Honestly how are we supposed to compete with this?

Honestly how are we supposed to compete with this?

Attached: 1B745DFD-6C28-4519-88F8-88C57AEA519D.jpg (924x1280, 271K)

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If that pic is real good for him

Good for him but not us

Who is he??

wang wang big wang

Well big dong wong I think anyone else with photoshop will be able to compete.

Attached: 1570042821787.jpg (800x541, 75K)

That was my first thought but it’s not shopped

Everyone knows that their daughters, girlfriend, and wives love watching and gawking at those handsome BTS Korean Pop Group. Real chads, yellowbois will one day swoop all your white bitches. They're rich, smart, handsome, have class, and are great lovers.

Is she transitioning into her male phase?
I'm proud of her!

jesus christ how the fuck

That’s why we’re scared. What do we do?

why "compete" when you can have your anus fucked into a gaping blown out ruined smoldering craterous mess

Become yellow pilled and worship our cultural, intellectual, and political superiority over you "gweilo".

>Forgot who owns this site now?
>A Japanese man does.

Attached: 282F76D2-533E-4A1C-89F7-63A05EFD8276.jpg (274x537, 27K)

Hol up, is this a corona virus mutation?

He gay

But he’s Asian, we can let one of them have a big dick

Yeah, cuz an Asian has a circumcision scar. Gtfo outta here.

look again faggot, i can tell from the pixels and seeing quite a few shops in my time

You'd be surprised, a lot of asian males (especially korean) are circumsized.

One chink with a fat cock isn’t a problem, he’ll just die from corona like all the other angry eyed cucks

No this shows the potential that they can do it. If there is a 1% chance that asians can have bigger dicks than us then we need to take that as an absolute certainty

Bruh most of his dick is the same flat color with no shadows

Look at the other pictures