What does the left want to happen after they remove Trump from office? What’s their end goal with results from this...

What does the left want to happen after they remove Trump from office? What’s their end goal with results from this? Do they want entire states and municipalities to revolt and the US to become Balkanized into smaller countries? Because that’s what’s going to happen if (big if) they manage to remove Trump from office.

People aren’t going to stand for this outrage. They’re going to get up and wage open civil war against Democratic cities and organizations. If Trump gets removed there’s going to be extremely grave civil unrest and violence. Do I condone that? No not at all, but that will become the course of action for a very large majority of counties and states in the US. Do the liberals and the Democrats really want that to happen?

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They want to discredit him to the point that he becomes literally unelectable, and discredit the Republican party as well. However, it's fair to say that Trump has behaved very poorly and gave them what they needed for this impeachment nonsense.

republicans control the senate, so kind of pointless to discuss that.

How so? I would say they fell right into his hands. This entire “impeachment” charade started with Nancy Pelosi saying “it has to be bipartisan otherwise it’s bad for the country” and now they completely broke their word. It’s only partisan now

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>Do they want entire states and municipalities to revolt and the US to become Balkanized into smaller countries? Because that’s what’s going to happen if (big if) they manage to remove Trump from office.
Big talk but you got nothing. They said the same thing when before Obama was elected, and after Obama was elected, and then reelected. You know what happened? A big fat nothing. There will be no revolt, the right is a bunch of loud talking incels, powerless, Nothing more. You know what'll happen if Trump gets removed from office? Pence will become president, that's it.

They live in a bubble.
They cannot see outside their bubble.
They cannot understand that there are people outside the bubble with ideas that are different than the ones in the bubble.

It’s already happening


It's been 159 years since the south actually made good on their promise to revolt, and then they got bitch-slapped hard because of it. It's been 159 years of empty promises and cries of revolt and what happens? Nothing. Every time. Nothing. How is this any different? Please, enlighten me.

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That's a lot of red talking and absolutely no action. It's amazing too, that much red and you can't even win the popular vote. You need electoral welfare to win.

Pence is even worse than Trump. He's just not vocal about the garbage he does.

Just how he's acted in general, what he's done/said. You can't attempt an impeachment without good cause. If it was purely just "we hate this guy" then the Democrats wouldn't get anywhere with the whole thing. I'm not saying he deserves to be impeached, or that it will result in him being removed from office (not a hope) but they had the justification they needed to proceed with it.

I have consulted with the big brains at the democrats who have spent countless manhours into trying to find the right balance between the general will of the electorate and the long term stability and prosperity of the United States. In their infinite wisdom they have presented me with this extremely detailed, pragmatic flowchart of their intentions:
>1. Impeach Trump
>2. ??
>3. Biden President (profit!)
When I asked them why Biden, rather than Warren or Sanders or really anyone with a lick more popularity must be President they scoffed and muttered something about "moderates" but when I pushed for details on demographically who were these moderates they forced me out of the building.

>They’re going to get up and wage open civil war against Democratic cities and organizations

Chicago here. Most violent people in the nation with largest amount of guns despite noguns trying to make our laws take them away. Anyone invading our democratic city would literally get ass blasted by some dude named Tyree with a fucking hipoint within 10 seconds of entering the city limits

Yea we need the people to hold the country together by means of democracy and equal representation.

I like how New York is literally dumping everyone between Mexico and Argentina all the way over to fucking Cambodia into the US to sway elections and wipe out the conservative voices. If it were up to you fuckers I would be in a gulag now for being a white, straight conservative male. Thank God for the electoral college

If Pence comes in there's less than a year left in the term. He'll be a handcuffed lame duck from day one and (barring a direct military strike on the US) he literally will not be able to do anything anyway. He's 100x safer at this stage of the game than orangemanbad.

>Thank God for the electoral college
You require it like political welfare, you're the very definition of minority.

they want their communism

1st up they want the guns
2nd they want you ability to express free speech that they do not approve of
3rd they want to tax you at about an 85% rate

Free healthcare and educations especially for illegals

be sure to fat up your pets you will need to eat them later

So everyone should live the way NYC and Seattle see fit? Los Angeles? Cause those are real winner locations.

