Nature and evolution is stupid af. Why did they make the possibility for skin to be colored brown...

Nature and evolution is stupid af. Why did they make the possibility for skin to be colored brown? In nature brown is linked with dirt, mud, soil, and shit. The only exception is wood. Obviously we are naturally repulsed by it so what's the evolutionary purpose?

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its supposed to protect you from the suns rays, duh didnt they teach you this in school lol

But why brown. Why brown protects while blue couldn't

cuz we're not aliens, we can't even have blue hair



huh, i guess they're not teaching science in public schools anymore

Albinism is an aberration.

doesn't explain why BROWN protects from UV while having BLUE skin or any other color that's not repulsive to humans couldn't.

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U mad white boi

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>In nature brown is linked with dirt, mud, soil, and shit. The only exception is wood. Obviously we are naturally repulsed by it so what's the evolutionary purpose?
Are you gay

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You can steal in the night. It blends into the dark

The natural absorption pattern of melanin reflects the right mix of colors to appear brown. That's how color works. Why are you so caught up on color?

Blonde haired people, you know what else is straw colored sometimes? Piss. Why do white people have piss colored hair?

Blue looks like asphyxiation and death, as does pale skin. Why do white people want to look dead?

(I'm white btw, just showing a counter point to those arguments)

You can associate colors to everything you want and give it positive or negative connotations all you want.

You're over thinking it and letting your bias influence the facts. Color does not signify greater or worse in any fashion inherently.

How's 9th grade going?

>blue skin
all variations and i suppose it depends on sexual/natural selection and expression of melanocyte density and efficacy

also, to get a particular color to present itself, like blue, depends on having a certain molecule produced or ingested.
in blue man's case, its colloidal silver, which we dont eat in abundance and would probably make us something other than human-beings

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Trees LITERALLY USE SUNLIGHT TO LIVE, yet they are BROWN, WHY? Why would they need to protect themselves from their FOOD SOURCE?

i refuse to believe you are actually this retarded

Ken M?

trees are brown

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They are made of wood dumbass not flesh. Wood is different fml

>Obviously we are naturally repulsed by it
Funny, I don't feel repulsed by it.

It's camo in the night so they are more effective at stealing your tv

Worthy of a repost

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This is your brain on racism, kys op.

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>In nature brown is linked with dirt, mud, soil, and shit.
>Obviously we are naturally repulsed by it so what's the evolutionary purpose?
You just answered your own question, op

Shut up, nigger. It's not even a racist post. It's just an idiotic post.

Racism is pointing out the objective truth that white American culture and all European cultures are superior to black American and black African cultures.

It's not about skin color per se, it's about culture.

Now get fucked.
Cred Forums is retarded

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I bet you voted for trump too , didn't you hillybilly

trees absorb light through their leaves. leaves are green to block the most common frequency of light coming from the sun, which is green. they like sunlight, but the green was so overwhelming that they became green to block it.

i'm not joking. there was an article explaining how really, the sun is green but just very, very bright.

Lol what the fuck are you talking about, OPs post is about who he associates dark skin with mud and shit, it clear has nothing to do with culture. Well I guess you're also a racist, so I shouldn't really expect strong reading comprehension.

>falling for such obvious bait

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Who the fuck is they?