Hello Cred Forums

Hello Cred Forums

What are you drinking?
I'm drinking 12% Dutch beer
Get comfy with me and tell me how your doing

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grolsh is not 12% here in canada

alcoholic Faggot

I usually drink about 15 of these

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This is "kanon" a heavy edition of the normal beer! Really dark and tastes gud/5

Alcoholic is the worst type os druggy

Where is the beer from user? Tastes good or is it just cheap shit?

I also very much enjoy cocaine and xtc/mdma but i reserve that for the weekends my guy!

I just get it at the LCBO down the road (ontario)
it tastes "ok". First few sips and it tastes like real beer, but 10 later it starts tasting like watered down vodka.

still the number one choice for cheap beer.

can't stand busch.

Sounds like the cheap beers we have in The Netherlands. Whatever gets the job done right!

chantal wil ook een kannonetje

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Ik zou Chantal een kopstoot geven voordat ik haar aan mn bier laat zitten KANKER HOER

If it was strictly "whatever works" I would be drinking everclear.

I heard of everclear, like 90% right?
I prefer drinking beers over anything because i like the taste and it gets me drunk more gradually instead of fucking me instantly however i really like a good whiskey or jagermeister.

It's at least 90% ya.

I like beer a lot but it's making me fat. Think I should switch to whiskey?

Jagger is good to have a shot of but not for a whole nights drinking.

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Ahahaha i drink a liter of jager when im at a prty with frriends easy, rreallyt my go to drink. Beer is putting on some weight for me as well, vodka is even more neat than whiskey!

Waiting for my bros, cheap german beer

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The last time I got drunk on jager was in college. Lost my deposit on the rent because I puked black all over the carpet.

Sounds like a good time family! Have fun!
Kek i know what color you mean, throwing up from red whine is the most disgusting but throwing up jager takes a strong second place for me

drinking honey jack.. skipped school today.. just to sleep into one and browse this shithole
feels bad man what happened