What's that one fallacy called, where you make up a situation that could arise from your opponents argument that's way overblown and scary on purpose?


You’re right about that. White people are the minority. But the left wants us gone so they manufacture lies about us to make us look bad

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>brainwashed fox news sycophant detected

>They live in a bubble.
>They cannot see outside their bubble.
>They cannot understand that there are people outside the bubble with ideas that are different than the ones in the bubble.
>only watches fox news
>only reads breitbart
>elected a broken reality star

yup homeless and shit everywhere
super high taxes
super high cost of liveing

caravans of people escaping the horrid policies
but the dumb fucks will vote in the same kind of Democrat dickheads
the created the policies they are fleeing

>because Obama, Bill Clinton and Carter turned Texas into a gay night club
Do you even hear yourself? You're afraid of things that never happened and will never happen.

Empty, red land. I care more about people than square miles.

>CNN fake news programmed brain dead sheeple detected

How do you get your food and groceries, soyboy?

papa trump ain't going nowhere
bet that

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not really snowflake we will put him in for 4 more years

It’s his fantasy. “Oh no, they’ll force everyone to be gay (i HoPe!1)!”

Not from you, pigfucker.

>empty red land.....

>care about people.....


The fuck does this have to do with anything? Crops don't vote.

Yeah OK. We've all seen the tremendous enthusiasm that people have about Pence!

You only eat fish and kiwi?

from illegal immigrant workers, like everyone else

Well truth be told you’re right. I’m not a farmer. I’m a right wing Trump supporter living next to a major metro area and make $174k/year as a software designer

Local farms I get nearly everything I need. If I bought my groceries at walmart then yes, I'd be in trouble.

Aquaman falalcy

Just learn why the electoral collage exists. And shut the fuck up. It's so pathetic to hear a 22 year old high school drop out complain about shit they learn from memes

I think trump would have to have damning evidence come to light against him. Then he's a cooked ham. No more. But no such evidence.

Are your local farmers Trump supporters?

Aw, don’t like living in an empty, poverty-stricken wasteland dependent on federal funding way more than blue states? Your town would not exist without farm subsidies, social security, Medicare, and Medicaid, you waste of space.

>People aren’t going to stand for this outrage.
Yes they will. What are you going to do, go next door and shoot your neighbor because he voted differently than you? Drive all the way to a Walmart full of Mexicans and open fire at civilians because your spokesman got removed from office? No. That'll get shut down in fucking minutes.
Because the truth is that Republican politicians are absolutely amazing at politics, and should Trump get impeached (he won't) or lose the election (more likely) they'll all do a ton of bravado about how The Establishment forced him out and use that to consolodate power.
American corpses don't make profits. Foreign corpses do.

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Remember if Mike Pence is elevated with less than 2 years remaining, he can run twice.

As a matter of fact they're not. Vermont. And be jealous of my liberal gun laws where Obama and Sanders did NOT infringe, which is a better record than you can say about Trump with his buttstocks and tougher federal background checks.
>Vermont does not require permits to purchase and has no firearms registration. Both open carry and concealed carry are legal without a permit in Vermont. Any person 16 or older (although federal law requires the age to be 18) who can legally possess a firearm is allowed to carry openly or concealed.

Is that a decent salary where you live? What kind of hours do you work?

Hello fellow woodchuck

Yes and I work 40 hours a week

Yes because democrats really revolted and waged civil war over Bill getting his fucking dick sucked. You guys are just showing your extremism further by conflating this ideal that the country will devolve to civil war if Trump is removed of office.

>going to get up and wage open civil war
You mean fatass boomers? Yeah, real fucking scary.

He can run sure but he doesn't foster much enthusiasm. If he gets in, he'll finish the term and the Repubs will replace with someone who has a chance of winning.

Lol. Like any city could exist without farms. Best crack another soylent there, NEET


You know, I’ve noticed a trend. Whatever get’s put on Cred Forums goes mainstream. The narrative you have now will be the narrative of CNN tomorrow, and that narrative is how people end up getting hurt

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Bruh. Farms couldn’t exist without subsidies paid by taxes paid mostly by cities. If you were actually a farmer you’d know that.

