Would any of you wanna live on Pluto?

would any of you wanna live on Pluto?

like lets say I build a massive glass bubble covering a few acres of land on Pluto and inside you have a fully decked out mansion and whatever amenities you want inside and out.

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it kinda looks like a chocolate/vanilla scoop of icecream. i love icecream

Sign me up

Sure. But I want a bunch of big titty whores to serve me. Also latency will suck ass that far out so fix my high ping and I'm good to go.

No. Sounds like OP just wants full range to rape anyone trapped inside with him

Is that you, Elon Musk?

Yeah sure, can I bring people?

Plutanon from R9K coming in, my answer is yes, Pluto is the last step in isolating ourselves from the shittery of Earth.

Like let's say...wtf kind of way is that to speak? How about 'Let's say...' Doesn't that sound better, boys and girls? Whoever taught you to speak ought to be fired.

Lol no must be someone else xD

Let's go!~

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sounds like a very stupid idea....count me in

How is it stupid?
>unlimited resources in this hypothetical
>just lonely pluto
It's akin to putting yourself in the hole in prison but luxury and free roam around your pluto mansion. The only downside would be OP being a creep and doing the while voyeurism possibility.

is this bubble filled with liberals or republicans?

The lack of gravity will kill me from the inside, but sure. How is the internet connection?

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fuck no its lonely there and kinda too cold

Only if in allowed to bring lolis with me and fuck them in the ass to my hearts content


>Bored in Pluto mansion dome
>Hey! That new Netflix series started!
>Fire up TV
>Start Netflix
>Click New Show
>5 hours later
>Netflix receives request for show
>Streaming starts
>5 more hours later
>Show begins to play!
>Enjoy Netflix in glorious 32p quality
>Kill me

Excluding venus and mars, every other planet will become historical celestial monuments.
There's literally no use for them.
By the time we can even start terraforming shit we will probably be more interested in exploring the galaxy in giant fucking moon sized space ships or something liek that.

Are you saying 13 year old Lacey will be included? Where do I sign up?

It's where people will have to live when the sun changes. Best way by that point in technology would be to hollow it out and live inside it, after making it's rotation as fast as would work with all safety concerns, for decent artificial gravity.

Like you wouldn’t set up a continuous store and forward system.