Why is no one mentioning the sexual assault?

Why is no one mentioning the sexual assault?

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cause she was a gold digging whore?

Because one mistake doesn't define someone's existence. Plus he had money to get him out.

Because she had other men's semen in her panties and the whole thing was stupid.

Harvey Weinstein?

Because no one cares about some nobody who was trying to get money out of Kobe.

Better question OP, why would they?
He wasn't convicted of anything and nothing was actually proven.

He was a habitual rapist

Because women were brave enough to come forward. More women could’ve come forward but now they can’t. He could’ve gotten away with anything

He admitted the sex wasn't consensual

You're fishing really hard bro, I bet it's hard to see from your high horse. Post a pic of yourself so we can see what greatness looks like please.

Kobe was a rapist
burn negro burn

Is that what caused the crash?

You mean the fake sexual assault that was a fucking cash grab? Geez OP I dunno. What's that whore up to these days? Did she blow through all that money she didn't fucking deserve?

>He admitted the sex wasn't consensual
No he didn't you lying jew

Yeah people said the same thing about R Kelly’s survivors at first

He said the sex was consensual as far as he was aware, but he understood if she insisted it wasn't.
That's not legally an admission of guilt by any means.

This isn't even remotely the same and you know it. When you make ridiculous comparisons like this, it just proves you know you're wrong.

How? They both sexually assaulted women. Just wait until more women come out against him

Remember when WWE made fun of him?

"Titus O'Neil is like Kobe Bryant at a hotel in Colorado. He's unstoppable"

youtu.be/poAx0NkvPF4 [Open]
(Go to 3:24)

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Are you a man? I mean, do you consider yourself a man? Because I wonder how you don't know what most girls are like. This guy didn't have to rape any girls in his life, trust me. This dude could've snapped his fingers and had any girl he wanted. When you post this, you only lend legitimacy to gold digging, lying whores. I hope one day you don't get caught in a situation where a girl lies about something you did, because no one will believe you, and everyone will believe her. Be a better man.

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Because it was already dismissed and deemed never to have happened, dumb cunt.

Because he was a good boy. Got his HS diploma and was his bosses favorite employee.

"Although I truly believe this encounter between us was consensual, I recognize now that she did not and does not view this incident the same way I did. After months of reviewing discovery, listening to her attorney, and even her testimony in person, I now understand how she feels that she did not consent to this encounter."

That’s been brought up in every thread dipshit

I get your point but rich and famous people sexually assault others often.

Just because someone CAN get women doesn't mean they are immune to sexually assaulting women.

>Why is no one mentioning the sexual assault?

1. Speak no ill of the dead.

2. The accuser had sex with three men in three days and even showed up to her "rape" exam the day after the "rape" (suspicious quotes intentional) wearing panties with semen and a pubic hair of a white guy she'd banged after Kobe "raped" her.

It's widely accepted to be a regret "rape" where a woman regrets her decision to consent and cries "rape" to protect her self-image and reputation.


>Just wait until more women come out against him
Which will never happen. After that bullshit fake accusation, Kobe made 100% sure he wasn't put into that situation again. He never even approached women himself, he had his bodyguard do it for him.

>how she feels
Yeah, big deal.
He didn't admit to raping her, just that she could have taken it differently, which is what also happens when a woman regrets it afterwards or decides her time to cash out has come.

R Kelly had all the advantages as Kobe. Your entire argument is flawed

Oh shit, when did R. Kelly rape any girls? I thought he was in trouble for molesting underrage agirls, but you must know something I don't. Can you post your source? I'm interested.


Keep grasping at straws and trying to draw false equivalencies I'm sure itll work one of these days.

>be rich
>women have sex with you
>some see the opportunity to get money out of the affair and cry rape
>others just "regret" it
It's not difficult, guys.

Statutory RAPE. Are you retarded?

A person of his capabilities should be allowed to take all the women he wants

What is the false equivalencies? They literally did the same thing

I wonder if Kobe ever met Jeffery Epstein?

The only way Cred Forums will defend a brother.

>mention a gold digging whore.

We seriously have an epidemic of gold digging whores in this country.

Have you ever heard the comedian Patrice O' Neal's story about how a girl he knew when he was 16 lied about him raping her and he did 2 months in a grown man's prison? His co-defendant friend went crazy in prison and never recovered. I would advise all young men to listen to this story and learn from the things he says, because it could easily happen to you too.


