Hey Cred Forums is there anything i can put in this stuff to make it more edible?

hey Cred Forums is there anything i can put in this stuff to make it more edible?

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ketchup and honey

ketchup.....the fuck/?

I would buy just the noodle packets, then add frozen vegetables and cut up some frozen chicken breast into it. I'd add Cholula or some other hot sauce. Was delish

fresh black pepper, seaweed, an egg, beef jerky, green onions, a bit o garlic powder, kombue, spicy sesame oil, wood ear mushrooms, bamboo shoots

Hoisan and Siracha sauce

noted and saved

That's basically what Sriracha is

Cook an over easy egg in the microwave takes like 1 minute. Stir it in there. Bam

Soy sauce, paprika, garlic powder, scramble some eggs and throw it in there. Little vinegar and about 1.5x sugar. Veggies, frozen or fresh.

Or honey as replacement. Ground ginger if you have some.

Regular salt and pepper.

Hot water

slim jims. I would also recommend putting a raw egg inside the boiling water. It'll cook inside and let it stay there with the lid close,

On the cheap? Gravy granules - don't take much to add flavour, buy the big tubs for better value.

If you got a freezer, get bag of mixed veg. Sprinkle some in. Get your vitamins.

Not even close...

Salt to a dish that allready has dangerously high sodium levels...

Prison style, add in cheese spread

A tablespoon of chili/garlic oil, spring onions, meat/bacon,soft boiled egg, finely chopped root or leafy veggies, fresh corn, onions, oyster/mirin/soy/Sriracha sauce etc.

For a richer broth add a teaspoon of miso paste.

this d i s c o r d server, brudda


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