Be me sad lonely beta fag

>be me sad lonely beta fag
>join a discord server
>start to come out of my shell a little
>meet some cool people on there who’re interested in the same things I am
>I don’t feel lonely anymore!
>happy af, everyday just wanna log on and chat shit with them
>a few months later one of the mods gets pissed with me
>says I’ve changed for the worst
>goes out of his way to belittle me
>says everything I do is cringe
>friend from there tells me I’m about to be banned and shows me screenshots of his chats with mod
>hang around for a bit
>feel a bit isolated now, it felt like more people were just ignoring me on the server
>decide to leave the next day instead of just being banned

Honestly, I don’t understand what I did to set him off, I’ve literally been the exact same and tbh there were some folks worst than me on there. I never personally attacked anyone or took shots at them on there.

Honestly folks I just feel a bit alone right now, I’ve never realised this before because I was too busy with other things in life. But I don’t have any real friends at all now.

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Try asking the people you talked to the most if you had offended them in some way. I don't know the situation, but it can't hurt.
We here for you fren

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Also the people on the advice board have helped me with social issues surprisingly.

Happened to me too, but they're online friends lose some, get some new ones that's why I'm looking for discord servers to join in. I left the last one because i felt like I'm just a fart.

Are you still here?

How old are you fren?

>Be me
>Some retard on a game I was playing makes me add him on Discord
>We get into a call for like 5 minutes and then hangs up
>Don't see him again till 2 weeks later
>Little faggot adds me to a Discord group with like 20 other people
>Starts spam calling them and adding them to hundreds more groups
>Can't remove them all so I just stay and hang out
>Some niggerfaggot in the group starts acting like a bitch and spamming everyone
>Me and the faggots friend decide to go at him and spam the retard back until he blocks both of us
>Later the niggerfaggot decides to be retarded and post his Discord Server link
>Me tells him we should raid his server
>He gets scared and starts shidding and pissing himself like the retard 8 year old he is
>Gets my account banned for a joke
>I get pissed, 3 year old account gone because of some niggerfaggot with roles on other servers
>Decides to use alt and actually raids the faggots server
>Faggots friends get on and get into a fight with us
>The faggot who added me ends up doxxing the niggerfaggot who banned my account
>I get banned again for no reason
>The fag who added me starts doxxing more and more people with his faggot friends
>Eventually they decide to dox me
>Sends pizzas and calls prostitutes to my parents house
>Calls me and my parents phones every 5 minutes every day, harassing my family

Why is Discord filled with so many drama whoring faggot retards?
Pic related: The faggot who doxxed me

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22 why?

thnx fren, honestly I just have the urge to cut them off entirely and try look for other friends

Yeah many discord servers are full of retards, you'd get lucky to join a good community. That's why I was so bummed when I learned I was gonna get kicked. The server was actually really really good.

still here fren :D

Just wondering

Because i used the word fart?

bro they are online frens they arent even real frens. heres some advice for you:
you dont need frens to be happy. find happiness yourself and then frens later

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God, I fucking hate millennials. This entire post is 100% cringe as you people say.

There there man, you sound like you're having a bad day. Wanna talk about it?

No i just wanted to know if you were still in high school, place is a social nightmare for most people.

Thanks man, yeah I think I'll just focus on my hobbies for now

>Wanna talk about it?

So you are having bad day

Don't make me remember

I'm sorry OP



I have a test today that I didn't study for and a speech for my speaking class I didn't prepare because my grandmother has been in and out of the hospital and I had to help move both grandparents into my father's house.

I'm sorry fren. What you study?

Sounds like he was either jealous or on a power trip or something . Talking to a few people privately like someone else suggested is probably your best bet. Then you can see if they feel what he is saying is true.

This is what sucks about Discord compared to IRC. Getting banned from a server is rare there

Yeah I suspected he might be jealous. I mean I got on well with everybody on there. Oh well, I still have my buddies on there as discord friends. I'll probably start my own server and invite them.

