In a fked up high school

>In a fked up high school
>forced to work in a grp for this irrelevant assignment that’s just for show
>now I’m being forced to shovel dirt because they can’t be bothered to do work
>teammates keep demanding that I do such and such without helping so that they can slack

What shall I do Cred Forums

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Quit being a faggot and get to work

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>just for show
Why the fuck are you even trying?
Holy shit, if you're working for nothing, I hope you're in special ed.

Where I’m from, you do shit that’s for nothing or u get fucked.

you either dont do anything and deal with it, do the work and shut the fuck up, or you EXPLICITLY do YOUR part only, with evidence, and show the teacher that you did your part and that your partners were shitlords.

make a fucking decision and grow up. besides, its late and you should probably be in bed.

If you do their portion of the assignment you deserve what you get. You look like a pushover, not a hard worker or whatever.

If it's really just for show don't do your portion either.

It sicks getting roped into group work with ppl who dont care about the assignment or project.

But in the long run doing most of the work will be a benefit to you and a wasted opportunity for them. You are the one gaining experience and character through the hard work you put in. The same type of work ethic you build in this project will be the same that you put into getting a job or building a life for yourself.

They will do the same thing they do now, nothing at all, and will reap nothing from it as a result.

Also, have a one on one with your teacher and let them know you did most of the work to ensure you get the credit you deserve. If you do most of the work you have a right to fell whoever's you want. Let em die off OP.

Unironically this

Do not waste your time or effort doing a highschool project that is "just for show" and designed for multiple people (IE more work than a normal project for just you)

I sincerely regret getting stressed out and staying up late working hard on even the most important highschool projects.

Go do something actually productive if you just want to build work ethic like the guy above is suggesting.

It sucks, but so far this has happened to me multiple times and I never had to do their portion of the assignment, I just prepared my portion of a presentation or paper or whatever the assignment was and then communicated with the teacher that my group mates were being not being communicative at all (in one case my partner just went full radio silent on me, and didn't show up for class in the 3 weeks leading up to the presentation, university in Canada). Luckily, you even have documentation so you're golden. I didn't have any proof but I was able to communicate with the teacher well before the due date in all my cases, which I'm assuming isn't an option for you. Still, it's totally believable that you all left it till the last weekend and then you got dumped with the work at the last minute.
Your teacher went to uni and had to deal with this bullshit too, they will almost 100% be sympathetic to you.

this is an American attitude. OP is obviously foreign so he is a lazy piece of shit like all foreigners meaning this wont work for him. but its good advice for American kids.

I get what your saying about it being a high school project but I think it will benefit him greatly especially if he goes to college and ends up in a similar situation.

In college I had to pick up the slack on the big project at the end of the program and ended up getting hired right away in a super competitive industry almost solely because of it.

Like you said though it was a great deal of stress, but it the long run it saved me stress as well

For me it was really a lot easier dedicating the appropriate time and effort to projects in college because they would often be worth as much as 40% of the entire grade. I would never lose any sleep over a project that's just for show, and as I said, regret losing sleep over the "important" ones.

In highschool I mean, regretting losing sleep. Didn't regret losing sleep over a project worth 40% of a grade in a college class I paying a lot for.

>high school
This shit is completely meaningless. Now is your chance to assert dominance. Just don't do the work and hold it over their heads.

I would advise against this as there could be a situation In the future where the whole outcome of the whole project could bite him in the ass.

Also I cant think of a better way to dominate someone than to do their work better than they ever could and holding that over their heads as they sit there looking like a man-child who didn't handle their responsibilities.

It's like fucking their girl better than they can.

That's a good point I suppose.

They probably see it the same way. He's doing their work for them, they get to go fuck off and get the credit if he doesn't say anything.

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Lmao I genuinely was in a full AP schedule with a fuck ton of extra curriculars and high school was still a fucking breeze, I had a grear time and was voted valedictorian (our school was kinda retarded), If you literally can’t make a slideshow and a group project is too tough for you to handle, give up on life now.

Yeah right because u made it there by being a pushover. Doesn’t make sense to do something when everyone’s a lazy fuck

I’m 18 you hillbilly

Either don’t do it because it’s high school and doesn’t fucking matter at all or do it because it’s high school and is laughably easy

I would suggest not being a faggot and working together with your teammates but you seem to be set on being a faggot

>voted valedictorian

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I don’t suck dick to pay off college debt though. How bout you?

you could always comply in a way that makes it seem like they did the assignment, fuck it even offer to do the ppt as well, do everything as vague as possible and memorize the material, when the fuckers have to speak during the presentation they don't know shit. You, on the other hand, know the material by heart, that way you get to expose them in front of everyone else, alternative: do all the work yourself and do not include them, tell the teacher you are presenting it on your own.

don't tell the fucking teacher that your group isn't doing their share. may as well just do the fucking work rather than being a fucking pussy-ass snitch

I stated in a previous post he should talk to the teacher and make sure they are aware of the work he did.

Everyone in a similar situation should do the same. Dont be discouraged to take the credit you deserve if you've earned it.

No snitch policy was created by people who know what they're doing or not doing is wrong and dont want to be called on it.

If he does the work he can take the credit he's earned. All the rest can suffer and drone on about snitching or tattle tailing, or fairy dust or whatever bullshit ideals losers follow.

Yea my high school was retarded. The top 10 gpa students were voted on by like the top 25% of students to be the valedictorian

I like to think I won a popularity contest and a grade contest so it wasn’t too bad