Make joke build

>Make joke build
>It defeats all the meta Tryhard builds

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Other urls found in this thread:

Why is this a meme?

stop mirror this picture

Why did he do it? What did he see on land that was so enticing?

I guess Cred Forums is running out of ideas

Was sick of all the faggots and casuals from his previous server so he started his own

>muh Cred Forums
it's /an/ that's leaking you dumb nigger

snibeti snab

>fish says "Hey guys check this shit out im gonna fucking walk on land"
>other fish think he's retarded
>turns out there's fucking food up there
>All the other fish get btfo after several thousand years of this going on
Reminder change is good because it allows growth

Is this a meme?

oh fug :D

my ancestor :)

imagine going back in time and stepping on him

>muh pol boggyman

was he an incel?
surely he wouldn't have ventured into a suicidal quest like that if he had had sex like all the other fish

>Playing bloodborne
>Do full arcane run for fun
>complete DLC and get kos parasite
>upgrade it to max despite knowing full and well that it sucked as a weapon
>slap on some physical gems for good measure knowing that it only does arcane damage
> go to pvp
>use only long-range dodge attack
>shit on SKL builds
>dab on STR builds
>bloodtinge builds try to mid range
> Get BTFO with AoE L2 attack forcing them to delete their shitty character

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>Make joke build
>It defeats all the meta Tryhard builds
>joke build is meta now
What now retard?

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He's rightfully hated.

I wish I wish I didn't squish that fish.

>image shows fish coming out of water
>"Cred Forums's behind this one...."

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Anyone who thinks 99 arcane is a meme hasn't played it.

Also Kos Parasite is fucking nuts, why did you think it sucked as a weapon? Dash R1 by itself shits on everyone and everything.

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he wanted to commit sudoku but evolved lungs instead, leaving us in this horrible world

Because someone is trying really really hard

>use meta Tryhard build
>still suck


Hey uhh quit posting pictures of my great great great grandpa without permission

/an/ usually just wants to be left to its own devices, "DUDE SHITBULLS AM I RIGHT? LMAO" threads stopped being quite so incessant there lately after people figured out pit attack-stats come from literally one guy who purposefully inflates the data by not differentiating between breeds.

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counterpoint: all of the fish lineages that became too successful in the new environment and died because they ate all of the food and starved the local ecosystem to an unsustainable level

Shitbull owner detected. You should be put down alongside your toddler murder machine.

Shut up Meritt Cliffton.

Misunderstood genius or plain hack?

So you like to air out your crotch?

reminder that environmental change is chaotic and unpredictable and you can never know when change is actually good and when it will actually allow growth or when you're just a retarded mutation that dies off like a siamese twin

in dark souls i made this build where i just used the pickaxe and the leo ring and a fuck load of hp. so i would charge right up to all these giant dads and trade swings with them and because the pickaxe does thrusting damage and the leo ring boosts thrust damage for trades i would just fucking one shot them

>that became too successful
if you aren't able to balance and starve yourself then you're not successful, you're wasteful and therefore shittily designed

Absolutely delusional

plain hack, he could grab weapons with his hands while flying with his legs. They must have been banned from this plane of existance or we'd be all like them

I'm convinced reverse Cred Forums bogeyman posting is a thing considering how many (you)s you get claiming something is Cred Forums

The Kojima of his time. How you interpret that is up to you.

Only pros can pull this build off

Cred Forums would be delighted by this if they were still alive

SF4 when everyone picked Sagat, I got good with Dhalsim to cuck them. Dhalsim was garbage against any charge characters, but he fucked up all of those scrub shotoshits.

New Kojima game looks great.

does he fly backwards?

that and /s4s/ and Cred Forums deliberately trying to be esoteric with some of their dank maymays, it's really not that far off the mark to blame Cred Forums considering it's part of that shitposting circle but it's also not correct

Your whole "only one guy" bullshit is just that, bullshit.

Gee, look at that, two thirds of them are shitbulls.

This is basically my friend, and I hate watching him play games.

