How do I get my hot teacher to have sex with me?

How do I get my hot teacher to have sex with me?

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Why do you like that damn frog?

its a physical representation of op


WHY would op want to identify as a fat, ugly, and in this case especially poorly drawn, frog?

Nigger it’s not about the actual representation of the frog, it’s something much deeper that resonates viscerally

Pepe is eternal

Did you read this yet?

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What the fuck is op resonating with in the frog that makes op look good, or even just not bad? Is it the frogs fatness which resonates with op? Is it the rolls of fat that resonate with him? Is it the bulbous eyes? Do bulbous eyes resonate with people? Is it something about the comic it was original drawn from?

The reeness that is all of us. We are the apu, resistance is futile.

If you don’t get it, you never will

Why does anyone want to identify as a screeching retard?

Seriously, everything about this frog is repulsive, but y'all eat up that shit in droves.

tell her" i give your ass and tits an A+"

Roll for charisma

Ask her to help you with a subject over some coffe.

Noone wants to be the symbol but many can relate. No different than a nation flag inspiring patriotism for their country. We bond through relateability

How does anyone relate to being a fat, ugly frog that rees like a retard? Why would anyone want to? There is no positive trait that this frog has that any person could aspire to.

What the shit is this thread going on about. Are you really asking to stop using pepes?

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Sorry, OP. This'll be a pepe thread then. Post them pepes!

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We want to and we can

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leave off with a cute one

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But why. Why do you want to identify with something that is ugly and repulsive and has no redeeming qualities?

Like, you're effectively saying to me "Look at me, so rebellious and defiantly smearing shit all over my face."

It isn't impressive and it baffles me that you think it does.

Low self-esteem. Most Cred Forumstards have it.

Good, if i wanted to impress people I'd post on a non-anonymous image board, like Reddit. Besides, who the fuck do I need to impress; opinions of strangers mean nothing to me.

ask him/her

But like, even if you think you ARE fat and ugly and ree like a retard, why would you want to be seen that way? Why would you willingly show off that you are ugly and fat and stupid?

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imagine paying for a pass to a website you don’t understand

I predate pepe.

Get dubs

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It's an anonymous board, so people are less incentivized to present a bullshit positive image of themselves, and instead depict themselves as they truly see themselves. And they see themselves as fat ugly retards because

Genuinely get cooch pretty easily and am pretty damn smart, if I can toot my own horn here, however I really dislike the idea of having to live in a way that caters to someone else; if you're fat or autistic then own that shit, atleast then you aren't a slave to ideals.

I don't buy that. Cred Forumstards actually do... weirdly.. really care how they appear to other Cred Forumstards. Like... they feel foolish if they get trolled. They'll defend themselves against pathetic, petty attacks, and they constantly worry about appearing to be newfags.

Well thats because they are being viewed at that point, however if you just shitpost pepe you probably dont care like seeming like a fool.

don't you twat


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This thread turned out much better than what OP had in mind

Thanks y'all

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Yeah I’m in a similar boat. I have a huge crush on my italian teacher :/

Behold: The eternal newfag.

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>they feel foolish if they get trolled. They'll defend themselves against pathetic, petty attacks, and they constantly worry about appearing to be newfags.
Hmmm... yeah that's pretty much true. I guess it's selective. There's so many misfits here so things like looks and how well one fits into normal society have become liabilities (except in win threads I guess). Social currency HERE is more about your words and thoughts and the dankness of your memes.
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