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Why is it that when a black man dies they always try to destroy his character?

Because nobody gives a fuck you fucktard. Allegations were proved false, she wanted money is all. Not a basketball fan at all, but Kobe was a class act, on and off the court. The world lost a great man today, and a wife and mother lost a husband and a child. Get a life faggot stop hiding behind your pc in the basement and have some respect.

...of an underrage girl. Are you fucking retarded? Because that's law semantics. He didn't rape, as in "take pussy without consent". You absolute fucking goon.

Even Cred Forums will go full #MeToo for the sake of hating on someone.

Why does anyone care that a black guy who played sports died? Aren't there like, thousands of them? It's one of the few things they do reasonably well to make money legally.

So what?!
He was rich and good at ball, and that is all that matters!!
Stop being negative.

So much this

Thread should just die after this post honesty. It's ridiculous how people are such haters. And I don't even like niggers but Kobe was a great human being who was raising his kids right.

>implying underaged girls are capable of giving consent
That's literally the reason it's a crime you mongoloid

How do you have character but still say nigger? Do you even realize the connotations behind that word? Or is it just edgy?

Absolutely a great man. The world is seriously lacking in great men, which is why you have people like OP and others in this thread who are so fucking backwards, they don't know what it even means to be a real man. And what do you expect, they're soft, fat, autistic, jealous, virgins.

video of the witness

You're talking as if some people didn't differentiate between a nigger and a black man.

>Why is no one mentioning the sexual assault?

Every thread I've been in has had some white knight faggot bring it up. Secondly, even the MSM has been mentioning the assault which for them is pretty amazing. Fuck Kobe, but also fuck that bitch - regret is not rape.

Boy I do not possess the time nor the inclination to explain how life works to you. This is shit you should've learned already on your own. Some adult man in your life failed you, and whoever he is should be ashamed of himself. Don't have any kids, let the stupidity end with you.

There is nothing wrong with saying nigger only niggers ger upset from it also not all niggers are black you racist.

Some blacks are upstanding people. But most of them are lazy niggers. I don't feel bad saying this and I'm not very interested in why you think I should.

it's a racial slur. I don't care how you rationalize it so you don't feel bad.

Okay faggot

Okay, put your fingers in your ear and say "lalala" then...

Sorry Achmed. In first world countries little kids aren’t allowed to consent to adult men you faggot. No consent=rape

Once you die all is forgiven user

Columbine kids were just kids

>t. Nigger
Thank you for proving my point

>it's a racial slur. I don't care how you rationalize it so you don't feel bad.
It's a "rationalization" even black people make because they don't want to be lumped in with the refuse they share a race with.


Not the same user, but in legal terms, children can't give consent.

It's no different then fucking an unconscious person

So you're retarded. Got it. Thanks for playing faggot. I accept your concession.

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But the thing is, most people don't really care about the rape, just his career.

he realised he was wrong publicly, apologised and they settled out of court, he apologised to his wife and continued to have kids with her, what more do people want?

>Gets mad at racial slur
>Uses homophobic slur
As a nigger you don't need to speak for the lazy ones if they want to describe African Americans as niggers let them

Lol sup rapist

Ew dude. You need to re-evaluate.

" oh Yeah Kobe fuck me in the ass"
*omg ow wait this hurts but also I'm not gonna tell him to stop*
"Wait what do you mean you're not going to be my sugar daddy?"
"You raped me"

Your right bro thanks for the support... I have absolutely no connection what so ever but hate it so bad and my heart bleeds for his family. Nice to see we still have some decency here with a few folks !

Your right bro, again I have no connection or anything, but I like the man he was including a family man. Thanks bro for being you !

It really says something , given the sexist and mysogynist user base of Cred Forums - how prevalent the idea of the “Gold Digging Fake Rape Accuser” woman is, compared to “the man actually being a rapist”

Speaks to how gullible and retarded Cred Forums users are.

Gtfo my b faggot nigger

Niggers are fucking retarded

Pic related.... What a nigger cop said

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Because “most people” are retarded morons...you are included in the “most people” category.

Your hair is blue
Bet you won’t prove me wrong?

One less nigger in the world so I’d assume everyone is too busy celebrating...

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Fuck off faggot. I've seen first hand girls moaning and screaming having sex at parties only to be called a slut the next day to then turn around and accuse rape. You have your narrative and I have mine.
The truth is that not everything is black and white. You clearly know nothing about his case.

