Tried drawing myself. Did I do good Cred Forumsros?

Tried drawing myself. Did I do good Cred Forumsros?

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cigarette is too big. You suck.

I self roll. The more cancer the better.

>4k in debt

Oh my sweet summer child.

better than i could do

Yep. No job, so 4keks is a lot to me.

Really? Then why does it have a filter? If it has a filter, it should be of standard size. Dont you fucking lie to me.

i thought you said you were in the military

I haven't been to basic yet. Just waiting until then.

That's a line that comes on the papers I buy. Unrustle your jimmies for me.

stop fuckin whining then you fucking pussy. jfc. i hope you joined some pansy ass service like anything but the Marine Corps.

>pansy ass service
Topkek. Yeah, actually. I joined the Navy. I thought it might make me feel better about myself, maybe give me some life purpose, but IDK.

yea it will. i was in your shoes about 10 years ago. now I get paid to go to college and am a lot happier. dont listen to the whiny faggots in there and take advantage of everything they offer.

Thanks, user. It's people like you that stop people like me from doing an hero.

gl bud I wish you the best. i gotta go to class now. oh yea and save your fuckin money. dont spend it all like a lot of dumbfucks do (me included). you can buy shit but keep some set aside every year. i didnt start doing this until the last year and a half of my enlistment and i had $22000~ in my bank account when I got out. i also paid off my truck completely after my first deployment

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have fun in class

almost good enough to draw furry porn, wanna get rich quick?

Thanks, but no thanks. I hear FluffKevlar is taking requests. Not that I know anything about that, I used to date a girl who was into that shit.

So you fucked a furry.

Looks like shit, needs more practice. First of all the entire face and body is pointed to the left but the nose is pointed to the right. Looks like you drew someone with a busted nose.

Nope. Cut it off before it got that far. She showed me her collection of hentai and I noped outta there.

Tell me more. I'm here to learn.

Blind contour studies. If you really want to get better at drawing what you see, practice blind contours. Stay away from anime.

>4k debt

Is that all? I'm up to like $60,000 now if you count medical debt.

Not making 4K in a week.. stop browsing Cred Forums and move to /biz/ get educated.

People are being pretty rude to their fellow Cred Forumsrother, but you seem fun to talk to. Made an email just for you if you want to talk, my man. I will try and check it later. I wish you luck in your debt and want to impart the following on you. Nothing when it comes to your own mind is out of your control. Use your mind instead of letting it use you.

[email protected]

Good luck Cred Forumsro

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Jak & Daxter is dank tho.

Jak and Daxter is dank as shit.


OP, take it from me, I’m 38 years old and have some insight you may not have yet: You are fine. Don’t sweat the small stuff my dude, and with time and hindsight you will see, it’s all small stuff. I was filled with anxiety and self-doubt when I was your age too. That’s natural. If I may offer one piece of advice: start exercising. Even if all you do is power walk for an hour a day, it will completely change your life and your attitude. When you’re 35 minutes into the walk, and the endorphins start flowing, and the exercise high kicks in, that is where the happiness is. It is physically impossible to feel anxiety in that head space. It doesn’t live there. Only good feelings and peace live there. Please listen to what I’m saying and trust me young Cred Forumsrother , Iwouldnt steed you wrong. Try it for a month and see if your whole attitude about life doesn’t change. It’s the secret to happiness you’ve been searching for, and it’s easy as pie. Good luck little homie.

Are you skinny Pete from breaking bad?