New thread. The other thread was fucking interesting

New thread. The other thread was fucking interesting.

Original text:

Alright you sick fucks, explain to me what exactly you find so attractive about children? I want to get inside your fucked up mind.

Attached: What a real child molestor looks like.png (424x651, 299K)


I actually made myself a pedo
>first encounter with porn was cp at age 11
>i guess this is what i fap to now
20 years later, here we are
>disclaimer: never done anything with anybody and never will

So it's pretty much based on the memory? You fap as if you are 11. Seems pretty normal. Everyone wants to be a kid again.

>So it's pretty much based on the memory?
i wouldn't say memory. more that i learned myself to be attracted to young people
i started at 11 and didn't see anything wrong with finding porn of people my age
did that for the next 10 years. fapping instead of going out and experiencing it myself
that kind of formed what i like
>body, mind, innocence (i know, kind of the opposite of the kids getting fucked) and so on
tho i am not exclusive and do like anything from very young to my age

That does make sense.

Some people don't grow out of their childhood.

How the fuck aren't you in jail?

OP is closet pedo and trying to get ideas.

friendly reminder there is no conclusive evidence that children are harmed by sex

Shut the fuck up retard. It's like asking gays why the like men or why heteros like the opposite sex.

What makes a man look at another man and want to fuck him?

But they can't consent because they have no concsiousness therefore it's rape.

It would differ from case to case.
>girl ran a train on by uncle and his friends
obviously hurt
>girl eased into sex over months/years
probably not hurt

sure. everything is rape these days so whatever.

Well since it's hard to tell how much Manipulation took place and since virginity has a certain (outdated/religious) role in society, we've decided to make humans decide for themselves when they reach a certain age.

>Eased into sex over months/years
Coersion, the word you are looking for is coersion. And depending on how young the girl is, she still is not aware enough to consent to sex.

That said, I will admit that I have sometimes fantasized about girls between the ages of 7 and 12 before. They're just so cute to picture naked I guess. I've gone as far as to imagine ways I could see girls that age naked in real life without getting in trouble. I know it's fucked up and wrong. I'd never actually do anything sexual to a child though. I think I need to get help.

I’ve never seen an attractive child in my life. Not even once.

Why is that fucked up though? It's evolution.



No it's not. Girls that age are not meant to be viewed sexually. Maybe several hundreds or thousands of years ago when you died at age 28 it was normal for 14 year olds to be mothers but society has moved forward.

>Normal because you die young
>Not normal because you die old


So, any five year olds in my area?

That's not fucking coercion dumbass

I hope none of you have children

So what is it then?

Me too user, me too.