Also, the guys working many US farms? Mexicans. They’re not voting anyway.

The point is you don’t deserve extra voting power because of your acreage. But feel to keep jacking off to your giant red map.

God i fucking love living in Chicago

Probly not. The party will probably try Romney again, and lose, again.


Goddamn republicans are idiots. You know taxes benefit your $15/hr ass more than hinder it right? Do you know how percentages work? 5% of 1 million is a helluva lot more than 5% of 30k. Democrats know they wont win impeachment, they're just trying to smear them, get a SINGLE piece of evidence, and rally their voters to see how fucked up this President really is. Bush II won because of impeachment. Obama won because of Bush II incompetence. Trump has incompetence & impeachment.

They are actually trying to flip 3 senate seats to Democrat, because they know they'll have to do that in order to impeach-and-remove after Trump gets re-elected. this is their end goal.

Mango ice cream is pretty good

so much this

i have some crazy way left democrat relatives who have told me that hate speech kills more people than murderers kill people

they actually believe that

the left is literally that fucking control-oriented that they can get their idiot followers to believe such nonsense

they need 66 to remove idiot.

a majority only gets them the ability to set rules and drag it out.

I prefer lemon

They will see the republic destroyed or remade in their nightmare vision......

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There’s a very valid reason you are going to be red flagged. You support domestic terrorism.

Cred Forums just reflects reality. It's raw emotion and thought, unfiltered. The US is perfectly divided 50/50 and each group sees the other as a brainwashed mass of subhumans. That's a sure recipe for war.

67 idiot.

The left wing wants all us conservatives dead. Thats why we must strike first and imprison them all.

One major reason for it's existence was a compromise to get the southern states to ratify the constitution. The Electoral College gave slave-owning states more influence in the elections since a slave counted as three fifths of a vote, but weren't actually allowed to vote.
Another reason was that the founders at the time felt that people in general weren't educated enough to cast their vote responsibly.
The Electoral College exists because of slavery and the elitism of the politicians at the time.

Your doctor needs to put you on stronger meds.

The left wing literally goes against anything and everything american. They hate Christianity love islam support white genocide. They also want to kill our president

> Do they want entire states and municipalities to revolt and the US to become Balkanized into smaller countries?

First we address the nigger problem.

Yea, you definitely need an inpatient program and a long term regiment of heavy antipsychotic medications.

Trump molested me. AMA

Goodness me, you are all very upset.

I think you need to round up all the red capped faggots in your trailer park and storm downtown Chicago. Don’t forget to livestream it.

Only because the republic's refuse to follow the process.

You a dumb.
If Trump out then POTUS Pence happens.

They don't want to remove him, Pence would be even worse for the Dems. They're just trying to ruin his chances for reelection because the Dems Nominee is going to be a worthless piece of crap.

>the left
>implying there's a right
Fucking brainwashed sheep, you're all suckers in this fake democracy.

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Red won because of Gerrymandering districts. Electoral Welfare is what California uses which is why they refuse to use a Proportional Vote in the EC.
>Electoral Votes are based on Census population which includes ALL residents, including non Citizens.

this is the correct answer. I was going to type exactly this before I saw it, and also dems assume NObody will vote for a president that had impeachment vote by partisan House.

I will lol so hard if trump wins 2020. In my state it won't matter what I vote because the whole place is too much Dem, but I will be there for Republicans in spirit!

You can give them congratulatory handjobs!

Dude, I just fucking might because all the cry, like when kenobi sensed leia's planet exploding, will be so intoxicating I won't know what I'm doing.

I’m sure you will!

Trump's a fool, you really want him in charge of your country? Then you're a fool too.

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>How do you get your food and groceries,
>Crops don't vote.
Farms can be collectivized, should that prove necessary. All in good time, comrade.

Disagreement with Democrat policy, and actively subverting those policies in particular, is an impeachable offense. Trump need to be made an example of, so that any future GOP presidents (unlikely, but not impossible) will know they must toe the line.

>wage open civil war
>get stomped flat
>nothing of value is lost

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Tow*, you illiterate fuck.