Entomology. Now you are going to answer my questions. What is your favorite bug/insect/arachnid?

thats love for you

Get out into the real world bucko. Internet friends rarely last.

Its happened to me, its happened to others, dont trust the people in those moderator positions because most of the time theyre even lonlier than how you feel and spend most of their time on /r9k. Be better than a degenerate that doesnt know how to stop sulking; anyone can better themself. Here, just apply the effort you were giving that server, into your real life towards physical friends, or a hobby, or other digital friends, this time friend them.
Hope this helps, remember to smile, OP

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Domino is this you?

"This time, friend them" = send them friend requests to continue communicating if you get banned again

Thanks man, yeah I'll spend more time on my hobbies for now.

who is domino?


>digital friends
do you realize this isn't a real thing and this is exactly why OP is having this problem? there is a difference between "digital friends" and real friends. a real friend is someone you interact with physically. it's someone who actually gives a shit about you. it's the guy who will bail you out of jail, pick you up when your car has broken down, have your back in a bar fight, and most importantly, trusts you.

digital friends literally can do none of that. they arent your fucking friends OP they are nothing more than acquaintances. brush them off and move on. focus on yourself for now.

You realize you got triggered because in my terminology I define Digital & Physical friends as capable of being Real and Fake? Everyone is indevidually unique and different, just because no one likes you online means its the same for others.
You can list all the reasons of why im wrong if you want to, but thats not what OP needs right now. You really wana be the ass that ruins the wholesomeness of the thread?

They really felt like real friends. But yeah, I realise this now.

You sound like a 14yo teenage girl.

do you really wanna be the one that condones detrimental behavior? emotionally investing yourself in online relationships is detrimental behavior, because there is a massive distinction between real friend and a "digital friend".
>You realize you got triggered because in my terminology I define Digital & Physical friends as capable of being Real and Fake?
you also recommended he invest more time into his "other" digital friends. this is a waste of time for OP, for the reasons I already listed.

OP, invest time in yourself first. Find your own happiness. When that comes then you will find a handful of real friends. These people you talk to online are not your friends.

Yeah, I really wanna hit the gym again and spend more time rethinking some stuff. I realise now that speaking to digital friends was fun but aren't really a substitute for irl relationships and interactions.

I lost my friends in a similar way, but those were irl friends.
I felt lonely then got angry about it and started getting paranoid about them talking shit behind my back, which is a shame because these people we were a big community. And here am i, a lonely loser who doesn't need to communicate with people to feel happy and instead just jacks off and plays video games, you too don't need friends or social media user

>all i do is jack off and play video games
>it's their fault not mine i am lonely

>happy af, everyday just wanna log on >and chat shit with them

Only talk to you're friends 1 - 2 days a week max, taking a month off away from them now and then too.

You over socialised. They are just friends. They come they go.

Also kys

Something similar happened tom someone in our clan. He was extremely self unaware of the shit that he said, like borderline autistic. Maybe you are also this way, instead of cutting off the server completely try asking someone what you could have possibly done wrong, and really self reflect.


You're dong it wrong, everyone meets online now, online friends are friends.

Just avoid the fakes, posers, neurotic weirdos online as you would anywhere.

But you dont need friends, no one does.

it’s okay user, maybe he was just going through a rough time and took it out on you. love u Cred Forumsro

Love you too :D

>be me
>be friends with a girl for like two years online
>eventually we both say that we like each other
>she live across country so there’s nothing we can do about it
>decide to start saving money to move there
>tell her my plan
>months go by of me saving money from working every day, hopping online after work to play games or just talk to her
>getting close to having enough to feel comfortable moving across the country

>she post on social media “I wish people would stop trying to make moves on me, I have a boyfriend”

>get drunk and spend money on a new Jeep
>haven’t talked to her since and she hasn’t reached out or anything

Don’t fall for the trap boys

Yeah, my head isn't that clear right now. But I'm sure with time it'll clear and I'll be able to reflect on my actions and realise that maybe the moderator had a good reason for being angry with me.

Yeah I guess I did. I've just never really had friends before them so maybe you're right.