Even photos like this make me insecure. I'm worried bros

Even photos like this make me insecure. I'm worried bros.

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She DP'd bro

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I read hard times.

NGL they plugged her up

Nuts in the ass dick in the pussy.

She had one in her ass and one in the mouth

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i cant compete

I don’t care about random people, but I’m genuinely scared my sister might start dating blacks.

I love how the wwe purposefully triggers white bois lol didn't they have a straight up cuck story line a couple times?

That would only happen if the white men are less desirable. Maybe an education, and a good job will improve her options.

Yeah. There is literally a story about a big black nigger constantly seen in bed with the hot blonde who looks at the screen talking about how she's more satisfied with him. The current state of wrestling...

She’s 13. She talks about how whites are boring and black people are more fun or some shit. She’s also a big skiing fan and likes Lindsay Vonn, a notorious coal burner.
Idk, maybe I’m just paranoid.

I wouldn't worry too much unless your family is trash. Sure she might fuck a nigger, but you never see a girl with even the slightest prospect of success making a habit of it.

>you never see a girl with even the slightest prospect of success making a habit of it.
Lindsay Vonn

>The current state of wrestling
>state of wrestling

Kim Kardashian

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Maybe you could use some kind of subliminal messaging. Like, if she likes rap music, you could play ape noises in the background. Or, when country music is playing, you play the sound of a meth lab exploding.

All the Kardashians are Armenian. Not even white

Lel Lindsay Vonn. The white woman who has been actively proposing marriage TO filthy rich black men since her early twenties. No agenda there. Not even a hint of mental instability.

arent these wwe stars?

Hang posters of Budweiser and guys in flannel shirts with the sleeves cut off and wear big belt buckles. Get her interested in the rodeo.

Take her to tractor pulls!

Jesus dude get off the internet for a while you fucking retard

porn actress. Why do you care who a prostitute is fucking?

That's 3 current WWE wrestlers. Alexia Bliss, Kofi Kingston and Big E.

Fucking hawt

Have her meet some great guys that are “home chemist” when not working in the factory or coal mine.

Coal miners.......jobs of the future.

Black lung.....the only black she should want

nah a big white stud fucked the black dude on the right and reached the climax in like 10 secs or something

Stop blaming others for your insecurity
Get your shit together and get fit

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