Will they make a biopic before he is proved correct and skynet destroys humanity?

Will they make a biopic before he is proved correct and skynet destroys humanity?

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That would be up to Skynet now wouldn't it? fag, you and him.

The singularity has yet to be reached so skynet is not active yet, but the clock is ticking

Attached: ted 6.png (220x220, 93K)

can't wait
fuck h*mans

Any good docs about him?

literally who

he was already proven correct tho


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let's unpack this

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Literally who?

Paul Bettany was pretty kino portraying him, th actual show wasn't very accurate though.

they are far too afraid of his potential to make any sort of effort towards telling his story.
all these trash netflix adaptations about him being an incel killer are all we're getting.


i though the linguistics netflix special portrayed him in quite a positive light

First time I found out about this guy is from that Harvey Birdman episode with the Yogi Bears.

Attached: ted.jpg (400x300, 56K)

Wouldn't want to spread his philosophy and let people get some funny ideas. His manifesto changed my entire worldview, though I had been increasingly skeptical of technology for years.

Attached: ted got mad seeing the machines ripping up the woods.jpg (591x591, 86K)

>the Yogi Bears
There is only one Yogi Bear. That one is Boo Boo.

They have to start the brainwashing young so they are conditioned to shun his beliefs

Attached: ted.png (601x703, 772K)

I thought that was Discovery channel? The one with Paul Bettany? I thought it went out of its way to explain his motivations from a sympathetic point of view, it even made a point to show his railroading in the courtroom.

That's probably as good as it's gonna get until he's free to publish whatever he's been writing in prison.

maybe the worst part of getting arrested is being permanently outed as a manlet

Attached: 2020-01-03 18_20_52-{YTP} ~ 24601 Releases a Sammich on Parole - YouTube.png (505x490, 402K)

so why are you edgy faggots on a smartphone or computer using the internet to post on nuchan(nel)?

I don't think Harvey Birdman Attorney at Law is for young people user, it was on adultswim. And I remember thinking BooBoo was based because he said something about how capitalism was evil

>That's probably as good as it's gonna get until he's free to publish whatever he's been writing in prison.
I can't find the website now, but Skrbina, one of the people who correspond with him, was asking for money to set up a legal defense and help Ted because he's being censored from publishing his latest stuff.

>advocating ecoterrorism
nice try

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>you criticize tech but you use tech
oh man haven't seen this argument before, guess I love transhumanism now

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I heard (on Cred Forums) that he was writing something about Facebook.

>I thought that was Discovery channel
i saw it on netflix, they must have bought it, all good for exposure of his ideas i guess

>AI becomes self aware
>we turn off the computer that stores the AI

Why wouldn't that happen?

Are you implying that Ted hated human beings?
Nigga, read the manifesto.

I haven't watched it but I've heard from people who have read Kaczynski that they misrepresent him, like one would expect.
I'm interested in one thing, what do they show about his MK Ultra experiments?


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They show him being tortured with ego-destruction experiments. However, they make a point to say "He wanted it."

Read the manifesto breh, he doesn't only warn against the possibility of AI becoming sentient.

He says in this letter he wasn't affected by it, but other sources confirm what you say, that he wanted to go to prove a point, and that these interrogations were very harsh. There's a good summary of them in part 5 of this essay: theamericansun.com/2020/01/01/the-feasts-of-shame/

Attached: ted k on the series and mk ultra experiments.jpg (764x1024, 134K)

he's a mass murderer
2/3 of all terror attacks in the US have been committed by the right wing (ted's a known republican, anti-liberal).

The fact is, the right wing in America must be deported. and will be. your time is nigh. With each Presidential election, democrats win millions more national votes. That will soon translate into electoral victories, and we'll have Democratic after Democratic President.

The GOP is on its last legs. The GOP will devolve to pockets of terrorists that will either be destroyed or deported. In our lifetime.

Attached: I Love America.png (214x112, 7K)


Attached: Spooky.jpg (800x533, 46K)

> We're on this team, they're on that team.
> We're smart, they're dumb.
> We're holy, they're corrupt.
> We're right, they're wrong.
> We should be in charge, they shouldn't be allowed to vote.
> Round them up, deport them... or put them into camps if that's too expensive.

Congratulations. You're the fascist.

You've already deported them, trumpanzee.
You're the "holy Christian republican" who just happens to be a literally retarded terrorist.

What separates you from a muslim jihadi?

Attached: TERRORISTS.jpg (960x908, 140K)

I want you to vote. I don't care for who. Democracy is designed to be messy.

You want me dead, because I don't think like you do.

>Defending the hate on the right

Congratulations. You're the retarded Nazi.

>radical Islam
>against immigration and refugees

dead? no. I want you deported, because your kind are terrorists.

Do you think they want Christians and Jews in?

And faggots like you too?

Man, you’re coming across as a fascist. You triggered dude?

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says the fag

maga/he-she says with a lithp

Attached: Vote....republican.jpg (997x593, 134K)

You hate me with murderous rage and you've never even met me.

I sincerely hope that one day you find peace and realize that an election isn't going to solve your problems.

Man I wish she didn't have dick. I mean she's cute. I am not into transgender women.

jethuth cwithe, they think twump ithn'th a fag-loving pedo, even tho he lovth twannieth, 8 yo in dwag, kidth, and fagth.

we've never seenth tho many fagth, twanieth, degeneracieth in us historieth, thankth to thumpth!! *said the fags, pedos, trannies*

Attached: trump caused this.png (1487x744, 1.15M)

Faggot cringe detected.

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I just want you off my land, and out of America.

your kind are murderous terrorists.

I'm just and kind. I only want justice: To remove you. That's much kinder than what most of America would do to you. I'm loving and kind, in Jesus' name.
You murder in Jesus' name. Someday you won't be doing that anymore in My America.

Attached: Jesus Loves You.jpg (531x710, 290K)

Haven't seen such a boomer image in a long time.

In Jesus' name, amen.

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Bless you my child.

He wasn't worried about technology killing humanity. He was worried that the industrialized world was killing the nuclear family and would result in a way of life not worth living.
He isn't afraid of some stupid hypothetical future dreamt of by misanthropes who can't handle the present. He's afraid of our present.

Most Americans are saying "wow, trump's congress bomber, timothy McVeigh, all of these mass shooters in the US en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right-wing_terrorism, I mean heck the republicans hate America! they're 100000 worse than any Islamic or jew! They MUST be sent to a small island in the middle of the Atlantic.

Attached: And God Blesses Democrats.png (960x540, 390K)

>Metaphorical rape
>He wanted it

Classic rapist rebuttal

But seriously, what pop cultural thing did the Paul Harvey/tec nyne reveal? Good will hunting? I can't remember there were a few. One pbs or discovery one.

I'm a very strong willed person, and a intellectual elitist, so the idea of being "torn down" by some psych fag if I was a mathmetician, if laughable to me. Reminds me of feyman smirking about "social science".

But then teddy wanted a sex change.

He is not a mass. How can we listen to anything you say if you can't even get you tautology right?

Fake. The dick is shopped on.

Now that you have mentioned it, I was wondering why she seemed familiar. Any original pictures?

a mass is not a mass? you imbecile, clearly you're not educated in tautology, mathematics, geology et al.

and now you're in my bin. don't bother responding, extra chromosome. I won't be able to see it.

Why are so many republicans trannies??


Attached: trannies for trump.jpg (548x506, 69K)

Not a mass murdered, fuckwit. You must think milk is something you pour.over serial.