Pro-Labor Thread

Pro-Labor Thread

Question to start the conversation: Why have wages stayed stagnant since the 1970s despite the fact that worker productivity has increased dramatically?

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I won't claim to know diddly about much, but I'll blame overpopulation, in a general sense, and technology making things that were once specialties accessible to the masses or obsolete.

>Why have wages stayed stagnant since the 1970s despite the fact that worker productivity has increased dramatically?
think about this:
Today, for 6 hours of $15 (min wage) you can buy a flat screen HD television
In 1972, you couldn't get that no matter how much money you had

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That has nothing to do with the question being asked at all.
R u ok?

Women chose careers and entered the workforce thanks to the invention/availability of the pill. This has resulted in an increase of supply of labour and increased competition for jobs.

short answer: jews

Globalization, but as a capitalist I think it's a good thing.

hang yourself immediately

Globalisation, both the import of immigrant labour and the offshoring of jobs. Women entering the work force also fucked shit up.

Get a skill that pays, loser.

Cause the U.S and jews took all your gold and silver, hoihoihoi

This thread again?

In a nutshell:

When you enter workforce you make little and eat more shit, that is because you are bottom rung. Minimum wage is meant as starter jobs for young people. You are supposed to have a plan for yourself in life, and use such jobs as stepping stone to gain general experience until you decide how you will move up.

If you dont move up, your gonna have a bad time. It's not employers fault, it's your fault. Do what you have to do to reach your goals.

You decide if a job is worth the money being paid to you. If you are not qualified for a job you think is fair, do what you have to do to make yourself qualified for said job. It may involve cutbacks or whatever, but that is how it works, it's a long term game.

You do not get things in life because you promise you can do a task. You get things by practicing a task many times, and then proving you can do the task many times by actually doing the task.

Dont worry about what how much your employer makes, worry about what you make and how you can use it to make your life better.

Because we allow our corporations out outsource the jobs to 3rd world countries where they can pay the workers pennies a day to produce the same product you do for 100x the cost to them at your wages.

Corporate welfare, entitled boomer bosses and owners who know nothing about the cost of things with modern inflation applied to it *see the cost of college now vs 30 years ago

Overpopulation is another factor to take into account, more people means more with the skill set you're looking for thus you can find the person who can accomplish your task for pennies on the dollar now vs back in the 70's you had to hire the most qualified person in the area and your hiring pool was MUCH smaller thus you often had to "pay out the ass" as they say to get your jobs done

inter-connectivity means we're more connected than ever thus we can look online to find someone to do a job for us that we either don't want to or cannot. Just had your dog shit on your carpet and don't want to clean that up? Hire a maid and a carpet cleaning service. That almost wasn't an option back then because those people were much more difficult to find because the only tool you had for such a search was a phone book.

literally does not exist in todays day and age.
every industry that does pay wall is so retardedly oversaturated that its next to impossible to find a job in it
99% of wealth is gotten from already having wealth.

So if that is the case, how does one with this attitude justify an employer refusing to promote you despite you doing your job and extra workload admirably? Have you ever been in a job that your were kept in not given a promotion simply because "We can't find anyone to replace you and who will stay and be able to do your current job as well as you do"

I'm interested to hear what you have to say about this, but I expect since this is Cred Forums you or someone here will just resort to insults rather than sticking to the discussion.

I'm a software engineer making mad decent money at 22 and saving a lot. Plan on buying a duplex and renting it out, soon.

yeah this is all pretty much bullshit because i guarantee you that a solid 80-95% of people do not "plan their lives", and if they do, those plans are always, 100% of the time, ALWAYS, screwed up by life itself.

planning for the future is like having blueprints for a house. its nice to have but any foreman worth a shit doesn't need to look at them

>mad decent money
first of all, it cant be 'mad' and decent at the same time
secondly what you consider mad and decent is chump change compared to what you would make if wages rised in line with productivity like they SHOULD
thirdly you are PROBABLY a foreigner who was pushed through via the genius grant so the left wing dominated tech companies can claim diversity points with the left with narrative cancerous niggery
fourthly i GUARANTEE that you know little to nothing of actual software engineering and instead do the same copy paste shit day in day out because actual software engineering, along with all other truly specialized expertise knowledge, is no longer taught in schools and colleges and universities, mostly because their unending ignorant crusade to artificially inflate minority pass rates caused them to drop actual courses and fill it with bullshit kiddie mode courses

>Pro-Labor Thread
More like under-educated, blue collar idiocy.