He was agreeing with you, you fucking mong.

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She dropped the charges dipshit.

what’s her @
maybe she’s a milf who’re

he statutory married aaliyah when she was in the prime of her life

another person who died too young

I saw it mentioned during a tribute so it’s not being ignored

this guy right here never touched a ball in his life

Because there wasn't one. Kaitlin Faber turned out to be a nutcase slut.

Kobe just gave her some of the money she was after and moved on with his life. Nobody fucking cared.

Ahahahahaha fucking retard. Yeah ure right, if youre under 18, you don't have a concsiousness.
And even if they say yes and enjoy it it's as bad as raping a woman who screams her lungs out and tries to escape. Totally the same.
Fucking retard

someone raped koby?

Last I remember that rape thing didn't happen. Don't care enough about Kobe to check my facts again.

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it’s possible. my dad and his friends were talking about morgan freeman once. they were saying how he’s a great actor and how the shawshank redemption was a great movie. then my dads friend couldn’t remember his name but new who they were talking about. he said something like, “yeah i’ve seen that movie! he’s a great actor. he was also in the movie seven. what’s his name? what’s that niggers name?” there was no racism behind that word. he genuinely didn’t remember his name

Lel lol
Oh Josh.
What a card.

Mom would be SO mad if she knew you’d just posted this.
You’re so edgy and cool, not like Mom who’s a total bitch.
She would ground you into next week if she knew you said that.

Hya hya
Well done Josh.
You’re the coolest kid in school

did you wander onto Cred Forums today or something? referring to blacks as niggers is pretty much board culture

Because celebrity worship in the West is at an all time high. Please still say XXX was a great musician when he literally beat and tortured a woman.

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What team that Kobe completely stomped on was he a fan of?

Ben rothlisberger is a repeated rapist tho

>Stating that he was a rapist as an undeniable fact
>I hate the lakers
Ari is a bootyblasted celtics fan.

Because blacks are higher on the victim scale than women.

I literally forgot I posted in this thread. Thanks for defending my post whether you meant to or not. Boy, they sure did get mad. I mean I meant for them to but... wow.. I said faggot to show them the frailty of their character. They get called one slur in the midst of a board filled with white supremacy and they freak out. But I mean you can't truly teach empathy.

None of Roth's accusations amounted to anything, either.

You have a low IQ and it shows from this line of questioning.

Actually he admitted he had sex with the woman, but it was consensual.

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Or it's more likely that he didn't.

She has money now. She can spend it on therapy if she needs to (and the little liar doesn't need to)

Well, I'm convinced now.



let's convict the dead man. oh wait... well... let's bismirch his name

Yeah actually the second one he was suspended 4 games and dropped by sponsors. The 2nd accuser didn’t go through with it bc she didn’t want to lose her privacy. So yeah

I don't give a shit he died

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Lots of people are mentioning it and weighing it in the whole balance of his impact upon the global community. Like it or not, the good outweighed the bad. But if you're a fucking SJW cancel culture snowflake, you'll whine and bitch about this blemish on his otherwise amazing career and legacy... ohhhhh wait, you did.

Source needed or neck yourself

I cannot believe you posted this terrible meme again. You are a pathetic waste of life. Delete this shit meme and turn off the computer.

Patrice O' Neal, a young man could theoretically learn everything they needed toknow about how to navigate women, girlfriends, marriages, from the stuff he said on the radio, that is now immortalized on youtube, and I'm not being hyperbolic, I'm dead serious. There's a clip of him on Opie and Anthony from 2009 when the Kobe rape was in the news. He called it back then. He said this girl absolutely had consensual sex with him, woke up the next day and either felt guilty or ashamed of herself, and accused rape. Maybe someone in her life knew she had sex with him, so to save face, to regain her decency, she was raped, she didn't "want" it. Every single man in this thread who isn't a troll looking for cheap (you)'s like a whore should know what this all is. For the record, Mike Tyson didn't rape Robin Givens either, Tupac Shakur didn't rape that girl in the bathroom that he went to prison for.

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Harvey Weinstein raped like dozens of women while Kobe had one flimsy case against him

Obviously I meant in the legal sense.
And no, the first girl settled out of court and after the second one the NFL gave him a slap on the wrist, it's not like the was kicked off the league.
So no, he's still not a rapist since he hasn't been legally convicted as one.

