Is this rich, big titty white girl living life on easy mode?

Is this rich, big titty white girl living life on easy mode?

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All lives come with their own difficulty. Where things are made easy, it is compensated by hardships in other spots.
>inb4 bitter incels reee

shut the fuck up dumbass

good one

Damn right it was faggot

youre pissed

It wasn’t what I would call a winner there hotshot.

this bitch is living on peacefull


Idk, show me those titties so I can determine the answer

While this user is right, a girl I was in the Navy with, and stopped talking to for whatever reason, used to cam. I last talked to her sometime in mid-2018, and asked her how much she made(she was always very open with me, and it weirded me out, I was her corpsman, not her fucking weekly therapist). Anyway, she made $5000 one week camming. She said that was a little higher than normal, but it's still more than I make a month with 10yrs in + extra pay. Not sure if she's still alive though. Last I heard from a mutual friend she was raging in Vegas, probably dead.

So, easier than you and me? Absolutely. They'll lose that pretty face and big tits will sag eventually. Then what? Marry some poor guy, shit out some kids, die unsatisfied with no discernible skills.

wtf. why you have such rage?

she has semen on her skirt

I'd like to explain a few points since being unable to put yourself in someone else's shoes is half the problem with the world and 99% of the problem with Cred Forums:

A girl who is hot growing up has EVERYONE trying to fuck her: teachers, cops, uncles... imagine being 13 and realizing your beloved grandpop is staring at your nipples. And you feel like it's your fault even though you didn't choose any of this.

A hot girl is constantly the target of manipulation, harassment, attempted drugging, kidnapping, etc. As a guy, we don't have to think twice about getting in an Uber.

A hot girl gets disregarded by everyone because being hot is supposed to be her one achievement in life

Yeah, a hot girl can cam, if she's willing to put up with an unending fountain of creepy behavior plus degenerates like the ppl ITT trying to dox and stalk her.

Not a life I'd choose.

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good point, though.
Most of them are not too stupid and they figure out when it's time to stop and "settle down" for some poor beta male soul who worked his ass off to get good degrees and be the best he could.

Although most guys will notice the intentions and realize the truth sooner or later, some will not and will get stuck or eventually kill themselves.

Oh no what a misery thanks user now I am happy to work 60 hours a week in my dead end job for 500 €/month just so I could live another month coming home to my small and cramped appartment where noone is waiting for me , looking at my phone saying 0 new messages before crying myself to sleep.
I am sorry though that she has 0.01 % of getting raped/kidnapped and has to feel uncomfortable sometimes because she is DESIRED.
Fucking fuck fuck posts like this and retards like you will finally get me to hang off that rope sooner rather than later

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shes gonna get audited by the IRS and be fucked if this is true

In some ways, yes. But a lot of people probably don’t respect per se her opinions etc because they think she’s a slut or something.

Funny stuff.
Somehow its anyone's fault but your own that no one loves you and you have no friends?

That's not the fucking point is it? If I was a hot girl but otherwise the same person, literally everything stays the same just my appearance changes I would not live this shit of a life, but ye I guess these fucking femoids AREN'T living life on easy difficulty sure buddy

depressed kek

Suck my fucking dick you beta whiteknight fuck

Let’s say you met her on that boat and she started talking about politics, economic strategy, science, and really wanted to be taken seriously. Wanting you to listen to what she was saying. No. You just want to fuck her silly and see those tits bounce. Point is, that’s her “downfall”.

relax dude. I was laughing with you you god dam virgin

I am not fucking laughing dude I am triggered like MAAAAAD really fucking MAAAAAAD right now god made me this way because my parents were mad cunts

I wanted to come here to say that she probably is, but yeah, you're right. I'm sure she has her own hardships, those hardships are just more pronounced than they would be to someone whos been through more serious hardships

All of her hardships lie in feeling bad ffs noone feels good 100% of time she has no real hardships to talk of

No, she's fat

Who cares?

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Dudes, even fit dudes will settle with much fatter still

Yeah her cooch probably stinks too


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I am calm now. Sorry user I shouldn't have behaved like that.

...words... words... words

go back to l eddit you fucking retarded nigger scum.

> l eddit
lol you fucking retard