What are you drinking tonight Cred Forums?

What are you drinking tonight Cred Forums?

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I think you should actually decide if you have hair or not, user.

Already three in - cheers!

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I see you're drinking forehead expander juice quite regular!

those moments when the blackness would hit me, and the void would be calling, "Let's do the time warp again."

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my own cum

forehead ...........
Sorry Cred Forumsto

I'm going to have a pic related in a minute once my beef tips are ready

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I'm balding like this and I think I'm just going to go full scumbag and embrace it

End up loking like

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M... my... my c... my cum Ú~Ù

Hair tonic.

Seriously, there's nothing wrong with being bald, but there's everything wrong with having long hair as a man.

Youre quite frightening dude

Balding Scott Pilgrim

my boyfriends asshole

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discount fred durst.


holy fucking shit you're ugly

What happened to your forehead, Arthas? My...my king

>there's everything wrong with having long hair as a man.
No there isn't. Supreme leader trump has long hair. How else would he be able to combover?


Yo how'd you know my name hahaha

Aaron Berg and Fred Durst's lovechild.

We knew each other once. In a little kentish city. How've you been?

Yeah bro lol. I think I know who you are. Tbqh, I always kinda had a mancrush on you hehe

Hahaha who is this???

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My initials?

Haha small world eh?

Haha real you rather than fake you above.
We used to drink at the same pub. Beercart

Haha well that's the thing. I don't really remember your name but I do remember how you looked. I always wanted to spoil you

Shut up mate. You're a different cunt.

And this is why I shave my head

You ever wanna go out to a pub again and see where it goes? Im a little shy now

Tequila and El treeablo.

More power to ya for just going with it. Respect Cred Forumsro.

damn chill eggman

I recognize this dude from somewhere. Is he a meme? Does he post this type of thing a lot? I feel like I saw you probably 4 years ago or more around here.
Explain yourself OP

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What the fuck is going on in this thread?

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how do you drink that swill

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I could watch the Irishman on your forehead

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please do yourself a favor and shave your head.

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Shave your head.

Grow your beard.

Rogaine, obviously. You should try some.