Ure right he wasn’t legally convicted. So rapist is too strong of a term. My bad

because it happened years before the MeToo and CancelCulture movements.
it doesnt matter as long as its from before them.

And they are both pieces of shit
One nigger and one jew
World is better with one less of both

i remember buying mr p on cd after his death and listening to his jokes. thinking he’s got a point with certain things on women.
i didn’t even think of checking youtube. i’m definitely gonna give it a listen.

well he did try to fuck her in the ass so I guess you can call that "assault"
rape didn't happen though
even if it did the only problem is that he's a nigger
who doesn't like rape?

>regret rape
more like a money grab
she was working at a hotel, who wouldn't want to cry rape and gain a million dollars and quit their shitty hotel job?

statutory "rape" is not really rape

When you die who will know? You could have died yesterday and we wouldn't have known or cared.

attention grab

my mom will know

Is it worth it, though?
I mean, I don't think shitting on a basketball icon on his death will get him a record deal or anything.

Mmmm I love nigger tears. Bunch of subhuman trash. Black male fragility at a all time high. His baboon of a daughter reaped the karma her ape father placed on her family. Rapist niggers burn in hell with white Satan. In a firery cotton field.

and her life would be better for it... how long would it take for her to notice?

to mentally ill people like him it probably is

>white Satan
>A petty powergrabing asshole that wanted to bite the hand that fed him
weird flex.

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your mom will know too when she's not getting her favorite cock every night

Because the NBA is still paying to bury that and he just died with his daughter and 7 others. People love martyrs more than scandals. He's going on a fast-track to the hall of fame now that it's immune to the scandal. Martyr>Scandal

That's funny. I'll remember to tell that at your eulogy. Oh wait... did you die yet? Uhh.. this is going to be hard since you're so insignificant. More insignificant than a nigger.

If you kill someone intentionally, you aren't a murderer unless you get convicted
That's some dumbass logic user

You'll be there to honor your father

Which he absolutely didn't need to do and no doubt cost him a shitload of money in the settlement negotiations. He publicly apologized because he felt it was the right to do.

That bitch doesn't deserve an apology, but Kobe was really a sincere and thoughtful person.

>cost him a shitload of money in the settlement negotiations
Legal procedures can take a long time, paying the cunt off and getting back to his regular life was the best option.

because he never filed a case against any of the endless number of wet pussies that were thrown at him and even tho im sure hundreds of womens raped him, kobe stepped up and didnt call rape on any of them, he just nutted them into submission

rest in peace our prince, your light has shown the way

cause it happened years ago, if the claims had been made in the last 2 years the NBA would have erased all records of him

The world is a better place now anyways

That's not how reporting a crime works, you absolute fucking retard.

In the end everything is either black or white, you delusional cretin. One thing is to have sex during a party, another to realize what was happening the next day without alcohol in your blood. Neck yourself.

He was a good basketball player, but also a rapist and a piece of shit human being trying to hide it behind his legacy.

Both of those things are true and there's virtually nothing you can do about it.

>piece of shit human being
is this what your grandma has told you

I knew Bryant prior the crash only as a GOAT in basketball. I educated myself on him a bit tonight.

hes dead and so is his kid. he also got called a nigger by a leftist white so thats his legacy

fucking hilarious

Because there's about an 80% chance she was just a gold digging whore. 15% chance he dominated her into sex. 5% chance he outright raped her i.e. she actually told him to stop and he ignored her, and didnt just think I don't want this, but I don't want to cause a scene, so let's just take this dick cause it would be awkward to say no..

Lots of bitches (and i'm including men here too) just go with the flow in all aspects of life if you just take what you want, then talk themselves up as a victim later rather than admitting they are just too much of a pussy to stand up for themselves. If you don't got the balls to pipe up, and you let a guy pipe you, when you didn't want to get piped, that's on you honey.

Shit you probably get walked on by everyone in your life, your parents, your friends, the goddamn cashier at burger king. And you're too much of a pussy to confront any of them. Just go with the flow, and next thing you know kobe's balls deep in your gash telling you he wants to cum on your face. But I just wanted to be invited into his hotel room for an autograph and a deep conversation about how to break down a 1-4 zone defense.!!


Let's see, bitch I don't know or care about vs man who game me lots of entertainment by watching him play and inspiration to improve my own game.
Such a hard choice. RIP Kobe.

That's Redguard to you catman...

Famous people really seem to “die” a lot with other famous people in air-traveling accidents. So often it kinda seems to not line up statistically with how often these accidents DO occur. The likelihood of famous rich people getting in these accidents are incredibly low despite how often it happens.

