Are people going to vote bernie just to spite rich people?

are people going to vote bernie just to spite rich people?

Attached: bernie-sanders-file-02-gty-jef-190108_hpMain_16x9_992.jpg (992x558, 46K)

It's class warfare, honestly. The rich have ransacked the country for a long time.

No, they're going to vote for him because they're fucking stupid.

>The rich have ransacked the country for a long time.
are you able to make a coherent argument for this without a tinfoil joooos rant?

Need I trot out the well-worn graphs of productivity gains and stagnant wages?
Need I trot out all of the tax carve outs and corruption from rich lobbyists?
Good lord, I could go on.

So you'd rather we went all French Revolution on their asses?

Nobody will vote for stupid Bernie

developed nations will never have a revolution ever again. look the failed coups in turkey and venezuela. having even half the military behind you is enough to murder hundreds of thousands.

democracy is the closest we’ll ever have to revolutions in the future.

bernie2020. fuck the rich trying subsidize their friends and keeping wages stagnant.

that and also revolutions have a poor track record of creating a government that isn't oppressive themselves.

he's 95. he just had a MASSIVE heart attack, his chances of having another are 95%

Biden, Bernie and Trump are far too old to be considered candidates. And far far far too unhealthy.

BTW The rich will always control the USA. Peasant laborers will always make up 80% of The People.

gonna vote bernie if he wins the primary. the fiscal policy that created the middle class is the fiscal policy he advocates.

bernie supporters are stupid.

>BTW The rich will always control the USA
The rich are incompetent and will overthrow themselves with their inbred stupidity.

false. he'll kill off the middle class dry. it's the communist way.

I mean yes 92 (D) IQ average is low but 89 (R) IQ average is lower.

I will vote anyone who is not Trump.

I would like Bernie or Warren to take it.
I feel that I might should vote Biden to secure the moderates and have the best chances of winning against Trump.

No war but class war.

There are no communists when the middle class is strong. That's why it was unpopular in America for so long.

That clearly worked with hillary.

the thread ended here

>kill off the middle class dry.
the middleclass is already being sold for cheap H1B labor

my poor boy. every wonder why democratic leadership has a higher gdp? ever wonder why the new deal was associated with the greatest generation? a balanced federal budget that invests in things with a good return on investment will improve the middle class. republicans investing in corporate socialism while cutting taxes merely creates a future problem for democrats to solve.

no u r


How would my vote for bernie hurt any rich people?

I dont know,
they hate him and thats good enoug for me.

I will

because Cred Forums posters are all retarded I'll keep it simple:
every other poorer country can afford to provide healthcare and education to its citizens
having a literal debt crisis is a retarded way to run a consumer based economy
bernie is the only one, THE ONLY ONE with the balls to advocate for sensible change that isnt even radical

not just other countries. we used to have high taxes for the rich and my professors went to college essentially for free.

Voting for anyone other than Bernie is voting to continue being cucked

85% of his votes will be from losers looking for gibsmedats.
15% of his votes will be from middle class people that have worked hard for what they have and resent that there are people with more who got their wealth "unfairly"