Look at this stupid fucking boomer

Look at this stupid fucking boomer

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>not asking for money
>asking for b-day card instead


OP is a faggot

He gets to die comfortably in his bed but he has no family that loves him, he probably fathered 1-2 boomers who stayed childless causing demographic replacement and mass immigration.

His only accomplishment in life was that he killed innocent people for jews. He made his bed and now he must lie in it, yeah ill send you a card old man.

>he killed innocent people
>Germans and Japs were innocent

Attached: mHM3DMk.gif (332x215, 1.99M)

>demographic replacement
waa who cares, nothing of value lost

Somehow he had at least one more accomplishment than you will have.

Hitler sent dozens of pre-war borders peace treaties after he conquered france.
But enjoy your state funded and soon enforced drag queen story time as any children you might have are transgendered.

Somebody send him a closed post card with this pic on the inside.
He will still receive it if you send it to his address.

I want this old man to lie in his deathbed and suffer for this future he has chosen.

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>conquered france
>somehow innocent

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>all I see, everywhere I go, is boomers!

Sure, now he has to beg strangers to give a fuck about him being 100 years old because nobody cares about him.

If he didnt get his veteran welfare healthcare he would be homeless and dead years ago.

God you're all fucks

None of you have the balls he does

That's not a boomer you stupid nigger.

>remember boys, you're fighting for Germany

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to be fair, i'm pretty sure half of france's conquerors just intended to say hi, but france surrendered anyway

France declared war on Germany, it was a morally correct defensive war.

But history is written by the victors so Hitler is le ebin evil baddy and everyone who won dindu nutthing. Whatever.

Technichally hesh a purt uv te "Greatisht genoratshion"

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>thinks a ww2 soldier
>didn't use a boom stick
sure kid

Attached: Boomstick.gif (399x292, 58K)

Niggers can't math

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OP is fucking cringe
Yeah boomers by definition couldn't have fought in WW2

>faggots can't recognize a joke

>100 yrs old boomer
sure kid

No! Mohamed Ali had balls, going to jail for your principles!
Dying and killing for an unjust war, killing people you have no problem with because your president who ran on peace told you is cowardice!

This should be a banner

Making the assumption you're funny

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>Germany invades Poland
>Britain and France (allies of Poland) declare war on Germany
>it was defensive
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting

making the assumption you have a sense of humor

ok boomer

Attached: ok boomer (1a) 238x352 [w1183-0] 2020-1-17.png (238x352, 102K)

age is just a number

I don't need one to detect a nigger faggot

congrats on developing a gayniggerdar, i'm sure your patent application won't put you on any watchlists

Born in 1920. Not a boomer, fucknut. Learn what you're even saying before trying to "insult" someone, retard.

Gosh, so perceptive. I'm glad you pointed that out, nobody else noticed.

Whatever, boomer, nobody gives a fuck about you.

T.seething zoomer

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Wait, I'm 100 years old. You just said I'm not a boomer.

dont bite the bait

>they bite the bait

dont bit the bait again

>they bite the bait again


If you don't bite the bait, what the hell else is there to do on Cred Forums?

All these soyboys whining and crying saying he brought about transgender bullshit for fighting like a man wouldn't last one minute in war. You'd all panic and scream and piss and shit your pants. If you had even half the courage of him you wouldn't be on Cred Forums stupid zoomers

this comment sums up Cred Forums

>never reply to a retard
Reddit's that way fag

Wait what why dies Jeremy say that, my father reads this comic all the time and he's supposed to find this funny?

Obviously highly intelligent and red pilled a f!

the original comix

Attached: ok boomer - original comix.gif (600x190, 51K)

Who finds this funny

meh, post flat earth bait.

>Who finds this funny

i guess probably more than enough people so that he makes a comfortable living off of it.

or post vegan bait, you're guaranteed to get responses.

why does this seem fishy to me?

old Cred Forums would have found this guy themselves, and sent him 1,000 birthday cards.
they would have and they did. things used to happen.
fucking zoomers need battering to death.

poland deliberately goaded germany into war, it's historical fact. they even checked with russia to make sure that they would be backed up in the event of a war, and only then did they proceed to poke germany.
keep being clueless.


Do any of you faggots even know what boomer means?
Post WWII baby-boom.
How can someone who’s 25 in 1945 be a boomer?
Stupid fuck.

And what did Poland do exactly to provoke Germany? If you're gonna try to convince people of your shit theories at least put some effort into it

Lol imagine being a boomer and not blowing your brains out.

Sitting right there, basically landlocked between Russia and Germany?

It was basically asking for it, there's a lot on the partition of Poland and how often it was asking for it.

Get real faggot.

Also check out my cool new spacing.

Poland makes the best beer by the way, closely followed by Czechs.

As Nega Sonic Teen Jailbait I'm offended by your posting.

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What a guy, it's because of people like him we're able to be on Cred Forums shitposting today

To bad the day is passed. Not sending him a birthday card now. Would feel like a right cunt doing it two weeks to late.

that's what belated birthday cards are for.

Cred Forums isn't exactly known for precision, common sense or even the basics of the social skills required for normal human interaction.
The terms used losing all meaning doesn't really register with the Cred Forumstards at all.
Don't lose sleep over this, user, it's not worth it. Focus on the fun stuff.

Pic unrelated.

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top kek

the joke
your head