Fake deaths are essentially retirement for celebrities, especially as of late. He gets to redo life somewhere with complete custody of his daughter and no worries at all.

Surprised that Michael Jackson didn’t go and ruin it walking around in disguise with ALL of his kids after his death. And not just any disguise, but a fake rubber mask/ personality that he showed publicly before his death. I’m pretty sure he went on a talk show with the mask on in-character and everything and it was painfully obvious it was MJ’s voice, to the point that it was embarrassing. If you want to disappear, just do it and stop meddling with the music scene

AFAIK, Kobe traveled by heli a whole fucking lot, so obviously it's more like to happen to someone like him, and the same is true lot of rich/famous people.

Satan is a pajeeb
Search your heart, you know it to be true

They literally have parachutes and a whole procedure for if something goes wrong. You aren’t supposed to just chill in an air vehicle and go down with it.

They didn’t even fall from that far either. I’m not even trying to be a conspiracy theorist but they’re making it way too easy for me

>one of the most famous players in the world
>rich as fuck
>loved and revered
>no real controversies to escape from, no one gave a shit about the rape allegation
>sure position in the HOF and would have been introduced in a few years
Why fake death and make his life far more difficult now that he has to always be in hiding for no real reason?

Probably custody of his child, considering he took her with him. He probably just wanted a normal life with his daughter before the weight of his basketball success completely severed and damaged their relationship with each other. That’s probably all there is to it. He had to choose between the NBA and his daughter, he chose her.

>He just faked his death!
Oh wow, it's that thing I hear every time a celebrity dies, again.

You say it like it's just that simple to put on a parachute and calmly jump off the plane while it's going down. You have no idea how this crash even happened. For all you know they didn't have enough time or died from the contact with the side of the mountain. And supposedly the daughter did try to jump out but got killed by the blades of the helicopter, but that could just be a rumor. Don't just make up a bunch of assumptions like they all just sat there like retards.

Or he is dead and the world is better off

In that situation you have maybe 10 seconds MAX to take to get fuck the helicopter. They weren't up high enough to try to escape. They were fucked from start to finish. A parachute wouldn't have done shit in that situation.

Look on the bright side there's one less nigger on the world

He was actually white in blackface the whole time. The autopsy revealed it. Explains why he was able to read the whole time

>And supposedly the daughter did try to jump out but got killed by the blades of the helicopter, but that could just be a rumor.
christ almighty that's awful. where did you hear this from?

That’s one of those moves where you pause the game, have a good laugh, then jump with the timing slightly later the next time around

Saw a few anons post it here. Again it could just be bait, but that would be a fucking horrible thing to see just before you die. She also could've been thrown from the helicopter and not jumped out. I feel like thats far more likely.

It’s impossible to confirm they’re even dead, much less how they died. They haven’t even recovered the bodies yet. Why did they automatically assume they’re dead?

kek imagine that if kobe and his daughter jumped out with parachutes and were just lost in the mountains and show up tomorrow

Somehow they knew exactly who was on the helicopter and that they ALL definitely died.

If that doesn’t raise red flags I don’t know what will

Geez retard I dunno, maybe because the plane was in fucking pieces and on fire, and there was no one in sight? You don't think they fucking looked for survivors? Oh and I'm sure they're burnt to shit corpses gave them a clue.

You're fucking retarded. They only knew it was Kobe and his daughter because

1) it was his fucking helicopter

2) the school he was flying too confirmed they were expecting him

Does that clear things up for you dumbass?

you gave the wrong person a (You) so who's the retard here

it was a trick to get easy money

however i don't blame her, i'd probably do the same for $2.5 million..... instead of working 999999999999 years in that hotel as a cleaner lady

They knew because there are often logs of whos in it. Not only that but you can't jump out of an out of control helicopter, you wont even have the chance to pull a 'shute. If your pilot can't auto rotate and land safely you're fucked in a helicopter. They used to make us learn how to do it the hard way in the Navy.
If the tail rotor was messed up good luck.

>Because one mistake doesn't define someone's existence

Yeah "To Catch A Predator" should use this sentence as disclaimer :D

>tiny white women
getting close to celebrity testosterone nigger giant ape


If a woman regrets it it was rape. Part of being a man is making sure she won't and doesn't regret it.

>being racist is not okay
>being homophobic is okay