Best bands of all time (in order):

Best bands of all time (in order):

>The Beatles
>Led Zeppelin
>Pink Floyd
>Rolling Stones

Who's the fifth?

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Post Malone



Lol no one listens to that old shit go take a bath boomer

Biff Turkey


The Groadies

? And the mysterians

Ok boomer

Dylan over Floyd and Stones

Cube La Khan

Happenin’ Captain

Either the Cars, the Beach Boys, or Queen, honestly a debate, but that's all I can think of


I don’t know dose are the only 2 I have in mind

>Black Sabbath

>the beatles
>best of all time
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha no. The Beach Boys mop the floor with them.

The Fags



Why no Steely Dan?

Six Ways to Sunday

black sabbath should be second

Except The Beatles literally made Brian Wilson have a mental breakdown after mastering his style from Pet Sounds.

Because they fucking suck

If it's not Jethro Tull, then I remember things differently.

The Dead!

The Kinks

Led Zeppelin
Van Halen


The Beatles are fucking shit.

Queen, definitely a contender

Sabbath or Kinks may also be accepted

Pig Destroyer


Ace of Bass

he was never "huge" tho

The chinks

The doors

Frank Zappa

AC/DC is good but their music is too simple to be among the greats.

The Monkeys

definitely queen

The Beatles are very overrated

The BirdBrains

Its not rocket science. Its rock

yeah and they do shit rock

David Bowie

Animal Collective


From that era?
Add the Beach Boys to your list

lil xanx

The Who

Rush is fucking amazing.

I think AC/DC is great, but maybe not 5th best. As far as easily recognizable and classic as hell, they're up there. At least, I think so.

Don't be a dick, bro. lol, Let the man like Steely Dan if he wants to.

>Yes, my father taught me all about music. I'm his little girl. How could you tell?


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Stones are only good in relation to/ because of the beatles. They seem more like a runner up, or a subtitle of the Beatles slot

Ever seen them live?

The doors

the dude from rush has the voice of a fag kill yourself



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RUSH for sure!

I'm glad someone brought up beach boys, was gonna get upset. I've still got all the beach boys CDs in my car and listen to 'em each day to work.

The wiggles

The comet is coming

Absolutely Rush

wu tang clan

Best live shows I've seen in order
Pink Floyd (by far, no contest)
Led Zeppelin (Page & Plant)
Paul McCartney
The Stones are awesome but they suck live

>besides the last 3
Good man! How would you rate these? Paul probably still has the pipes, and Floyd must've been absolutely amazing.

fuck the beatles fag

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David Bowie

just go back to moms basement and bump your Billy Eyelash

Paul was amazing, saw him outdoors in Quebec City. He did 39 songs. Saw Pink Floyd 6 times, every show was too good for words. One outdoor Floyd show had to coordinate with NASA because the lasers were so powerful!
>How would you rate these?

Even though The Beatles suck and Led Zeppelin stole most of their music, I’ll play along. For me, it’s either CCR or Steppenwolf.


Pink Floyd
Led Zeppelin

>The Beach Boys
Absolutely Based

Ok boomer


Frank Zappa

Marilyn Manson

or XXXtentacion

All those fucking bands sucked ass. Shit music. Worst time for music.

Duran Duran

King Crimson

O Town

Depeche Mode

Van Halen




Prince "various line ups."

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>bands some basement dwelling faggot would eat up



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1) Mothers of Invention
2) Kyuss
3) Fishbone
4) Ween
5) The Tragically Hip

The fact that so many books still name the Beatles as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" rock band ever only tells you how far rock music still is from becoming a serious art. Jazz critics have long recognized that the greatest jazz musicians of all times are Duke Ellington and John Coltrane, who were not the most famous or richest or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. Classical critics rank the highly controversial Beethoven over classical musicians who were highly popular in courts around Europe. Rock critics are still blinded by commercial success. The Beatles sold more than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore they must have been the greatest. Jazz critics grow up listening to a lot of jazz music of the past, classical critics grow up listening to a lot of classical music of the past. Rock critics are often totally ignorant of the rock music of the past, they barely know the best sellers. No wonder they will think that the Beatles did anything worthy of being saved.

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what are your parameters for "band"?

seems like : British, English speaking, from the 60s/70s...

small cut off for such a big world.

So you like them!

hardly and Floyd sucked bigtime

billie eu;osj sicls im listening to led zeppelin right now

I really want to fight you on that, but those quints...

Do you have any thoughts of your own?

Jazz eats ass

>Jazz isn't dead. It just smells funny.

Not Bieber enough?

the kinks

I've seen about 100 live shows. The only one that truly sucked was INXS


Technically and songwriting wise Dire Straits are probably the best. They’re fashionably hated but compared to everyone else I’ve seen Radiohead were on a different planet.

Ween? Seriously? WTF

Replace the Beatles with The Who, and get rid of the stones and replace them with Sabbath. The fifth should be ELO or Zappa or something pretentious and faggy like that. Still love ELO and Zappa tho

No Guns love?

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ace of base makes really good music

Chuck Berry
The Four Seasons
The Beach Boys
The Stooges

I'd agree somewhat. In their early years, they were magic. But I don't think a band ever failed so spectacularly at being the best ever. They just imploded. The ugliness was part of what made them so great.

TL;DR Part of what made them so epic was them being too rock n roll for rock n roll.

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Take this shitpost to Cred Forums

Rush fucks

Before you call me a fucking hick.
Please listen to far beyond driven front to back



Incorrect fag off

Thoos dubs speak truth

You probably say the same thing about Coheed and Cambria.

Please go sit with the other braindead idiots with close minded taste limited to radio bands while the adults talk.

Los Chalchaleros


I wish I could get into them bc I respect them for influence but I just can't.

What song that's not pull the plug will turn me onto them?

Bump zoomers

Go queue up beiber and stfu. People are talking good music here

Join our raiding army / b