Favorite comedians thread
He is my #4

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#3 is Dylan Moran

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#2 is Tim Minchin

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#1 is Bill Hicks

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I work with a guy that smoked with Dave Chapel on set from Happy Days.

1) Chapel
2) Seinfeld (the shows included)
3) Bill Burr
4) Louie

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You sound like an oldfag. I'm only 28 but I've been on Cred Forums for 10 years, how's you doin'?

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OP here
#5 George Carlin
#6 Richard Pryor
#7 Stewart Lee
#8 Joe Rogan
#9 Chris Titus

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Burr is best living white comedian who hasn't been me2'd

Sorry Louis

Comedians aren't allowed to be funny anymore.

#10 Billy Connolly
#11 Bill Bailey
#12 Bo Burr
#13 Patton Oswalt

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>Can I masturbate in front of you?
>*masturbates in front of you*

Watch Doug Stanhope. And dude have you heard Louie's leaked set since he got me2'd? It's amazing I have it

Women are f u c k i n g r e t a r d e d

I'm an idiot Stanhope is #11

Same with this guy. Was railroaded out of office.

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This is actually true as fuck. He made a boobie grab gesture over a sleeping woman wearing a flak jacket. What the fuck. If that bothers you, you are a faggot.

Mitch hedberg?
Dimitri martin?
Jim jeffries?

All great, my list is just my personal favorites don't get offended my dude

Jim especially

This reminds me, Steven Wright

mitch sure.. dimitri idk.. jim jeffires fuck no liberal twat.

There will never be a comedian better than Bill Hicks

Old Jim jeffries, befor he fixed his teeth


He did something wrong, just not ruin your entire life and livelihood wrong.

It's just a ride

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Doug Stanhope my dudes.

Seinfeld? I cant stand that guy, i dont know his work at all tough.
1) chapel
2) bill burr
3) louie
4) dave attell
Others far behind but good
Jim jefferies
Jim gaffigan
Ricky gervais

clearly jon lajoie


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this is a penis
and this is a vaginer
now during intercourse the man ejaculates sperm up inside the vaginer
and then later
a fucking baby
comes out of the vaginer
and sometimes is retarded

Sometimes there’s Chinese babies...

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you broke my mirror you fuckin faggot cunt nigger deer

he didn't even actually do it, he just asked

thats it

they were pissed off because he didn't ask for sex