We've been moving from a manufacturing based economy to a service/professional economy.

The chart clearly explains that the comparison is between production/non-supervisor compensation to the GROWTH of goods and SERVICES.

Less manual labor needed for output. Simple. Like you

I'm a white male who studied hard and aced the ACT which got me into a top 20 school. I write real time software for components that go on very large boats. I plan on getting a duplex in the near future and starting a business in the far future. Anyone can do it, there's a meta to life, you should learn it.

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>i write real time software
what language

More productivity per worker means less workers needed.
Population increase at the same time as demand decrease means wages stagnate
Supply & Demand


Because we have technologies that greatly increased productivity but we still reproduce like we live in the 60's.

Supply/Demand: If you have 100 people competing for low level jobs the employer doesn't need to pay well.

surprise mother fucker it was a trick question
because actual software engineers dont use upper level languages
i rest my fuckin case. youve been fed the same lie everyone else has been: that you're special, that you have some kind of skill that no one else does.

you dont.
they just took a title from actually exceptional individuals and slapped it on you to up their degree sales.

>because actual software engineers dont use upper level languages


I'm a real software engineer and if you don't code in binary, you are poser.

Hello fellow software engineer. Have a good life doing cool shit

Lmao, you actually think there are people writing ASM full time out there? Maybe 1000 total positions in the country for that, and they pay nothing. I went on scholarship and still get paid handsomely, which lets me save a lot to do things I want to do, like become a landlord.

Ty, u2


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Keep smoking that crack nigger


To me that seems like more of a people problem rather than a general employer thing. Keep in mind that you do have the option to find employment elsewhere. And if management claims they cant find a replacement for a promotion they definitely won't if you leave. Maybe that could be leverage in your favor? It's all about strategizing and thinking ahead.

You are absolutely right when you say things dont always go to plan. But that is also a given. Therefore it is your responsibility to adapt to circumstances and other modify, or create a new plan. Ideally you would want a backup or two as well.

For the most part, you may have to try a few times, but if your smart and consistent you have a much better chance at succeeding. Especially if your consistant. Most successful people have failed hundreds of times.

My unsupported theory..
Low paying jobs, e.g. textiles, went overseas to get cheap labor. Then the high paying jobs that supported those, e.g. design manufacture, and repair of industrial machinery went too. Then the high paying jobs supporting those went too.

I'm lucky. I work in IT, but even with that I still see wage pressures from offshoring.

Irreplaceable is unpromotable. I've made this mistake repeatedly. In IT if you aren't changing jobs every 5 years you are leaving a lot of money on the table.

I did the landlord thing for 15 years. In my opinion, invest your money in growth stock mutual funds or index funds instead. If you've got a mortgage on your rental you end up paying for your bankers' yacht instead of making money. It's hard to hear, but true.

>upper level languages
C is a half step away from assembler and is the most widely used language for embedded systems control. Go find a trap thread where you can talk about a subject you actually know about, cunt.

I'm mainly looking at really high growth areas like northern Dallas where the property alone appreciates quickly. Interesting to hear, though

Supply and demand.
More women entered the workforce instead of staying at home to take care of the kids and housework. Because the supply of workers increased for roughly the same amount of jobs, the price (wages) stayed nearly the same as production increased. Of course, very many other factors affect it, but I think that is the primary reason for the comparatively low increase in wages.

I assume that chart adjusts for inflation. I know the burger flippers in the 90s were paid about half of what their current wage is now.

>you actually think there are people writing ASM full time out there?

All of the people I know that do ASM work actually write C and then stream the assembler in where they need tight loops.

hey peasant instead of complaining about how little bread you get instead think that a million years ago bread didn't even exist

Yeah, we have one guy at work who does the BIT tests, I have no idea what his process is but I should ask

For a bit of insight you can go online and order $400 luxury icecubes for delivery.

Don't think many of the workers are the ones buying luxury ice cubes

Union busting.