got those feelings.

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Have you tried focusing on the positives in your life user?

>>Just be happy, how hard can it be?

What kind of toxic?

this. works for me! :)

You sound like you're forcing yourself to be sad.
Try it. Force yourself to be happy for an hour while you're outside at the park or something. Then, go back in your hole and be depressed. Keep doing this and force yourself for a longer period of time.

to compound on this post, I've been thinking a bit about a person who used to care about me but doesn't anymore. I know I don't need to think those thoughts about that person, so when they come up I force myself to stop thinking about them and to focus back on whatever I was doing. like getting ready for work. little stuff like that goes a long way

This isn't really true user. Knowing the nature of the mind, you no longer identify with your thoughts as "I, me, or mine." When you really understand the mind, you are no longer carried away by it here and there. You see the mind for what it really is, and can let go of anything that arises immediately. All that's left is happiness and contentment.

being a human is cool because if your environment sucks shit you can change it to make it better. see if there is anything small you can do to improve your situation and work from there. good luck op

No, happiness isn’t easy. However, perspective is a good thing. Turn off the TV, don’t read the horror stories of the news and maybe take a walk and focus on yourself instead a little. It’s easy to see the bad in the world, especially if you look for it.

In other words, your thoughts make you feel bad because you give them legitimacy and power over you. They aren't yours, they just are. Let them pass like the clouds in the sky, just watch them come and go, without clinging or identifying them as "mine."

Whelp, looks like the Jews got you right where they want you.

I have all kinds of crazy thoughts, but they no longer affect me the way they used to. I don't get emotional responses to thoughts very often, and if I do I just let go, because feelings are of the same nature. They aren't yours either. If you are carrying a rock that's too heavy, you simply need to put it down. The same applies to the mind. Stop carrying it around and you will see.

The happiness of your life depends on knowing the mind, knowing how things really are.

Change your environment then fren.

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You don't know yet, because you are still being swept away by it. It's like a rollercoaster, you can ride or you can get off and just watch it go around.

Correct. Give up the victimhood shit and improve yourself. Happiness starts with yourself, yet so many people rely on someone else for that. Self respect first.

Quality is fuel by health
Health body = Healthy thoughts

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You can be perfectly happy in the most toxic of environments if you really understand the nature of thoughts and feelings.

To understand you have to observe them. Really pay attention to what the mind is doing, without identifying or clinging.

Practice watching the mind until it becomes habit. It doesn't like to be observed, it wants to create turbulence and trick you. It cannot do this if you are watching it closely, like a child won't misbehave when mother or father are watching.

This is the way to lasting happiness, that isn't dependent on anything, or anyone.

You'll notice things like "positive" and "negative" are relative terms. Someone in a town of 100,000 might say traffic is bad during rush hour, but if you ever lived in LA or Chicago, a small town of 100,000 has no traffic you're worry about.
I guess what I'm getting at is maybe really study what life is like in Mumbai or some African desert village and then look around in your life and see all the little shit you should be so thankful for but are taking for granted. Imagine yourself as someone from the year 800AD and look at the fucking magic and convenience around you.
Sure you'll still have moments of depression, anger, anxiety and other perfectly normal human emotions, but they'll be fleeting. Reset your scale of what's positive and negative and you won't feel so down for days on end.
If this just makes you feel bad for all those stick niggers and street poopers, congrats, you just found some purpose.

You get it user.

You had me until the last sentence. Sage advice until you had to get all racist. Damn, son.

FUCK off nigger where do you think you are

Based and clearpilled

You wouldn’t say it to one. You’d hide behind your mountain of tendies and mutter “mommy” under your coward breath. Bitch.

That near-death experiences shit ain't no joke. Life kicks ass these days

>my environment is toxic causing me to have bad thoughts.
If your environment can cause this then isn't the quote
>"The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your environment"



I’ve had two. Almost drowned at a house party when I was 18 and knocked out at a bar after being 6 outed at 30. I don’t have that many lives and have kids. We’re dead a lot longer than we’re ever alive.

Actually it was successful. Changed my IP.

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wanna describe your experience bro?

Which one?

If you can procrastinate self improvement you can procrastinate self destruction as well.
>"I'll hate myself tomorrow. Im not in the mood to hate myself today."
I've been putting off my existential crisis thinking for almost a year now. I don't care where I'm at, the terrible things the future has in store or how imperfect or meaningless I am. That shits boring. I'll do it tomorrow.

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Dude, start by learning how to control your own thoughts, you need to be aware and self conscious. You can use any kind of emotion or feeling to your advantage. Accepting negative thoughts leads you to self destruction and it will become harder to take control again.
Just don't think about it, fuck off. All you have to do is free your mind, focus on what you want; how do you get that or get there; and then go for it, risk at all. After that you retry until you suceed, never giving up and trying every time you fail. Use the negative thoughts as fuel for your motivation.
Trust me, if tou go nonstopable you'll grow in self confidence, face anything inside you and your mind will become more resilient. Controlling your thoughts at your own will is the key. Good luck, man

I used to be fat, racist, hateful, cruel, deceptive, angry, abusive, addicted - you name it

The answer is as youve observed: it all depends on your perspective, your thoughts.

I didn't know how to change my thoughts, but there are many cultures who do, and who have been doing it for thousands of years.

Buddhism, Zen Meditation, Hinduism, Taoism..

authors like Eckharte Tolle and Thich Nhat. Speakers on YouTube such as Allan Watts and Terrance McKenna

good luck user. These sources changed my life.

I never lie to myself.

as many as you want man i'm genuinely interested

First story, I got hammered at an 18th birthday party. I walked my brother back to our friends house because he was hammered and when I returned, I let loose. I was so drunk that I was spitting on the floor and just left to my own devices in the pool area after that. My friends Aunty saw me fall into the pool, which I don’t remember. I woke up naked, the next morning covered by a blanket. I was lucky my friends aunt saw me go in, otherwise, I’d honestly be a dead man. No therapy, but took me weeks to emotionally get over it. Time is the key.

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The mind is a community of the self, in every community there is good and bad. Work on it.

damn man did you see the light or anything?

Only the light of the morning when I woke up, naked under a blanket. I’d like to say it was a sobering experience, but apparently, I’m a slow learner. You don’t feel good waking up like that. I’d had a complete black out. It’s actually quite scary.

I had it wait for my clothes to dry to high tail it out of there. I guess I kind of learned humility.

>toxic environment
There's your problem, your thoughts are a direct reflection of your environment. There are usually things you can do to improve your environment and so improve your outlook/thoughts. Some things you can't help sometimes, like living under the thumb of a verbally abusive parents - but those things don't define your life. You can take charge of something in your environment and make it your own, improve it, and feel better.

On that note, find meaning in life through responsibility. When you do your thoughts turn outwards and focus on helping people.

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I needed this thanks anons

You’re welcome user.

Pick up a martial art, there's hundreds of reasons I'm so much happier, confidence goes a long way aswell