>Have him try new Prey
>He goes all into strength after realizing he could throw objects at enemies
>Destroys all difficulty in the game by chucking couches at anything that moves
>Have him play The Witcher 3
>He goes all into potions and alchemy, spending hours of the game just sifting through menus
>Can obliterate any and all enemies, with the only problem turning out to be Cat lasting near forever, blinding him upon seeing sunlight
>Have him play Warframe
>Chooses Mag as his starter
>Demolishes all Corpus missions
>Plays Dead Island as the one character who's good at throwing weapons
>Spends the entire game throwing his entire stock of weaponry at zombies, picking them up, and repeating until the end

It drives me crazy because it's always so much more effective than the typical play styles people gravitate towards.

well you can look at it like this
>Are you surviving?
>if yes then the change was for the better
>if not then its time for another change
if you aren't surviving well enough in one area doesn't mean you cant either adapt or move.
albeit most animals are to dumb to think of that.

mad cuz bad

What a fucking legend

I hate joke builds but i hate meta builds even more

>Reminder change is good
Unless you get another event P/T event

>wikipedia article
user you didn't even try!

You're not processing what you're being told at all since you're trying to be an epic memelord, you're pointing to a list of the original incidents and telling me the guy cataloging them isn't lying. Wikipedia is genuinely more impartial on the matter than Meritt is by actually bothering to identify whether the dog is a mix or not, and whether it's actually a pit bull or if it's another breed erroneously put under the label. Meritt's a hack and purposefully inflates statistics by being the only guy interested in actually putting out those dog-bite statistics.

I have a friend like this but he at least tries to make a playthrough roleplaying because he understands my autism

>lists easy games
user have you considered you just fucking suck at video games and it didn't really matter what your friend picked

Have him play Elder Scrolls, he'll love the alchemy + enchantment combo.

Yes, with every fatality sourced. Keep grasping those straws.

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>black people (niggers as I call them) commit 51% of violent crimes despite being 14% of the population
>blacks (niggers) favorite dog breed is the most violent (pitbull)
Hmmm really gets the noggin joggin. I hope you get your jugular ripped out by your nigger dog or better yet your grandma or little niece gets mauled by it.

How did you manage to day nothing at all with so many words.
Ok nigger.

Change isn’t inherently good faggot.

You're not helping anything following the argument that's going on in your head instead of actually responding to the post.

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this motherfucker ruined my life

correct, so think about the analogy as it refers to video games and game development

Oh he roleplays that shit, no problem. But he typically makes characters like crazy hobo old men wizards or something.

Like he roleplayed a crazy hobo wizard when playing Skyrim, exclusively using illusion magic. He makes his insanity fit perfectly in the world.

Imagine having such malice and hate in your heart that you wish harm on people and you're racist to boot!


i cannot imagine the forces your chair is enduring right now


Are you fucking stupid? Would you trust any set of statistics that only comes from one man with an obvious axe to grind? I'm not even saying pit bulls don't have a higher percentage of known attacks, they're a known aggressive breed with a propensity to "snap". You're arguing something completely different than I am. Smelly dumb pibble-obsessed brain who can't follow a conversation.

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>no argument
Just take the L, you've earned it.

I never said I wasn't able to play shit user, just that the way he plays is infuriating to watch sometimes because I sit there like, "Why didn't I think of that? It's so stupid, but is so broken."

Maybe tone isn't coming through here, but shit's hilarious in how infuriating it is. We constantly joke about his be all end all party in Persona 3 was Koromaru, Ken, and Mitsuru for example. Despite him running around with a dog, a child, and MARIN FUCKING KARIN, he did fine. It's just a constant stupid bit of fun in our friend group seeing how he'll find some weird, obscure, or just hilarious way to play a game that turns out to be incredibly effective.

>if yes then the change was for the better
this is the fallacy, the change is just okay, not better
you are putting improvement where there is none

I'm not using his numbers. There's plenty of sources aside from him. Are you being willfully ignorant or are you just stupid?

Atheists be like "go grandpa go!!!"

Vepr KM with ps ammo

because one thread with it had a ton of replies and every time it is used again that thread will also have a ton of replies. in short because Cred Forums is retarded. that's always the right answer though

brush your teeth, fat boy

do you truly believe that? Progress is progress and if you're out doing everyone else then how could it not be for the better

>No argument outside nigger
Ok retard

Hey that's me

>why yes, I will walk on land, how did you know?

Your lack of literacy is concerning.

>talking about pitbulls
what the fuck

Sniper build and unarmed builds in FO NV


How's it feel knowing people put a fake smile around you and your niggerdog because they're terrified of being mauled? You have no true friends, just people who say they are then breathe a sigh of relief when they've left you.

They're nigger dogs baka

Likely because pitbulls are basically the niggers of dogs; a minority responsible for the majority of something.


It’s a bait

Yes, well done tiktaalik, well done tiktaalik. HOWEVER
I hereby create new groups of land-dwelling vertebrates that will drive amphibians to the fringes of their ecological niches

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>defeat tryhards with joke build
>several threads on how it should be nerfed the same day

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>Made a joke riot police build where I only used cattle prod and 12ga bean bag rounds

>Got the stay back perk

>Literally I could solo Lonesome Road at the hardest difficulty without getting hit by just knocking enemies down and stunlocking them into oblivion


>Cred Forums
>Cred Forums

>in reality it's just one autist spamming something he finds funny

why is Cred Forums like this?


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whata even more based is making a twink and use the kos parasite with flat arcane gems and no cauliflower rune. your bare fists hit like a fucking truck and its glorious

I like how Cred Forums isn't on the list. Because it's one faggot from Cred Forums spamming this.

Hello, I'm from Cred Forums and I go around places accusing somewhat random posters of being from Cred Forums. The goal is to discredit people who use "you're from Cred Forums, go back" as an argument, so we can use actual Cred Forums arguments and talking points with less interruptions in online discussions.

I can reveal this, because nothing will happen even if you screencap this post. Information just doesn't circulate that well. You need diligence with these things. If you don't like what I'm doing; go back to Cred Forums.

You're using a Wikipedia article which is pretty close to a primary source seeing as it lists individual news-stories. We also agree, which is the second time I've told you this. You're not listening.

>make a build with a single gimmick
>Beats all builds

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I've found that when somebody's pushing a joke that's not funny there's usually an accompanying Cred Forums thread up, come to think of it. Still trying to capture the "Bane?" magic, I guess, the most interesting thing to come out of them since then has been Blade Runner and Ryan Gosling's GOD DAMN IT

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Witcher alchemy is pretty good.
>toss poison bombs and have a "heal by poison" potion for near unlimited health regen
>take reflect damage potion while the poison keeps healing you, to tank damage
>aply oils with amplifying effects and poison status inflict to chip even more damage
Poison's cool.

Too bad all the cool strats in TW3 only work to ignore level differences and don't make the combat any better.


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As a bible expert I can confidently say macro evolution is in the book as eternal damnation because the lake of fire degenerates the human into a worm, which is in fact Lucifer's destiny as a created being. Knowing Lucifer is a multi dimensional being, he has the ability to shapeshift and morph from a snake-worm, into a humanoid reptilian for all eternity. The reason why humanity is getting the short end of the stick is that you wont remember being human once God the Father throws you into the lake of fire after hes done judgin humanity when the universe ends.

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Was he the Kojima of his time?

They're intentionally pushing unfunny shit. Like sneed.

Shitbulls should be genocided right after the chinks


The only funny part about Sneed is that it doesn't work as a thread-disrupter outside of Cred Forums.

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Okay then. It's just odd that you're making such a big, drawn out fuss about something that was mentioned, acknowledged, and dismissed from the very start

Now while one may think this is an obvious attempt to discredit those who would call things Cred Forums, this is in fact a discredit to that discredit, which itself is an ironic post about a non-existent topic. You thought you could outsmart, but I'm three steps ahead of you. In fact, I'm not even me, but you pretending to be another person

What Charles darwin got wrong is that such an anomaly evolving into humanity is that, no the fish does not become a human being, but rather an intellectually superior, alien being that is responsible for the creation of adam as they are identified in sumerian texts as "annunaki," therefore these "annunaki," are "fallen angels," and plan on enslaving the early man to mine "eden gold," in the facts of the gaps. So the "Elohim," are aquatic reptilian fish god men, that are at odds with "hashem," the Jew concept of God.

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Aren't most animals bigger than a cat basically a genetic dead end that won't be here in a million years as a species.
Big boys always die first

Exactly. This is also me by the way, which now makes me four steps ahead. And three behind (teleport).

The Bible says elves and other faggot shit existed before adam in the garden of eden, and that the fallen angels bartered with "hashem," to make humans. So when you die and meet God in the great white throne of judgement, you would most likely have a chance to become lucifer from sumeria.

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tranny falseflag

Why is there no game where you play as weird ass prehistoric animals

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>Glue a bunch of hockey sticks to a lizard
who designed this shit

Look up EVO: Search for Eden

Never happened.

>Run full on shield regen tank in EVE online as shitty cargo runner
>No one can kill me- Get paid huge sums of cash to be bait and go out ahead of the real cargo ships to trick twitchy trigger fingered brainlets into wasting their time
>Literally make more money hauling nothing and making goons piss their pants in anger than actually doing the real job

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>rpg getting stale
>still like it, just want a new experience
>start new save
>become an absolute asshole that kills everyone and everything in my path
>start quickly unlocking quests, options, paths, and other things that were not available in my first character's story
>quickly outlevel my first character in a fraction of the time
>go back to first character
>return to asshole character

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There were probably stupider looking fellas out there we haven’t found fossils of yet too

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Those who didn't fossilize were the lucky ones

You have to go back.

Do you even know what that picture depicts?


Attached: actually_they_evolve_and_change_a_lo_SHUT_THE_FUCK_UP.png (914x1024, 335K)

Nigger has been used since this site's creation you sensitive nigger.

Change is not inherently good and does not inherently allow growth.


Care to explain your position as I have then?

>The horrifying realization all life on land is because of pre-history foot fetishism

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I wonder who's behind this planet vibrant with life.

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Almost reminds me of those MTG creatures with suspend. The water looks kind of vertical for some reason.

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get the fuck back to you nigger

Don't mind me, just cracking your cells and making free copies.

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Hello I'm Matthew Broderick. In 1987 I killed a woman and her daughter in a head on collision and suffered no jail time for driving on the wrong side of the road. I also never apologized. I also starred in a Honda commercial for a car years later.

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nice filenames

and I'm stealing that piracy virus joke

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>Babbies first CAD
Is God a hack?

>studio forces hits gimmick on a game serie they just purchased

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You haven't explained any position, you just made an assertion. Change is just going from something to something else, nothing about that inherently implies an improvement. You can change from walking to being run over by a car, what an improvement.

>Everything is made in the genetic assembly equivalent of "ook"
God is Australian, in that he's clearly a mad fucking cunt.

>Its everywhere, in everything, including the things that kill other things to exist which is everything, filled with itself.
>Even in in Cred Forums where petty arguments are conducted, it rests in its nucleus safe in the knowledge that it has already won.

What was the name of this speculative fiction?
Its the one where all animals have neck dickmouths or something, right?

I... what? What's going on in this image?

Hi Cred Forums
Go back

Imagine if you could escape a predator by hopping out of the water for bit.

see this
I've explained myself multiple times in this thread, go look through it again. or if not I suppose you don't really have much to say yourself. Change is not always good yes this is true however if you are Surviving BETTER than before it is clearly good change my mind.

There he goes
There he goes again
He posted it, again!

whoops forgot to link the post

> Surviving BETTER than before it is clearly good
I wish liberals understood this

>There he goes
>There he goes again
>He posted it, again!

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>Only play with friends
>None of us pay any mind to the meta
>Have tons of fun

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I don't understand why people cant wrap their heads around this simple concept

Reminds me of the future people from Ripping Friends that all have thumbs sticking out of their chests.

This is fine until some fucking Portuguese professional esports faggots join your server for no fucking reason and proceed to beat everyone with their slavery to the meta.

I miss you, dodos_play_DOD

What are you so upset by?

Look at this wojak poster not recognizing based lanky posting.


>Change is not always good yes this is true

Great, because that's what I said. That's what "not inherently" or "not always" mean, it implies that whether it's good is conditional instead of universal.

'sup dudes

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However you can also argue all change is just and good if you go by a pure optimist approach. Lose an arm? oh well at least I still have another one. Catch aids? I'm only growing stronger! etc etc

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if that meteor didn't hit you probably wouldn't be here dude

But there are no fish on land, user. All the proto amphibian species went extinct, whereas a lot of the ancient fish species survive today.

>his is fine until some fucking Portuguese professional esports faggots join your server for no fucking reason and proceed to beat everyone with their slavery to the meta.
That's not much of an issue either as most of the games we've played allow for private servers/sessions. Granted it's not always the case with every game we play, but it is for most of the games we still play.

or eat something that was on land

Why are people upset by a fish?

This motherfucker singlehandedly made the world worse.

>plays shallow as fuck games
>wtf why are they easy and poorly balanced
show tekken to that friend of yours

Tekken balance is all over the place right now though

There are no more Proto-amphibian species anymore but they we're the precursors to what we are today. Even if they died out it became something more than what they were before.

Yes it did. OP even has a picture of it

>mega popular dog breed
>also mega popular to be trained and abused for dog fights

Fucking jannies

Fuck jannies

How did this get here? Jannies come on now